NEXT WEEK! Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare, October 28-29, MCAS Cherry Point
Conference is Approved by USMC – Click Here to Download the Memo
For the last 65 years, the Marine Corps has been a leader and innovator in the field of airborne electronic warfare as technology has advanced and new threats have emerged. Today, as our adversaries become more reliant on the RF spectrum for specialized sensing and networking their platforms, sensors, control systems and weapons, and as unmanned aerial systems take on larger roles across the battlefield, the Marine Corps continues to adapt its warriors, systems and capabilities to prosecute spectrum maneuver warfare using airborne systems to exploit the spectrum vulnerabilities of our adversaries, interdict their operations that rely on RF sensors, controls and connectivity, and target and destroy their spectrum-linked fighting systems and capabilities. This Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare Symposium will address the Marine Corps challenges, current capabilities and future plans as they continue to evolve their airborne capabilities to fight in the spectrum domain.

Lt. Gen. Jon M. Davis
Deputy Commandant for Aviation
BGen Loretta Reynolds (invited)
Principal Director OUSD Policy
South/Southeast Asia
Register Now!
Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

REGISTER NOW FOR THE NEXT AOC Virtual Series – Accelerating High Performance Algorithm Designs on FPGA-Based Software Defined Radio (SDR), November 5
November 5, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
With the technology evolution of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and affordable RF electronics, the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) has become more accessible than ever before. Software defined radios (SDR) have proven to be powerful and agile solutions for a variety of Electronic Attack (EA), Electronic Protect (EP), and Electronic Support (ES) applications such as threat detection, creation of interference, and even decoding signals. A key driver to the widespread adoption of SDR lies with the advancement of software tools for algorithm development and hardware interfacing. In this session we discuss both opportunities and challenges in high performance system design and explore a variety of design flows that can accelerate the design process enabling rapid iteration and deployment on agile SDR platforms.
Register Now
AOC RECRUITMENT DRIVE IS ON: Member-Get-A-Member Contest Until October 30!
Help us strengthen our membership and spread the word on the importance of EW, IO and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations. Encourage your friends and coworkers to join this Membership Recruitment Drive starting now through October 30! Win these great prizes:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (7-Inch | 8GB)
- High-resolution, 7" display for vivid detail
- 8GB Flash Memory, 1.5 GB RAM Memory
- Read e-books, watch movies, play games, browse the web, and more
- IR blaster allows you to use tablet as universal remote
- Share your tablet with multi-user mode
- Rear and front cameras
- Add up to 32GB memory with microSD slot
- Easily multitask with two apps using Multi Window
- Lightweight, portable design
Individuals that recruit 5, 10, 15 or even 25 members are also eligible for other AOC Prizes.
Click here to see other possible prizes.
All applications must include:
- The recruiter's name
- Payment information
And must submitted no later than October 30!
Sign up for just $25! Use discount code "25DISC" when signing up online or use this form.
Be sure to note the recruiters name on the application!
DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION ENDS NOVEMBER 9: Register Now for the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
December 1-3 | Marriott Marquis and D.C. Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Registration and housing are now open for the AOC International Symposium and Convention. Take advantage of registration discounts until November 9!
Register Today
Housing Information
Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) dominance in the future will require that
we synchronize EW and cyber to achieve spectrum dominance. The U.S.
Department of Defense, along with its industry partners, faces an uncertain
global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that
the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries
are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber
systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD’s ability to use and
control the EMS while conducting military operations. During this
year’s symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects
of the evolving EW and cyber strategic relationship and how they impact
the EMS.
Want a complimentary registration to the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention? You can get it! One of the reasons the AOC has been able to run such great events is that we receive such fantastic support from volunteers in the Electromagnetic Warfare community. The 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention is one of our largest undertakings ever, and volunteers are eligible to have their registration fees waved. There are lots of ways you can volunteer, for more information on how and the requirements for complimentary registration, check our volunteer opportunities here!
