
LAST CHANCE FOR TOMORROW'S WEBINAR: Protecting the Sky: Detection, Direction Finding and Countermeasure for Threats Imposed by Radio-Controlled Micro-UAVs, May 19
1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Today, more than 300.000 Radio-Controlled Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (commonly referred to as "drones") are sold worldwide every month. It was expected that around 0.5 to 1 million micro-drones were to be sold for Christmas last year in the U.S. alone. The increasing amount of affordable civilian drones capable of carrying payloads of some 100g up to a few kg leads to an emerging threat ranging from simple disturbances (privacies), spying or even incur severe destruction (terror attacks). These might include disturbing public events, important summits, endangering air traffic (drone sighting near airport), threatening governmental facilities, sensitive sites and industrial facilities (i.e. high-tech industries) as well as illegal smuggling contraband into correctional facilities and cross border.
The day has come where drones are "hovering over the sky." Facing with the challenges and difficulties of intercepting radio controlled drones especially to capture their operators, many authorities have been striving to achieve a solution in drone monitoring and countermeasures. A technical approach for countering the threats posed by such micro-drones is in tremendous demand, in order to achieve an idealized solution in "protecting the sky" against the drones.
In this webinar: "Protecting the Sky", we will provide insight into the application, specifications and impact of civilian recreational drones that are increasingly being used for other (sometimes hostile) purposes. The technical approach for countering the threats posed by drones to protected environments have been revealed, which includes:
- monitoring the spectrum for relevant signals
- identification and classification of frequency-agile RC signals
- direction finding
- possible defensive countermeasures
This webinar will review a strategic approach for the development of a solution for signal monitoring of radio-controlled microdrones and the possible countermeasures.
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NEXT AOC VRITUAL SERIES WEBINAR: Taking the Fear Out of Solid State Spatial Combining Technology, June 9
June 9 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Join Qorvo’s Rick Montgomery for an in-depth examination of solid state power RF and how the technology is proving to be a highly reliable, efficient, high bandwidth alternative to traveling wave tube amplifiers. Whether it be through techniques using GaAS or GaN MMIC amplifiers, solid state PAs are being used in airborne electronic warfare platforms to provide longer service life as well as clear size, weight, power and cost advantages. Rick will provide insight into how SSPAs are making an impact on airborne programs.
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Gold Sponsor

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ONLINE COURSES: Get the Competitive Insights You Need – Without the Typical Travel Costs
May 10-25
Electronic Intelligence: Principles & Practice - Live WebCourse
Instructor: Kyle Davidson
Classification: Unclassified
Twice Weekly | 1300-1600 EDT (17:00-20:00 UTC)
August 1-24
Introduction to RF and Microwave Front Ends - Live WebCourse
Instructor: Warren du Plessis
Classification: Unclassified
Twice Weekly | 1300-1600 EDT (17:00-20:00 UTC)
JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY: Register Now for the 7th Annual Cyber/Electronic Warfare Convergence Conference, June 7-9, Charleston, SC
Department of Navy has approved this conference as of 5/17/16
Electronic warfare and cyberspace technical capabilities are becoming more technically similar. However, the communities that practice these disciplines remain largely separated and vary widely across the Military Services in terms of their equipment, unit organization and operating methodologies. This conference provides the EW and cyberspace communities an opportunity to collaborate and discuss capabilities, TTPs and research in EW and cyberspace operations to enable more rapid deployment of new and improved capabilities. The EW/Cyberspace Convergence Conference identifies ways to develop advanced technologies and systems to address the changing battlefield dynamics of the digital age and bring EW and cyberspace together for the Warfighter!
MajGen James Livingston, USMC (Ret.)
Congreessional Medal of Honor Recipient
COL Bryant Glando, USA
Chief, Regional Inter Agency Division,
Captain Scott Heller
Commanding Officer,
SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic
Col Brandan Harris, USAF
Deputy Director, Mission Integration Directrorate,
National Reconnaissance Office
Conference Details

AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR: RF Device and System Integration for EW, June 23
June 23 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
EW and SIGINT systems are in the midst of a major transition to smaller size, weight and power form factors. There are dual demands driving this evolution. First, the increased demand for channel count within a given system has resulted in smaller space and power allocated to each channel. Second, there is an emerging market for small form factor, low channel count systems such as handheld units, remote sensors and small airborne applications. This webinar will cover several paths that are currently available to increase RF device and system integration in EW platforms.
