IN TWO WEEKS! Register Now for the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
December 1-3 | Marriott Marquis and D.C. Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Register Today
Housing Information
Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) dominance in the future will require that
we synchronize EW and cyber to achieve spectrum dominance. The U.S.
Department of Defense, along with its industry partners, faces an uncertain
global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that
the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries
are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber
systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD’s ability to use and
control the EMS while conducting military operations. During this
year’s symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects
of the evolving EW and cyber strategic relationship and how they impact
the EMS.
Want a complimentary registration to the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention? You can get it! One of the reasons the AOC has been able to run such great events is that we receive such fantastic support from volunteers in the Electromagnetic Warfare community. The 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention is one of our largest undertakings ever, and volunteers are eligible to have their registration fees waved. There are lots of ways you can volunteer – for more information on how and the requirements for complimentary registration, check our volunteer opportunities here!
- Gen. John Hyten, Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base
- Air Commodore Madelein Spit, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Chief NATO Air Force Armaments Group
- Gen. Michael Hayden (Ret.), former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- Lt. Gen. David Deptula (Ret.), former USAF/A-2
- Lt. Gen. Bradley A. Heithold, Commander, Air
Force Special Operations Command
- Mr. Robert Stein, Senior Fellow, U.S. Defense
Science Board (DSB)
- Dr. Mark Maybury, CTO, MITRE and former AF Chief Scientist
- Dr. William Roper, Director, Strategic Capabilities Office at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Thomas Kennedy, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon Company
- Ms. Michele Weslander Quaid, Chief, Innovation Evangelist, Google, Inc.
Symposium Agenda
Exhibit Hall Show Hours
Tuesday, December 1: 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (with reception)
Wednesday, December 2: 1 p.m.-6 p.m. (with lunch and reception)
Thursday, December 3: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (with lunch)
In recent years, STEM Education has become an imperative and
worthy initiative in the United States. The AOC is joining this cause, starting
with its inaugural STEM program. The high school and college students
attending this event are at a pivotal point in their education, allowing
us the opportunity to capture their interests in STEM subjects and
potentially inspire them to continue into careers in these essential
Help us inspire these STEM students –
the future innovators, inventors and leaders of this nation – to become
Spectrum Warriors and Young Crows. We are seeking cool static displays the students can see and touch. If you can provide a display, please contact Pamela Wallace, wallace@crows.org.
STEM sponsorship opportunities
Convention Host

DON'T MISS AOC Professional Development Courses at the 52nd Annual International Symposium and Convention
December 2-3
Navigation Warfare and Dynamic Spectrum Technologies
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
December 3-5
EW Against a New Generation of Threats
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
February 9-11
Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
I-GRAM #3: From AOC President Ken Israel |
 This is my final I-Gram. I got this idea from Admiral Zumwalt when he was the CNO in the 70s. His "Z-Grams," or Z-NavOps, were innovative. He issued more than 120, and 87 of his Z-Grams were incorporated into the regular Navy directive system. I expected no such results, but it is a respected way to get news out to as many AOC International members as possible. All Z grams expired when he left office, as will mine. It was a distinct honor to have served as your 31st President. Dave Hime will be our 32nd AOC International President and is well into his transition responsibilities. Ms. Lisa Fruge-Cirilli is our AOC International President-Elect and will serve a two-year term starting in December 2016.
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 AOC SAUDI ARABIA CHAPTER: 4th Electronic Warfare Symposium 2015, November 22-23
The AOC Saudi Arabia Chapter will host the 4th Electronic Warfare Symposium, November 22-23, 2015, in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia has a specific need for the latest EW capabilities following the recent escalation in terrorist activities by IS. With the 4th largest defense budget in the world, Saudi Arabia is a key defense market that is notoriously difficult to penetrate. Attending EW KSA 2015 will provide considerable opportunity to network with EW users, decision makers and procurement officials from Navy, Army and Air Forces from Saudi Arabia and attending GCC countries. There also will be extensive opportunities to meet with local Saudi Arabian defense providers who will be looking to partner with international companies and therefore simplify the the process of carrying out business in Saudi Arabia.
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The Fourth EW International Conference India (EWCI 2016) is the latest event in the benchmark of EWCI Conference Series in the advanced field of EW. The conference is being organised by the award-winning India Chapter of Association of Old Crows (AOC), Bangalore. The conference is supported by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore is the patronising sponsor of the event. The conference addresses the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems.
