
REGISTER NOW: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
Make the most out of your
attendance at EW Europe. There
are very few stands left, so contact the sales team today. Don't
miss out on a stand and make use of our range of sponsorship opportunities to
promote your brand and messaging.
Europe 2015 will once again bring together all the communities needed to
underpin successful transformation of EW and all related EM capabilities, including SIGINT, C4ISR, spectrum management and cyber. It attracts leaders and
operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and R&D, and industry. Book your stand space today to secure your
EW Europe's conference programme for Day One and Day Two is now
available on the EW Europe website. The
main conference will be preceded by the PLATH Intelligence
Workshop on May 26. Participate in
information sharing through the comprehensive conference on May 27-28 produced
by the AOC. Speaker Highlights
- Keynote Address – Maj. Gen. Ken Israel, USAF (Ret.) AOC President, U.S.
- Keynote Address – The Baltic Region from a Swedish
Perspective – Deputy Director Joint
Operations, Sweden
- Overview of Sweden's EW Capability Development – Head of EW Systems Department, Sensor and EW Systems
Division, FOI, Sweden
- NATO Air Platform Protection Programme – A/Department Manager, Sensors & Countermeasures,
dstl Porton Down, UK
- Enabling Technologies for Radar Warning &
Electronic Countermeasures Applications – Jonas Grönberg, Product Manager Gripen, EW Division. SAAB Electronic
Defense Systems, Sweden
- Cyber EW Capability and the Boost of the EMS – Daniela
Pistoia, Company Chief Scientist, Head
of Product Innovation & Advanced EW Solutions, Elettronica S.p.A.,
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Challenges & Opportunities
– Laurie Moe Buckhout,
Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.), Senior Advisor to Office of the Secretary of
Defense, Chief Information Officer, United States
- Keynote Address – Capability Development in the Swedish Airforce – Commander Air Component Command, Sweden
Register now for this premier AOC Global event!
Conference Details

April 23, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Advocacy is the art of advancing a cause, idea or policy through generating and distributing knowledge and facilitating networking and trade. Successful advocacy requires both commitment of people and investment of resources. It can be daunting to think about making a difference, but it is really quite simple if you follow a few best practices. Join us for the first advocacy webinar of 2015. You'll learn best practices and tips for applying advocacy principles for both individual and organizational advocacy. We will also discuss AOC's advocacy roadmap for 2015 and provide an update on activities and legislation before Congress.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
- Defining advocacy and its value to the public policy proces
- Advocacy versus lobbying: What separates the two concepts, and why is advocacy quickly becoming the preferred method to engage Congress?
- Advocacy tools, tactics and best practices for individuals and organizations (plus helpful free resources at your fingertips)
- AOC Advocacy for 2015: What we've done and what we plan to accomplish in the coming months.
Participants of the webinar also will be able to continue the discussion and to receive guidance from the AOC following the webinar to help you get started and stay involved.
Register Now

EDUCATION YOU NEED: Plan Now for Great Upcoming Courses Close to You!
May 12-15
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
June 23-26
Advanced Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA

2015 Awards: Nominations for This Year's AOC Awards are Due May 1
Recognize individuals and units for their outstanding performance in
furthering the aims of the Association of Old Crows in support of the
United States or Allied Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations
(IO), Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO). Every year, the AOC
presents competitive prestigious awards to each recipient at the Annual AOC
International Symposium and Convention. Non-competitive awards provide the means for our Chapters and the
AOC Board of Directors to recognize individual achievements and
contributions any time of the year. These awards are not be presented
at the Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention.
Ensure colleagues and friends receive the recognition they deserve by this year's nominating worthy accomplishments. Nominations are due May 1.
More Information and Nomination Forms...
PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE MAY WEBINAR: Demystifying Monopulse Radars, May 7
1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Modern tracking radars are almost always classified as monopulse radars. But what does the term "monopulse" really mean, and how do monopulse systems work? Do other options exist, and, if so, why are they not as widely used? And most importantly: What does this all mean in the real world?
This webinar will attempt to answer these and other questions by considering monopulse and other comparable techniques. The historical development of these techniques will be summarized to show how this process led almost inevitably to the development of monopulse radar. A simplified version of the theory behind monopulse will be provided to show how the measured returns are related to an angular error. A basic discussion of some of the approaches used to implement monopulse radar will be provided including considerations such as the difference between amplitude- and phase-comparison monopulse. Throughout this presentation, the focus will be on why each of these considerations is relevant to real-world systems.
