
DON'T MISS TOMORROW'S AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR: Evolving to the Next Generation of Multifunctional Electronic Warfare, May 28
May 28 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
With today’s increasingly sophisticated threats in the global defense battlefield and the proliferation of Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD), technology must rise to meet the challenge of complex missions – particularly for those operating across the electromagnetic spectrum. These missions call for "smart" systems that address multiple threats, meaning that they need to be adaptive, multifunctional and operate on any platform (whether in the air, at sea, on the ground or unmanned) – all under reduced size, weight and power. Dated systems built with one specific purpose and function (e.g., one individual system for electronic attack; a different system for electronic protect, etc.) require ongoing upgrades and multiple parts, which can limit mission effectiveness and slow down critical mission turnaround time.
This webinar presentation will focus on the evolution of the EW environment and the need to leverage next generation capabilities that will increase situational awareness for warfighters operating on any platform and within any domain, protecting them against adversaries navigating across the spectrum.
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CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Cyber Electromagnetic Activity 2015, Oct. 6-8, Aberdeen Proving Ground
The International AOC and APG Susquehanna Chapter of the AOC, under a co-sponsorship agreement with Army Team C4ISR APG, will hold the Inaugural CEMA 2015 Conference at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Sessions are open to Five Eye nations.
The theme for the inaugural CEMA 2015 event is "Synchronizing Cyber Electromagnetic Activities to Win in a Complex World." The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) emphasizes the importance of ready land forces and their significance to the joint and coalition fight, and recognizes the need for continued innovation to "Win in a Complex World." Cyberspace operations, in conjunction with electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations, are identified in the AOC as one of the seven core Army competency areas critical to shaping the operational environment and winning decisively. Equally new to the Army is the concept of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, or CEMA, which is outlined in the first doctrinal field manual of its kind that integrates and synchronizes cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW) and spectrum management operations (SMO). The CEMA 2015 event will allow for an exchange of ideas, concepts and information, and provide a venue to address these new and emerging concepts and a framework to discuss ongoing and future research and development to set the conditions for innovation and success.
Attending the CEMA 2015 event also will provide the Army and DOD electronic warfare and cyber communities of interest an opportunity to meet with and discuss the current and emerging electronic and cyber warfare requirements with coalition partners, industry technicians, engineers, and scientists and other government agencies and learn from their successes.
The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) emphasizes the importance of ready land forces and their significance to the joint and coalition fight, and recognizes the need for continued innovation to "Win in a Complex World." Cyberspace operations, in conjunction with electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations, are identified in the Army Operating Concept as one of the seven core competency areas critical to shaping the operational environment and winning decisively. Equally new to the Army is the concept of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, or CEMA, which is outlined in the first doctrinal field manual of its kind that integrates and synchronizes cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). The CEMA 2015 event will provide the DOD and services an opportunity to meet with leadership from the United States and Five Eyes nations, government, academia and industry to discuss current and emerging trends in electronic warfare, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum operations with respect to threats, emerging requirements, technological advances and potential opportunities for collaboration.
Presentations or demonstrations from all services, Five Eyes partners, DOD, warfighters, industry and academia are requested that explore the concept of enabling or integrated EW/cyber/EMSO capabilities and the necessary innovation required to set the conditions for innovation and success. Submitted abstracts are specifically requested to address one or more of the symposium sessions: 1) EWO and Spectrum Manager Warfighter Perspectives; 2) Trends in Electromagnetic Spectrum Capabilities; 3) Agile Acquisition; 4) Threats, Capability Gaps, and Requirements; 5) Cyber/EW "Convergence;" 6) Technology Trends, Testing, Experimentation and Exercises; 7) Joint and Industry Perspectives; 8) International Efforts and Opportunities; and 9) Tactical Cyber Operations and Concepts. Amplifying information on these supporting topics and draft agenda are referenced above.
Abstracts for presentations are required in unclassified textual format. Please forward abstracts Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org. The deadline is June 22, 2015. We request that abstracts be limited to one page of text or 400 words. To facilitate the selection processes, please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name, session number and short title. For example: "Ryan_session3_AgileAcquisition.doc." Symposium presentations may be unclassified or classified, however, abstracts should be unclassified. Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will occur by July 8, 2015. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or earlier format. To meet required foreign disclosure procedures, final presentations are required to be submitted with appropriate foreign disclosure paperwork by August 24, 2015, to ensure adequate processing. Foreign disclosure processes will be listed on the conference website ( www.crows.org) when finalized.
