INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. F-22 EW-Enabled Sensor-Rich Stealth Aircraft Have Escorted Jordanian F-16s During Air Strikes on ISIS |
 According to Air Force Times, U.S. Central Command CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center) tasked the F-22 Raptors and the F-16CJs, along with an unspecified unmanned aircraft that provided intelligence gathering and surveillance, to escort the Jordanian aircraft launched against Islamic State positions. (The Aviationist)
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AOC VIRUTAL SERIES: There is Still Space Available for Today’s "Vulnerabilities of LTE" Webinar
TODAY, February 19, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is one of the choices for next generation broadband wireless networks. LTE is expected to be the most dominant fourth-generation technology. This commercial technology is also under consideration for defense applications where security, reliability and interoperability issues need to be addressed. This webinar offers a glimpse of vulnerabilities and challenges of LTE. A brief overview of LTE is given. Air interface challenges such as jamming and interference vulnerabilities are described, as well as interoperability with pulsed signals (radars). Extension of LTE to various applications such as planes and satellites will be discussed and associated technology development challenges are summarized. By the conclusion of this webinar, you will be able to describe LTE capabilities, air interface challenges and technology development challenges of LTE in defense applications.
Register Now
Platinum Sponsor
OBITUARY: Dr. Richard "Dick" Wiley Passes |
 Dr. Richard "Dick" G. Wiley, 77, of Skaneateles, N.Y., passed away February 2nd in Singapore. Born in Waynesburg, he moved to Onondaga Hill, N.Y., in 1963. He lived in Skaneateles since 1989. "Wiley Bird" was in Singapore doing what he was passionate about - teaching a class on electronic warfare. He was co-founder, vice president and chief scientist of Research Associates of Syracuse (RAS) before his recent retirement. Before RAS, he was employed by the Syracuse Research Corp. and Microwave Systems, Inc. He was a captain with the U.S. Army Security Agency Special Projects Unit.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Military Looking To Give Troops Super Sensing Abilities |
 The Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, DARPA, on Tuesday announced a new program to give troops unprecedented situational awareness, the ability to sense threats more than half a mile away (1,000 meters) and to understand the location of all of their team even in environments with degraded communications and no GPS. (DefenseOne)
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LESS THAN TWO WEEKS Remain to Submit Nominations for the AOC Board of Directors
Nominations for the 2015 AOC Board of Directors election are being accepted through Monday, March 2. The election will begin on July 1, 2015 and will end on July 31, 2015.
The 2015 election slate will include the annually elected position of President-Elect, which as defined in the Bylaws, will result in that successful person serving consecutive terms beginning at Convention in 2015 – first as Vice President, followed by the Presidential term a year later beginning in 2016. The AOC President appoints the association’s Secretary and Treasurer, presides over the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and appoints committee chairs. The President is also the AOC’s primary spokesperson, visiting AOC chapters around the world and meeting with leaders in the Electronic Warfare, Cyber, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) and Information Operations (IO) communities. This is a significant but rewarding commitment.
The 2015 election slate also will include two (2) At Large Director positions. At Large Directors serve a three (3)-year term. In addition, three (3) Regional Directors will be elected for three (3)-year terms from the Mid-Atlantic, Central and Pacific Regions.
Download a 2015 AOC Nomination Form here. Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by close-of-business on Monday, March 2, 2015. If you wish to nominate more than one person, please duplicate the form. Nomination forms are also available on the AOC website at or by contacting the AOC’s Director of Membership, Ms. Glorianne O’Neilin, at
INDUSTRY NEWS: Extra Space on the America Enhances Flight Ops |
 The Navy's newest amphibious assault ship, America, has some of the fleet's most advanced command and control capabilities and electronic warfare technology, but one low-tech asset has won over sailors and Marines who have been underway: space. (Marine Corps Times)
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INVEST IN YOURSELF THIS YEAR: Expanded Live Online Webcourses Bring Education to You!
March 4– LIVE Online!
Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Live Online Webcourse
April 14-17
EW 104: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: US SECRET
Linthicum, MD
May 12-15
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA
INDUSTRY NEWS: Air Force Issues RFI for Electronic Warfare Technology |
 The U.S. Air Force has issued a Request for Information for a near to midterm technological road map for development of electronic warfare receiver systems. The Air Force Research Laboratory and Air Force Life Cycle Management Center will use the information received from industry to identify potential technology investment and maturation efforts needed to develop next-generation receiver technology to address current and future radar agile threat waveforms. (UPI)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Radar Mission to Ukraine Proves Challenging, Successful |
 A team of Army personnel that included two depot technicians gave the Ukrainian army the ability to accurately track mortar rounds. Lightweight counter mortar radars that backtrack incoming mortar rounds, enabling quick countermeasures recently were delivered to Ukraine. According to the Department of Defense website, the radar systems are the first to be delivered so U.S. Army military and civilian personnel can train members of the Ukrainian armed forces. (
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AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Test and Measurement Receiver Architectures for Use in SIGINT, EW and Radar Applications, March 12
March 12, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Receivers found in Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Radar applications possess certain characteristics such as bandwidth, dynamic range, sensitivity, and cost that are optimized for their particular use case. In addition, test and measurement signal analyzers use these applications as a means of both characterizing microwave components and verifying complete systems. Due to the general purpose nature of test and measurement equipment, the necessary flexibility can also lead to confusion in how best to configure the instrument for a particular measurement situation. In this presentation signal analyzers based on both super-heterodyne and direct conversion architectures are analyzed with emphasis on showing how to minimize analyzer generated spurious responses. Knowing the source of distortion enables the user to optimize the signal analyzer performance for any measurement scenario.


INDUSTRY NEWS: Bridging the Air Gap: The Coming "Third Offset" |
 Consider yourself warned: other militaries appear to be developing an unsettling attack capability with game-changing consequences for America’s ability to project military might abroad. This platform does not take the form of a precision-guided munition or a next-generation fighter aircraft. It is also not a cyber-attack in the traditional sense, over Internet connections and terrestrial wires. (War on the Rocks)
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REGISTER TODAY: 40th Annual Dixie Crow Symposium, March 22-26
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows is proud to announce their 40th Annual Dixie Crow EW/IO Symposium to be held in Warner Robins at the Museum of Aviation, Robins AFB, Georgia. Our theme, "The Power of EW & ISR for Sustained Air Supremacy," emphasizes the important work carried out by the men and women on Robins AFB, military and civilian along with our local contractors. The defense complex supports worldwide those who develop and maintain Electronic Warfare (EW) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems deployed by our warfighters on a daily basis to defend our freedom and preserve liberty around the world.
Event Registration:
We are happy to have the following committed speakers to date:
Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.) – Banquet Speaker
Maj. Gen. Ken Israel, USAF (Ret.), AOC President – Guest Speaker
Maj. Gen. Bob "Cowboy" Dulaney, USAF (Ret.) – F-35 Community Relations, LM
Col. John "Hap" Arnold, USAF (Ret.) – DARPA
Lt. Col. Chad "Cheat" Fager, Deputy Commander, 53rd EWG
Lt. Col. Gene "Joker" McFalls, 53rd EWG/F-35 – Banquet Emcee
Clearance is required for access to the 40th Annual Dixie Crow Symposium technical sessions.
Learn More About the Dixie Crow Symposium
The US Air Force will use the T-X jet trainer replacement as the guinea pig for an upcoming wave of cost-cutting experiments that will search for places where platform capability can be reasonably sacrificed in exchange for acquisition cost reduction. Air force officials have finalized the requirements for the T-X, which will replace the Northrop Grumman T-38 Talon, which fighter and bomber pilots fly in preparation for helming combat aircraft. (Flightglobal)
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NEW AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Opening the US DoD for EW Businesses, March 26
Thursday, March 26, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Are you trying to break into EW programs with the US DoD? If you are new to the DoD EW industry, or have only focused on one Service in the past, Stan VanderWerf, USAF (Ret.) will provide a brief on how to access the EW market for all Services. We will also discuss several of the entry points for Service and Joint research, development, and testing. Collectively, there are several organizations to interact with for market entry and understanding them will help you build an effective business growth strategy.
Gold Sponsor

AGENDA NOW AVAILABLE: 44th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, March 31-April 3, 2015, Pt. Mugu, CA
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface space and cyberspace systems. The 44th Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the United States and Australian military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
View the New Agenda
Keynote Speakers

VADM David Dunaway, USN (invited)
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
RADM Donald Gaddis, USN (invited)
Program Executive Officer, Tactical Aircraft Programs [PEO(T)] Naval
Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
RDML Scott A. Stearney, USN (invited)
Commander, Navy Warfare Development Command
Ms. Margie Palmieri (invited)
Director, Integrated Fires OPNAV
Register Now
INDUSTRY NEWS: A Turnaround For India’s First Indigenous Fighter |
 After almost 30 years of design and development, deliveries of India’s indigenous lightweight fighter, the Tejas, to the air force are finally underway. But achieving full operational capability, fielding a naval variant and developing a fully capable Mk. 2 version remain to be done. In spite of the length of time, handover of the first Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) series-production Tejas – aircraft SP-1 – to the Indian air force on Jan. 17 was hailed as an achievement. (Aviation Week)
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PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: AOC EW Latin America 2015, April 16 in Rio!
