Fellow Crows,
You may be surprised to learn that our 2014 AOC President Wayne Shaw suffered an acute medical condition in late July, and is now beginning his recovery process as of this time (early August). His wife and family are actively supporting him as he gets back on his feet, and our compassion and prayers go out the entire Shaw family along with hope that Wayne's recovery progresses quickly and exceeds all predictions. Mrs. Anita Shaw would like to thank everyone who has reached out to her with your many expressions of care and kindness. All of us in the AOC family have been genuinely blessed by Wayne's unstinting and superior commitment to the Association of Old Crows. Throughout Wayne's tenure as our President, he has been more than equal to every responsibility and demanding task. This year is turning into a banner year in terms of the International AOC's outreach programs and financial solvency. These outstanding accomplishments are a tribute to Wayne's consummate leadership. Please continue to offer your thoughts and prayers for the Shaw family as we support Wayne in his recovery.
After careful consultation with the AOC EXCOM and advice from doctors attending Wayne Shaw, Kenneth R. Israel, current AOC Vice President, was asked to temporarily fill the role of the AOC President until further notice. Due to the rigor of upcoming AOC events and commitments, it was necessary that this temporary transition be accomplished expeditiously and in accordance with the AOC Constitution and ByLaws. Wayne Shaw will let us know when he is capable of returning to his elected AOC Presidential position. His resumption of AOC Presidential responsibilities will be consummated on the same day of his return. Accordingly, effective August 7, 2014, Kenneth R. Israel will act as the AOC President. The AOC will endeavor to keep you informed as further details emerge.
AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: A New 3-Part Webinar Series – 3 Pillars of EW Begins August 21
Modern Electronic Warfare is made up of three vital components. Electronic Attack (EA), Electronic Support (ES), and Electronic Protection (EP). This three-part series discusses in detail the intricacies of each "pillar" in the EW enterprise.
In most military disciplines, the terms "attack," "support" and "protect" are usually platform-centric. In U.S. doctrine, EW is unique in that these terms apply to Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) access – rather than looking at them from a platform-centric perspective.
Part 1: August 21, 1400-1500 EDT/1800-1900 GMT
This first session in the three-part series covers the importance of Electronic Attack. EA is the discipline of attacking an adversary’s access to the electromagnetic spectrum. Individual EA topics include:
- RADAR Electronic Attack vs. Communications Electronic Attack
- The Jamming System
- Polarization
- Jammer RF Spot Size
- Noise vs. False Targets
- Range

This second session in the three-part series covers the importance of Electronic Support. The terms Electronic Support (ES) or Electronic Support Measures (ESM) describe the division of electronic warfare involving actions taken under direct control of an operational commander to detect, intercept, identify, locate, record and/or analyze sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purposes of immediate threat recognition or longer-term operational planning. Thus, Electronic Support provides a source of information required for decisions involving Electronic Protection (EP), Electronic Attack (EA), avoidance, targeting, and other tactical employment of forces. This webinar will cover basic ES principles to include: ES System Components; Signal Processing; Direction Finding Techniques; GEO Location Techniques; Factors that impact ES; and ES Collection and Data Bases.

This third session in the three-part series covers the importance of Electronic Protection (EP). EP is the division of EW involving actions taken to defend access to the electromagnetic spectrum.

REGISTER NOW for the 51st Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
October 6-9, 2014 | Washington, D.C. For 50 consecutive years, the AOC International Symposium and Convention has been the leading annual event for EW, IO and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations professionals from around the world. This legacy is self-evident as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the AOC.
The theme for this year's event is "Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations in Contested and Permissive Environments." The strength, passion and vision of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Warfare community is strong today, and swiftly propelling the AOC into its next 50 years.
Register Today!