Register Now
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED: 6th Annual Electronic Warfare/Cyber Convergence Conference
June 2-4, 2015 | SPAWAR, Charleston, SC
Electronic warfare and cyberspace technical capabilities are becoming more technically similar. However, the communities that practice these disciplines remain largely separated and vary widely across the military services in terms of their equipment, unit organization and operating methodologies. This conference provides the EW and cyberspace communities an opportunity to collaborate and discus capabilities, TTPs and research in EW and cyberspace operations to enable more rapid deployment of new and improved capabilities. The EW/Cyberspace Convergence Conference identifies ways to develop advanced technologies and systems to address the changing battlefield dynamics of the digital age and bring EW and cyberspace together for the warfighter!
Keynote Speakers
Rosemary Wenchel (invited)
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary,
Cyber Policy, Office of Policy,
Department of Homeland Security
COL Bryant Glando (invited)
Deputy Directory Army Cyber Proponent,
U.S. Army Cyber Command
Register Now!

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Papers for the 52nd Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention Due May 20
"Synchronizing EW and Cyber to Achieve Spectrum Dominance"
December 1-3, 2015
Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Dominance in the future will require that we "Synchronize EW and Cyber to Achieve Spectrum Dominance." The Department of Defense along with its industry partners face an uncertain global security environment driven by adversaries who recognize that the EMS has become vital to the success of their campaigns. Adversaries are aggressively fielding electronic warfare systems and cyber systems/technologies that significantly erode DoD's ability to use and control the EMS while conducting military operations.
During this year's symposium, we have 12 sessions set up to examine various aspects of the evolving EW and Cyber strategic relationship and how they impact the EMS. We will start with reviewing how EW/Cyber enable our military capabilities and permit us to dominate in Spectrum Maneuver Warfare Scenarios. We also will examine the underlying EW/Cyber technology base and its implications for future warfighting capabilities. We will take a deep dive into key EW/Cyber S&T initiatives and review how these investment strategies are supported on the Hill. Rapid transition of key EW/Cyber technologies are vital, and they must be shared and organized with our joint and coalition partners. Cyber also plays a key role in the security and resilience of our Homeland Critical Infrastructure. Finally resourcing and exploiting EW/Cyber capabilities are vital for ensuring the tremendous investments we have in our software intensive C4ISR systems are protected. Thank you for your attendance and we hope you enjoy this year's Symposium.
The AOC Convention Committee is soliciting original unclassified English language technical briefings for the 52nd International Symposium and Convention from U.S. and international leaders, operators, subject matter experts and thinkers from the military, academia and industry. You are invited to submit an abstract of presentation in one of these sessions:
• 21st Century EW and Cyber Technologies and Innovation Enablers
• Arming Robotic Systems: Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Robotic Land Vehicles and Undersea Unmanned Vehicles with Advanced Electronic Attack and Electronic Protect Capabilities
• Adaptive Strategies for EW/Cyber Resiliency: Diversity and Redundancy, Integrity Assurance, Separation and Isolation, Detection and Monitoring, Non Persistence, Distributed and Moving Target Offense and Defense
• Space EW Countermeasures: Initiatives and Opportunities
• Protecting the Homeland Infrastructure from Threats: Nuclear Power Plants, Transportation Networks, Electrical Utilities, and Government Organizations
• Tradeoff Analysis Between Standoff and Standing Jamming Systems Against Modern Threats
• Cognitive Adaptive EW Research and Development
Submission Deadline is May 20, 2015.
More Details and Submission Criteria...
SAVE THE DATE: 7th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
DAY 1: Exploring the service's gaps, including the mutually supportive capabilities of EW across all maneuver spaces (domains). This informative session of presentation and open discussion will provide senior leaders and attendees insight to Spectrum programs and operations that are key areas to the entire battlespace operations. SECRET US ONLY
DAY 2: Review of the service's gaps with respect to the many disciplines of EW and Non-Kinetic Warfare including but not limited to RF, EO, and IR. This informative session of presentation and open discussion will provide senior leaders and attendees insight to Spectrum programs and operations that are key areas to the entire battlespace operations. SECRET US ONLY
DAY 3: Detailed Intelligence Community updates on where our adversaries'threat systems are today and where they are going in the future. TS/SCI ONLY
Conference Details
CHAPTER NEWS: Red Baron Roost Hosts Luncheons on Hostile Fire Indication |
 In late March, the Red Baron Roost hosted two luncheons on the topic of Hostile Fire Indication (HFI) at Fraunhofer Institute in Wachtberg and the German Air Force Electronic Warfare Center in Kleinaitingen. Starting with a presentation of AIRBUS Defence & Space the capabilities of their radar based flight assistance sensor system (SFERION) in detection and tracking of small arms fire were discussed.