A large scale indoor exhibition will accompany the conference, displaying the latest EW products from international EW organisations. There will be an intense one-day pre-conference tutorials preceding the conference. The conference is envisaged as the important platform for EW professionals who would share the research and development output in the field of EW at the global level. Also keeping in view of the government of India's "Make in India" policy, the participants of the conference will be exposed to the state-of-the-art developments in self reliance in the field of EW in India and, hence, the theme of the conference is chosen as "EW: Partner for Self-Reliance."
Conference Details
he Association of Old Crows (AOC) is pleased to announce the opening of its Inaugural STEM Outreach Program at the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention. The STEM Outreach Program features include an F-35 flight simulator, a cyber hacking event, drones, and microwave and sonic dispersion demonstrations. Over 400 students from schools across the D.C. metro area will be in attendance for the program. (BusinessWire)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy EMC2 Project Seeks to Share Antennas Among Radar, EW and Comms |
 U.S. Navy researchers are trying to build on work done previously in the InTop program to develop new kinds of antennas that communications, radar, and electronic warfare (EW) systems can share. The idea is to reduce the number of RF and microwave antennas on ships, aircraft, ground vehicles and land sites to mitigate the effects of RF interference, as well as reducing the costs of military systems that use radio waves. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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INDSUTRY NEWS: Army Puts ‘Cyber Soldiers’ In The Mud |
 Pop culture pictures hackers in clean, air-conditioned rooms, working global network magic from a desk. For the Army, though, that’s not enough. If American troops are to prevail against inventive foes in high-tech, close-quarters fights, the hacker elite have to get their boots muddy with the regular grunts. So now the Army’s sending cyber soldiers to its Combat Training Center wargames to figure out how. (Breaking Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The Third U.S. Offset Strategy and Europe’s ‘Anti-Access’ Challenge |
 In recent months, there has been a growing discussion on the so-called ‘third’ United States (US) offset strategy and its potential implications for Europeans. The underlying driver behind offset is to overcome or mitigate current challenges to US power projection – and global military-technological supremacy. As argued by former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, the global proliferation of precision-guided, network-centric systems is challenging the very foundations of that supremacy. (European Geo Strategy)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Fights Culture Gap Between Cyber & Ops: ‘Dolphin Speak’ |
 "We needed to learn to speak infantry," said Col. William Hartman, commander of the Army’s first offensive cyber operations brigade. That’s not easy. When one of Hartman’s teams joined a brigade of the 25th Infantry Division for an exercise this spring, the colonel recounted, the 25th’s commanding general told Hartman that his cyber operators talked in unintelligible "dolphin speak." (Breaking Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Learning Systems, Autonomy and Human-Machine Teaming |
 Aboard a military aircraft, coming home from the Nov. 20 Reagan National Defense Forum, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work discussed the department’s future. The Pentagon may always plan for war but its real goal is deterrence – to keep potential adversaries from even considering initiating a war with the United States, Work says. (Armed With Science)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Can the Pentagon Connect with the Internet of Things? |
 If the Defense Department is to take full advantage of the Internet of Things, experts say an as yet elusive common language for the countless and far-flung devices on defense networks must emerge. The Internet of Things – a catchall term for the increasing connectivity of a vast array of devices, from cars to thermostats – is a phenomenon that government officials and business executives are trying to tap for strategic advantage and profit. (FCW)
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An F-35A Lightning II entered the Benefield Anechoic Facility for the first time September 14. The aircraft is undergoing Electromagnetic Environmental Effects testing, called E3 or "Triple E" by the team. "What that means is we're testing the different electronic components on the jet and making sure they don't interfere with each other," said Jeff Farren, Joint Strike Fighter lead E3 test engineer. "When you're up there flying you don't want your radar to cut off your communications systems." (Edwards AFB)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Davis-Monthan's A-10s Safe for Year, Maybe Longer |
 Legislation that blocks plans to mothball the A-10 Thunderbolt II close air-support jet – a mainstay of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base – has been passed by Congress and sent to President Obama for his expected signature. And an Air Force general said Tuesday that the Pentagon is considering delaying its proposal to retire the A-10. (Arizona Daily Star)
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