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Gold Sponsor

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) Systems Engineering and Acquisition Conference, September 20-22
Our adversaries are using ubiquitous and cheap technology to further develop cyber warfare as well as advance and proliferate electromagnetic spectrum capabilities. EMW is an operational approach to seizing the initiative across the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). The goal is to combine EMW capabilities in the sea, air and land domains to generate enhanced combat effects. EMW, in essence, means leveraging the cyberspace domain and the full electromagnetic spectrum for both offensive and defensive effects.
EMW is not a program, or system, or even a refined concept of operations. It is an emerging operational art, one we must master to fully understand the battlespace. We must then use that awareness to better employ our own forces while altering the enemy’s perception of the battlespace and minimizing his freedom to maneuver within it.
Well-developed program strategies optimize the time and cost required to satisfy approved capability needs. The Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process allocates resources within the DoD to perform this optimization. It is important for program managers, engineers and business planners to be aware of the process, the tools used and the complexities in performing defense acquisition and systems development in the emerging EMS environment in order to provide value to managing and performing program funding and mission success.
We encourage you to participate in this conference and receive several perspectives on EMW, its convergence with Cyber Warfare, as well as obtaining insight into defense acquisition and DoD systems engineering. We need these perspectives to not only survive in a challenging fiscal environment, but also to help EW missions contribute more to our critical overall national defense mission.
The Honorable Rob Wittman
US House of Representatives (VA-1)
The conference committee is soliciting original unclassified papers from US and international leaders, operators, subject matter experts and thinkers from the military, academia and industry. You are invited to submit an abstract of presentation for the following topics:
Focus Question 1: How can combined EMW capabilities in the sea, air and land domains generate enhanced combat effects?
Focus Question 2: How is Cyber warfare converging on EW and EMW? What are emerging tools, processes and systems that reflect this convergence?
Focus Question 3: How does model-based engineering provide value in the systems engineering environment and what are innovative modeling solutions which should be considered for application?
Abstracts for presentations must be at the unclassified level and in text format. Please forward abstracts to Ms. Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org by June 17, 2016. Abstracts are limited to one page of text or 400 words. To facilitate the selection processes, please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name and short title. For example: "Smith_EW is the Future.doc." Conference presentations may be classified Secret US Only or unclassified (please indicate which classification you are submitting for since we’ll have unclassified and one classified session); however, abstracts must be unclassified. Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will be by July 8, 2016
Conference Details

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: CEMA 2016 - Achieving Overmatch through the Convergence of Cyber, Signal, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, and Space Capabilities, October 18-20
This upcoming October will mark 15 years of persistent conflict where the Army has enjoyed a distinct technological advantage in its fight against terrorism and in the conduct of counter-insurgency operations. Today, we are on the brink of a new era of great power competition conflict. With a resurgent Russia and an escalating China, a civil war in Syria with international implications and Iran and North Korea steadily flexing their military presence, there are forces to be reckoned with. All are employing advanced electronic warfare and cyber capabilities at a rapid rate. Given these recent developments from prospective near-peer adversaries, the Army cannot afford to "wait until the wolf is at the door" and must prioritize maintaining overmatch; easier said than done. Limited resources dictate an innovative approach to the problem. The answer lies in the effective enterprise capability convergence of cyber, signal, electronic warfare, intelligence, information operations and space capabilities to ensure cyberspace dominance while simultaneously denying the same advantage to adversaries. The idea of capability convergence as a combat multiplier is the basis for this year’s conference theme.
The CEMA 2016 conference committee is soliciting original papers from the United States and Five Eyes Nations, Government, Academia, Industry, Operators and Subject Matter Experts to discuss current and emerging trends in Electronic Warfare, Cyber, Signals Intelligence and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations. Conference presentations may be classified TS/SCI US Only, Secret Releasable FVEYS or Unclassified//FOUO (please indicate which classification you are submitting for as we will have multiple sessions at various classification levels); however, abstracts must be unclassified. All who attend will gain a better understanding with respect to current and future threats, emerging requirements, technological advances, policy, and potential opportunities for collaboration.
