
NEXT WEEK: Register Now for the 3rd Annual Information Operations in the Pacific Conference
October 21-23, 2014 | Honolulu, HI
The purpose of this symposium is to examine humanitarian assistance/disaster relief operations in the Pacific Region and the role of multinational information operations. The symposium will provide a venue for increased awareness of Asia-Pacific issues and an opportunity for networking, a multinational exchange of ideas and partnership building within the region.
View the Agenda to see the excellent speakers, nations and topics addressed
Keynote Speakers:
Lt. Gen. Dan "Fig" Leaf, USAF (Ret.)
Director of Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
Lt. Gen. Robert "Bob" Elder Jr., Eng.D., USAF (Ret.)
Research Professor, George Mason University
AOC Past President
Major General Rick Burr
Australian Army, Deputy Commanding General for Operations
HQ, U.S. Army Pacific
Register Now

THANK YOU for Making the AOC 51st Annual International Symposium and Convention a Great Success!
More than 1,300 people attended the AOC Convention at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C. Miss a session? Click the links below for access to the Show Daily.
Show Daily: Day 1
Show Daily: Day 2
Show Daily: Day 3
Show Daily: Day 4
Show Daily: Day 5
Mark your calendars now to join us next year, December 1-3, 2015, at the new Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C.

AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Register Now for the Next Free Webinar Cross-Eye Jamming, October 30
Cross-eye jamming is an old idea with two U.S. patents being submitted in 1958, and the underlying concepts being described in essentially all introductory EW textbooks. However, it was not until 2000 that the existence of cross-eye jammers suitable for operational use was publicly announced. Perhaps more surprisingly, a number of academic papers by authors from around the world have recently been published on the topic of cross-eye jamming – a highly unusual situation for any EW technique, let alone one as old as cross-eye jamming.
But what is cross-eye jamming, and how does it work? More importantly, what is so special about cross-eye jamming that it still attracts significant interest almost 60 years after it was initially proposed? And why was there such a long delay between the formulation of the underlying concepts and their practical implementation? This webinar will seek to answer these and other questions about cross-eye jamming.
Register Now
REGISTER NOW: 6th Annual EW Capability Gaps & Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange
November 18-21, 2014 | Crane, IN
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
All sessions will be held at the Crane Lakeview Event Center at the U.S. SECRET and U.S. TS/SCI levels.
Register Now

November 18-21
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
December 2-5
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Instructor: TBD
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
November 13-14, 2014
MITRE Corporation and Hilton Doubletree Hotel
Bedford, MA
Cyber Challenges and Solutions: Today and Tomorrow
This summit focuses on cyber challenges facing the U.S. and its Allies by increasing the synergy across local, state and federal government agencies, industry and academia. Technology applications, system options and best practices from various organizations will be examined. Exploring techniques for "whole of government" and complementary relationships that optimize a cross-flow of technologies and systems to enhance operational capabilities. Learn more at www.patriotsroostaoc.org.
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A classified Defense Science Board study, now on the desk of Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work, recommends that the Pentagon invest an additional $2 billion a year in electronic warfare and create a high-level executive committee to oversee the four services' EW spending. (Breaking Defense)
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The Navy is crafting a battle plan to retake control of the electromagnetic spectrum, which the Pentagon's chief of research says we've lost. First of all, if adversaries can exploit rapid advances in commercial electronics to run circles around America's multi-billion dollar arsenal, our slow-moving procurement process needs to be more open to civilian innovation. But new technology is not enough. (Breaking Defense)
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The Association of Old Crows (AoC) annual conference in Washington is the arguably the largest gathering of electronic warfare experts in the world. For three days, the basement of the Marriott Wardman Park in Northwest D.C. becomes the center of the EW-community, a mecca of sorts for those who gets down with wavelengths, sensors and receivers. (Defense News)
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If you know both the enemy and yourself, you will not be defeated in a hundred....ducks? "We've got 20 shotgun shells and a hundred ducks" in the electronic warfare world today, lamented Strategic Command's Rear Adm. John R. Haley this morning. "There are so many devices out there and so many things being used." (Breaking Defense)
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As the world has gone wireless, the electromagnetic spectrum has become a vast, invisible battleground – and we don't even have a general in command. While US Strategic Command has the responsibility to "advocate" for Electronic Warfare, STRATCOM's own chief of operations said bluntly today that it lacks the authorities and funding it needs to make things actually happen. So who's in charge? (Breaking Defense)
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Two Exelis engineers have been honored by the Association of Old Crows (AOC) for their career-spanning contributions to the development of electronic warfare (EW) technology. As the world's leading EW industry association, the AOC's recognition underscores the substantial role the two Exelis employees have played in advancing the field of electronic warfare. (Businesswire)
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Imagine reconnaissance teams operating in enemy territory being able to hump in their own tiny signals intelligence (SIGINT) sensors, able to gather intel on both electronic emissions (ELINT) and communications (COMINT). Ok, they don't have to hump them in because each one weighs roughly two-and-half pounds. Sound like science fiction? (Breaking Defense)
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According to an Air Force news release, the EC-130H Compass Call is an airborne tactical weapon system that uses a heavily modified version of the C-130 Hercules airframe. The system disrupts enemy command and control communications and limits adversary coordination essential for enemy force management. In simple terms, the aircraft jams enemy radio signals. (DVIDs)
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A web-based software solution is under development that will allow a maneuver commander to better understand the threats and opportunities in his electromagnetic environment. (C4ISR & Networks)
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Some folks question why the U.S. Navy would need such exotic weapons as the Phalanx and SeaRAM systems, or even electromagnetic rail guns. These Russian-made, radar-guided anti-ship missiles are two such reasons. The P-270 Moskit and P-800 Oniks have caused so much consternation that the Navy has begun developing a helicopter-based electronic warfare system – the Advanced Offboard Electronic Warfare (AOEW) – to defend against the threat. (Gizmodo)
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It started as way to patch together radio communications for users "on-the-move;" but now Software Reprogrammable Payload (SRP) is also a way for troops and Command to share images and other data, even across remote areas, and engage in electronic warfare. Chris Huffine of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) leads SRP development and testing, and NRL plans to transition 100 SRPs to U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Aviation starting in 2016. (NRL)
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For years, Predator drones have been able to fly unopposed through most of their missions. If we can do that, you can be sure other countries are working hard to deploy drones to do to us as we have done to them. Taking the classic dance of measure and countermeasure, strike and counterstrike, the Army and other services have been quietly working on weapons to shoot drones down or disable them. (Breaking Defense)
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Saab's telecommunications subsidiary in South Africa, Saab Grintek Defense Pty Ltd., will develop and manufacture parts for an electronic warfare system. The parts are for a system that will be used on Sweden's Gripen E fighter aircraft made by Saab. (UPI)
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