SAM THREATS ARE IN THE NEWS: Don't Miss this Conference – Modern Threats: Surface-to-Air Missile Systems
September 3-5, 2014 | MSIC Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL
With the downing of Malyasian Airlines Flight MH17, surface-to-air missile threats are back in the news, and remain a critical international threat. Go in-depth with SAM threats at this conference, which provides the latest findings from ongoing, all-source analysis of high interest threat air defense systems, including:
- Threat System Capabilities and Vulnerabilities
- Status of New Development Programs
- Current and Projected Proliferation
Attendance at this conference is appropriate for those involved in the design, development, testing, evaluation and employment of electronic warfare systems, techniques and tactics for protection of U.S. and allied aircraft.
All attendees must be registered and cleared U.S. SECRET in order to attend the first two days.
All attendees must be registered and cleared for U.S. TS/SCI in order to participate on the third day.
Register Now

EDUCATION WHERE YOU NEED IT: New Live Online Course in September
September 4
LIVE ONLINE WEBCAST: Propagation Theory for Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Online Webcast
October 4
PRI Analysis and Deinterleaving Course
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5
Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar and What to Do About It
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5-6
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Design, Operations, Capabilities, and EW Potential
Instructor: Dr. Pat Ford
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5-6 & 10-11
Electronic Warfare Overview & Update – 2-Part Course
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 10-11
Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) Concepts
Instructor: Robert Samuels
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
November 18-21
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
EVERY VOTE COUNTS: AOC Election Ends August 22 – Vote today!
Fellow Crows,
Each of us is like an element in an array. We can be passive or we can be active. Voting is active. The more active elements, the greater the potential gain from the array. When we bring together all of the active elements of our AOC array the gain produces a very powerful signal. That high gain signal can be modulated to impact the entire Electromagnetic Warfare community. And it all starts with a single element – your vote. It is your responsibility to vote for those individuals and changes you deem appropriate to carry your organization forward. As a member of the Association of Old Crows, voting is both a privilege and a responsibility. Take advantage of the privilege and exercise your responsibility. Elections are currently open and will remain so until August 22.
You can see the candidate slate and motions online and in the July JED. To help you better understand the proposed constitutional change, the Board of Directors has issued the following message:
Your Constitution and Bylaw Vote of Approval is Vital to our AOC Future – Please Vote Now
AOC Members: It has been said we should never lose our faculty to dare, particularly in challenging times. We (i.e., YOU) have this opportunity now. After months of intensive discussion and review, the Association of Old Crows Board has enthusiastically approved the referendum to modify our legacy AOC Constitution and Bylaws to accommodate the growing sharing of the Electromagnetic environment between EW, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Information Operations and certain Elements of Cyber Operations.
The process to change our AOC Constitution and Bylaws has to not only be approved by the AOC Board but also by a majority of the votes cast by the membership. This is your opportunity to cast your vote to approve this historic change to our mission, aim and purposes. The goal is to expand our mission and increase our relevance to the dynamic technologies impacting the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
 This change in our Constitution and Bylaws also better aligns us with our NATO and Coalition partners who have already adopted the realities of Cyber operations into the Electromagnetic Spectrum. As Gen. Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) emphasized during last year's AOC International Convention, nothing has impacted modern warfare operations greater than cyber operations. The fact that so much of our heritage EW mission complements, supports and aligns with Cyber ISR and Cyber Attack Operations, the synergy of EW and Cyber will enable future game changing breakthroughs and accelerate deployment of significantly mature EW/Cyber related technologies. The Defense Science Board is finishing up its 2013 Summer Study on Evaluating 21st Century Military Operations in a Complex Electromagnetic Environment. They are primarily focused on how Cyber and EW technologies can be quickly harvested to retain our unquestioned asymmetric advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum. Your vote "For" the change in our AOC mission, aims and purpose is a critical step in preserving our legacy and ensuring our future. Thank you!

PAPERS DUE AUGUST 15: 3rd Annual Information Operations in the Pacific Conference
October 21-23, 2014 | Honolulu, HI
The purpose of this symposium is to examine humanitarian assistance/disaster relief operations in the Pacific Region and the role of multinational information operations. The symposium will provide a venue for increased awareness of Asia-Pacific issues and an opportunity for networking, a multinational exchange of ideas and partnership building within the region.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Lt. Gen. Bob Elder, USAF (Ret.), AOC Past President
- Dr. Pam Milligan, Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance – Response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)
- Lt. Col. Michael Harris, Public Affairs, ADF – Australian Information Operations in the Malaysian 370 Flight Search
- MG Yu, Deputy Director of Political Warfare, ROC Ministry of National Defense – Taiwan's Information Operations in Disaster Relief Operations during Typhoon Morakot (2009)
- Wg. Cdr. John Clifford, OBE, RAF (Ret.), AOC EW – EW and EM Operations role in HA/DR TBC
- Rene' Van Slate, USAID/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Humanitarian Assistance Advisor
Confirmed Nations:
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Philippines
- Australia
- Taiwan
- Japan
- Chile
- Singapore
USARPAC is committed to supporting the conference.
Additional guidance is provided to assist in travel justification via Memorandum from the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Technology and Logistics, Mr. Frank Kendall on participation in technical and industry conferences. Click here to download.
The AOC is soliciting original unclassified English language papers for the Hawaii conference from international leaders, military personnel, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the military, academia, and industry. Please contact the conference director, John Clifford (clifford@crows.org), if you are interested in speaking or want more information and provide the title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. The deadline for submitting is Friday, August 15, 2014, but the earlier the better.
Classification: Unclassified
Register Now
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: 6th Annual EW Capability Gaps & Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange
November 18-21, 2014 | Crane, IN
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
All sessions will be held at the Crane Lakeview Event Center at the U.S. SECRET and U.S. TS/SCI levels.
Register Now