IMPORTANT DATES 2015: (Note: Dates are proposed for initial planning purposes only and subject to change based on the finalization of the foreign disclosure processes currently in staffing. Actual dates are expected to fall on or within 7-10 days of listed dates.)
Abstracts Due: June 22
Notification of Acceptance: July 8
Final Presentations with Foreign Disclosure paperwork: August 24
Security Clearance: September 14
Full Conference Details

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Register Now for Great Upcoming Courses Near D.C.!
June 23-26
Advanced Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
September 15-18
Fundamental Principles Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
September 28-30
Introduction to Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
October 20-23
Essentials for 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA

JUNE AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR: Signal Analysis in Congested Environments
June 11 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
There has been an explosive increase in the activity of the radio spectrum causing an ever-increasing density of the signal scenarios. Due to the increase in the number of signals, a manual approach is no longer effective or practical. The need for automatic simultaneous processing of many signals at every stage of the signal analysis workflow is necessary, from detection through classification through report generation. The result is a need for enhanced complex signal analysis capabilities.
Advancements in digital signal processing have enabled the development of faster and more accurate detection/pre-classification methodologies. Automatic rule-based workflows combine the results from specialized signal detectors including high-speed spectral shape detection (frequency domain analysis) with the robust results gained by signal classifiers (time-domain analysis). The early separation of signals of interest from signals of non-interest in the processing-chain increases the efficiency of the signal processing process especially in contested and congested signal scenarios.
Advances in digital signal processing have also enabled signal processing of numerous DDCs (digital down-converters) on segments of IQ data streaming from one wide-band source. This provides the ability to process many signals captured with one receiver as opposed to architectures that necessitate one hand-off receiver per signal processing channel. Pros and cons of each approach will be discussed.
This webinar will review a modern approach to the workflow involved with finding signals in a dense environment.
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PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention
"Synchronizing EW and Cyber to Achieve Spectrum Dominance"
December 1-3, 2015
Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Dominance in the future will require that we "Synchronize EW and Cyber to Achieve Spectrum Dominance." The Department of Defense, along with its industry partners, face an uncertain global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD's ability to use and control the EMS while conducting military operations.
During this year's Symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects of the evolving EW and cyber strategic relationship and how they impact the EMS. We will start with reviewing how EW/cyber enable our military capabilities (sensor, weapons and networks) and permit us to dominate in Spectrum Maneuver Warfare Scenarios. We will also examine the underlying EW/cyber technology base and its implications for future warfighting capabilities. We will take a deep dive into key EW/cyber science and technology initiatives and review how these investment strategies are supported on Capitol Hill. Rapid transition of key EW/cyber technologies are critical, and they must be shared and organized with our joint and coalition partners. Cyber also plays a key role in the security and resilience of our Homeland Critical Infrastructure. This infrastructure in which redundancy, resilience and defensibility were never design characteristics is difficult to protect. Finally, resourcing and exploiting EW/cyber capabilities are vital for ensuring the tremendous investments we have in our software intensive C4ISR systems are protected.
Registration opens in July!
View the Preliminary Agenda

NEW AOC VIRTUAL SERIES WEBINAR: MIMO Radars – Whatever You Can Do, We Can Do, June 25
June 25, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
It has been shown that ground Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) radars can provide orders of magnitude better resolution and accuracy (10x, 100x or 1000x better) than conventional radars. This presentation shows how to use conventional radars to do this as well. The MIMO array uses a thin linear array on transmit and collocated full linear array on receive. It is called a thin/full array. We show how the same MIMO thin/full array can be used as a conventional array to provide same resolution and accuracy as the MIMO array, have no grating lobes, and use exactly the same time and energy for search. So the MIMO and conventional are exactly equivalent performance wise. However the signal processing load for the MIMO radar system can typically be much larger than for its conventional equivalents.
This presentation is given in tutorial form. We give physical insight into MIMO and its conventional equivalents. We explain both. No math used.
