
CONGRATULATIONS: AOC 2017 Election Results
Thank you to everyone that voted!!
Total number of eligible voters - 11,430
Total members voted - 1186
Percentage of Voters - 10.38%
President Elect (2 candidates)
Muddy Watters – 59.9%
At-Large Director – 9 Candidates - Only two could be selected (Percentage is based on 200%)
Amanda Kammier – 40.46%
Dr. David Stupples – 23.6 %
3rd Place – 19.6 %
4th Place - 18.6 %
5th Place - 18.5%
Mountain-Western Region (3 candidates)
Sam Roberts – 44.6 %
2nd Place – 29.8 %
3rd Place – 25.6 %
Northeastern Region (2 candidates)
Glen Carlson – 54.2%
Mountain-Western Region (3 candidates)
Karen Brigance – 63.5 %
2nd Place – 20.4 %
3rd Place – 16.1 %

AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Electromagnetic Warfare in the 115th Congress, October 19
Thursday, October 19 | 14:00-15:00 EST
As the new fiscal year approaches, Congress passed a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government running into December. However, the CR raises as many questions as it answers and there is very little consensus on the way ahead. There are many competing interests on the budget and policy initiative fronts, a closing window for accomplishments, and little in the way of regular order. Yet, it would be unwise to ignore developments on Capitol Hill or simply let chips fall where they may. Electronic Warfare (EW) – related programs, activities, and policies are receiving significant attention on Capitol Hill this year and decisions Congress makes in the coming months may significantly impact the way ahead for the EW mission area and our community. This webinar looks at the status of the FY 18 defense authorization and appropriations bills and other related legislative initiatives to provide context for current state of affairs and discuss what to expect over the next few months as Congress approaches the end of the 2017 session.
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Gold Sponsor

REGISTRATION ENDS FRIDAY: 6th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, Next Week in Honolulu
Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle
USPACOM Approval Memo
The theme for the 2017 AOC Pacific Conference, "Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle," will drive discussions that build upon those from the last two AOC Pacific Conferences, that examined the role of IO in countering/defeating Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2/AD) strategies (2016), IO in Hybrid Warfare (2015).
America’s current and potential adversaries in the Pacific regard EW and cyber as critical components of both peacetime hybrid warfare and A2/AD. An example of offensive cyber used as part of hybrid warfare is seen in the recent "Wanna Cry" computer attack, launched by North Korea’s 6,700-strong "hacking Army" which is based worldwide. The importance of effective electronic protect computer network defense was reinforced by MG Patricia Frost, who stated simply "Without the network, there is no Multi-Domain Battle." Our adversaries will make this difficult, as they seek to overmatch our EP and CND capabilities. It is a real concern among defense experts that adversaries and threat actors are employing automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both offensive and defensive cyber capabilities at rates that exceeding that of the U.S.
Gen Robert B. Brown (invited)
Commanding General, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
MG Patricia Frost, USA
Director of Cyber, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-3/5/7
Dr. George Ka’iliwai III, SES
Director Resources & Assessment, USPACOM J8
Mr. Jay Kistler, SES
Director, Electronic Warfare & Countermeasures Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering)
Col. William McClane, USMC
Commander, Marine Corps IO Center
Mr. Frank Pietryka
Director, Electronic Warfare Systems,
Raytheon SAS
Ms. Lisa Fruge-Cirilli
AOC President
Register Now!

NEXT WEEK: 3rd Annual Cyber Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA) Conference, October 16-19
October 16-19, 2017 | Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
"The Multi-Domain Battle: A Combined Arms Approach to Enabling Maneuver through CEMA Operations"
This conference has been approved by the Department of the Army.
Click here for a copy of the approval memo.
Agenda Now Available: Click here to view
This year's focus will be on the emerging Joint Army/USMC Multi-Domain Battle concept and the implications with respect to CEMA. The MDB entails a combined arms approach for ground combat operations against a sophisticated peer enemy threat in the 2025-2040 timeframe. Building on current service and joint doctrine, the MDB requires flexible and resilient ground formations that project combat power into the land, air, maritime, space, and cyberspace domains. It is a continued evolution of the combined arms methodology to include not only those capabilities of the physical domains, but places even greater emphasis on space, cyberspace, and other contested areas such as the EMS, the information environment, and the cognitive dimension of warfare. As for the role of CEMA in the MDB, it's about creating and exploiting exploit temporary windows of advantage in and presenting adversaries with multiple dilemmas in the spectrum across time/space with an intensity and duration of our choosing. Acknowledging that the world is very different now with more capable near-peer adversaries who are able to contest all physical domains as well as cyberspace, we need to recognize that and challenge the CEMA community of interest for novel, adaptive and innovative capability solutions in EW, Cyber, SIGINT and other related technology areas. This is just the nature of the current environment.