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The Kittyhawk Chapter, Association of Old Crows invites you to attend Kittyhawk Week 2015. The feature event is the Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM). The TIM is scheduled for June 2-3, 2015, and will be held at the Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), located in close proximity to Wright-Patterson AFB in Beavercreek, Ohio. ATIC maintains a first-class educational facility designed to support multiple classification levels. The TIM will be at the SECRET level, U.S. only. This will be a valuable opportunity for all stakeholders to learn from others in the community and help shape Air Force electronic warfare (EW) research programs best meeting the needs of combatant commanders.
Maintaining spectrum dominance, the fundamental realm of EW in future conflicts requires flexibility to rapidly adapt to a continually changing threat. Whether it is at the sensor level or in mission operations, success may depend on having the right concept of operations or new disruptive technology. Spectrum dominance requires the integrated contributions of many elements across the EW enterprise. Open architecture concepts offer the potential to integrate advanced technology and adapt system capability rapidly at a lower cost.
Register Now
Join the Peachtree Roost and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) for the International & Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Electronic Warfare (EW) Symposium & Workshop, June 8-12, 2015 at the GTRI Conference Center, Building 250 14th St., Atlanta, GA 30318. The theme for this event is "Navigating the International EW Market." AOC members receive a $50 discount!
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36TH EWS GOLF TOURNAMENT: Register by April 17 for April 24 Tourney in Fort Walton Beach |
 The 36th EWS UAC Annual Spring Classic Golf Tournament will take place April 24 at the Fort Walton Beach Golf Club, Pines Course. The four person scramble event has an 8 a.m. shotgun start and is $50 per player or $200 per team. The event raises funds to support the 36th EWS at Eglin AFB, FL.
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 In recent speeches, Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work has been highlighting the DOD's development of the "Third Offset Strategy," designed to extend the US operational advantage through use of disruptive technologies. Electronic warfare and the electromagnetic spectrum are considered key components of the Third Offset, with creation of a new Electronic Warfare Programs Council to assess investments across the DOD and make recommendations for changes.
Read the April JED for details on EW and the Third Offset and analysis of what this might mean moving forward.
April JED News Article
April JED Analysis by John Knowles
Use your username and password from crows.org or courtesy login: April2015, password crow0415.
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Work Details the Future of War at Army Defense College
On stage today at the U.S. Army War College in Pennsylvania, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work summoned up scenes from a future war where soldiers and machines join forces in a multidimensional "informationalized" zone, using advanced tools to fight adversaries from space to cyberspace. (Defense.gov)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Pentagon Explores Multiple Paths to Electronic Warfare Acquisition
The Pentagon is continuing to look for innovative ways to develop and buy technology to use in electronic warfare, the Defense Department's assistant secretary for acquisition told an AFCEA luncheon on April 10. The Defense Department rolled out its Better Buying Power 3.0 on April 9, adding cybersecurity to the list of potential trouble spots in weapons, IT and other acquisitions. (FCW)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: AF's Unfunded List Includes Aircraft Modernization, More Reapers |
 The Air Force has released its full breakdown of unfunded priorities for 2016, with aircraft repairs and modernization making up most of the bill, including even funds for some aircraft the service is attempting to retire. The services on March 27 provided a cost breakdown of programs that didn't make their budget requests, which lawmakers can attempt to include in the defense authorization bill. (Air Force Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Eglin Getting Two New F-35 labs |
 When the United States Reprogramming Laboratory was established here nearly five years ago, the then-squadron commander made it clear why the lab was important to the F-35. "Without mission data, the F-35 is a very pretty, and some would say very loud, aircraft," said Air Force Lt. Col. Tim Welde, 513th Electronic Warfare Squadron (EWS) commander. "With mission data, the F-35 is pure lethality." (Pensacola Today)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The Navy is Stepping Up Its Cyber Defenses |
 Executing hack attacks to support maritime missions will take the Navy out of its traditional comfort zone at the intersection of the land and the sea. Part of a soon-to-be-released cyber strategy will focus on building the force’s capacity to conduct cyberattacks from anywhere around the Earth, said Kevin Cooley, executive director and command information officer of Fleet Cyber Command. (Defense One)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: No Man’s Sea: CSBA’s Lethal Vision Of Future Naval War |
 The seas are shrinking. As missiles grow longer-ranged and more precise, as sensors grow ever sharper, there are ever fewer places for a ship to hide. "A ship’s a fool to fight a fort," goes an old naval adage, because a land base can carry more ammunition and armor than anything that floats. Admirals have always been uneasy about bringing their fleets in range of shore-based weapons. But what does the U.S. Navy do when those weapons can find you hundreds or thousands of miles out to sea? (Breaking Defense)
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