- Gen. John Hyten, Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base
- Air Commodore Madelein Spit, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Chief NATO Air Force Armaments Group
- Gen. Michael Hayden (Ret.), former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- Lt. Gen. David Deptula (Ret.), former USAF/A-2
- Lt. Gen. Bradley A. Heithold, Commander, Air
Force Special Operations Command
- Mr. Robert Stein, Senior Fellow, US Defense
Science Board (DSB)d
- Dr. Mark Maybury, CTO, MITRE and former AF Chief Scientist
- Dr. William Roper, Director, Strategic Capabilities Office at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Thomas Kennedy, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon Company
- Ms. Michele Weslander Quaid, Chief, Innovation Evangelist, Google, Inc.
Symposium Agenda
Exhibit space is almost sold out! Secure your spot today. Contact Stew Taylor at taylor@crows.org.
Exhibit Hall Show Hours
Tuesday, December 1: 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (with reception)
Wednesday, December 2: 1 p.m.-6 p.m. (with lunch and reception)
Thursday, December 3: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (with lunch)
Exhibit Details
In recent years, STEM Education has become an imperative and
worthy initiative in the U.S. The AOC is joining this cause, starting
with its inaugural STEM program. The high school and college students
attending this event are at a pivotal point in their education, allowing
us the opportunity to capture their interests in STEM subjects and
potentially inspire them to continue into careers in these essential
Help us inspire these STEM students –
the future innovators, inventors and leaders of this nation – to become
Spectrum Warriors and Young Crows. We are seeking cool static displays the students can see and touch. If you can provide a display, please contact Pamela Wallace, wallace@crows.org.
STEM sponsorship opportunities
Convention Host

DON'T MISS AOC Professional Development Courses at the 52nd Annual International Symposium and Convention
December 2-3
Navigation Warfare and Dynamic Spectrum Technologies
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
December 3-5
EW Against a New Generation of Threats
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
February 9-11
Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
AARDVARK ROOST BIENNIAL CONFERENCE: African Electronic Warfare on the Rise, November 3-4
The AOC Aardvark Roost is holding its biennial EW International Conference and Exhibition on November 3-4, 2015 at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. The event is supported and sponsored by Armscor, CSIR, Saab and GEW Technologies.
The keynote address will be given by Lt. Gen. Derick MGwebi SD, SM, MMM, Chief – Joint Operations, South African National Defence Force, South Africa. Presenters from South Africa, Uganda, Malaysia, Australia, Switzerland, USA and India are set to provide stimulating and lively topics from EW strategies, diverse EW operations, IEDs and emerging technologies.
The Aardvark Roost conference and exhibition is held in association with its logistics partner, Tangent Link Ltd and further information on attending, exhibiting or sponsoring the event can be found at www.aardvarkaoc.co.za and www.tangentlink.com.
The Fourth EW International Conference India (EWCI 2016) is the latest event in the benchmark of EWCI Conference Series in the advanced field of EW. The conference is being organised by the award-winning India Chapter of Association of Old Crows (AOC), Bangalore. The conference is supported by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore is the patronising sponsor of the event. The conference addresses the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems.
A large scale indoor exhibition will accompany the conference, displaying the latest EW products from international EW organisations. There will be an intense one-day pre-conference tutorials preceding the conference. The conference is envisaged as the important platform for EW professionals who would share the research and development output in the field of EW at the global level. Also keeping in view of the government of India's "Make in India" policy, the participants of the conference will be exposed to the state-of-the-art developments in self reliance in the field of EW in India and, hence, the theme of the conference is chosen as "EW: Partner for Self-Reliance."
