
ON FRIDAY: AOC Virtual Series, Fundamental Tradeoffs in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
January 30, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a remote sensing technology capable of providing detailed two- and three-dimensional images of terrain and man-made structures and objects around the clock and under virtually all weather conditions. SARs are hosted on platforms ranging from small unmanned air vehicles, to commercial and military manned aircraft, to earth orbiting satellites, and have a host of scientific, commercial and defense applications.
An ideal SAR would provide fine resolution, high sensitivity imagery of large areas in a short time. In practice, the achievable resolution, sensitivity and area rates are determined by basic system parameters, such as power, bandwidth, standoff range, antenna design, processing capability and more. In this webinar, Dr. Mark Richards summarizes representative performance goals for a few broad classes of SAR applications and how they depend on basic radar parameters. In this context, he then shows how these goals sometimes interact and conflict, requiring the SAR engineer to tradeoff key system characteristics such as antenna size and PRF, or resolution and area coverage. Because data processing, requirements can also become a critical bottleneck, the increasingly important issue of onboard processing power efficiency vs. data link capabilities, especially in small platforms such as UAVs, will be described.
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Platinum Sponsor

PRESENTATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 2: 44th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, March 31-April 3, 2015, Pt. Mugu, CA
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface space and cyberspace systems. The 44th Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the United States and Australian military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
This call for presentations or demonstrations challenges presenters to explore the way forward in enabling collaborative EW through innovation and invention. Presentations or demonstrations from all United States and Australian Services, DoD, industry and academia are requested that identify technical paths, options and potential opportunities for EW collaboration. Submitted abstracts are specifically requested to address one or more of the symposium sessions: threat trends, collaborative EW science and technology perspectives, cognitive and adaptive EW technologies, coordinated/distributed networked-enabled systems and warfighter perspectives. Amplifying information on these supporting topics and draft agenda are referenced below.
Abstracts for presentations are required in unclassified textual format. Please forward abstracts to Ms. Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org. The deadline is February 2, 2015. We request that abstracts be limited to one page of text or 400 words.
To facilitate the selection processes, please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name, session number and short title. For example: "Herrera_session1_Welcome and Intro.doc." Symposium presentations may be unclassified or classified; however, abstracts should be unclassified. Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will be by February 6, 2015. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or earlier format. In order to meet required foreign disclosure procedures, final presentations are required to be submitted with appropriate foreign disclosure paperwork by February 23, 2015 to ensure adequate processing. Foreign disclosure processes will be listed on the conference web site www.crows.org when finalized.
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INVEST IN YOURSELF THIS YEAR: Expanded Live Online Webcourses Bring Education to You!
February 4– LIVE Online!
Essential EW Terms and Concepts
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Live Online Webcourse
March 4– LIVE Online!
Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: Unclassified
Live Online Webcourse
April 14-17
EW 104: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
Classification: US SECRET
Linthicum, MD
April 30 – LIVE Online!
Coping with Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
Classification: Unclassified
Live Online Webcourse
May 12-15
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Mr. Robert Samuel
Classification: Unclassified
Alexandria, VA

NEW FEBRUARY WEBINAR SERIES: Don't Miss Two New AOC Virtual Series on LTE, February 12 and 19!
LTE – Ready for Critical Communication?
February 12, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
The worldwide success of UMTS Long Term Evolution (LTE) as THE wireless communication standard for mobile broadband data and High Definition (HD) voice delivery, including video, in today’s commercial communication networks has led to a commitment by governmental authorities to select LTE as underlying technology also for the next generation public safety network. In the United States, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has reserved paired spectrum of two times 10 MHz bandwidth in the 700 MHz for a nationwide public safety network, which should be deployed, maintained and serviced by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet). Recently, South Korea has also announced plans to deploy a nationwide network for critical communication based on LTE. However, LTE as a technology, and in its current version, is not quite ready to support all the requirements of the public safety community. Features like device-to-device communication (D2D) or group communication are not yet part of the standard. In fact, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the standardization body behind LTE, is still working on these enhancements. They are intended to become part of the next release of relevant technical specification, known as 3GPP Release 12 to be finalized by end of 2014. Further enhancements like Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) will be part of the following release 13. Adding these features and its Self Organizing Network (SON) capabilities makes LTE also an interesting candidate to be used as underlying technology for next generation tactical communication to be used at the "battlefield of the future." In this presentation, the current status of standardization will be presented and resulting technical challenges will be identified.