Mr. Michael Wynne
Former 21st United States Secretary of the Air Force
MG Stephen Fogarty
US Cyber Command
MG John B. Morrison
Commanding Officer, US Cyber Center of Excellence
MG Randy Taylor
Commanding General, CECOM & APG
Dr. William Conley, SES
Deputy Director, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSD AT&L/A/) Tactical Warfare Systems
Dr. Paul G. Zablocky, SES
Division Director, Complex Hybrid Warfare Sciences Division, Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Science and Technology Department, Office of Naval Research
Mr. Gary C. Wang
Army Chief Informational Officer/G-6
Pre-registration is now closed
Conference Details
AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Innovations in Machine Learning and their benefit to Electronic Warfare, November 2
Thursday, November 2 | 14:00-15:00 EST
In recent years, there has been a huge acceleration in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. This has taken it from a concept little-appreciated outside of engineering and science circles, to something that we hear about on a daily basis. From driverless cars to intelligent home assistants, these technologies are anticipated to dramatically impact the way we live our lives. But how can we apply machine learning to the field of Electronic Warfare and what benefits will this bring?
This webinar will explore two key problems for operatives analyzing the RF spectrum: signal classification and detection of anomalous signals. Recent innovations mean that machine learning can be used to solve these problems more effectively and efficiently, freeing up operatives for more critical tasks.
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Gold Sponsors

REGISTER NOW: 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention, November 28-30 in Washington, D.C.
"Innovation and Change in Electromagnetic Warfare"
The electromagnetic environment is changing at an increasing pace, and thus the importance of electronic warfare (EW) system adaptability, flexibility, and innovation has also increased. Not only are innovative technologies greatly needed, but the Industry and EW Community itself needs to change organizationally to embrace innovative ideas, technologies, and tactics – and at a significantly faster pace. Innovation is more than just technology refresh, it is also culture refresh.
The 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention will focus specifically on these ideas and provide Industry, Government, and Militaries a world-class forum to address how we should change and innovate as an EW community. The Symposium will highlight some of the most advanced and innovative technologies on the horizon and discuss how organizational change can be embraced to be more agile and engender more calculated risk taking. Talks will focus on what challenges are currently in the way and some stories of how change is currently being implemented.
Upgrades to our systems, as well as our acquisition cultures, is vital to maintain (and in some cases, regain) our electromagnetic warfare superiority.
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Hotel and Travel
Symposium Details
Volunteer Opportunities Available!

REGISTER NOW FOR FALL COURSES – Convention Courses Now Available!
Electronic Countermeasures — Theory and Design
October 16-November 1
Online Webcourse
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
AOC Convention Course: Introduction to EW Modeling and Simulation
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Convention Course: Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
AOC Convention Course: Hands-on Introduction to Radar and EW Course
December 1-2
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dr. Warren du Plessis
Electronic Warfare in the New Threat Environment (EW 104)
February 5-28
Online Webcourse
Instructor: Dave Adamy
The Association of Old Crows is excited to increase the convenience of your learning opportunities through our on-demand professional development library! The AOC is making some of our most popular courses available anytime and anywhere you're connected to the internet! On-demand course offerings currently include Dave Adamy's Fundamentals and Advanced Principles of EW, Kyle Davidson's ELINT - Principles and Practice and Warren du Plessis’ Introduction
to RF & Microwave Front Ends.
CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Singapore 2018, January 30-31
live in a time of increasing uncertainty on many fronts. Threats,
challenges and opportunities are rising. Technology is accelerating. The world is undoubtedly changing and in unforeseen ways. In terms of
future warfare, national forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to
face an operational manoeuvre space that will be complex and connected,
but constrained. It may well be chaotic unless the right, informed
choices are made now. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most vital
areas in the world and the focus of much change, but also of
uncertainty. In terms of EW and electromagnetic operations, how can we
make sense of these things? AOC EW Singapore will consider the future of
EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging
threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD)
where potential opponents are out-performing the West. it will consider
the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and
examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of
development, by all services, in all countries in the free world. The
Conference will consist of plenary sessions focusing on operations,
defence capability development, and industry inventiveness including
innovation and breakthrough technologies.