"Evolving Electronic Warfare in Latin America"
The AOC is planning to hold its inaugural AOC Latin America symposium during LAAD, Brazil, currently planned for April 16, 2015, in conjunction with our logistics partner and LAAD organizer, Clarion Events. The conference language
will be predominantly Portuguese.
EW Latin America 2015 will be attended by a wide range of leading military, government, academic and industrial leaders and thinkers from across the region and beyond. The inaugural symposium audience will include senior serving military leaders and operators, security personnel, government officials, leading academics and world class industry leaders, and will discuss the increasingly important field, in Latin America, of Electronic Warfare and associated Electromagnetic Operations (EMO), including signals intelligence, information operations, air platform protection, land EW operations, innovative maritime EW solutions, EW-capable UAVs, operational experience and advanced technology. Focus areas include:
• Keynote speakers
• Regional issues and factors
• EW capability and the maritime, land, air/space, electromagnetic and cyberspace operational environments; platform protection and situational awareness
• Operational experience and lessons
• Information operations, cyber and network enabled capability
• EW operational support and modelling and simulation
• EW Developments from Industry
• EW concepts and critical lines of capability development
• Related EM capabilities including C4ISR, SIGINT and Spectrum Management In common with our other global events, an EW, EMO, SIGINT and associated C4ISR dedicated exhibition is being arranged by Clarion Events within the AOC Pavilion.
Symposium planning is being led the AOC Director Global Operations, Wing Commander John Clifford, OBE, RAF (Ret.), who can be contacted at
Stay tuned to for more information.
INDUSTRY NEWS: Egypt's Order for 24 Rafales Confirmed |
 Thales has confirmed that Egypt has ordered 24 Dassault Rafale multirole aircraft, following a selection announcement for an undisclosed number of the type on 12 February. Dassault had previously announced that the aircraft had been selected by Cairo, but an order was not specifically announced, and nor was the number of required aircraft disclosed. This will mark the first export order for the Rafale; until now Dassault has encountered difficulties in securing an international sale outside of France. (Flightglobal)
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PAPERS DUE NEXT FRIDAY: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
As nations refocus on contingency operations after over a decade of counterinsurgency, there are many challenges and opportunities for governments, the military, academia, science and technology, and industry. Events in 2014 have reminded us of the deadly nature of RF-guided weaponry and that the counterinsurgency threat has not gone away, but intensified. Air attacks on IS terrorists in Syria and Iraq are inevitably enabled by the usual panoply of Electromagnetic (EM) operations: SIGINT, C4ISR, precise navigation and timing, targeting, communications, spectrum management and the whole gamut of EW. EM-enabled cyber operations are part of defeating terrorists, as well as state actors across the spectrum of warfare, starting with influence and counter-propaganda and most likely going much further.
National forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face the future, which will be contested, congested, complex, connected, constrained and potentially chaotic unless the right informed choices are made now. AOC EW Stockholm 2015 will look at future EW from three connected perspectives – innovation by industry, government agencies and academia, the importance of information (including cyber) and interoperability both of capabilities like EW, SIGINT and ISR and between services and partners in joint, combined and coalition operations.
Mark your calendars now for this premier AOC Global event!
Conference Details
The AOC is soliciting original unclassified English language papers for the Stockholm conference from international leaders, military personnel, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the military, academia and industry. Please contact the conference director, John Clifford (, if you are interested in speaking or want more information and provide the title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. The deadline for submitting is close of business Friday, February 27, 2015 but earlier is better.
More Information
SAVE THE DATE: 6th Annual Electronic Warfare/Cyber Convergence Conference
June 2-4, 2015 | SPAWAR, Charleston, SC
Plan now to attend this annual event. More details to follow in the new year.
Conference Page
Also, Save the Date for the 7th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange, August 11-13 in Crane, IN. Look for updates in the coming months on the Conference Page.