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Vulnerabilities of LTE
February 19, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is one of the choices for next generation broadband wireless networks. LTE is expected to be the most dominant fourth-generation technology. This commercial technology is also under consideration for defense applications where security, reliability and interoperability issues need to be addressed. This webinar offers a glimpse of vulnerabilities and challenges of LTE. A brief overview of LTE is given. Air interface challenges such as jamming and interference vulnerabilities are described, as well as interoperability with pulsed signals (radars). Extension of LTE to various applications such as planes and satellites will be discussed and associated technology development challenges are summarized. By the conclusion of this webinar, you will be able to describe LTE capabilities, air interface challenges and technology development challenges of LTE in defense applications.
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Platinum Sponsor

JUST ANNOUNCED: AOC EW Latin America 2015, April 16 in Rio!
"Evolving Electronic Warfare in Latin America"
The AOC is planning to hold its inaugural AOC Latin America symposium during LAAD, Brazil, currently planned for April 16, 2015, in conjunction with our logistics partner and LAAD organizer, Clarion Events. The conference language
will be predominantly Portuguese.
EW Latin America 2015 will be attended by a wide range of leading military, government, academic and industrial leaders and thinkers from across the region and beyond. The inaugural symposium audience will include senior serving military leaders and operators, security personnel, government officials, leading academics and world class industry leaders, and will discuss the increasingly important field, in Latin America, of Electronic Warfare and associated Electromagnetic Operations (EMO), including signals intelligence, information operations, air platform protection, land EW operations, innovative maritime EW solutions, EW-capable UAVs, operational experience and advanced technology. Focus areas include:
• Keynote speakers
• Regional issues and factors
• EW capability and the maritime, land, air/space, electromagnetic and cyberspace operational environments; platform protection and situational awareness
• Operational experience and lessons
• Information operations, cyber and network enabled capability
• EW operational support and modelling and simulation
• EW Developments from Industry
• EW concepts and critical lines of capability development
• Related EM capabilities including C4ISR, SIGINT and Spectrum Management In common with our other global events, an EW, EMO, SIGINT and associated C4ISR dedicated exhibition is being arranged by Clarion Events within the AOC Pavilion.
Symposium planning is being led the AOC Director Global Operations, Wing Commander John Clifford, OBE, RAF (Ret.), who can be contacted at clifford@crows.org.
Stay tuned to www.crows.org for more information.

CALL FOR PAPERS: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
As nations refocus on contingency operations after over a decade of counterinsurgency, there are many challenges and opportunities for governments, the military, academia, science and technology, and industry. Events in 2014 have reminded us of the deadly nature of RF-guided weaponry and that the counterinsurgency threat has not gone away, but intensified. Air attacks on IS terrorists in Syria and Iraq are inevitably enabled by the usual panoply of Electromagnetic (EM) operations: SIGINT, C4ISR, precise navigation and timing, targeting, communications, spectrum management and the whole gamut of EW. EM-enabled cyber operations are part of defeating terrorists, as well as state actors across the spectrum of warfare, starting with influence and counter-propaganda and most likely going much further.
National forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face the future, which will be contested, congested, complex, connected, constrained and potentially chaotic unless the right informed choices are made now. AOC EW Stockholm 2015 will look at future EW from three connected perspectives – innovation by industry, government agencies and academia, the importance of information (including cyber) and interoperability both of capabilities like EW, SIGINT and ISR and between services and partners in joint, combined and coalition operations.
Mark your calendars now for this premier AOC Global event!
Conference Details
The AOC is soliciting original unclassified English language papers for the Stockholm conference from international leaders, military personnel, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the military, academia and industry. Please contact the conference director, John Clifford ( clifford@crows.org), if you are interested in speaking or want more information and provide the title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. The deadline for submitting is close of business Friday, February 27, 2015 but earlier is better.
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SAVE THE DATE: 6th Annual Electronic Warfare/Cyber Convergence Conference
June 2-4, 2015 | SPAWAR, Charleston, SC
Plan now to attend this annual event. More details to follow in the new year.