Call for Papers
The AOC call for papers is open for English language papers for the second AOC Singapore conference from international leaders, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the government, military, academia and industry. Potential Speakers are invited to note the conference sessions topics and specific areas of interest:
- Keynote addresses.
- Operational updates and support activities.
- National perspectives.
- The impact of potential adversarial Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/ Area Denial capabilities, and how to prevent or minimise these threats.
- Defensive and offensive capabilities
- Technological and engineering developments including autonomous or semi-autonomous weapons; swarm technology, cognitive systems including EW; additive manufacturing; directed energy and laser weapons, and countermeasures.
- Critical EM lines of development such as training, test and evaluation, modelling and simulation, concepts, EW operational support (including parametric database evolution), etc.
- EW and EM operations, SIGINT, ISR, spectrum management, and network enabled capability.
- The information domain/environment, information operations, cyber warfare, Cyber EM activities (CEMA)/operations, social media, etc, and how these are likely to develop and influence free-world room to understand, operate and manoeuvre.
- Briefs on major national programmes and capability development in the maritime, air/space, information/ cyber and land domains, such as the F35 program.
- Mining Big Data, Information Operations and EW – the implications and opportunities.
- The Global role of academia in supporting the future of national capability in the EM and Information domains
If you are submitting a paper please provide a succinct title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis (bullet form is acceptable) and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. Submission of a proposed paper does not guarantee acceptance.
Call for Papers
Conference Details
 FRENCH CHAPTER: AOC La Fayette Chapter Celebrates its 20th Anniversary at the Garde Républicaine in Paris
On Wednesday 4th October, 2017, 70 hand-picked members of Guerrelec (short for "Guerre Electronique", Electronic Warfare), the French Chapter Nr. 171 of the Old Crows and some EW VIPs met up at the Garde Républicaine, Paris, to celebrate its 20th anniversary. The Garde Républicaine is a part of the Gendarmerie participating in the state’s protocol and ceremonies and is organized as a separate military corps in one cavalry and two infantry regiments (all three battalion-sized) and specialized units for training and logistical support. It provides protection and ceremonial guard for the President of The Republic, the Prime Minister, their official residencies and both chambers of the French Parliament. The venue at the Garde Républicaine Headquarters was chosen to make the event a memorable one in a prestigious place in Paris where 3 000 gendarmes live and train to ensure security and honor missions in France, such as the escort to the President of France on our Bastille Day, 14th July.
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 MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER: Report form the 2nd Annual Gala
Building on the success of the first annual gala hosted by the Canadian AOC Maple Leaf Chapter in 2016, this year had an incredible turnout of close to 80 guests at the prestigious Royal Ottawa Golf Club. Many major defence prime contractors and sub-contractors such as D-TA Systems, Lockheed Martin Canada, Thales Canada, MDA Systems, ThinkRF etc. made significant contributions to help elevate the event.
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EMBASSY OF CANADA: RSVP by Friday for EW Industry Day
On October 20, 2017 the Embassy of Canada will host a "Electronic Warfare Industry Day" Symposium which will highlight Canadian companies with niche EW technology. The event will kick off in the morning with a keynote from Brigadier General Robert Mazzolin, USCYBERCOM and will conclude with a networking luncheon in the afternoon. This initiative is supported by the Canadian Association of Old Crows, Maple Leaf Chapter and its headquarter the Association of Old Crows in Washington DC. The event is FREE, but by invitation ONLY.
Please provide Ms. Corina Greig ( corina.greig@international.gc.ca) with your details (name/company/organization/address/phone/email) to receive an invitation. Space is limited, so please act soon. Deadline is October 13!!
 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: The Fifth EW International Conference India (EWCI 2018): EWCI 2018
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Warfare is the latest event in the internationally acclaimed EWCI Conference Series in India, in the field of Electronic Warfare and related areas. The Conference is being organized by the much Awarded India Chapter of Association of Old Crows (AOC), Bangalore. The Conference has the active support of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Government of India, Ministry of Defence and the Defence Public Sector Unit (DPSU), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore. The Conference is envisaged to be of great use for Modern Armed Forces, Military Planners, Developers, Procurers, Testers, Trainers and Vendors of the latest EW Technologies and Systems. Past Conferences in the Series attracted large delegations from Indian Armed Services, DRDO, Defence PSUs, National and International EW Professionals. A large scale Indoor Exhibition will accompany the Conference, displaying the latest EW Products from International EW Organizations. There will be an intense one-day Pre-Conference Tutorials preceding the Conference. The Conference is visualized to be an important platform for EW Professionals who would share the Research and Development output in the field of EW at the global level. Hence the theme of the Conference is chosen as "EW: SHARE FOR SUCCESS."
