DEADLINE TO SUBMIT VISIT REQUESTS IS TODAY for Next Week's 7th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange
August 11-13 | Crane, IN
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom to maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
Deadline to submit visit requests is TODAY, August 5, so don't delay!
Admiral Philip S. Davidson
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
Rear Admiral Scott A. Stearney
Navy Warfare Development Command
Rear Admiral JR Haley
Naval Air Force, Atlantic
Dr. Peter Craig
Program Manager for EW
Office of Naval Research Mr. Bryan Clark
Senior Fellow
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Access the Agenda
Register Now!

DON'T MISS TOMORROW'S WEBINAR: IQ Signal Recording – Getting Answers from Big IQ Data
August 6, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Modern EW and commercial RF emitters are designed at baseband using in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) waveforms. Such waveforms are used by analysts, spectrum managers and test engineers to evaluate modern weapon systems prior to deployment. However, in an increasingly congested and contested EMS, real-world waveforms often arrive at their intended receivers distorted from their transmitting source due to external or self-generated interference. To make matters worse, such interfering and non-compliant waveforms are often unpredictable. We do not know when they will occur, where they will appear or how long they will last. In order to fully understand the true nature of these signals, many seconds, minutes or even days of IQ record time may be required to guarantee that 100 percent of the event is captured. Once captured, engineers must wade through mountains of IQ data to validate compliance or understand specific waveform forensics. Signal processing tools must be applied to process these large blocks of recorded spectrum to understand how temporal and often transient interference impacts a victim receiver. Recording 100 percent of the IQ events of interest gives the designer and spectrum manager forensic evidence of what actually happened in the electromagnetic domain. And, because these recordings contain 100 percent of the IQ signal content and not just a visual history, the interfering signals provide engineers undeniable proof of the event characteristics. These recordings can also be re-used as IQ signal sources in margin and stress testing new designs.
This briefing will cover some of the big IQ data challenges and solutions facing spectrum warriors as they work to validate weapon systems and characterize modern threats. It will also look at the implications of emerging threats and how IQ signal recording solutions must evolve to help the warfighter.
Register Now!
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
JUST ANNOUNCED: 4th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, October 20-22
This year's unclassified event, in association with USPACOM, will cover the role of electronic warfare (EW), cyber electromagnetic activities, spectrum and information operations, and information operations and other IRC and AOC mission areas, with specific operational and conceptual focus on the emergent threats posed by hybrid warfare and the opportunities raised by the visionary U.S. Third Offset Strategy initiative. As in previous Pacific events, the symposium will include global partners and allies from around the Pacific region, who will present their unique perspectives. The symposium continues October 22 with a classified working group at the SECRET REL FVEY at HQs U.S. Pacific Command on Camp H.M. Smith. The agenda and instructions for attendance for the classified working group will be coordinated through official military channels with PACOM J39.
The purpose of the symposium is to bring together government, military, industry, academia, small business and other stakeholders for discussions on the operational challenges facing the practitioners of these information-related capabilities and to explore possible technological and tactics/procedural solutions. To stimulate wider interest and inquiry into these issues, the symposium and related activities and events will be open for registration by government, industry and academia representatives without regard to their AOC membership status (both AOC members and non-members may register) except that access of foreign individuals and any other persons may be restricted as necessary in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- GEN Vincent K. Brooks, Commanding General, U.S. Army Pacific (Invited)
- Admiral Michael Rogers, Commander USCYBERCOM, U.S. (Invited)
- Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, USAF (Ret.) - Past AOC President
Conference Details
REGISTRATION AND HOUSING NOW OPEN: 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
December 1-3 | Marriott Marquis and D.C. Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Registration and Housing are now open for the AOC International Symposium and Convention. Take advantage of early bird discounts until September 21!
Register Today
Housing Information
Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) dominance in the future will require that
we synchronize EW and cyber to achieve spectrum dominance. The U.S.
Department of Defense, along with its industry partners, face an uncertain
global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that
the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries
are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber
systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD’s ability to use and
control the EMS while conducting military operations. During this
year’s symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects
of the evolving EW and cyber strategic relationship and how they impact
the EMS.
