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Association News

We are excited to announce the launch of our new member management platform! This marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience as valued members of AOC.

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While you are getting into the new system, take a look at your profile and other personal information to make sure it's all up-to-date!

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Electromagnetic Warfare Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies 2024
June 25-27 | Crane, Indiana

Theme: Accelerating EMSO Capabilities

We invite technical papers from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Experts on concepts, technologies and capabilities driving Force Level Electromagnetic Warfare. Explore new and novel Spectrum Warfare capabilities and learn how to rapidly prototype, analyze, test and field them. Areas of Interest include Mission Integration, Digital Engineering, Rapid Capability Insertion, Leveraging ML and AI in Spectrum Warfare and more.

Submission deadline: April 12

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Reach your audience at EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies 2024. When you partner with AOC, you come face-to-face with professionals directly involved in the EW/EMSO industry. Browse sponsorship opportunities.

AOC Europe 2024
May 13-15 | Oslo, Norway

Theme: Alliances and Collaboration in Supporting Multi-Domain Electromagnetic Warfare Operations

With the ever-evolving nature of the multi-domain battlefield and the rapid advancements in cutting-edge technology, the significance of electromagnetic warfare in military operations continues to grow. Addressing this, the conference at AOC Europe 2024 will discuss the latest developments in international alliances and multi-sector collaboration that are vital to achieving control and dominance in electromagnetic spectrum operations.

Register before April 13, 2024 to take advantage of our discounted prices!

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Cyber Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA) 2024
April 30 – May 2 | Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Theme: EW Overmatch – Reestablishing Dominance in the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Classification: US Secret and TS/SCI US Only.

Taking place at a critical juncture for electronic warfare (EW), CEMA 2024 marks a significant moment as the Army is on the verge of fielding terrestrial and airborne EW capabilities after a 30+ year hiatus. CEMA 2024 is not just any event, it's a unique forum that brings together military, government labs, industry and academia, offering countless reasons to attend.

  • Access to senior Army and Joint leadership
  • Exposure to the latest cutting-edge technology
  • Updates on current programs and insights
  • Insights into current and future threats
  • Direct access to cyber and electronic warfare specialists

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Reach your target audience at CEMA 2024! AOC sponsorships are a great way to increase your reach and be closest to those in the CEMA industry. Browse sponsorship opportunities for CEMA 2024

FREE Industry Webinar from NI: Validation and Functional Testing with Radar Target Generators
Modern radar systems increasingly employ digital technology so that agile and dynamic modes of operation can bring new capabilities to operators. Designers seek to expand sensing capabilities that can operate in increasingly congested and contested electromagnetic battlespaces. In this webinar, we'll review some of these trends in defense radar and consider common approaches from component to full system-level tests.
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As of Jan. 1, free live webinars are a members-only benefit. Non-members can purchase webinars for $25 each.

Not an AOC Member? Level up your learning and join AOC today!

Electromagnetic Protection for Defense and Critical Infrastructure Facilities
March 21 | 2 PM

Modern wireless and electromagnetic technologies continue to advance at a rapid and sustained pace. While the pace of technology advancement has been rapid, security against threats that exploit wireless devices and networks has not kept up. Data, operational information, intelligence and intellectual property are under constant attack. Threats are increasing in both magnitude and consequence, and in parallel with a rising reliance on wirelessly connected digital devices for communication and operations. This is occurring when secure federal work infrastructures (including SCIFs) are greatly in need of modernization and upgrades to shield against modern electromagnetic threats, including Directed energy and EMP threats. Recent guidance from multiple agencies has indicated the need for increased/enhanced electromagnetic protection postures. The need for protected work environments goes beyond the needs of secure federal government environments and extends to critical infrastructure sectors.

Fundamentally, the need for electromagnetically secure environments has accelerated greatly. The Electromagnetic Security Consortium (ESC) is an industry led and member owned consortium that collaborates with federal agencies, national labs, academia and industry to accelerate and facilitate Electromagnetic Protection (EP) solutions for US Federal and Industrial Base Critical Infrastructure. Working Groups are aligned to support US federal and Critical Infrastructure requirements, including Policy, Standards and Best Practices, Emerging Treats and Vulnerabilities, Critical Infrastructure and Test and Certification. This brief will provide overviews of progress toward EP against DE and EMP threats, including newer, high performance electromagnetic shielding technologies for facility shielding.