Conference Page
Also, Save the Date for the 7th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange, August 11-13 in Crane, IN. Look for updates in the coming months on the Conference Page.
REGISTER NOW: Third National EW Workshop India, February 11-13, 2015 in Bangalore
The AOC India Chapter has announced its third National EW Workshop India (EWWI 2015) next February at the National Science Seminar Complex (NSSC) at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. EWWI 2015 is the third event in the EWWI series of National-Level Workshops, the only national-level event in India in the field of Electronic Warfare, the niche and crucial part of Modern Warfare. The Workshop is being organized by the organizers of the prestigious EWCI series of International EW Conferences in India, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) India Chapter, Bangalore, India. The three-day workshop is designed to impart in-depth professional knowledge covering highly advanced and emerging topics in the field of EW.

AOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Nominate a Colleague for the 2015 Elections
Nominations for the 2015 AOC Board of Directors election are now being accepted. The election will begin on July 1, 2015 and will end on July 31, 2015.
The 2015 election slate will include the annually elected position of President-Elect, which as defined in the Bylaws, will result in that successful person serving consecutive terms beginning at Convention in 2015 – first as Vice President, followed by the Presidential term a year later beginning in 2016. The AOC President appoints the association’s Secretary and Treasurer, presides over the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and appoints committee chairs. The President is also the AOC’s primary spokesperson, visiting AOC chapters around the world and meeting with leaders in the Electronic Warfare, Cyber, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) and Information Operations (IO) communities. This is a significant but rewarding commitment.
The 2015 election slate also will include two (2) At Large Director positions. At Large Directors serve a three (3)-year term. In addition, three (3) Regional Directors will be elected for three (3)-year terms from the Mid-Atlantic, Central and Pacific Regions.
A 2015 AOC Nomination Form is attached. Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by close-of-business on Monday, March 2, 2015. If you wish to nominate more than one person, please duplicate the form. Nomination forms are also available on the AOC website at www.crows.org or by contacting the AOC’s Director of Membership, Ms. Glorianne O’Neilin, at oneilin@crows.org.
REGISTER NOW: 40th Annual Dixie Crow Symposium, March 22-26
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows is proud to announce their 40th Annual Dixie Crow EW/IO Symposium to be held in Warner Robins at the Museum of Aviation, Robins AFB, Georgia. Our theme, "The Power of EW & ISR for Sustained Air Supremacy;" emphasizes the important work carried out by the men and women on Robins AFB; military and civilian along with our local contractors. The defense complex supports worldwide those that develop and maintain Electronic Warfare (EW) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems deployed by our Warfighters on a daily basis to defend our freedom and preserve liberty around the world.
Event Registration: Dixiecrow2015.infinity-international.com
We are happy to have the following committed speakers to date:
Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.) – Banquet Speaker
Maj. Gen. Ken Israel, USAF (Ret.), AOC President – Guest Speaker
Maj. Gen. Bob "Cowboy" Dulaney, USAF (Ret.) – F-35 Community Relations, LM
Col. John "Hap" Arnold, USAF (Ret.) – DARPA
Lt. Col. Chad "Cheat" Fager, Deputy Commander, 53rd EWG
Lt. Col. Gene "Joker" McFalls, 53rd EWG/F-35 – Banquet Emcee
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Former Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane Commander Passes
The Crane community is saddened by news of the recent death of a former commanding officer, Retired U.S. Navy Captain Charles LaSota. The Bloomfield resident, who led Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane) from July of 2008 to Oct. of 2011, passed away Monday, January 26 after struggling with pancreatic cancer. (NewsBarb)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. EA-18G Growlers Getting New Electronic Warfare System |
 Electronic warfare systems for U.S. Navy and Australian EA-18G Growlers are to be produced by DRS Technologies Inc., the company announced. The Joint Tactical Terminal Receivers are to be produced under an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity award from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, in Indiana, which combines U.S. Navy orders and orders placed by Australia through the Foreign Military Sales program. (UPI)
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Exelis has received a U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center contract valued at $15.3 million to perform essential sustainment work on the ALQ-99 tactical jamming system, the company announced in a January 26 release. The ALQ-99 is used on the Navy’s EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft. The technology also will be provided to the Australian government through the Defense Department’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, the first time the ALQ-99 has been made available to an international ally. (SEAPOWER Magazine)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Threat of New Russian Incursion as Violence Flares in Ukraine |
