DON'T MISS THE NEXT FREE AOC WEBINAR: Register Now for Enhancing Network Security, December 11
Thursday, December 11 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
Wireless Access Points (WAP) remain one of the top 10 network security threats. Research has focused on developing a physical (PHY) layer aware Radio Frequency (RF) air monitoring system with multi-factor authentication to provide a first line of defense for network security – stopping attackers before they can gain access to critical infrastructure networks through vulnerable WAPs. This webinar will present early results on the identification of OFDM-based 802.11a WiFi devices using RF Distinct Native Attribute (RF-DNA) fingerprints produced by the Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT). These fingerprints are input to a "Learning from Signals" (LFS) classifier, which uses hybrid Differential Evolution/Conjugate Gradient (DECG) optimization to determine the optimal features for a low-rank model to be used for authentication. Results are presented for devices under the most challenging conditions of intra-manufacturer classification, i.e., same-manufacturer, same-model, differing only in serial number. The results of Fractional Fourier Domain (FRFD) RF-DNA fingerprints demonstrate significant improvement over results based on Time Domain (TD), Spectral Domain (SD) and even Wavelet Domain (WD) fingerprints.
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AOC EDUCATIONAL COURSES: Don't Miss the Final Course of 2014
December 2-5 – Confirmed!
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Instructor: Mr. Robert Samuel
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
TIS THE SEASON! Give Someone the Gift of an AOC Membership
An AOC membership is the gift that keeps on giving, so share with someone the great benefits you receive as a Crow for just $25. And visit the AOC store to find that perfect gift for your favorite Crow, including AOC merchandise such as crow ties, pins, coins, shirts and other apparel.
Application for Gift Membership
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SUPPORT THE AOC, BUILD YOUR BUSINESS: Secure Your 2015 Sponsorship Today
There are many exciting business development opportunities that exist within the AOC Calendar for 2015. The sponsorship catalog presents opportunities for you to gain maximum exposure within the Electromagnetic Warfare community. Sponsorship at AOC webinars, conferences and the Annual Symposium allows your company to be seen as a support for the warfighter and increases your visibility in this highly targeted marketplace. Sponsorship of the AOC also helps bring valuable advocacy messages to the U.S. Capitol Hill, and it supports delivering those same efforts through the local chapters to EW centers of gravity around the world.
Please take a moment to look through the updated AOC sponsorship catalog, and let us know which opportunities you would like to take advantage of for 2015. If you have any questions or need a sponsorship package customized for you, please don’t hesitate to contact the AOC staff at www.crows.org.
View the 2015 Sponsorship Catalog
Thank you in advance for your critical support of the AOC Community!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 44th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium
Make plans now to attend the 44th edition of this successful, annual West Coast Symposium, scheduled for March 31-April 3, 2015 at NAWCWD Pt. Mugu, CA. More details to follow. Bookmark the symposium page for the latest updates.
Symposium Page

SAVE THE DATE: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
As nations re-focus on contingency operations after over a decade of counter-insurgency, there are many challenges and opportunities for governments, the military, academia, science and technology and industry. Events in 2014 have reminded us of the deadly nature of RF-guided weaponry and that the counter-insurgency threat has not gone away, but intensified. Air attacks on IS terrorists in Syria and Iraq are inevitably enabled by the usual panoply of Electromagnetic (EM) operations: SIGINT, C4ISR, precise navigation and timing, targeting, communications, spectrum management and the whole gamut of EW. EM-enabled cyber operations are part of defeating terrorists as well as state actors across the spectrum of warfare, starting with influence and counter-propaganda and most likely going much further.
National forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face the future, which will be contested, congested, complex, connected and constrained and potentially chaotic unless the right informed choices are made now. AOC EW Stockholm 2015 will look at future EW from three connected perspectives – innovation by industry, government agencies and academia, the importance of information (including cyber) and interoperability both of capabilities like EW, SIGINT and ISR and between services and partners in joint, combined and coalition operations.
Mark your calendars now for this premier AOC Global event!