AOC 2014 AWARD WINNERS: Thank You for Your Contributions to the EW Industry
AOC is proud to announce our national award recipients for 2014. Winners will be honored in October at the AOC's 51st Annual International Symposium and Convention in Washington, D.C. We congratulate the winners and thank them for their service to the electronic warfare industry.
View the List of Winners
NEXT WEEK: II Brazilian Navy EW Conference
August 19-21 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Brazilian Navy will organize the II CGEM (II Braz Navy EW Conference) from August 19-21, 2014, at their premises in Mocangue Island, in the middle of Guanabara Bay, just beside the bridge and half way from Rio and the neighbor city of Niteroi.
The conference theme this year will be COMINT in ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Tactical Acquisition and Reconnaissance) activities. The event is free of charge. Last year’s conference was supported by some of the world’s top-level companies. There is still possibility to book your participation and make contacts with the Brazilian Navy that is implementing several important programs concerning EW such as the SisGAAz (Sea Surveillance Systems for the Brazilian EEZ) and the new Corvettes and with local enterprises that can be used in joint ventures that are required by Brazilian MOD determination.
Moreover, the election of the new president of the Wild Parrots Chapter may be held during that conference.
Any further information can be obtained with Cmrd. Mario Roberto de Souza Lima or with Lt. Eclenice at these emails:

The Association of Old Crows is pleased to co-sponsor the "Asymmetric Threat Symposium VIII." These discussions focus on the indispensable role of cyber, electromagnetic spectrum dominance, and electronic warfare in defending the United States and its Critical Cyber Infrastructure, as well as assuring U.S. military operational superiority. There is an urgency to protect the nation from all-hazards including cyber, electronic and physical threats. The success of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, as well as military operational superiority, requires the best of the public-private partnership and a full application of US knowledge in the fields of Cyber and Electronic Warfare.
Learn More and Register HERE
The Navy has postponed the stand-up of an expeditionary electronic attack squadron as the process awaits environmental clearance, according to a service official. The stand-up of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 143, to be equipped with Boeing EA-18G Growlers, had been planned for October at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. (SEAPOWER Magazine)
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The U.S. has a massive force of ships and aircraft in the Persian Gulf for the air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq. The first airstrikes against the Islamic State were carried out by two aircraft from the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush, which is in the Persian Gulf along with the amphibious assault ship Bataan; the amphibious dock landing ship Gunston Hall; the cruiser Philippine Sea; and the destroyers Arleigh Burke, O’Kane and Roosevelt, according to the Defense Department. (Navy Times)
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For Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, the military was the family business. He followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather to his post in the Army. His wife is a retired Army colonel and his son is a West Point graduate and a first lieutenant stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. (The Wall Street Journal)
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Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert views "information dominance" as key to the future of warfare while the service’s new transformation framework calls for development of a "data-savvy" workforce. (Nextgov)
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During the world's largest international maritime exercise last month, Sailors demonstrated a new system that could transform the future of electronic warfare and defense of ships at sea, officials announced Aug. 5. (The Maritime Executive)
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More than 200 Marines and Sailors with Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 3 returned to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., Aug. 8 and 11, after a seven-month deployment to Qatar. (DVIDs)
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Miniaturization, pulsed lasers and quantum physics will bring new capabilities for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) to the battlefield. (Information Week)
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