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SAVE THE DATE: Seventh Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange, Aug. 11-13
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
DAY 1: Exploring the service's gaps, including the mutually supportive capabilities of EW across all maneuver spaces (domains). This informative session of presentation and open discussion will provide senior leaders and attendees insight to Spectrum programs and operations that are key areas to the entire battlespace operations. SECRET US ONLY
DAY 2: Review of the service's gaps with respect to the many disciplines of EW and non-kinetic warfare, including but not limited to RF, EO and IR. This informative session of presentation and open discussion will provide senior leaders and attendees insight to Spectrum programs and operations that are key areas to the entire battlespace operations. SECRET US ONLY
DAY 3: Detailed intelligence community updates on where our adversaries' threat systems are today and where they are going in the future. TS/SCI ONLY
Conference Details
The Kittyhawk Chapter, Association of Old Crows, invites you to attend Kittyhawk Week 2015. The feature event is the Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM). The TIM is scheduled for June 2-3, 2015, and will be held at the Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), located in close proximity to Wright-Patterson AFB in Beavercreek, OH. ATIC maintains a first-class educational facility designed to support multiple classification levels. The TIM will be at the SECRET level, U.S. only. This will be a valuable opportunity for all stakeholders to learn from others in the community and help shape Air Force electronic warfare (EW) research programs best meeting the needs of combatant commanders. Maintaining spectrum dominance, the fundamental realm of EW in future conflicts requires flexibility to rapidly adapt to a continually changing threat. Whether it is at the sensor level or in mission operations, success may depend on having the right concept of operations or new disruptive technology. Spectrum dominance requires the integrated contributions of many elements across the EW enterprise. Open architecture concepts offer the potential to integrate advanced technology and adapt system capability rapidly at a lower cost.
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Join the Peachtree Roost and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) for the International & Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Electronic Warfare (EW) Symposium and Workshop, June 8-12, 2015, at the GTRI Conference Center, Building 250, 14th St., Atlanta, GA 30318. The theme for this event is "Navigating the International EW Market." AOC members receive a $50 discount! This event is FREE for Current/Active U.S. and International Government Civilians and Military.
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Tuesday, July 14 | 1 p.m. EDT
Counterfeit Electronic Parts has emerged as significant product integrity risk to DOD weapon systems. Industry and U.S. government studies conducted over the past decade shows that electronic part counterfeiting continues to expand. In 2012, U.S. public law required DOD to establish policies to address the counterfeit electronic parts threat. In 2014, DOD established new regulations requiring contractors to establish and implement a Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System.
This informational meeting will include the following:
- Counterfeit Electronic Parts Overview – Industry and U.S. Government Response to a Growing Product Integrity Risk
- Challenges in Compliance to DFARS 252.246-7007, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System
- Ruminations, Myths and Unreliable Facts (Lessons Learned)
Our presenter will be Henry Livingston, an engineering fellow and technical director at BAE Systems Electronic Systems.
More Information
INDUSTRY NEWS: Hill, CSIS Seek New Defenses for a ‘New Missile Age’ |
 With new missile threats proliferating worldwide, both the House and Senate versions of the annual defense policy bill push new approaches to missile defense, such as laser weapons and "boost phase" defenses that shoot down missiles just after launch. (Breaking Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: New Leader for Electronic Attack Weapons School |
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Sweden, Norway, Finland Host Arctic Challenge Exercise 2015 |
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INDUSTRY NEWS: NSA Planned to Hijack Google App Store to Hack Smartphones |
 The National Security Agency and its closest allies planned to hijack data links to Google and Samsung app stores to infect smartphones with spyware, a top-secret document reveals. The surveillance project was launched by a joint electronic eavesdropping unit called the Network Tradecraft Advancement Team, which includes spies from each of the countries in the "Five Eyes" alliance – the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia. (The Intercept)
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The Russian Air Force has fallen on hard times and is having great difficulty rebuilding. The Russian Air Force had more than 10,000 military aircraft when the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Because the 14 new states formed from the Soviet Union took possession of whatever warplanes were stationed within their borders, the "Red Air Force" instantly lost nearly half its strength. (Strategy Page)
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INUDSTRY NEWS: Saving Sammy B: A Frigate's Heroic Legacy |
 Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Tom Reinert was standing watch by his 76mm gun topside in the sweltering Persian Gulf heat when the deck below him buckled. He was driven to his knees. "I looked aft, and everything behind the mast was just a wall of flame, towering up into the sky," Reinert recalled. His first thought was that the ship was going down. There was no way a ship the size of the frigate Samuel B. Roberts could endure such a huge blast and survive. But after that, as flaming pieces of insulation and debris rained down, his thoughts immediately shifted to one thing: damage control. (Navy Times)
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