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Electronic Warfare Showcase Highlights NSWC Crane Region Capabilities |
 The Association of Old Crows Crane Roost presented NSWC Crane/AOC 6th Annual Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange last week, complete with a showcase at the WestGate Academy Conferencing and Training Center on Tuesday, November 19. The AOC Crossroads of America Electronic Warfare Showcase filled the 16,000-square-foot conference room with vendors, big and small, to provide booth exhibits and discuss the wide variety of work the defense industry does to support the military's electronic warfare requirements. (Greene County Daily World)
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 IO SYMPOSIUM A BIG SUCCESS: Report from the 3rd Annual PACOM Symposium
The Diamondhead Roost was pleased to participate once again in the annual Pacific IO Symposium hosted by the AOC. Senior Diamondhead Roost members filled critical roles in planning support to U.S. Pacific Command and AOC National, with planning beginning as soon as the 2013 Symposium had concluded. This was the third iteration of an increasingly successful symposium that continues to attract quality speakers and Ally partner participation. The symposium theme was "The Role of Information Operations in HA/DR." This was the first known IO Symposium to examine the unique requirements of effective IO in HA/DR operating environments.
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The AOC India Chapter has announced its third National EW Workshop India (EWWI 2015) next February at the National Science Seminar Complex (NSSC) at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. EWWI 2015 is the third event in the EWWI series of National-Level Workshops, the only national-level event in India in the field of Electronic Warfare, the niche and crucial part of Modern Warfare. The Workshop is being organized by the organizers of the prestigious EWCI series of International EW Conferences in India, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) India Chapter, Bangalore, India. The three-day workshop is designed to impart in-depth professional knowledge covering highly advanced and emerging topics in the field of EW.
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Someone shoots a cruise missile at you. How far away would you like to stop it: over 200 miles out or less than 35? If you answered "over 200," congratulations, you’re thinking like the U.S. Navy, which has spent billions of dollars over decades to develop ever more sophisticated anti-missile defenses. According to Bryan Clark, until 12 months ago a top advisor to the nation’s top admiral, you and the Navy are wrong. (Breaking Defense)
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Student and faculty researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) have embarked upon a novel effort to explore "maneuver" tactics in the electromagnetic (EM) domain. Their work was recently featured in the Journal of Electronic Defense and continues to garner attention from top Department of Defense leaders. (DVIDs)
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The Air Force is looking to develop cutting-edge electronic warfare technologies and plans to use sophisticated simulations to evaluate and develop them. The Air Force Research Laboratory recently issued a presolicitation to notify vendors of the Spectrum Warfare Assessment Technologies, or SWAT, program. AFRL expects to issue a full request for proposals in January. (Defense Systems)
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Three new military technology research programs are showing us two things. First, the term "spectrum warfare" is evolving quickly into well-understood mainstream usage, and second, spectrum warfare rapidly is taking its place as a top U.S. military priority. (Military Aerospace)
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Friday marked the final landing for the U.S. Navy's EA-6B Prowler. Squadron VAQ-134 landed back at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island before noon, after flying cross-country from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush. The squadron, also known as the "Garudas," completed 104 combat missions over Afghanistan and was called upon to support operations against ISIS, flying another 109 combat missions according to the Navy. (Video) (King 5)
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U.S. Navy aircraft that recently returned to the U.S. after its final mission – jamming the radar of Islamic State militants in the Middle East – will be retired Friday during a ceremony at the Palm Springs Air Museum. The EA-6B Prowler, an electronic warfare jet, will fly off the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, its home base during the aircraft's recent deployment to the Persian Gulf, and onto the tarmac of Palm Springs International Airport around 11 a.m. Friday. (The Desert Sun)
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Social media can be a double-edged sword for terrorist groups such as ISIS, a fact that its leadership appears to be aware of. According to recent reports, the group’s top cadre has curtailed electronic communications, hoping to shrink its footprint and exposure to western intelligence agencies. (The Daily Signal)
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Raytheon, together with the U.S. Navy, has successfully tested its integrated electronic attack system prototype during flight trials on a Gulfstream business jet at the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, US. During the test, the next-generation jammer (NGJ) pod prototype successfully flew against representative real-world threats by jamming and disrupting air defence radars, meeting all test objectives. (Naval-Technology)
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A leading Brazilian air force figure has confirmed that 108 Saab Gripen NG multi-role fighters will be acquired for the force. Following the announcement in October that a $5.8 billion contract had been signed for the first batch of 36 aircraft, an air force representative confirmed to the International Fighter conference in London on November 18 that the full requirement will be for 108 airframes. (Flightglobal)
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