- Gen. John Hyten, Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base
- Air Commodore Madelein Spit, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Chief NATO Air Force Armaments Group
- Gen. Michael Hayden (Ret.), former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- Lt. Gen. David Deptula (Ret.), former USAF/A-2
- ADM Michael Rogers (Invited), Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency; and Chief, Central Security
- Dr. Paul G. Kaminski, CEO of Technovation Inc., former Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Technology, former Chairman of DSB, AOC 2000 Gold Medal awardee and former AOC Senior Advisory Board
- Dr. Mark Maybury, CTO, MITRE and Former AF Chief Scientist
- Dr. William Roper, Director, Strategic Capabilities Office at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Thomas Kennedy, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon Company
- Dr. Jackie Craig, Australia MOD, DSTO, Chief EW and Cyber Division
- Rear Admiral Sean S. Buck, Chief of Staff, J5, The Joint Staff
- Ms. Michele Weslander Quaid, Chief, Innovation Evangelist, Google, Inc.
Symposium Agenda
Exhibit space is almost sold out! Secure your spot today. Contact Stew Taylor at taylor@crows.org.
Exhibit Hall Show Hours
Tuesday, December 1: 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (with reception)
Wednesday, December 2: 1 p.m.-6 p.m. (with lunch and reception)
Thursday, December 3: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (with lunch)
Exhibit Details
In recent years, STEM Education has become an imperative and worthy initiative in the U.S. The AOC is joining this cause, starting with its inaugural STEM program. The high school and college students attending this event are at a pivotal point in their education, allowing us the opportunity to capture their interests in STEM subjects and potentially inspire them to continue into careers in these essential fields.
Help us inspire these STEM students – the future innovators, inventors and leaders of this nation – to become Spectrum Warriors and Young Crows.
STEM sponsorship opportunities

REGISTER NOW: AOC Virtual Series Webinar, Coexistence of LTE & Radars
September 17, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
In the U.S., cellular networks, radar and other wireless systems are designed to obey a fixed spectrum assignment regulated by the FCC. These assignments are now being challenged, in that some bands are under-utilized while others are highly over-utilized. This ineffectiveness in spectrum allocation is exacerbated by the dramatically increasing need for bandwidth in our RF infrastructure. In addition, state-of-the-art mobile radio standards claim more and more bandwidth. For example, the worldwide allocation of LTE bands increased from 11 to 48 bands since 2011. Issues like these have supported the evolution of intelligent systems like cognitive radio.
This presentation will discuss the coexistence between S-Band radars and the commercial LTE mobiles operating in E-UTRA Band 7 from where considerations to the future LTE technology by the DOD in close proximity to radars can be drawn. Coexistence issues examined by looking at measurement data gathered at a major international airport will be presented. Key performance indicators, such as data throughput or Block Error Rate of the mobile LTE device and the probability of detection of security-relevant radars, have been measured and evaluated with the goal how to recognize and address the problems they cause.
Register Now
Platinum Sponsor


MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND: Cyber Electromagnetic Activity 2015, October 6-8, Aberdeen Proving Ground
The International AOC and APG Susquehanna Chapter of the AOC, under a co-sponsorship agreement with Army Team C4ISR APG, will hold the Inaugural CEMA 2015 Conference at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Sessions are open to Five Eye nations.
The deadline for attendees from Five Eye nations to submit their official request for visit authorization is August 11.
Security Details
Don't miss the chance to have a table top exhibit at the Inaugural CEMA conference. Prices start at just $750.
Space is limited, so sign up now!
The theme for the inaugural CEMA 2015 event is "Synchronizing Cyber Electromagnetic Activities to Win in a Complex World." The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) emphasizes the importance of ready land forces and their significance to the joint and coalition fight and recognizes the need for continued innovation to win in a complex world. Cyberspace operations, in conjunction with electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations, are identified in the AOC as one of the seven core Army competency areas critical to shaping the operational environment and winning decisively. Equally new to the Army is the concept of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA), which is outlined in the first doctrinal field manual of its kind that integrates and synchronizes cyberspace operations, electronic warfare and spectrum management operations. The CEMA 2015 event will allow for an exchange of ideas, concepts and information; provide a venue to address these new and emerging concepts; and serve as a framework to discuss ongoing and future research and development to set the conditions for innovation and success.
Attending the CEMA 2015 event also will provide the Army and DOD electronic warfare and cyber communities of interest an opportunity to discuss the current and emerging electronic and cyber warfare requirements and meet with coalition partners, industry technicians, engineers, scientists and other government agencies and learn from their successes.
