
DON'T MISS TOMORROW'S WEBINAR: Electromagnetic Warfare in the 115th Congress, October 19
Thursday, October 19 | 14:00-15:00 EST
As the new fiscal year approaches, Congress passed a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government running into December. However, the CR raises as many questions as it answers and there is very little consensus on the way ahead.
This webinar looks at the status of the FY 18 defense authorization and appropriations bills and other related legislative initiatives to provide context for current state of affairs and discuss what to expect over the next few months as Congress approaches the end of the 2017 session.
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WATCH THE NEW CONVENTION VIDEO: Register Now for the 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention, November 28-30 in Washington, D.C.
"Innovation and Change in Electromagnetic Warfare"
The electromagnetic environment is changing at an increasing pace, and
thus the importance of electronic warfare (EW) system adaptability,
flexibility, and innovation has also increased. Not only are innovative
technologies greatly needed, but the Industry and EW Community itself
needs to change organizationally to embrace innovative ideas,
technologies, and tactics – and at a significantly faster pace.
Innovation is more than just technology refresh, it is also culture
refresh. The 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention will focus
specifically on these ideas and provide Industry, Government, and
Militaries a world-class forum to address how we should change and
innovate as an EW community:
54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention Promo Video:
The Symposium will highlight some of the
most advanced and innovative technologies on the horizon and discuss how
organizational change can be embraced to be more agile and engender
more calculated risk taking. Talks will focus on what challenges are
currently in the way and some stories of how change is currently being
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Volunteer Opportunities Available!
CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Singapore 2018, January 30-31
live in a time of increasing uncertainty on many fronts. Threats,
challenges and opportunities are rising. Technology is accelerating. The world is undoubtedly changing and in unforeseen ways. In terms of
future warfare, national forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to
face an operational manoeuvre space that will be complex and connected,
but constrained. It may well be chaotic unless the right, informed
choices are made now. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most vital
areas in the world and the focus of much change, but also of
uncertainty. In terms of EW and electromagnetic operations, how can we
make sense of these things? AOC EW Singapore will consider the future of
EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging
threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD)
where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider
the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and
examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of
development, by all services, in all countries in the free world. The
Conference will consist of plenary sessions focusing on operations,
defence capability development, and industry inventiveness including
innovation and breakthrough technologies.
Call for Papers
The AOC call for papers is open for English language papers for the second AOC Singapore conference from international leaders, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the government, military, academia and industry. Potential Speakers are invited to note the conference sessions topics and specific areas of interest:
- Keynote addresses.
- Operational updates and support activities.
- National perspectives.
- The impact of potential adversarial Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/ Area Denial capabilities, and how to prevent or minimise these threats.
- Defensive and offensive capabilities
- Technological and engineering developments including autonomous or semi-autonomous weapons; swarm technology, cognitive systems including EW; additive manufacturing; directed energy and laser weapons, and countermeasures.
- Critical EM lines of development such as training, test and evaluation, modelling and simulation, concepts, EW operational support (including parametric database evolution), etc.
- EW and EM operations, SIGINT, ISR, spectrum management, and network enabled capability.
- The information domain/environment, information operations, cyber warfare, Cyber EM activities (CEMA)/operations, social media, etc, and how these are likely to develop and influence free-world room to understand, operate and manoeuvre.
- Briefs on major national programmes and capability development in the maritime, air/space, information/ cyber and land domains, such as the F35 program.
- Mining Big Data, Information Operations and EW – the implications and opportunities.
- The Global role of academia in supporting the future of national capability in the EM and Information domains
If you are submitting a paper please provide a succinct title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis (bullet form is acceptable) and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. Submission of a proposed paper does not guarantee acceptance.
Call for Papers
Conference Details
AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Innovations in Machine Learning and their benefit to Electronic Warfare, November 2
Thursday, November 2 | 14:00-15:00 EST
In recent years, there has been a huge acceleration in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. This has taken it from a concept little-appreciated outside of engineering and science circles, to something that we hear about on a daily basis. From driverless cars to intelligent home assistants, these technologies are anticipated to dramatically impact the way we live our lives. But how can we apply machine learning to the field of Electronic Warfare and what benefits will this bring?
This webinar will explore two key problems for operatives analyzing the RF spectrum: signal classification and detection of anomalous signals. Recent innovations mean that machine learning can be used to solve these problems more effectively and efficiently, freeing up operatives for more critical tasks.
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CONVENTION COURSES – Take Advantage of Courses in D.C.
