
REGISTER NOW FOR NEXT WEEK'S WEBINAR: Opening the U.S. DoD for EW Businesses, March 26
Thursday, March 26, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Are you trying to break into EW programs with the U.S. DoD? If you are new to the DoD EW industry, or have only focused on one service in the past, Stan VanderWerf, USAF (Ret.), will provide a brief on how to access the EW market for all services. We also will discuss several of the entry points for service and joint research, development and testing. Collectively, there are several organizations to interact with for market entry and understanding them will help you build an effective business growth strategy.
Gold Sponsor

TIME IS RUNNING OUT: Register Now for the 44th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, March 31-April 3, 2015, Pt. Mugu, CA
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface space and cyberspace systems. The 44th Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the United States and Australian military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
Conference is Approved by the DON/AA. Click here to download the approval memo.
View the Agenda
Keynote Speakers
AVM Chris Deeble, AM, CSC (Australia) (confirmed)
Program Manager for the Joint Strike Fighter Program
RADM Mathias Winter (confirmed)
Chief of Naval Research/Director, Innovation Technology Requirements, and Test & Evaluation (N84)
Ms. Margie Palmieri (confirmed)
Director, Integrated Fires OPNAV
RDML Scott A. Stearney, USN (confirmed)
Commander, Navy Warfare Development Command
Register Now

EDUCATION YOU NEED: Plan Now for Great Upcoming Courses Close to You!
April 2
Electronic Protection and Digital RF Memories
Instructor: Mr. Dave Adamy
Pt. Mugu, CA
April 14-17
EW 104: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: US SECRET
Linthicum, MD
May 12-15
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
June 23-26
Advanced Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Dave Adamy
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA

REGISTER TODAY: AOC Electronic Warfare Brazil, April 16 in Rio de Janeiro
"Evolving Electronic Warfare in Latin America"
The AOC will hold s inaugural AOC Latin America symposium during LAAD, Brazil, currently planned for April 16, 2015, in conjunction with our logistics partner and LAAD organizer, Clarion Events. The conference language
will be Portuguese and English.
EW Latin America 2015 will be attended by a wide range of leading military, government, academic and industrial leaders and thinkers from across the region and beyond. The inaugural symposium audience will include senior-serving military leaders and operators, security personnel, government officials, leading academics and world-class industry leaders, and it will discuss the increasingly important field, in Latin America, of electronic warfare and associated electromagnetic operations (EMO), including signals intelligence, information operations, air platform protection, land EW operations, innovative maritime EW solutions, EW-capable UAVs, operational experience and advanced technology.In common with our other global events, an EW, EMO, SIGINT and associated C4ISR dedicated exhibition is being arranged by Clarion Events within the AOC Pavilion.
Key Speakers and Topics Include:
Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, Brasilian Navy (Ret.), Executive Vice President, AOC Wild Parrots Roost Chapter
Cdr. Carla Martins, President, Wild Parrots Roost
Roberto Gallo, General Coordinator, COMCIBER/ABIMDE
Coronel Francisco Eduardo Medved, Deputy Chief of Operational Intelligence Ministry of Defence
Evolution of Electronic Warfare in the Navy of Brazil
Captain Leonardo da Silva Mello, Director, Navy Electronic Warfare Centre
Gripen NG: Technology in Defense of Brazilian Airspace
Brigadier José Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, President Coordinating Committee of the Combat Aircraft Programme – COPAC
The Evolution of Electronic Warfare in the Brazilian Air Force
Lieutenant-Colonel Luciano Barbosa Magalhães, Head of Electronic Warfare General Command of Air Operations – COMGAR
Electronic Warfare Laboratory – Research Applied to National Sovereignty
Lieutenant-Colonel Lester, Electronic Warfare Laboratory Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA
Effective Naval Electronic Defense
Filippo Neri, CEO, Virtualabs, Italy
Symposium planning is being led the AOC Director Global Operations, Wing Commander John Clifford, OBE, RAF (Ret.), who can be contacted at clifford@crows.org.
Conference Details

