
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER: 2nd Annual Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare Systems Engineering and Acquisition Conference, September 26-28
Our adversaries are using ubiquitous and cheap technology to further develop cyber warfare as well as advance and proliferate electromagnetic spectrum capabilities. Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) is the Navy's warfighting approach to gain a decisive military advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to enable freedom of action across all Navy mission areas. Success demands a holistic system of systems focus looking not only at the systems themselves but also the "interstitial" space which is the dimension of the systems. EMW will require coordination and simultaneous integration across all domains (land, sea, subsurface, air, space, and cyber). EMW, in essence, means leveraging the cyberspace domain and the full electromagnetic spectrum for both offensive and defensive effects.
You must pre-register for this conference. All attendees must register and submit their security clearance by Sept 18. We are unable to accept registrations beyond this date.
Rear Admiral Tom Druggan
Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Rear Admiral David J. Hahn
Chief of Naval Research, Director of Innovation, Technology Requirements and Test & Evaluation (OPNAV N94)
Dr. William Conley, SES
Deputy Director, Office of the Under Secretary of) Defense for
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSD AT&L/A/) Tactical Warfare Systems
Mr. Jay Kistler, SES
Director, Electronic Warfare & Countermeasures Office, Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering)
Mr. Bryan Clark
Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)
Register Now!

ONE WEEK LEFT FOR EARLY BIRD PRICING: 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention, November 28-30 in Washington, D.C.
"Innovation and Change in Electromagnetic Warfare"
Early Bird Pricing Ends September 19!
The electromagnetic environment is changing at an increasing pace, and thus the importance of electronic warfare (EW) system adaptability, flexibility, and innovation has also increased. Not only are innovative technologies greatly needed, but the Industry and EW Community itself needs to change organizationally to embrace innovative ideas, technologies, and tactics – and at a significantly faster pace. Innovation is more than just technology refresh, it is also culture refresh.
The 54th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention will focus specifically on these ideas and provide Industry, Government, and Militaries a world-class forum to address how we should change and innovate as an EW community. The Symposium will highlight some of the most advanced and innovative technologies on the horizon and discuss how organizational change can be embraced to be more agile and engender more calculated risk taking. Talks will focus on what challenges are currently in the way and some stories of how change is currently being implemented.
Upgrades to our systems, as well as our acquisition cultures, is vital to maintain (and in some cases, regain) our electromagnetic warfare superiority.
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Hotel and Travel
Symposium Details
Congress returned from August recess last week with a daunting legislative calendar to the end of the year. There are only 48 session days left in the year for Congress to complete its legislative business with the 2018 election cycle looming next year. The FY 18 budget, including both the defense authorization and appropriations are taking center stage, but a host of non-defense related legislative initiatives may affect or threaten consensus on an overall budget agreement. The first development on the budget front took place last week when a deal was reached for a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) that also included a limited increase in the debt ceiling and disaster relief funding. The measure passed with relative ease because the alternative was an intractable budget situation with the end of the current fiscal year looming on September 30. Unfortunately, the "solution" arguably creates more problems than it solves.
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VOTE TODAY: AOC Elections End September 30
The 2017 AOC Elections are fast approaching. You should have received an email from Elections Online with voting instructions.
Your unique Elections login information can only be used once, so only use it when you're ready to vote!
AOC Members can also visit the AOC homepage, www.crows.org, where they will see election information and a link to the voting site. Note: Your dues must be current as of August 20 in order to vote.
If you have questions or issues please contact Glorianne O'Neilin, oneilin@crows.org.
Vote Here!
View the Election Guide

REGISTER NOW: 6th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, October 17-19 in Honolulu
Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle
USPACOM Approval Memo
The theme for the 2017 AOC Pacific Conference, "Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle," will drive discussions that build upon those from the last two AOC Pacific Conferences, that examined the role of IO in countering/defeating Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2/AD) strategies (2016), IO in Hybrid Warfare (2015).
America’s current and potential adversaries in the Pacific regard EW and cyber as critical components of both peacetime hybrid warfare and A2/AD. An example of offensive cyber used as part of hybrid warfare is seen in the recent "Wanna Cry" computer attack, launched by North Korea’s 6,700-strong "hacking Army" which is based worldwide. The importance of effective electronic protect computer network defense was reinforced by MG Patricia Frost, who stated simply "Without the network, there is no Multi-Domain Battle." Our adversaries will make this difficult, as they seek to overmatch our EP and CND capabilities. It is a real concern among defense experts that adversaries and threat actors are employing automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both offensive and defensive cyber capabilities at rates that exceeding that of the U.S.
Gen Robert B. Brown (invited)
Commanding General, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
LTG Bryan Fenton, USA (invited)
Deputy Commander, U.S. PACOM
MG Patricia Frost, USA
Director of Cyber, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-3/5/7
BGen Brian W. Cavanaugh, USMC (invited)
Deputy Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific
Mr. Jay Kistler, SES
Director, Electronic Warfare & Countermeasures Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering)