Full Conference Details

September 15-18
Fundamental Principles Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
October 20-23
Essentials for 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
November 3-6
Advanced Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
December 2-3
Navigation Warfare and Dynamic Spectrum Technologies
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
December 3-5
EW Against a New Generation of Threats
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Washington, D.C.
February 9-11
Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
REGISTER NOW: Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare, October 28-29, MCAS Cherry Point
For the last 65 years, the Marine Corps has been a leader and innovator in the field of airborne electronic warfare as technology has advanced and new threats have emerged. Today, as our adversaries become more reliant on the RF spectrum for specialized sensing and networking their platforms, sensors, control systems and weapons and as unmanned aerial systems take on larger roles across the battlefield, the Marine Corps continues to adapt its warriors, systems and capabilities to prosecute spectrum maneuver warfare using airborne systems to exploit the spectrum vulnerabilities of our adversaries, interdict their operations that rely on RF sensors, controls and connectivity, and target and destroy their spectrum-linked fighting systems and capabilities. This Marine Corps Spectrum Maneuver Warfare Symposium will address the Marine Corps challenges, current capabilities and future plans as they continue to evolve their airborne capabilities to fight in the spectrum domain.

Lt. Gen. Jon M. Davis
Deputy Commandant for Aviation
B. Gen. Dan O'Donohue (Invited)
Commanding General of Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace
Register Now!
Take advantage of the opportunity to
sponsor this inaugural event and be highlighted to thousands, including
DoD officials, military, government offices, academia leaders, research
and development organizations and industry partners.
Become a sponsor today
I-GRAM #2: From AOC President Ken Israel |
 This is my second I-Gram. I got this idea from Admiral Zumwalt when he was the CNO in the 70s. His "Z-Grams," or Z-NavOps, were innovative. He issued over 120, and 87 of his Z-Grams were incorporated into the regular navy directive system. I expect no such results, but it is a respected way to get news out to as many AOC members as possible. All Z grams expired when he left office, as will mine. It is a distinct honor to serve as your 31st President. Thank you for a great start to 2015. I look forward to our continuing success and relevance in the evolving EW/EMS/Cyber Domains.
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October 20, 2015 (UNCLASSIFIED Session) & October 21, 2015 (CLASSIFIED Session)
MITRE S Building, Bedford, MA
"Cyber Challenges: Threat, Technologies and Systems"
This session will focus on cyber challenges facing the U.S., operations other than war and its Allies by increasing the synergy across local, state and federal government agencies, industry and academia. Technology applications, system options and best practices from various organizations will be examined. The session will explore techniques for "whole of government" and complementary relationships that optimize a cross-flow of technologies and systems to enhance operational capabilities. Speakers will include representatives from the JCS, HQ USAF, DARPA, AFRL, AFLCMC, USCG, FBI and other DOD and non-DOD agencies. Registration will be available starting August 1, 2015 at http://www.patriotsroostaoc.org/.
Questions? Contact Russ Graves or Nino Amoroso.
The Mile High AOC Chapter (Denver, Colorado Area) is going to be holding a chapter revitalization and election event. Please contact David Anglea, acting chapter president, at angleadavid@aol.com if you are interested in attending or serving as a chapter officer. Please include your contact information.
The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Warfare (EWCI) is the latest event in the benchmark of the EWCI Conference Series in the advanced field of EW. The conference is being organized by the award-winning India Chapter of Association of Old Crows, Bangalore. The conference is supported by Defence Research and Development Organisation, India. Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore is the patronizing sponsor of the event. The conference addresses the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems. A large-scale indoor exhibition will accompany the conference, displaying the latest EW products from international EW organizations. There will be intense, one-day, pre-conference tutorials preceding the conference.
Conference Details
The conference receives a huge response in terms of technical papers internationally, covering all aspects of exploiting electromagnetic spectrum for electronic warfare and information operations. Technical papers are solicited in these areas, including the following topics:
- Advances in EW systems, architectures, techniques and technologies
- EW systems modelling and simulation
- EW and EO threat simulators, testing and evaluation
- Advances in ECM/ECCM techniques, expendable repeater and IR jammers
- Electro-optic based EW systems – missile approach warning systems and laser warning systems
- Network centric and information warfare
- EW antennas, active electronically scanned arrays and shared apertures
- Radar finger printing, LPI emitters techniques for interception and countermeasures, emitter location algorithms
- Communication DF receivers, digital receivers, EW signal processors, satellite-based EW challenges
- SIGINT, RWR, ESM, multi-sensor warner, directed energy weapons
- Microwave and millimeter wave technology for EW
- Lightweight EW systems for UAV, aerostat and other platforms
- Program management of complex EW systems
- EW interference to TV/radio/mobile transmissions and their maintenance
- EW ops and spectrum management in joint services operation scenario and challenges
- Operation flight programs and airborne EW software and their verification and validation
- IED detection, anti-terrorism operations and low-intensity warfare
Abstracts/summaries for papers are due August 31.