Conference Details
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Yes, America’s F-22 Raptor Can Be Defeated
"We – the U.S. [Department of Defense] – haven’t been pursuing appropriate methods to counter EA [electronic attack] for years," a senior Air Force official with extensive experience on the F-22 told me last year. "So, while we are stealthy, we will have a hard time working our way through the EA to target [an enemy aircraft such as a Russian-built Sukhoi] Su-35s and our missiles will have a hard time killing them." (War is Boring)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Looming Military Showdown in the South China Sea
After delaying for months, the Obama administration has authorized the U.S. Pacific Command to send warships into the disputed South China Sea, and China is threatening to confront the naval presence as part of an aggressive buildup in the region. However, the U.S. military is not expected to send the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group to pass passing within 12 miles of any disputed islands that China is claiming as its territory. The carrier arrived at its new homeport of Yokosuka, Japan on October 1 replacing the USS George Washington. (Asia Times)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Experiments with Cyber Warfare
The Army continues to experiment with equipping its land forces with cyber capabilities, a recognition that future combat operations could increasingly have a cyber dimension. The service is conducting five or six experiments over about 15 months that "will inform the ... doctrine, organization, force structure of what it really means of how the Army should integrate this [cyber] capability in unified land operations," Ronald Pontius, deputy to the commanding general at Army Cyber Command, said at an October 14 press briefing. (FCW)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Marine Corps Focuses on Urban Scenarios
That the Marine Corps would like to return to its expeditionary, sea-based roots after serving the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan is well known. Once that is accomplished, it sees itself conducting operations mostly in urban environments, said a senior leader at the service’s Warfighting Laboratory. "We conduct war games and experiments that inform us on what technologies we need to pursue," said Col. John Armellino, general staff officer for operations at the lab. (National Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Hey Putin, NATO Can Adapt: Trident Juncture 2015
35,000 NATO and partner-nation troops. 140 aircraft. 60 naval vessels. 30 nations. But who are they fighting? When planning began two years ago for NATO’s largest wargames since 2002, the imaginary adversary wasn’t Russia. Officially, it still isn’t. But since the seizure of Crimea, the alliance’s chief of "transformation" told reporters today, planners have added new challenges to the standard scenario that sound awfully relevant to the Russian threat, from ballistic missile defense to rapid deployment to hybrid war. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: This Device Turns Any Gun Into an Anti-Drone Ray
The Battelle DroneDefender is a rifle made for electronic warfare, as first reported by Motherboard. The gun looks like a hodgepodge of science fiction props strapped together. Despite its appearance, it’s not made to fire any projectile. Instead, the DroneDefender works by jamming the communications of commercial drones, causing them to lose control and, ideally, land. (Popular Science)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Army’s Drone Wishlist Includes Jamming Gear and More Weapons
While Air Force drones have been pounding targets for more than a decade, the Army has used its unmanned aircraft almost exclusively to gather intelligence. That’s going to change. "There’s not a doubt in my mind that in the future, unmanned systems will have other roles than ISR" – or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, said Col. Thomas von Eschenbach at the Association of the United States Army, or AUSA, conference last week. (Defense One)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Backpack Drones, Smaller Weapons: Army Thinks Small On UAVs
When it comes to drones, the Army is now thinking small. The next new drone the service will buy is a Rucksack Portable UAS, Col. Courtney Cote, project manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), told reporters at an Association of the United States Army update on Army UAS plans. Cote’s office already has a "validated requirement" – Pentagon approval – and is now deciding how much money to ask for to buy the drone, which will be quadcopter size. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Industry Breaths New Life Into Technology Through Innovation
Defense contractors at the Association of the U.S. Army's annual conference last week showed how they are breathing new life into already proven and fielded technology. "Innovation" was a buzzword at the show, which is not surprising considering Defense Secretary Ash Carter has ramped up a push to seek outside input to boost innovations in defense. He's launched a number of initiatives to tie the department closer with Silicon Valley and other research centers. (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy Command Expands Commercial IT Acquisitions
The Pentagon has set out to replace outdated military information systems with commercial products that offer far better performance at lower cost. Modernizing IT systems, however, can be problematic aboard Navy warships where the space is confined and computers run arcane pieces of software used to conduct a wide range of combat missions. Despite the difficulties of updating computer systems aboard ships, the Navy has moved aggressively to insert commercial technology across the fleet, said Rear Adm. Christian "Boris" Becker, Navy program executive officer for C4I and space systems.
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