AOC Convention Course: Introduction to EW Modeling and Simulation
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Convention Course: Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
AOC Convention Course: Hands-on Introduction to Radar and EW Course
December 1-2
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dr. Warren du Plessis
Electronic Warfare in the New Threat Environment (EW 104)
February 5-28
Online Webcourse
Instructor: Dave Adamy
The Association of Old Crows is excited to increase the convenience of your learning opportunities through our on-demand professional development library! The AOC is making some of our most popular courses available anytime and anywhere you're connected to the internet! On-demand course offerings currently include Dave Adamy's Fundamentals and Advanced Principles of EW, Kyle Davidson's ELINT - Principles and Practice and Warren du Plessis’ Introduction
to RF & Microwave Front Ends.
 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: The Fifth EW International Conference India (EWCI 2018): EWCI 2018
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Warfare is the latest event in the internationally acclaimed EWCI Conference Series in India, in the field of Electronic Warfare and related areas. The Conference is being organized by the much Awarded India Chapter of Association of Old Crows (AOC), Bangalore. The Conference has the active support of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Government of India, Ministry of Defence and the Defence Public Sector Unit (DPSU), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore. The Conference is envisaged to be of great use for Modern Armed Forces, Military Planners, Developers, Procurers, Testers, Trainers and Vendors of the latest EW Technologies and Systems. Past Conferences in the Series attracted large delegations from Indian Armed Services, DRDO, Defence PSUs, National and International EW Professionals. A large scale Indoor Exhibition will accompany the Conference, displaying the latest EW Products from International EW Organizations. There will be an intense one-day Pre-Conference Tutorials preceding the Conference. The Conference is visualized to be an important platform for EW Professionals who would share the Research and Development output in the field of EW at the global level. Hence the theme of the Conference is chosen as "EW: SHARE FOR SUCCESS."
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Employers can post on the Job Vacancies page for free. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: TRADOC Chief: Military Must Focus on 'Domain Usership, not Ownership'
A year after rolling out the multi-domain battle concept, the Army is now onto the next phase of unifying efforts with other services to turn ideas into synchronized operations. While services have continuously worked in joint environments, the complex battlefield of the future could force troops to be even more adaptive using a mix of air, land, maritime, cyber and space capabilities to defeat an enemy. (Army.mil)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Pledges To Fix Networks; Skeptics Abound
Faced with a grave threat from Russian advances in electronic warfare over the last five years, the US Army really will develop a useful, effective and adaptable tactical network after a decade of missteps and failures. Really. "The urgency of now is upon us," Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford told reporters and aides to explain why the Army would act and get things fixed. That was the message from the generals and civilians leading the Army’s network efforts who appeared in an unwieldy panel this week. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Eyeing Russia, Lawmakers Aim to Boost Army Electronic Warfare
Worried the U.S. Army is unprepared to take on Russia in Europe, U.S. lawmakers have advanced legislative language to pressure the Pentagon to catch up on electronic warfare, long-range missiles and countering drones. The proposed language would require Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to give Congress a strategy to speed Army’s tech development in the three areas — a sign of a growing bipartisan lawmaker interest. (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Need for Better Proactive Cyber Defense
After years of theorizing about "proactive cyber defense," talk is finally starting to be put into action. Let’s not delay. As cyberattacks become frighteningly more commonplace (the Equifax hack of 143 million consumer IDs is just the latest example), we have to stop taking it on the chin from bad actors who find cyber intrusion and electronic warfare relatively simple and free from consequence. (CSO)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Here's How the Army’s Electronic Warfare Program Differs from Years Past
A major difference in the Army’s approach to electronic warfare is the broader understanding of multifunction, according to one member of industry. As the Army begins to roll out requirements and competition for its official program of record in the electronic warfare space — known as Multi-Function Electronic Warfare — one key difference from previous efforts is the recognition that former systems were built with only one or two targets in mind, said Doug Booth, director of cyber and airborne electronic warfare at Lockheed Martin. (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Air Force Analyzes JSTARS vs Advanced Threats - What's its Future?
The JSTARS mission is of such significance that the Air Force is now evaluating multiple industry proposals to recapitalize the mission with a new, high-tech, next-generation JSTARS plane to serve for decades into the future. However, while Air Force officials plan to continue its pursuit of a new JSTARS platform, service weapons developers now say the Air Force is contemplating the prospect of developing different systems, platforms or technologies better equipped to perform the JSTARS mission in high-threat environments. Scout Warrior)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Russia Jammed Phones and GPS in Northern Europe During Massive Military Drills
A loss of GPS coverage in Norway and an outage in cellular and emergency cellular services in Latvia, both are part of a growing and worrying trend of reported electronic warfare, as well as cyber attacks, in and around NATO member states in Europe. The incidents both occurred during the largest Russian military exercises in years, suggesting that the Kremlin may have used these drills to more actively demonstrate its expanding hybrid warfighting techniques, all of which offer ways to harass the alliance and other countries with relatively little risk of setting off an actual conflict. (The Drive)
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