More Information
INDUSTRY NEWS: Electronic Warfare – What the US Army Can Learn From Ukraine |
 For weeks, the U.S. military has been training Ukrainian forces in U.S. tactics, but the commander of US Army Europe says Ukrainian forces, who are fighting Russian-backed separatists, have much to teach their U.S. trainers. Ukrainian forces have grappled with formidable Russian electronic warfare capabilities that analysts say would prove withering even to U.S. ground forces. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Jamming the Enemy with Joint Integration |
 Walking the halls of the 41st Electronic Combat Squadron is someone in an unfamiliar uniform. Leaving the flight deck of the EA-6B Prowler behind for a few years, Marine Corps Capt. Jonathon Leach from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C. joins the Desert Lightning Team. Leach is part of a three-year interservice exchange program where he will be flying on the EC-130H Compass Call as a mission crew commander with the 41st ECS. While Leach learns about the EC-130's capabilities to educate the Marine Corps when he returns, he also teaches Airmen of the 55th Electronic Combat Group about the Prowler's capabilities. (US Air Force)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Rivet Joint Celebrates Silver Anniversary of Being ‘On the Hunt’ |
 Airmen from the 763rd Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron reached a historic milestone on August 8 as their airframe, the RC-135V/W Rivet Joint, celebrated 25 years of continuous service in the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility. "For the Rivet Joint program and the mission, 25-years continuous service is a significant milestone to recognize," the 763rd ERS commander said. "I am extremely proud to lead a squadron that has remained strategically and tactically relevant for the past 25 years." (DVIDs)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The RAAF Takes Delivery of the Most Advanced Warfare Jet Ever Made – the Boeing Growler |
 Australia's regional air power dominance is assured with the delivery of the first of 12 RAAF EA-18G "Growler" electronic warfare jets. The first of the Boeing-built aircraft was unveiled during a lavish ceremony at the company’s St. Louis production plant. (The Courier Mail)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Davis Takes Charge of 412th Electronic Warfare Group |
 Col. Leland A. Davis assumed command of the 412th Electronic Warfare Group on August 3 during a change of command ceremony at Club Muroc. Davis comes from his previous assignment at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. He served as the commander of the Eglin Research Site and as deputy director of the Air Force Research Lab Munitions Directorate. (US Air Force)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The US Navy Doesn’t Seem to Care That the F-35 Can’t Dogfight |
 In trials off the California coast in January 2015, a 1980s-vintage U.S. Air Force F-16 repeatedly defeated one of the flying branch’s brand-new F-35A Joint Strike Fighter stealth jets in mock dogfights. "The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage," the unnamed JSF pilot wrote in a scathing five-page brief that War Is Boring obtained. The test report is the latest proof that the F-35 – which Lockheed Martin is developing for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines and a host of American allies – is an inferior fighter in close combat compared to much older planes. (War is Boring)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Israeli Drone Maker Gets Startup Makeover for Cyber Arms Race |
 When Adi Dar goes to work each day, he’s greeted by ping-pong tables, arcade games and a big open workspace that encourages employees to collaborate. Dar doesn’t work at a startup. He heads the new cybersecurity unit of Elbit Systems Ltd., the Israeli defense company known for making drones and avionics systems. Dar, a 13-year company veteran, said the playful environs help him lure software engineers from elite intelligence units of the Israeli army who can work with him on developing new cybersecurity products. (Bloomberg)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Harris Exec Outlines Electronic Warfare Strategy |
 Earlier this year, Harris bought Exelis in a deal worth almost $5 billion. This should lead to improvements in terms of what Harris can offer in Electronic Warfare (EW), a key target for the company. Andy Dunn, vice president of business development at Harris, told Avionics Magazine that, under the new structure, the company will be in a better position to provide innovative EW solutions. (Avionics Today)
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