AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR TODAY: Approaches for Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), October 15
October 15, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Diverse elements of our military capability and national infrastructure are critically reliant on GPS as a near "sole means" source for precise location and time. Yet, GPS signal reception is potentially vulnerable to interference, and it does not work well in many environments; for example, indoors where people spend most of their time. Resilient "anywhere, anytime" position and timing will entail using a system of systems, not just a particular system.
The discussion starts with a quick review of how pervasive GPS has become and then describes some of the unmet needs and vulnerabilities. This webinar then surveys some of the alternate approaches currently being fielded and under development with an eye toward their strengths, weaknesses and synergisms in differing environments and applications. In the course of the webinar, other timing and location systems surveyed will include other SATNAV systems, such as Glonass, Galileo and Beidou; eLoran/VLF; Locata’s position and time system; WiFi positioning; select LTE/4G capabilities; Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR); the P1588 precision clock synchronization protocol; and Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) developments. The importance of maintaining situational awareness for establishing environmental context is examined. Different system/sensor combinations shine in different environments, but only if correctly matched to the environment.
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Bronze Sponsor
REGISTER NOW! Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare, October 28-29, MCAS Cherry Point
Conference is Approved by USMC - Click Here to Download the Memo
For the last 65 years, the Marine Corps has been a leader and innovator in the field of airborne electronic warfare as technology has advanced and new threats have emerged. Today, as our adversaries become more reliant on the RF spectrum for specialized sensing and networking their platforms, sensors, control systems and weapons, and as unmanned aerial systems take on larger roles across the battlefield, the Marine Corps continues to adapt its warriors, systems and capabilities to prosecute spectrum maneuver warfare using airborne systems to exploit the spectrum vulnerabilities of our adversaries, interdict their operations that rely on RF sensors, controls and connectivity, and target and destroy their spectrum-linked fighting systems and capabilities. This Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare Symposium will address the Marine Corps challenges, current capabilities and future plans as they continue to evolve their airborne capabilities to fight in the spectrum domain.

Lt. Gen. Jon M. Davis
Deputy Commandant for Aviation
BGen Loretta Reynolds (invited)
Principal Director OUSD Policy
South/Southeast Asia
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Take advantage of the opportunity to
sponsor this inaugural event and be highlighted to thousands, including
DOD officials, military, government offices, academia leaders, research
and development organizations and industry partners.
Become an exhibitor today
Platinum Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsor
AOC RECRUITMENT DRIVE IS ON: Member-Get-A-Member Contest Until October 30!
Help us strengthen our membership and spread the word on the importance of EW, IO and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations. Encourage your friends and coworkers to join this Membership Recruitment Drive starting now through October 30! Win these great prizes:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (7-Inch | 8GB)
- High-resolution, 7" display for vivid detail
- 8GB Flash Memory, 1.5 GB RAM Memory
- Read e-books, watch movies, play games, browse the web, and more
- IR blaster allows you to use tablet as universal remote
- Share your tablet with multi-user mode
- Rear and front cameras
- Add up to 32GB memory with microSD slot
- Easily multitask with two apps using Multi Window
- Lightweight, portable design
Individuals that recruit 5, 10, 15 or even 25 members are also eligible for other AOC Prizes.
Click here to see other possible prizes.
All applications must include:
• The recruiter's name
• Payment information
And must submitted no later than October 30!
Sign up for just $25! Use discount code "25DISC" when signing up online or use this form.
Be sure to note the recruiters name on the application!
DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION ENDS NOVEMBER 9: Register Now for the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
December 1-3 | Marriott Marquis and D.C. Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Registration and housing are now open for the AOC International Symposium and Convention. Take advantage of registration discounts until November 9!
Register Today
Housing Information
Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) dominance in the future will require that
we synchronize EW and cyber to achieve spectrum dominance. The U.S.
Department of Defense, along with its industry partners, faces an uncertain
global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that
the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries
are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber
systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD’s ability to use and
control the EMS while conducting military operations. During this
year’s symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects
of the evolving EW and cyber strategic relationship and how they impact
the EMS.
