eCrow Newsletter
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Association News

Elections will officially close at midnight, Friday, October 31. The future of this association is in your hands, so please log in and vote now! You can learn more about the candidates, read their platforms, and watch some of their videos here.


November 5, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)

This presentation is an introduction to HPM DE Weapons and their effects. We will cover, what is an HPM DE weapon, the type of weapons – Narrowband and Wideband, why the Warfighter and DoD are interested in this technology, how HPM DEWs are similar to but different from traditional Electronic Warfare/Attack (EW/EA), and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). We will also cover how the HPM energy couples into a target’s electronics via intentional and unintentional Ports of Entry and the type of effects it can cause, ranging from long term electronic upset to permanent damage. We will also cover some of the basic modeling and simulation (M&S) tools for computing/estimating the probability of target failure as a function of weapon power density and range. Finally, we will discuss mitigation techniques and show an example of how to estimate hardening parameters for a notional helicopter against an HPM weapon.


RF Theory for ES Operations
Dr. Patrick Ford | 12/8/2020 – 12/10/2020 | Web Course
After a thorough overview of key electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) concepts, with an emphasis on the RF spectrum and commensurate propagation mechanisms and environmental impacts, the instructor will present several ES placement scenarios (air, sea, and land) to address the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges associated with various RF wavelengths. This will include a one-hour 'hands-on' ES practical exercise for participants, with the instructor reviewing/highlighting possible approaches to the problem set upon completion. The course will also provide a survey of propagation modeling techniques and insight into modern RF operating trends.

Bulk Course Discounts for Teams Available

Learn more

Does your organization have remaining training funds burning a hole in your proverbial "departmental-budget-pocket" at the end of the year? If so, the AOC's on-demand courses provide an excellent opportunity for you and your colleagues to expand your knowledge in Electromagnetic Warfare.

An available 16 courses from world-class EW educators represent a total of 362 hours of in-depth EW training available at the click of a button!

View the full schedule here!

High-Speed Synchronizer Board for Quartz RFSoC Products
The Model 5903 3U VPX board enables synchronous sampling for high-channel count phase-coherent applications in DSP, radar, beamforming, 5G, electronic warfare and software radio.
Download Datasheet

January 14, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)

This one-hour webinar delivers an overview of Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS). We will look at the evolution of IADS from WWII through the Vietnamese War to current times. We will spend some time on the North Vietnamese IADS and the US reaction to it since many of the key EW technologies were developed during this engagement. We will also look at the individual components of the IADS, early warning/ground control intercept (EW/GCI) radar network, command and control (C2) systems, communications networks, airborne interceptors (AI), surface to air missiles (SAM), and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA). We will also consider the overall architecture of the IADS.

BAE Systems
Mercury Systems
BAE Systems continues mission-critical F-35 EW system production
BAE Systems has been awarded a contract from Lockheed Martin for the production and delivery of additional electronic warfare (EW) systems for Lot 15, Lot 16 long lead, sustainment spares and retro fit kits for the 5th Generation F-35 Lightning II.
Learn more about how our EW technology provides unparalleled safety and mission success here.
API Technologies
Analog Devices Inc
Submit Your Technical Paper to IMS2021 and Microwave Week!
Be a part of the World's premier RF & Microwave Event! Join us in Atlanta, 6-11 June 2021 at the intersection of communications, aerospace, automotive, IoT and other emerging technologies to learn the latest developments in MHz-to-THz theory, techniques, devices, systems and applications at the 2021 International Microwave Symposium (IMS2021).
Visit to view the call for papers and submit your paper!

The Association of Old Crows is pleased to provide its online Career Center - the premier resource to connect career opportunities with highly qualified EW, EMSO, CEMA, SIGINT, ELINT, & IO talent. You can access the AOC Career Center at

NEW Internship Opportunities!

- Internship Seekers: Search available internships to gain the experience you desire

- FREE Internship Postings: The AOC is committed to supporting the growth of the EW talent pool by offering FREE Internship Postings for AOC Industry Members

Featured Jobs:

- Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineers – Northrop Grumman –  California, Illinois, Maryland, United States
- Software Test and Verification Engineering – The Boeing Company. – Tukwila, WA, United States
- EW Technical Director – American Systems – Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States

Norden Millimeter, Inc.
Chapter News

The Dixie Crow Chapter became the first supporter of the Museum of Aviation Foundation’s “Adopt a Simulator” Campaign with a $3,000 donation. If you would like to contribute and/or want more information about the Museum of Aviation Foundation National STEM Academy efforts, please reach out to Melissa Spalding at

Pictured: Mission Quest STEM Simulator Lab – Adam Delestowicz, Dixie Crow Chapter President; Melissa Spalding, STEM Director, Museum of Aviation Foundation; Karen Brigance, AOC Southern Regional Director; Darlene McLendon, President/CEO, Museum of Aviation Foundation; Gene “Joker” McFalls, Dixie Crow Board of Directors and Lisa Frugé-Cirilli, AOC Immediate Past President


Experts from 10 European Defence Agency (EDA) member States as well as from Norway and Switzerland recently participated in an online workshop organised by the Agency to assess and discuss technological and operational aspects of High-Power Electromagnetic Munitions (HPEM). (Army Recognition)


U.S. missile-defense experts are reaching out to industry for enabling technologies for future sea-based terminal defenses against hypersonic glide vehicles and other hypersonic missile threats. (Military & Aerospace)

Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Industry News

The Army plans to ramp up the realism in next year’s Project Convergence wargames, bringing in live combat units, electronic warfare and other elements missing from the inaugural exercise this fall. (Breaking Defense)


The Trump administration on Friday slammed Turkey for taking a new step toward fielding a Russian-made air defense weapon. The U.S. complaint marked a deepening rift that threatens the future of a security relationship that has been central to the NATO military alliance for seven decades. (Military Times)


Last month, a U.S. Marine Corps F-35B squadron got its first taste of the new logistics system that will replace the much-maligned current system over the next two years. (Defense News)

Nov 2020
November 5, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)
Nov 2020
November 16 - 18, Liverpool, UK
Dec 2020
December 8 - 10 (2 sessions), 12:00 - 16:00 EST (16:00 - 20:00 UTC)
Dec 2020
December 8 - 10, Washington, DC
Jan 2021
January 14, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)
Jan 2021
January 28, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)
Feb 2021
February 11, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)
Feb 2021
February 25, 14:00 - 15:00 EST (19:00 - 20:00 UTC)