REGISTER NOW: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
As nations refocus on contingency operations after more than a decade of counterinsurgency, there are many challenges and opportunities for governments, the military, academia, science and technology, and industry. Events in 2014 have reminded us of the deadly nature of RF-guided weaponry and that the counterinsurgency threat has not gone away, but intensified.
National forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face the future, which will be contested, congested, complex, connected, constrained and potentially chaotic unless the right informed choices are made now. AOC EW Stockholm 2015 will look at future EW from three connected perspectives – innovation by industry, government agencies and academia, the importance of information (including cyber) and interoperability both of capabilities like EW, SIGINT and ISR and between services and partners in joint, combined and coalition operations.
Register Now for this premier AOC Global event!
Conference Details
NEW DETAILS: 6th Annual Electronic Warfare/Cyber Convergence Conference
June 2-4, 2015 | SPAWAR, Charleston, SC
Electronic warfare and cyberspace technical capabilities are becoming more technically similar. However, the communities that practice these disciplines remain largely separated and vary widely across the military services in terms of their equipment, unit organization and operating methodologies. This conference provides the EW and cyberspace communities an opportunity to collaborate and discus capabilities, TTPs and research in EW and cyberspace operations to enable more rapid deployment of new and improved capabilities. The EW/Cyberspace Convergence Conference identifies ways to develop advanced technologies and systems to address the changing battlefield dynamics of the digital age and bring EW and cyberspace together for the warfighter!
Conference Page
Join the Peachtree Roost and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) for the International & Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Electronic Warfare (EW) Symposium & Workshop, June 8-12, 2015 at the GTRI Conference Center, Building 250 14th St., Atlanta, GA 30318. The theme for this event is "Navigating the International EW Market." AOC members receive a $50 discount!
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NEXT WEEK: Register Now for the 40th Annual Dixie Crow Symposium, March 22-26
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows is proud to announce their 40th Annual Dixie Crow EW/IO Symposium to be held in Warner Robins at the Museum of Aviation, Robins AFB, GA. Our theme, "The Power of EW & ISR for Sustained Air Supremacy," emphasizes the important work carried out by the men and women on Robins AFB, military and civilian along with our local contractors. The defense complex supports worldwide those who develop and maintain electronic warfare (EW) and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems deployed by our warfighters on a daily basis to defend our freedom and preserve liberty around the world.
Event Registration: Dixiecrow2015.infinity-international.com
We are happy to have the following committed speakers to date:
Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.) – Banquet Speaker
Maj. Gen. Ken Israel, USAF (Ret.), AOC President – Guest Speaker
Maj. Gen. Bob "Cowboy" Dulaney, USAF (Ret.) – F-35 Community Relations, LM
Col. John "Hap" Arnold, USAF (Ret.) – DARPA
Lt. Col. Chad "Cheat" Fager, Deputy Commander, 53rd EWG
Lt. Col. Gene "Joker" McFalls, 53rd EWG/F-35 – Banquet Emcee
Clearance is required for access to the 40th Annual Dixie Crow Symposium technical sessions.
Learn More About the Dixie Crow Symposium
INDUSTRY NEWS: Work Elevates Electronic Warfare, Eye On Missile Defense |
 The Pentagon is creating a new high-level council to direct all Pentagon electronic warfare programs, Deputy Secretary Robert Work said this morning. The Pentagon’s top weapons buyer and the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will lead the group, which will make permanent a top-level focus on a long-undervalued aspect of modern warfare. The unanswered question, of course, remains Jerry McGuire’s: Show me the money. (Breaking Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: World Events, F-35 Delays Drive Hornet Push |
 The U.S. Navy's case for requesting more Boeing-made F/A-18 Super Hornet strike fighters rests with two issues: requirements and replacements. It's been only two years since the US Navy quit buying F/A-18 Super Hornet strike fighters – part of a long-planned transition to the F-35C joint strike fighter – but a confluence of events has led to the new possibility that more attack aircraft could be ordered from Boeing. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: USN Hornet Push Reshapes Cost, Export Picture |
 The needs of the U.S. Navy aside, the prospect of keeping Boeing in the business of building Super Hornet fighters raises any number of cost issues, along with the possibility of more future exports. Last week, Navy officials made the case for requesting additional funding for two to three dozen more F/A-18s in order to have enough aircraft to meet missions as the service awaits the F-35. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Cyber and Electronic Warfare Stand Out in Navy's Maritime Strategy |
 U.S. Navy ships increasingly reliance on computers and software to operate make them plum targets to cyber or electromagnetic attacks, according to a new maritime strategy released by the Navy. If a ship's systems, such as navigation, sensors, communications systems and weaponry, are increasingly computer-reliant, a higher priority must be placed on the ship's cyber security systems, the strategy suggests. (Military.com)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Winning The War of Electrons: Inside the New Maritime Strategy |
 We must win the war of electrons in a more dangerous world. That’s the stark imperative behind the bland title of the new maritime strategy released today by the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. "There is an offensive warfighting tone to this document that says, where the United States has interests, it needs access, [and] it can have that access," said the new Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Joseph Dunford, speaking this week at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (Breaking Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: NAVSEA Commander Visits NSWC Crane |
 Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane Division was privileged to host Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides, Commander of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) on Tuesday. The NAVSEA Commander oversees a global workforce of more than 56,000 military and civilian personnel responsible for the development, delivery and maintenance of the Navy's ships, submarines and systems. (Greene County Daily World)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Drone War in Ukraine Forces Big Tech Changes |
 At the Donetsk Airport, a handful of Ukrainian military men by January 19 had been fighting off the Russian-backed Donetsk People’s Republic, or DPR, for months. Much of the airport structure had been obliterated. The once-smooth runway was a lunar landscape of debris, craters and blast marks. A small eight-rotor drone rose up form the ruin and ascends out toward the battlefield, sending live video of DPR artillery positions to the Ukrainian military. (The Fiscal Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: New U.S. Stealth Bomber Shrouded in Mystery |
 Nearly 30 years after the first U.S. stealth bomber took flight, the Air Force's aging fleet is primed for a makeover; albeit an expensive one. The Pentagon is looking to upgrade its stealth aircraft for the first time since the 1970s, developing a high-priority, super-classified, next-generation bomber. (CNN)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Denel Working on Electronic Warfare Programmes |
 Arms manufacturer Denel will work with GEW Technologies, owned by Airbus, on future electronic warfare programmes for South Africa, the parastatal said on Tuesday. Electronic warfare technology has been singled out in the 2014 defence review as a "key technology domain" and a "sovereign capability" which must be under the control of local South African companies, Denel said in a statement. (The Citizen South Africa)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Training Cited in Turkish Aircraft Losses |
 In December 2013, Turkish officials warned that because military pilots were leaving service at such an alarming rate, much greater attention must be paid to the training regime. Slightly over a year later, Turkey mourns the loss of six pilots in a span of six days. (Defense News)
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