- Gen. John Hyten, Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base
- Air Commodore Madelein Spit, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Chief NATO Air Force Armaments Group
- Gen. Michael Hayden (Ret.), former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- Lt. Gen. David Deptula (Ret.), former USAF/A-2
- Lt. Gen. Bradley A. Heithold, Commander, Air
Force Special Operations Command
- Mr. Robert Stein, Senior Fellow, US Defense
Science Board (DSB)d
- Dr. Mark Maybury, CTO, MITRE and former AF Chief Scientist
- Dr. William Roper, Director, Strategic Capabilities Office at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Thomas Kennedy, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon Company
- Ms. Michele Weslander Quaid, Chief, Innovation Evangelist, Google, Inc.
Symposium Agenda
Exhibit space is almost sold out! Secure your spot today. Contact Stew Taylor at taylor@crows.org.
Exhibit Hall Show Hours
Tuesday, December 1: 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (with reception)
Wednesday, December 2: 1 p.m.-6 p.m. (with lunch and reception)
Thursday, December 3: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (with lunch)
Exhibit Details
In recent years, STEM Education has become an imperative and
worthy initiative in the U.S. The AOC is joining this cause, starting
with its inaugural STEM program. The high school and college students
attending this event are at a pivotal point in their education, allowing
us the opportunity to capture their interests in STEM subjects and
potentially inspire them to continue into careers in these essential
Help us inspire these STEM students –
the future innovators, inventors and leaders of this nation – to become
Spectrum Warriors and Young Crows. We are seeking cool static displays the students can see and touch. If you can provide a display, please contact Pamela Wallace, wallace@crows.org.
STEM sponsorship opportunities
Convention Host

DON'T MISS AOC Professional Development Courses at the 52nd Annual International Symposium and Convention
December 2-3
Navigation Warfare and Dynamic Spectrum Technologies
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
December 3-5
EW Against a New Generation of Threats
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
February 9-11
Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA

PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: AOC Virtual Series – Accelerating High Performance Algorithm Designs on FPGA-Based Software Defined Radio (SDR), November 5
November 5, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
With the technology evolution of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and affordable RF electronics, the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) has become more accessible than ever before. Software defined radios (SDR) have proven to be powerful and agile solutions for a variety of Electronic Attack (EA), Electronic Protect (EP), and Electronic Support (ES) applications such as threat detection, creation of interference, and even decoding signals. A key driver to the widespread adoption of SDR lies with the advancement of software tools for algorithm development and hardware interfacing. In this session we discuss both opportunities and challenges in high performance system design and explore a variety of design flows that can accelerate the design process enabling rapid iteration and deployment on agile SDR platforms.
Register Now
October 20, 2015 (UNCLASSIFIED Session) & October 21, 2015 (CLASSIFIED Session)
MITRE S Building, Bedford, MA
"Cyber Challenges: Threat, Technologies and Systems"
This session will focus on cyber challenges facing the U.S., operations other than war and its Allies by increasing the synergy across local, state and federal government agencies, industry and academia. Technology applications, system options and best practices from various organizations will be examined. The session will explore techniques for "whole of government" and complementary relationships that optimize a cross-flow of technologies and systems to enhance operational capabilities. Speakers will include representatives from the JCS, HQ USAF, DARPA, AFRL, AFLCMC, USCG, FBI and other DOD and non-DOD agencies. Registration is available at www.patriotsroostaoc.org.
Questions? Contact Russ Graves or Nino Amoroso.
AARDVARK ROOST BIENNAL CONFERENCE: African Electronic Warfare on the Rise, November 3-4
The AOC Aardvark Roost is holding its biennial EW International Conference and Exhibition on 3rd and 4th November 2015 at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. The event is supported and sponsored by Armscor, CSIR, Saab and GEW Technologies.
The keynote address will be given by Lieutenant General Derick MGwebi SD, SM, MMM, Chief – Joint Operations, South African National Defence Force, South Africa. Presenters from South Africa, Uganda, Malaysia, Australia, Switzerland, USA and India are set to provide stimulating and lively topics from EW strategies, diverse EW operations, IEDs and emerging technologies.