 There are signs Russian forces are building up their presence in eastern Ukraine, where fighting in recent days between Ukrainian troops and separatists has intensified, NATO Supreme Allied Command Gen. Philip Breedlove said Thursday. Hallmark features of previous Russian buildups are evident, Breedlove said. "We are beginning to see the signatures of air defense systems and electronic warfare systems that have accompanied past Russian troop movements into Ukraine, but we are unable at this moment to confirm any specific number of additional Russian troops inside eastern Ukraine," he said. (Stars and Stripes)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Marine Prowler Officers Will Soon Operate Drones |
 As the EA-6B Prowler flies into retirement and the Corps takes a new approach to electronic warfare, Marines who spent their careers in the radar-jamming aircraft will be transferred to other military occupation specialties. Most Marines in the 7588 electronic warfare officer MOS will become 7315 unmanned aircraft systems officers. Concurrently, the Corps is changing the duties of the 7315 MOS. (Marine Corps Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Jammin' the White House |
 The discovery Monday that a cheap commercial drone penetrated the White House perimeter is like a bad dream come true for the Secret Service, even if it’s one that ended well this time. The agency has suffered versions of this nightmare for years, worrying about the threat from remote, radio-frequency triggered devices, in other words bombs placed along motorcade routes or in hard-to-secure areas at presidential venues. (Politico)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: DARPA Wants Drones to Hunt in PACKS |
 Flying a military drone in a warzone or other dangerous locations currently requires a team of human operators. But this could be about to change, as the U.S. military looks to enable drones to hunt in "coordinated packs" with minimal human supervision. The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) will host a number of meetings in March to discuss how aircraft could work together to find, identify and engage targets with fewer humans controlling them. (The Daily Mail)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Ramstein Airmen Train with French Air Force |
 Airmen from the 37th Airlift Squadron participated in Volfa 15-1, an annual, multilateral training event led by the French air force at Orleans – Bricy Air Base, France, January 21. The exercise increases the interoperability of airlift squadrons within NATO and tests entry forces' actions in high-level electronic warfare. The exercise is one of the ways Airmen can stay ready, develop partnerships and hone their ability to respond anywhere at any time. (AF.mil)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: NSA Details Chinese Cyber Theft of F-35, Military Secrets |
 China obtained more than 50 terabytes of data from U.S. defense and government networks, notably the Joint Strike Fighter’s stealth radar and engine secrets, through cyber espionage, according to newly disclosed National Security Agency documents. (The Washington Free Beacon)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Blends Intelligence Into its Battlefield Network |
 The Army’s Warfighter Information Network – Tactical (WIN-T) is an immensely important resource for operators in the field. Among its chief functions, WIN-T network provides critical Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities to soldiers on a mobile and secure network. (Defense Systems)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Turkish Jammer Program Indicates 'Urgent' Need |
 Although a local Turkish company has engaged in talks with foreign aircraft manufacturers to build a stand-off jammer (SOJ) system, the procurement office has launched a parallel program to procure similar systems from a foreign supplier. The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) has announced that the new program will involve "production, delivery and acceptance of the systems; installation and integration of mission equipment into the systems; construction of barracks and buildings; test and assessment of the systems; maintenance, repairs, technical support, spare parts; supply of ground support equipment and their spare parts and overall training." (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy Wants to Increase Use of Sonar-Emitting Buoys
The U.S. Navy is seeking permits to expand sonar and other training exercises off the Pacific Coast, a proposal raising concerns from animal advocates who say that more sonar-emitting buoys would harm whales and other creatures that live in the water. The Navy wants to deploy up to 720 sonobuoys at least 12 nautical miles off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and Northern California. The devices, about 3 feet long and 6 inches in diameter, send out sonar signals underwater so air crews can train to detect submarines. (Fresno Bee)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Chinese Spies Expand Operations in Taiwan |
 As relations continue to expand between China and Taiwan since the election of Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in 2008, so does espionage. With the 2009 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, cross-strait ties have flourished. The number of Chinese visitors to the island is now around 3 million annually. The joke among many government officials in Beijing, according to media reports, is that it will be easier to buy Taiwan than invade it. (Defense News)
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