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Elma Electronic Inc.
IAI ELTA Systems Ltd
Association News cont 3

2024 AOC Sponsorship Catalog

AOC connects electromagnetic warfare practitioners, industry partners, policymakers and procurement decision-makers.

For over 55 years, electronic warfare (EW), electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO), cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA) and information operations (IO) professionals from military, government, industry and academia have looked to AOC to provide access to emerging technologies and the latest developments to protect the warfighter.

Plan to partner with AOC in 2024! AOC sponsorships are a great way to increase your reach and be part of what's happening right now in the EMSO industry.

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Present a Webinar

Educating and informing the Electromagnetic Warfare community is at the heart of AOC’s mission. As the leader in training EMSO and EW professionals worldwide, AOC offers a wide selection of professional development courses and webinars on various topics led by experts in the field.

Be at the forefront of educating the men and women in the EW/EMSO industry and submit a proposal to instruct our next live webinar.

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Everything Makes More Sense from Toulouse

In this AOC member/subscriber-only episode of From the Crows’ Nest, host Ken Miller is joined from Toulouse, France by Dr. Tom Withington and San Antonio, Texas by Matt Thompson, AOC’s Senior Analyst to discuss current events and news on electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) from literally around the world. Dr. Withington is the editor, defense commentator, journalist and military historian with Armada. Ken, Tom and Matt discuss the increasing frequency of GPS jamming by Russia in Eastern Europe, the latest in the Russia-Ukraine War and how UAVs are changing the way we conduct EMSO.

These AOC member/subscribers-only episodes of FTCN will be released twice a month. Members and subscribers will also be able to participate in the live recording of the episodes. These episodes will be available for a limited time to everyone who already enjoys our podcast.

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Enhancing Military Operations: Satellite Communications, 5G Impact, and Interference Mitigation
Satellite communication (SATCOM) is the cornerstone of modern military operations, facilitating global connectivity, bolstering intelligence gathering, and streamlining command coordination. The convergence of SATCOM with 5G technology offers a transformative potential, promising to elevate these capabilities to unprecedented heights. 
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The Association of Old Crows is pleased to provide its online Career Center – the premier resource to connect career opportunities with highly qualified EW, EMSO, CEMA, SIGINT, ELINT & IO talent. You can access the AOC Career Center at

Featured Jobs

Data Engineer Intern – CNH Industrial – Oak Brook, Illinois, United States (On-Site)

• Defense Electronics Associate Consultant – Renaissance Strategic Advisors – Arlington, Virginia, United States (Hybrid)

Chapter News

48th Dixie Crow Symposium
March 24-27

The 2024 theme is “Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) as a Maneuver Space - Achieving Dominance in the EMS through Speed, Innovation and DATA”. Papers are being solicited on topics related to new technologies, open architectures, EMS data (needs and/or CONOPS), software development pipelines, innovative approaches to validation and release processes and novel approaches to using or integrating existing technologies that will allow rapid acquisition and fielding.

Download a complete schedule of events here. To register for the symposium click here. 

The sponsorship opportunities help fund the Dixie Crow Education Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization. This is a great company opportunity to provide branding visibility to over 2000+ government/military/academia and industry attendees. All sponsorships directly fund Dixie Crow STEM Scholarships and are tax deductible.

Industry News

Northrop Grumman has received a multi-year contract to commence initial production of the AN/APR-39E(V)2 digital radar warning receiver (RWR) for the US Army. (JED)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said after extending his rule in an election that stifled opposition that Moscow will not relent in its invasion of Ukraine and plans to create a buffer zone to help protect against long-range Ukrainian strikes and cross-border raids. (AP)

National security adviser Jake Sullivan described a "business-like" meeting between two leaders with different perspectives about the proposed military operation for the city of Rafah in Gaza. (NPR)