Col. William McClane, USMC
Commander, Marine Corps IO Center
Mr. Travis Slocumb
VP, Electronic Warfare Systems, Raytheon SAS
Register Now!

REGISTER NOW: 3rd Annual Cyber Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA) Conference, October 16-19
October 16-19, 2017 | Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
"The Multi-Domain Battle: A Combined Arms Approach to Enabling Maneuver through CEMA Operations"
This conference has been approved by the Department of the Army.
Click here for a copy of the approval memo.
Agenda Now Available: Click here to view
This year's focus will be on the emerging Joint Army/USMC Multi-Domain Battle concept and the implications with respect to CEMA. The MDB entails a combined arms approach for ground combat operations against a sophisticated peer enemy threat in the 2025-2040 timeframe. Building on current service and joint doctrine, the MDB requires flexible and resilient ground formations that project combat power into the land, air, maritime, space, and cyberspace domains. It is a continued evolution of the combined arms methodology to include not only those capabilities of the physical domains, but places even greater emphasis on space, cyberspace, and other contested areas such as the EMS, the information environment, and the cognitive dimension of warfare. As for the role of CEMA in the MDB, it's about creating and exploiting exploit temporary windows of advantage in and presenting adversaries with multiple dilemmas in the spectrum across time/space with an intensity and duration of our choosing. Acknowledging that the world is very different now with more capable near-peer adversaries who are able to contest all physical domains as well as cyberspace, we need to recognize that and challenge the CEMA community of interest for novel, adaptive and innovative capability solutions in EW, Cyber, SIGINT and other related technology areas. This is just the nature of the current environment.
Lieutenant General Rhett A. Hernandez, (Ret)
Former commander of the United States Army Cyber Command
Mr. Michael Wynne
Former 21st United States Secretary of the Air Force
MG John B. Morrison
Commanding Officer, US Cyber Center of Excellence
MG Randy Taylor
Commanding General, CECOM & APG
Dr. William Conley, SES
Deputy Director, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSD AT&L/A/) Tactical Warfare Systems
Dr. Paul G. Zablocky, SES
Division Director, Complex Hybrid Warfare Sciences Division, Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Science and Technology Department, Office of Naval Research
Register Now!

REGISTER NOW FOR FALL COURSES – Convention Courses Now Available!
Electronic Countermeasures — Theory and Design
October 16-November 1
Online Webcourse
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
AOC Convention Course: Introduction to EW Modeling and Simulation
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Convention Course: Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
AOC Convention Course: Hands-on Introduction to Radar and EW Course
December 1-4
Washington, D.C.
Instructor: Dr. Warren du Plessis
Electronic Warfare in the New Threat Environment (EW 104)
February 5-28
Online Webcourse
Instructor: Dave Adamy
The Association of Old Crows is excited to increase the convenience of your learning opportunities through our on-demand professional development library! The AOC is making some of our most popular courses available anytime and anywhere you're connected to the internet! On-demand course offerings currently include Dave Adamy's Fundamentals and Advanced Principles of EW, Kyle Davidson's ELINT - Principles and Practice and Warren du Plessis’ Introduction
to RF & Microwave Front Ends.

AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR: A Systems Approach to Information Warfare, October 5
Thursday, October 05, 2017 |14:00-15:00 EDT
The free flow of information within and between nation states is essential to business, international relations and social cohesion, as much as information is essential to a military force’s ability to fight. Communications today leans heavily on the internet, or via communications using various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum through terrestrial and satellite communications networks. We live in a highly connected world, but it doesn’t take much to tip us over into instability or even chaos. Information warfare combines electronic warfare, cyberwarfare and psychological operations into a single fighting stance with the aim of paralysing decision making, and this stance will be central to all warfare in the future; we also know it as ‘hybrid warfare’.
This webinar will explore, using a systems approach, the anatomy of information warfare and its possible impact on military operations and the cohesion of government organisations in times of conflict. Participants in the webinar will have a clearer understanding of how to recognise the ‘tell-tale’ signs of an information attack in order to mitigate damage.
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Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER: The Embassy of Canada to Host EW Industry Day October 20
On October 20, 2017 the Embassy of Canada will host a "Electronic Warfare Industry Day" Symposium which will highlight Canadian companies with niche EW technology. The event will kick off in the morning with a keynote from Brigadier General Robert Mazzolin, USCYBERCOM and will conclude with a networking luncheon in the afternoon. This initiative is supported by the Canadian Association of Old Crows, Maple Leaf Chapter and its headquarter the Association of Old Crows in Washington DC. The event is FREE, but by invitation ONLY. Please provide Ms. Corina Greig ( corina.greig@international.gc.ca) with your details (name/company/organization/address/phone/email) to receive an invitation. Space is limited, so please act soon. Deadline is October 13!!
Employers can post on the Job Vacancies page for free. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Wargames Russian Electronic Warfare & Cyber Attacks
Army soldiers tried to detect and fend off simulated Russian electronic warfare and cyberattacks in a Cyber Quest exercise aimed at preparing the service for fast-evolving current and future cyber threats. The month-long Army event included as many as 27 vendors and more than 300 participants gathered to assess the ability of soldiers to detect anomalies and explore networks for evidence of a cyberattack; the scenarios included simulated attacks and various kinds of automated actions to replicate anticipated threats, intrusions and malicious actors. (Scout Warrior)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: In The News: Maj.-Gen. Patricia A. Frost, Director of Cyber, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army G-3/5/7
In the current state of military affairs on and off the cyber battlefield, the heat is on for developing electronic warfare strategies; the demand for specialized cyber teams is high, and the pace of electronic warfare development is slow to build. On the strategic front of fighting code with code, the United States Army expects to have its 41 National Mission Force teams fully operational by the end of 2017–30 are currently at Full Operational Capability; the other 11 are at Initial Operational Capability–which is ahead of the 2018 deadline, as Major General Patricia A. Frost, director of cyber within the Army’s Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, has noted. (Executive Biz)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: L3 Picks Gulfstream 550 For U.S. Air Force EC-X Compass Call
Gulfstream has emerged victorious in a three-way dispute over who should be the platform provider for the U.S. Air Force’s program to replace its aging Compass Call communications jamming aircraft. With more plot twists and feuding factions than the "Game Of Thrones" television drama, the EC-X Compass Call replacement, managed by the Air Force’s Big Safari program office, has been plagued with intrigue, accusations and bid protests. (Subscription) (Aviation Week)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: How the NSA Built a Secret Surveillance Network for Ethiopia
"A warm friendship connects the Ethiopian and American people," U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced earlier this year. "We remain committed to working with Ethiopia to foster liberty, democracy, economic growth, protection of human rights, and the rule of law." Indeed, the website for the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia is marked by press releases touting U.S. aid for farmers and support for public health infrastructure in that East African nation. "Ethiopia remains among the most effective development partners, particularly in the areas of health care, education, and food security," says the State Department. (The Intercept)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: DSEI 2017: SIGINT Centre Making Waves
A new signals intelligence (SIGINT) centre developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for an undisclosed customer has successfully achieved ‘phase 1’ of operational capability, the company has announced. According to a statement, the SIGINT centre - developed by IAI subsidiary Elta Systems - has integrated and fused all the nation’s SIGINT sensors at a strategic level. This was done by using big data, as well as high throughput real-time data processing. (Shephard Media)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Why the U.S. Isn't Building Smaller Aircraft Carriers
Let’s face it, the new Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are expensive. According to Popular Mechanics, this ship cost $13 billion to build and also involved another $4 billion in research and development costs. So why not build a smaller, cheaper carrier? Well, let’s lay it out. The British were able to use the Invincible-class carriers, which came in at about 20,500 tons, according to naval-technology.com. It could carry up to 24 V/STOL aircraft and helicopters, including nine Sea Harriers or Harriers. (Scout Warrior)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Britain’s Sentinel Recon Aircraft Gets an Upgrade
Raytheon UK and the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) may have taken another step toward retaining in service the Sentinel R.1 aircraft equipped with a dual-mode reconnaissance radar. They are believed to have just signed a contract for the Integrated Radar Programme (IRP), a redesign that merges the receiver/exciter and the processor. The IRP offers a big saving in size, weight and power. (AIN Online)
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