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Employers can post on the Job Vacancies page for free. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: US Army Chief Announces Major Reorganization For How Army Develops, Buys Weapons
The U.S. Army is about to launch a reorganization to streamline and centralize the buying, building, replacing and testing of weapons and equipment, according to a letter released Friday to general officers by Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley. A more formal announcement of the effort is expected during the Association of the United States Army conference in Washington, D.C. next week. "Today, our Army is not institutionally organized to deliver modem critical capabilities to Soldiers and combat formations quickly. Our current modernization system is an Industrial Age model," reads the letter. (Defense One)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Russian Robots: Fear Jammers, Not Terminators
Don’t worry about Russia building a killer robot someday. Worry about the radio-jamming drones they have today. Despite a few grandiose claims and snazzy videos of robots shooting guns, Russia remains behind "the Chinese, Iranians, and the Turks" in developing armed unmanned systems, let alone the United States, CNA expert Samuel Bendett said this morning. The bad news, Bendett said, is that Russia’s notoriously bureaucratic military-industrial complex is finally getting its act together on robotics, with massive new investment and significant innovation. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: European Leaders Discuss Future Of The Baltic And Beyond At Riga – Analysis
Since 2006, the Baltic states have hosted two major annual conferences on defense and security: the Annual Baltic Conference on Defense (ABCD) and its larger sibling, the Riga Conference. These flagship conferences present the cutting edge of Baltic thought on defense and security topics, and specifically of thought on Baltic defense and security. The Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinķēvičs, in closing the Riga Conference, described it as an annual global and regional health check on the economy and security situation. What did this year’s Riga Conference reveal about the current state of thinking? (Eurasia View)
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The Air Force and Navy have teamed up to acquire new electronic warfare jamming device to identify and block IED attacks, service officials said. As a response to new and increased Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices RCIED threats, the Air Force and the Navy will both be trading in their current Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW) systems for the new Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare Increment One Built One (JCREW I1B1) systems. (Defense Systems)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The U.S. Air Force May Be Holding up the Creation of an Effective Space Force
In recent days, both the House and Senate have approved different versions of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. With regard to defense/military space governance, there is a huge difference in how the two chambers view the solution. The House proposed the establishment of a new branch of military service, the U.S. Space Corps, to be aligned under the Department of the Air Force. The Senate, however, calls for the establishment of a new Chief of Information Warfare Officer for Cyber Security/Warfare, Space and Space Launch Systems, Electronic Warfare within the Department of Defense (DoD) and prohibits any funding for the proposed Space Corps. (The National interest)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Tools of Intelligence Analysis Are Getting Smarter
A decade ago, the information and opportunities that the rise of "big data" has spawned would have seemed like works of science fiction. But today's policymakers, particularly in the intelligence community, have come to expect the cogent synthesis of these complex, multisource and multimedia data sets. In fact, their insatiable demand for the analysis of massive amounts of data is growing more difficult to meet by the day. (Stratfor)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: JSF in the mix for UAE
The UAE has evaluated a number of fighter aircraft including the Dassault Rafale, Boeing’s Advanced Super Hornet and Advanced F-15 and the Eurofighter Typhoon. Emirati attention now seems to have switched back to the Advanced F-15, already entering service with the Royal Saudi Air Force as the F-15SA and now ordered by Qatar as the F-15QA. These orders promise to keep the F-15 production line out to 2022. Following a meeting between US Defence Secretary, James Mattis, and Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, deputy supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, reports emerged of renewed Emirati interest in the F-15, possibly as part of a two-phase deal that would also see the UAE Air Force eventually acquiring the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. (Arabian Aerospace)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Air Force Launches GPS Terminal Upgrade
As more sophisticated constellations of navigation aids are deployed to provide greater accuracy and resistance to electronic jamming, DOD procurement efforts are shifting to modernization of the ground stations required to process and display location data. In an effort to leverage a new secure signal for third generation Global Positioning System called Military Code, or M-Code, the Air Force is moving ahead with an "early use" command and control effort covering current and future GPS satellites. (Defense Systems)>
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