
NEXT WEEK: Don't Miss AOC Electronic Warfare Singapore, January 17-18
With 30 nations attending 260 current registrations and a packed wide ranging and in-depth agenda, AOC EW Singapore 2017 is not to be missed.
We live in a time of increasing uncertainty on many fronts. Threats, challenges and opportunities are rising. Technology is accelerating. The world is undoubtedly changing and in unforeseen ways. In terms of future warfare, national forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face an operational maneuver space that will be complex and connected, but constrained. It may well be chaotic unless the right, informed choices are made now. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most vital areas in the world and the focus of much change, but also of uncertainty. In terms of EW and electromagnetic operations, how can we make sense of all of these things?
AOC EW Singapore will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world. The Conference will consist of plenary sessions focusing on operations, defence capability development, and industry inventiveness. AOC EW Singapore 2017 will bring together the communities of EW, SIGINT, C4ISR, Cyber EM Activities (CEMA) and more. Speakers will include leaders and operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and international R&D communities and, crucially industry. This is an unclassified English language Asia-Pacific focused EW networking, exhibition, workshop and conference and is not to be missed.
Speakers include:
Professor David Stupples, Professor of Electronic & Radio Systems, Director EW Systems Research, City University London, UK
Major Chris Fogarty, OC 237 Signals Squadron, 14 Signal Regiment, British Army, UK
Colonel Stephen Miller USAF (Ret.), Senior Research Engineer, Strategic Program Development Lead, GTRI, US
Rear Admiral Simon Williams, Chairman, Clarion Events, UK
Dr Sue Robertson, AOC International Region 1 Director, UK
Register Now!

CALL FOR PAPERS ENDS THURSDAY: 46th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, April 25-27, Pt. Mugu, CA
"Collaborative Electronic Warfare: Enabling Collaborative EW Through Innovation and Invention"
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other Air, Ground, Surface Space and Cyberspace systems. The 46th Annual Point Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the United States and Australian military, government, academia, and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
This call for presentations or demonstrations challenges presenters to explore the way forward in enabling collaborative EW through innovation and invention. Presentations or demonstrations from all United States and Australian Services, DoD, Industry, and Academia are requested that identify technical paths, options, and potential opportunities for EW collaboration. Submitted abstracts are specifically requested to address one or more of the symposium sessions: threat trends, collaborative EW science and technology perspectives, cognitive and adaptive EW technologies, coordinated/distributed networked enabled systems, and warfighter perspectives. Amplifying information on these supporting topics and draft agenda are referenced below. Abstracts for presentations are required in unclassified textual format. Please forward abstracts to Ms. Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org. The deadline is January 12, 2017. We request that abstracts be limited to one page of text or 400 words. All sessions will be classified SECRET releasable Australia.
More Details

NOMINATIONS DUE MARCH 1 for 2017 AOC International Elections
The AOC is accepting nominations for the 2017 elections to the Board of
Directors and for president-elect of the Association. You all are in a
great position to help to shape and decide the future of the Association
of Old Crows! Nominations will be accepted beginning now through March
1st, 2017. Elections begin on September 1st, 2017 and will end on
September 30th, 2017.
In addition to selecting our next President (vice president in 2018
followed by their two-year presidential term), this year's elections
include two At Large Director positions, each for a three-year term.
Also, three Regional Directors will be elected for their three (3)-year
terms as well — one each from the Mountain-Western Region, the
Northeastern Region, and the Southern Region. These five new directors
and the president-elect will be installed at the 2017 Symposium &
Convention in Washington DC.
Click HERE to access the Nomination Form. Nomination information must be
received at AOC HQ by close-of-business on March 1st. Nomination forms
are available at crows.org, or by contacting Glorianne O'Neilin.
Please direct all questions to the N&E committee:
Dave Hime – davehat1407@gmail.com
Glorianne O'Neilin – oneilin@crows.org
Forms can be submitted:
Via fax: (703) 549-2589
Via email: oneilin@crows.org
JUST ANNOUNCED: 9th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange, May 9-11, Crane, IN
EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and capability to meet Air, Ground, Surface, Space, and Cyberspace requirements. The 8th Annual Electronic Warfare Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange will provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields, to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms, and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders’ objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow’s battlespace.
Conference Details
REGISTER NOW: AOC EW Europe - Advancing EW and Electromagnetic Operations Together, June 6-8
AOC EW Europe will be held in perhaps the world’s most iconic city – London. It will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider the possible responses and how thinking and attitudes must change and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world.
The conference will include plenary sessions and twin-tracks focusing respectively on operations, capability and defence lines of development, and industry developments and inventiveness. AOC EW Europe 2017 will bring together the communities involved in EW, SIGINT, C4ISR, Cyber EM Activities (CEMA) and more. Speakers will include leaders and operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and R&D communities and, crucially industry. This is an unclassified truly-global EW networking, exhibition, workshop and conference and not to be missed.
Register Now

PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: International & Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Electronic Warfare Symposium, May 15-19 in Atlanta
U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) of sensitive military technologies, like Electronic Warfare, can be difficult to understand and navigate for International Partners and U.S. Defense Industry. U.S. Export laws, such as the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), requirements for Export Licenses, and in some cases Congressional approval can be confusing and complicate the sale of EW systems and associated technical support. This conference provides an educational opportunity and forum for US Government, U.S. Defense Industry, Academia. and International partners to share information and provide updates on FMS and DCS program policy, processes, and improvements.
Symposium Page
DIXIE CROW SYMPOSIUM 42: Join us in Warner Robins March 19-23
Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President, and Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events at the Dixie Crow 42nd EW/IO Technical Symposium, March 19-23 in Warner Robins, GA. The Dixie Crow EW/IO Technical Symposium is pending approval by SAF/AA. AFLCMC/WNY is co-hosting the Symposium’s AF Technical Program and Short Courses with the Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC.
Stay tuned for more information.
Conference Page
Secure Your 2017 AOC Sponsorships
 How do you reach more customers in the Electromagnetic Warfare community? The AOC! To maximize your impact in 2017, begin securing your sponsorship positions today. When you strategically plan out your year with the AOC, you can realize significant savings.
Check out our updated sponsorship catalog below.
Sponsorship Catalog
Employers can post on the Job Vacancies page for free. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping that members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Stands up Defensive Cyber Ops Program Office
The Army is continuing to signal its seriousness about integrating cyberspace from an organizational and operational construct. The latest iteration includes a recently stood up program office focused on managing acquisition of defensive cyber operations (DCO). Officially stood up Dec. 11 and headed by Lt. Col. Scott Helmore, the office’s scope, which falls beneath PEO Enterprise Information Systems, will cover seven programs. (C4ISRNet)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: 2 Navy Growler Aircrew Members Severely Injured in December Accident on Whidbey Island
Two Navy aircrew who suffered severe injuries Dec. 16 at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island have not been released from Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. The pilot and an electronic-warfare officer were preparing to take off on a training mission in an EA-18G Growler jet when the transparent enclosure over the cockpit — known as the canopy — separated from the aircraft. (Seattle Times)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Clapper Vs. Trump: Intel Agencies ‘Even More Resolute’ That Russia Meddled In Elections
The day before intelligence analysts brief a skeptical Donald Trump on Russian interference with the 2016 elections, the Director of National Intelligence told supportive senators that he had only grown more confident the Kremlin was the culprit. DNI James Clapper not only repeated his assessment that Russia had tried to manipulate the election with hacking and online disinformation, he said the campaign was worse than anything the Soviet Union had tried during the Cold War. It’s also still going on. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Russian Jamming Got You Down? Try Talking Underwater
Russia and China have been rapidly improving their ability to disrupt U.S. military communications during wartime. Now the U.S. Defense Department is waking up to the problem – and exploring new, harder-to-jam comms systems. The latest might even be the most innovative so far. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is preparing to test a network of radio relays mounted on sea buoys and connected via hair-thin fiber-optic cable. (War is Boring)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy’s Jammer Team Recognized for Defense Department Acquisition Excellence
The Next Generation Jammer Increment 1 (NGJ Inc 1) team’s "revolutionary approach in the evolution of Airborne Electronic Attack" earned it one of three Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD (AT&L)) David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Awards. During a Pentagon ceremony Jan. 6, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work and USD (AT&L) Frank Kendall presented the prestigious award to Airborne Electronic Attack Systems and EA-6B (PMA-234) Program Manager Capt. John Bailey and five NGJ Inc 1 team members. (Southern Maryland News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Looks to Change the Conversation With Defense Industry
The storyline on the Army’s bid to modernize its aging equipment has been one of fits and starts. A litany of fruitless weapon development efforts over the past decade has cost the Army billions of dollars but delivered little in the way of advanced equipment. Congressional leaders have hammered Army officials amid fears that U.S. forces are losing technological ground to adversaries. (National Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Work, Kendall Honor Best in Acquisition
Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work and his acquisition chief, Frank Kendall, yesterday honored excellence in acquisition, innovation and cost savings, hailing the work that achieved superior capabilities while saving taxpayer money and ensuring warfighters have the best available resources. The 2016 David Packard Excellence in Acquisition and the Should Cost and Innovation Awards are extraordinary achievements that recognize the "best and brightest of acquisition" and of the Defense Department, Work told attendees of the Pentagon ceremony. (Defense.gov)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. Air Force Phases Out Legacy U-2 SIGINT Collector
The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works U-2S fleet appears to have fully transitioned to the RQ-4 Global Hawk’s primary communications and electronic intelligence collector, the Northrop Grumman ASQ-230 Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload. (Subscription) (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Helicopter-borne Pod to Extend Navy’s Electronic Warfare Horizon
An anti-ship missile-defense electronic warfare pod that will be carried aloft by Navy helicopters will enable warships to greatly extend their defensive and possibly offensive electronical warfare capabilities. The Advanced Offboard Electronic Warfare (AOEW) system is being developed by Lockheed Martin to extend the detection range of a warship’s SLQ-32 electronic warfare system, said Joe Ottaviano, the company’s director of electronic warfare. The AOEW program will "put a very capable pod on the MH-60 platform." (SEAPOWER)
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 INUDSTRY NEWS: The Future of Aircraft Carriers
The Navy may consider alternative aircraft carrier configurations in coming years as it prepares for its new high-tech, next-generation carrier to become operational, service officials have said. The USS Gerald R. Ford is the first is a series of new Ford-class carriers designed with a host of emerging technologies to address anticipated future threats and bring the power-projecting platform into the next century. (Scout Warrior)
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