
PRESENTATIONS DUE JULY 8: CEMA 2016 - Achieving Overmatch through the Convergence of Cyber, Signal, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, and Space Capabilities, October 18-20
This upcoming October will mark 15 years of persistent conflict where the Army has enjoyed a distinct technological advantage in its fight against terrorism and in the conduct of counter-insurgency operations. Today we are on the brink of a new era of great power competition conflict. With a resurgent Russia and an escalating China, a civil war in Syria with international implications and Iran and North Korea steadily flexing their military presence, there are forces to be reckoned with. All are employing advanced electronic warfare and cyber capabilities at a rapid rate. Given these recent developments from prospective near-peer adversaries, the Army cannot afford to "wait until the wolf is at the door" and must prioritize maintaining overmatch; easier said than done. Limited resources dictate an innovative approach to the problem. The answer lies in the effective enterprise capability convergence of cyber, signal, electronic warfare, intelligence, information operations and space capabilities to ensure cyberspace dominance while simultaneously denying the same advantage to adversaries. The idea of capability convergence as a combat multiplier is the basis for this year’s conference theme.
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LIVE ONLINE AND ON DEMAND WEB COURSES: Get the Competitive Insights You Need – Without the Typical Travel Costs
August 1-24
Introduction to RF and Microwave Front Ends - Live WebCourse
Instructor: Warren du Plessis
Classification: Unclassified
Twice Weekly | 1300-1600 EDT (17:00-20:00 UTC)
The Association of Old Crows is excited to increase the convenience of your learning opportunities through our brand new on-demand professional development library! The AOC is making some of our most popular courses available anytime & anywhere you're connected to the internet! On-demand course offerings currently include Dave Adamy's Fundamentals & Advanced Principles of EW and Kyle Davidson's ELINT - Principles and Practice.

JUST ANNOUNCED: 5th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, November 8-9, Honolulu
Challenges and Opportunities for IO/EW/Cyber in A2/AD Environments
The purpose of the symposium is to bring together government, military, industry, academia, small business and other stakeholders for discussions on the operational challenges facing the practitioners of these IRCs, and to explore possible technological and tactics/procedural solutions. To stimulate wider interest and inquiry into these issues, the symposium and related activities and events will be open to registration by government, industry and academia representatives without regard to their AOC membership status (both AOC members and non-members may register) except that access of foreign and any other persons may be restricted as necessary in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

BG Richard K. Sele
Deputy Commanding General, U.S.
Army Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations Command (invited)
Call for Presentations and Conference Details

EW WORKING GROUP: AOC Supports Panel Discussion on Spectrum Policy
The House of Representatives EW Working Group (EWWG) hosted a panel discussion on June 21, 2016, cosponsored by the AOC and the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). House staff and others joined to hear panelists: Mr. Fred Moorefield, Director, Spectrum Policy (DOD CIO); Ms. Paige Atkins, Associate Administrator (NTIA); Mr. Victor Sparrow, Director, Spectrum Policy and Planning (NASA); Mr. Ian Atkins, Director Spectrum Engineering & Policy (FAA); Ms. Jennifer Warren, Vice President, Technology Policy & Regulation (LMCO). Discussion was moderated by Ms. Laurie Buckhout, President, CORVUS Consulting (AOC Past President). The challenges facing spectrum mangers and opportunities for the government were covered as Congress is considering many legislative proposals regarding spectrum policy. The EWWG event followed an earlier panel discussion in March hosted by the Senate Aerospace Caucus (SAC), which was also cosponsored by the AOC and AIA. Contact Ken Miller at ken@kmsadvocacy.com for more information.
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Forces Command Looking for Cyber and EW Support
Cyber operations are becoming more important as the networked nature of warfare today connects soldiers and platforms around the world. And they continue to be formalized into military operations, although military officials are careful not to speak of cyber in isolation, but rather as a coordinated, cross-domain solution transiting air, sea, land and space. (Defense Systems)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Cyber Events Tag-Team to Attract New Technologies
Cyber Blitz. Cyber Quest. Cyber Innovation Challenge. Feeling the whiplash? Good – then hackers and attackers will, too. Seeking to attract cutting-edge technologies from the public and private sectors as it equips a growing cyber force, the Army has established a series of events to quickly evaluate, integrate -- and in some cases, purchase – cyber capabilities. As part of the Army's broader cyber equipping strategy, the distinct but linked events are fueling the early experimentation that leads to more agile and informed procurement. (Army.mil)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: S-400 Technology Helps Seoul Blunt Pyongyang Threat
Advanced missile technology that went into Russia’s deadly S-400 Triumf missile defense system is powering the South Korean ballistic and air defense missile programs. Partly in response to North Korea’s deployment of nuclear missiles and submarines, Seoul has beefed up its armaments industry with generous doses of Russian technology. Among the most critical projects are a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and the M-SAM Cheolmae-2 medium-to-long range surface-to-air missile. (via @russiabeyond - Russian state-sponsored media)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Lasers Vs. Drones: Directed Energy Summit Emphasizes The Achievable
When do laser weapons finally become real? The low-hanging fruit for a near-term application looks like it’s shooting down enemy drones before they can target U.S. forces. Both the Army and Marines are testing vehicle-mounted "counter-UAS" (Unmanned Aerial System) lasers, while the Navy already has a bulkier model aboard the USS Ponce in the Persian Gulf. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Smithsonian Air Wars, Season 4, Episode 2: The B-52
The B-52 Stratofortress is affectionately known as the B.U.F.F., or Big, Ugly, Fat Fellow. Whatever you call it, the B-52 is one imposing beast of a bomber, stretching 159 feet, capable of flying nearly 9,000 miles in a single trip, and able to carry up to 70,000 pounds of weapons at a time. Join us as we crown the Air Force's longest serving heavyweight champ, a global reach aircraft that has, for more than a half a century, led the way in every major U.S. bombing campaign, from Korea to Vietnam to Iraq and beyond. (Smithsonian)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Welsh Retires as Air Force Chief of Staff at Andrews Ceremony
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh marked his retirement – officially scheduled for July 1 – with a ceremony Friday morning at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Welsh, the Air Force's 20th chief of staff, bid his official farewell in a hangar filled with family, colleagues past and present, and two aircraft he had flown during the course of his 40-year career: the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the A-10 Thunderbolt, aka the Warthog. (Military.com)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Large-Scale Electronic Warfare Exercise to be Held in Trans-Baikal Region
Electronic warfare units of Russia’s Eastern Military District stationed in the trans-Baikal region of Buryatia begin a large-scale exercise focusing on combat employment of electronic warfare instruments, Alexander Gordeyev, the chief of the press service of the district said. "More than 200 men and about 30 special vehicles will be engaged in field training on the Burduny testing range," he said. (Tass News Agency - Russia)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Lockheed Martin has Officially Unveiled Israel’s First F-35
With a ceremony broadcast live on Youtube, the first Israeli F-35 was rolled out on Jun. 22 at Lockheed Martin production plant at Ft. Worth, Texas. The 5th Generation aircraft, designated AS-1, is expected to be delivered to the Israeli Air Force (IAF) later this year. According to Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, who spoke during the arrival of the F-35 stealth fighter, "the most advanced in the world and the best for safeguarding Israel’s aerial superiority," will enhance the Israeli deterrence against its enemies for many years to come. Israel has contracted for 33 F-35A Conventional Take Off and Landing (CTOL) aircraft through the U.S. government’s Foreign Military Sales program with an option for 17 more Joint Strike Fighters. (The Aviationist)
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