You are invited to submit an abstract of presentation that align with the following topics:
1. Cyberspace Effects Cell – User Perspectives (17/29 series, and 25E only)
2. Emerging Threats, Capability Gaps, Requirements and Doctrine
3. Cyber/Signal/EW/Intelligence Convergence
4. CEMA Programs and Acquisition Initiatives
5. Maintaining EW/Cyber Overmatch and the Army "Big Eight"
6. CEMA Science &Technology Trends
7. Intelligence Support to EW & Cyberspace Operations
8. Cyber Electromagnetic Operations (CEMO) in Support of Targeting
9. Experimentation, Exercises and Training to Inform Cyber Electromagnetic Operations (CEMO)
10. Joint, International and Industry Perspectives and Opportunities
Abstracts for presentations must be at the unclassified level and in text format. Please forward abstracts Ms. Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org by 8 July 2016. Abstracts are limited to one page of text or 400 words. To facilitate the selection processes please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name and short title. For example: "Smith_Cyber Effects Cell.doc." Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will be by 29 July 2016. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or earlier format. In order to meet required foreign disclosure procedures, final presentations are required to be submitted with appropriate foreign disclosure paperwork by 2 September 2016 to ensure adequate processing. Foreign disclosure processes will be listed here when finalized.
(note: dates are proposed for initial planning purposes only and subject to change based on the finalization of the foreign disclosure processes currently in staffing. Actual dates are expected to fall on or within 7 – 10 days of listed dates)
Abstracts Due: 8 July 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 22 July 2016
Final Presentations with Foreign Disclosure paperwork: 2 September 2016
Call for Presentations Flyer
Conference Page
 AOC NEWS: AOC Advocacy is Significant Resource for Proposed EW Capabilities Enhancement Act
The AOC is playing an important role in providing knowledge and expertise in ongoing Senate (S. 2486) and House (H.R. 4851) companion bills entitled "EW Capabilities Enhance Act." The legislation was introduced by Sen. Mark Kirk (IL) and Reps. Jackie Walorski (IN-02) and Rick Larsen (WA-02), respectively. Efforts are being spearheaded by long-time AOC consultant, Ken Miller. From the outset, Ken conducted Senate outreach to offer assistance and communicate AOC position with staffs from various Senate offices, including: Gillibrand (NY), Moran (KS), Donnelly (IN), Portman (OH), Vitter (LA), Isakson (GA), Donnelly (IN), Gardner (NJ), Tester (MT), McCaskill (MO), and Rubio (FL), among others. In the House, Ken worked with Reps. Walorski and Larsen, co-chairs of the EW Working Group, to raise awareness and gather cosponsors.
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: AOC Co-Sponsors 1st Annual Robins Air Force Base Congressional Breakfast
The AOC, in collaboration with Robins, GA - based 21st Century Partnership, the Aerospace Industry Committee (Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce) and the Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC convened its 1st Annual Robins AFB Congressional Breakfast on April 27 at the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. The event was co-hosted by GA Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue and Representatives Austin Scott (GA-08) and Sanford Bishop (GA-02). The event keynote speaker was former GA Senator Saxby Chambliss and attendance was highlighted by military leaders from US Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), including Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, Commander, AFMC; Lt. Gen. John Thompson, Commander, USAF Life Cycle Management Center; and Lt. Gen. Lee Levy, Commander, USAF Sustainment Center.
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 AOC MOVIE REVIEW: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII)
It has been awhile since the prequels and even longer since the original releases. There is a lot of nostalgia to be seen. To be honest, it wouldn’t be surprising to hear about standing ovations of historical characters, just like in the theater, but in living rooms since the DVD and BluRay release. The lightsaber duels are far more animated and better choreographed than previous films.
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NEW VIDEO: Don't Miss the AOC on Vimeo
See EW in action! Click the image or HERE to play on Vimeo.