The Aardvark Roost conference and exhibition is held in association with its logistics partner, Tangent Link Ltd and further information on attending, exhibiting or sponsoring the event can be found at www.aardvarkaoc.co.za and www.tangentlink.com.
The Fourth EW International Conference India (EWCI 2016) is the latest event in the benchmark of EWCI Conference Series in the advanced field of EW. The Conference is being organised by the Award Winning India Chapter of Association of Old Crows (AOC), Bangalore. The Conference is supported by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore is the patronising sponsor of the event. The Conference addresses the technical and commercial needs of Operational Users, Planners, Developers, Procurers, Testers and Trainers of the latest EW Technologies and Systems. A large scale Indoor Exhibition will accompany the Conference, displaying the latest EW products from International EW Organisations. There will be an intense one-day Pre-Conference Tutorials preceding the Conference. The Conference is envisaged as the important platform for EW Professionals who would share the Research and Development output in the field of EW at the global level. Also keeping in view of the Government of India's "Make in India" policy, the participants of the Conference will be exposed to the State-of-the-art Developments in self reliance in the field of EW in India and hence, the theme of the Conference is chosen as "EW: Partner for Self-Reliance".
Conference Details
INDUSTRY NEWS: How Syria is Becoming a Test Zone for Electronic Warfare |
 Russia's military presence in Syria has been steadily increasing over the past few months. Its warplanes are carrying out regular bombing raids against both Islamic State positions and, reportedly, other rebel groups opposed to the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Its warships are launching cruise missiles against the same targets. But the latest reports are that Russia has also deployed its most modern electronic warfare system to Syria -- the Krasukha-4 (or Belladonna) mobile electronic warfare (EW) unit. (CNN)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Army's Pressing Electronic Warfare Needs
COL JEFFREY CHURCH: My first and foremost priority is getting electronic warfare material solutions into the hands of the EW soldiers out in our units and in the field. What are we at, 13-14 years of war now? After all of that time, if you go to an electronic warfare officer or soldier in the field and say, "let's go to your wall locker and see your military issued EW equipment," he is going to open up that wall locker and there is not going to be anything in there. (C4ISR & Networks)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: EW Barn Aims for 100 Percent Effective Fleet |
 For more than 25 years, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, has been home to the F-15E Strike Eagle; from day one when it was just getting airborne, to the high-tech bird it is today. The first production Strike Eagle, a dual-role fighter designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, was released in 1988 and reached initial operational capability in 1989. (DVIDs)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Russia Using Electronic Warfare to Cloak its Actions in Syria from Isis and NATO |
 Fed up of the West's indecisiveness on dealing with the ongoing situation in Syria, Russia is now providing direct military air support to Syria, and it is using electronic warfare to jam Islamic State's (IS) communications, as well as to prevent NATO from detecting what it is up to, according to an electronic warfare expert. Electronic warfare is the ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum in order to sense where enemy targets are so that you can attack the enemy first, or to prevent the enemy from attacking you. Examples of things you can do with electronic warfare include communications jamming, radar jamming, reconnaissance and countermeasures using infrared, radio and electro-optical frequencies. (International Business Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Wanted: A Bigger, Badder Air Wing to Fight China |
 A new report published by the Hudson Institute concludes that the U.S. Navy’s carrier strike groups (CSG) and their air wings are vital to tackling China’s anti-access/area denial capabilities (A2/AD). But report—titled Sharpening the Spear: The Carrier, the Joint Force, and High-End Conflict, which is written by TNI contributors Seth Cropsey, Bryan McGrath & Timothy A. Walton—also concludes that the Navy must adopt new operating concepts and fundamentally reconfigure the carrier’s air wing for tomorrow’s fight. (The National Interest)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Commentary: Improved Army Acquisition Holds Lessons for Pentagon |
 At the core of the US Army’s post-9/11 hollow buildup sits a significant procurement holiday created by wartime necessities and budgetary instability on top of the previous procurement holiday of the 1990s. Exigent funding priorities crowded out both expansion of the force and investments in the future such as the Comanche, Future Combat Systems and the Ground Combat Vehicle. By the time service leaders were ready to recapitalize again, sequestration knee-capped Army modernization. (Defense News)
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