AOC Introduces New Audit & Inspection Committee Hotline
If you know of fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement in the Association of Old Crows' (AOC) programs and operations, report it to the Audit & Inspection Committee via the AOC Hotline. This includes alleged/suspected wrongdoing by AOC employees, Board of Directors, Chapters, contractors, grantees and others involved in the AOC's programs and operations. The Audit & Inspection Committee is committed to addressing your concerns.
AOC HOTLINE: (571) 249-4658
NEW AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Unlocking the Mysteries of Radar
Tuesday, July 22, 4 p.m.-5 p.m. EDT (2000-2100 GMT)
RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) has become such a ubiquitous part of today’s society, both commercially and in defense, that the acronym "RADAR" has largely been replaced with the word "radar." In spite of its pervasive use, many people don’t understand the basics of this critical technology.
This interactive journey, from the humble electron all the way up to the self-driving car, explores sound and light, size, wavelength and frequency. Attendees will get an overview of the history and evolution of radar. From the origins of radar prior to WWII, through Pulse Doppler radars, Continuous Wave radars, Monopulse radars, and to modern Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA), the attendee will understand the fundamentals of how radars work.
The 30-minute presentation will be followed by a 10-15 minute Q&A period where you can bring your questions to the presenter. This webinar, aimed at everyone from layperson to expert, carefully builds in easily understood concepts, combining them in a way that reveals radar as one of technology's greatest achievements.
Register Now
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EDUCATION YOU NEED: Don't Miss July's Live Online Course
July 29
LIVE ONLINE WEBCAST: Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Instructor: Dr. Pat Ford
Online Webcast
October 4
PRI Analysis and Deinterleaving Course
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5
Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar and What to Do About It
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5-6
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Design, Operations, Capabilities, and EW Potential
Instructor: Dr. Pat Ford
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 5-6 & 10-11
Electronic Warfare Overview & Update – 2-Part Course
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
October 10-11
Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) Concepts
Instructor: Robert Samuels
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
November 18-21
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Dr. Richard Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA

AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: AOC Advocacy Training, Part 2
July 9, 2014 | 2 p.m-2:45 p.m. EDT (1800-1845 GMT)
This webinar builds on the themes from the May 14, 2014 advocacy training. It will take the topics and methods discussed into more detail for those who would like to aggressively focus on EW advocacy in their home districts and on Capitol Hill. The May 14 training session is a recommended (not required) prerequisite.
Register Now

October 6-9, 2014 | Washington, D.C.
 The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence market. Across the globe, governments spend more than $7 billion per year on EW and SIGINT equipment and services. How do companies (from systems manufacturers to subsystem and component suppliers) reach their customers in this unique market? They exhibit at the AOC Convention.
Booth space is filling quickly. Don't miss out!
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MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Modern Threats: Surface-to-Air Missile Systems Conference
September 3-5, 2014 | MSIC Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL
Provide the latest findings from ongoing, all-source analysis of high interest threat air defense systems to include:
- Threat System Capabilities and Vulnerabilities
- Status of New Development Programs
- Current and Projected Proliferation
Attendance at this conference is appropriate for those involved in the design, development, testing, evaluation and employment of electronic warfare systems, techniques and tactics for protection of U.S. and allied aircraft.
All attendees must be registered and cleared U.S. SECRET in order to attend the first two days.
All attendees must be registered and cleared for U.S. TS/SCI in order to participate on the third day.
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NEW DATES ANNOUNCED: 6th Annual EW Capability Gaps & Enabling Technologies Operational & Technical Information Exchange
November 18-21, 2014 | Crane, IN
The overall goal of the event is to provide a forum for EW professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of EW programs, platforms and operations. This capstone event will focus on the identified gaps and technologies the services require to ensure EW maintains freedom of maneuver through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in support of achieving commanders' objectives. Speakers and presenters will look back at the previous few years and identify progress made to ensure the success of the warfighter in tomorrow's battlespace.
All sessions will be held at the Crane Lakeview Event Center at the U.S. SECRET and U.S. TS/SCI levels.
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MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 3rd Annual Information Operations in the Pacific Conference
October 21-23, 2014 | Honolulu, HI
The purpose of this symposium is to examine humanitarian assistance/disaster relief operations in the Pacific Region and the role of multinational information operations. The symposium will provide a venue for increased awareness of Asia-Pacific issues and an opportunity for networking, a multinational exchange of ideas and partnership building within the region.
Classification: Unclassified
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HIGH HONORS: AOC Board Member Receives Honor From the Queen
It is with great pleasure that the AOC Announces that its own member of the International Board of Directors, Dr. Bob Andrews, has been awarded the honor of "Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)" by the Prime Minister. The official announcement is publicized as:
Dr. Robert Samuel Andrews, Commercial Director, EW Simulation Technology Ltd., for Services to the Defence Industry. (Farnham, Surrey)
The MBE is awarded to individuals who, throughout their life, have demonstrated outstanding service and achievement and recognizes their contribution on a worldwide scale. Dr. Bob Andrews (MBE) is rightly and justifiably deserved of this honor. Please congratulate Bob on his magnificent achievement but also thanking him for being an individual who, through his knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm, has in every way made a real and positive impact to the worldwide EW community.
ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? Get Rewarded for Recruiting Friends and Colleagues Into the AOC!
For each new member you recruit, not only are you expanding the size of your local chapter and furthering the mission of the AOC, but you are introducing someone to a subscription to JED, giving them a professional organization to advocate and defend their career path, as well as opportunities to increase their professional network, learn more about EW, IO and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, and to experience many of the other benefits of being a Crow.
By obtaining a special $25 membership application (with your chapter name already on it!), you're ready for the competition!
The Chapter Membership Recruitment Contest ends June 30.
The top two recruiting chapters have the opportunity to win:
1st Place wins a tablet
2nd Place wins a camera
Top individual recruiters have the opportunity to win:
AOC LEGACY 50th Anniversary Book
AOC Men's Dress Shirt from JoS A. Banks
AOC Women's Cardigan from Lands' End (your choice of color)
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THIS AUGUST: AOC AUSTRALIA 2014 – Convergence and Synergies
August 18-19, 2014 | Adelaide, South Australia
The Australian Chapter of the Association of Old Crows will hold its biennial Electronic Warfare, Information Operations and Cyber Convention on August 18-19, 2014. As Allied Forces shift focus from a decade-long counter-insurgency operation to emerging complex conflicts in the midst of resource constraints, please join us as we examine Electronic Warfare’s ever-increasing significance in the 21st century battlefield.
Conference Themes
The Evolving EM Threat Environment and Corresponding EW Technology Advances
Increased Coalition Operations and Dependence Upon Third-Country Partnerships
The Move from Federated EW Systems to Integrated, Network-Centric Solutions
Strategies for Increased Efficiencies and Effectiveness in EW Solutions
Changing Relationships and New Players (Cyber/IO/Comms/ISR/EA)
Emerging Cyber NCW and Software-Defined Radio Security and Protection Issues
Procurement Strategies to Meet Technology Refresh Rates
New Manned and Unmanned Maritime Patrol Capability
II Brazilian Navy EW Conference
August 19-21 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Brazilian Navy will organize the II CGEM (II Braz Navy EW Conference) from August 19-21, 2014, at their premises in Mocangue Island, in the middle of Guanabara Bay, just beside the bridge and half way from Rio and the neighbor city of Niteroi.
The conference theme this year will be COMINT in ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Tactical Acquisition and Reconnaissance) activities. The event is free of charge. Last year’s conference was supported by some of the world’s top-level companies. There is still possibility to book your participation and make contacts with the Brazilian Navy that is implementing several important programs concerning EW such as the SisGAAz (Sea Surveillance Systems for the Brazilian EEZ) and the new Corvettes and with local enterprises that can be used in joint ventures that are required by Brazilian MOD determination.
Moreover, the election of the new president of the Wild Parrots Chapter may be held during that conference.
Any further information can be obtained with Cmrd. Mario Roberto de Souza Lima or with Lt. Eclenice at these emails:
As many as 13 planes flying over Europe vanish from radar screens in an "unprecedented" series of blackouts that lasted 25 minutes with claims air traffic control could have been hacked. (UK Telegraph)
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The F-35 is barely out of the stable and hasn't been ridden hard yet, but the Pentagon is already beginning work on the next generation of improvements to the Joint Strike Fighter, with a close eye on the Chinese J-20 and J-31 stealth aircraft – and other capabilities. (Breaking Defense)
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For years, the news about the most expensive conventional weapons system in US history, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been driven by its enormous cost, design and schedule screw-ups. The Pentagon and Congress and the public have rarely spoken about what the F-35 would do, how effectively it could destroy an enemy’s air defenses, shoot down an enemy plane, or find and strike other high value targets. (Breaking Defense)
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The U.S. Navy will not release $75 million in initial funding already approved for more Boeing Co electronic attack jets until U.S. lawmakers clarify that they plan to buy more of the jets in fiscal 2015, the Navy's top arms buyer said Friday. (Reuters)
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The request for proposal (RFP) on the U.S. Air Force’s long range strike-bomber program will be issued soon, perhaps in a matter of days, according to the service’s top civil acquisitions official. "That program is in a competitive phase," William LaPlante, assistant Air Force secretary for acquisition, said during a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington on Friday. "We’re probably days away from releasing the final RFP for that program." (Defense News)
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The single most important warfighting advantage that the U.S. Navy brings to the joint force is the ability to project significant amounts of combat power from the sea, thousands of miles from our own shores on relatively short notice and with few geo-political restraints. No one else can do this, and for the better part of two decades, our ability to do so was unchallenged. (Maritime Executive)
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