CHECK OUT THE AOC JOB VACANCIES PAGE: Positions Posted Now, Employers Can Post Positions for Free
The AOC has launched a new webpage where members and sponsors can post job vacancies. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping that members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Tests Prepare for All-Domain Warfare
In the future, the real battles in air space will take place in the unseen layers of the electromagnetic spectrum, something the Army has been preparing for in a series of exercises. The service has conducted a string of experiments that take into account several factors, including that future expeditions will be joint operations involving multiple U.S. military services as well as coalition partners, that adversaries will be well-equipped to operate in the spectrum and that the spectrum will be contested. (Defense Systems)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Upgrades Keep Navy Air-to-Air Weapons on the Cutting Edge
One of the missiles is 8-years-old, the other is pushing 30. But steady technology upgrades have kept these two Navy air-to-air weapons on the cutting edge. The younger one is the AIM-9X Block II. The older is the AIM-120D AMRAAM — advanced medium-range air-to-air missile. The 9X Block II was introduced in 2008, but did not go into full rate production until 2015. It’s the latest member of the Sidewinder missile family that dates back to the mid-1970s. (SEAPOWER)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Need for SEAD Part I: The Nature of SEAD
25 years ago, Coalition forces began combat operations to eject Iraq from Kuwait. The method chosen was airpower, which shattered Iraq’s military forces weeks in advance of the ground campaign that punctuated the end of the war. The Iraqi air defense system, called "Kari," was effectively neutralized within three days, leaving Iraqi commanders with only short-range defenses completely disconnected from the air defense system. The surface-to air missile (SAM)-killing Wild Weasel force, rushed into service in the fall of 1965 to counter the Vietnamese missile threat, had grown into its own a quarter century and five airplane designs later. (War on the Rocks)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. Navy Prepares Request for Next Generation Jammer
The U.S. Navy is set to release a new request for information (RFI) to industry for the next increment of the Next Generation Jammer (NGJ). According to Naval Air Systems Command program manager Capt. John Bailey, this second NGJ increment will focus on countering the ever growing threat from low frequency radars. (The National Interest)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: NRO Tries New Automatic Systems That Analyze Data & Move Satellites
The Pentagon’s Third Offset strategy puts much faith in artificial intelligence and machine-to-machine communications. The National Reconnaissance Office is already working on making those a reality, deploying prototypes of its new next-generation ground systems, Director Betty Sapp said on May 18. "We anticipate fielding a ground system able to direct appropriate multi-int collection assets against intelligence problem observables able to redirect assets for digital collection to improve our knowledge and able to learn and adapt, all before any human sees what’s happening," Sapp said. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: DOD Report on China Details Escalation in the Cyber Domain
The United States has put a lot of emphasis lately on the importance of cyberspace as a domain of warfare. China is doing the same. According to the Defense Department’s Annual Report to Congress on China, the country has for the first time designated cyberspace as a "new domain of national security and area of strategic competition." (Defense Systems)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: NAVAIR Division Aims to Boosts Hiring
The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division has an aging workforce and is drastically stepping up hiring younger personnel, Capt. Karl Andina, Navy division vice commander, said during a May 16 brief at the Sea-Air Space Exposition. "We cannot hire enough people," he said. The average age of his workforce is currently in the 40s, but that is largely due to the number of younger hires the division has made over the last few months. (SEAPOWER)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: SecDef: JICSPOC Means ‘One Room, One Floor’ For Intel & Military
Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who spent five years pushing the National Reconnaissance Office and the military to work more closely together, saw the effects today during a tour of the JICSPOC, the experimental effort to improve battle management of America’s satellites. Inside the heavily guarded secure facility where most of America’s satellites are flown and operated here, Carter got a briefing about the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. Intelligence: Foreign Hackers Spying on Presidential Campaigns
The United States sees evidence that hackers, possibly working for foreign governments, are snooping on the presidential candidates, the nation's intelligence chief said Wednesday. Government officials are working with the campaigns to tighten security as the race for the White House intensifies. The activity follows a pattern set in the last two presidential elections. (Stars and Stripes)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Vice Adm. Ted Branch: Roles of Electronic and Information Warfare Staring to Blend as Community Matures
The Navy’s senior information warfare officer defined the terrain he is working in as a combination of electronic and cyber warfare with a goal for this year updating the service and joint strategies to create a set of guidance for the community that, "means something." Speaking Monday at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space 2016 Exposition, Vice Adm. Ted Branch said, "We’ve moved more into warfighting" in ways similar to undersea and space. (USNI)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Eglin Activates F-35 Partner Support Complex
The 53rd Wing activated on May 11 the F-35 Partner Support Complex, a U.S.-owned facility here that handles F-35 Lightning II testing. Robert Kraus assumed the new position as the complex’s director, making it the first civilian-led unit in the wing. Kraus, a retired lieutenant colonel, served as the 68th Electronic Warfare Squadron commander and 53rd Electronic Warfare Group deputy commander at Eglin Air Force Base prior to this new position. (U.S. Air Force)
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