PERFORMANCE AND VULNERABILITIES of Modern IADs and SAMs, June 19-21 in Huntsville, AL
China, North Korea, Russia and Iran have shown substantial growth in their Integrated Air Defense (IAD) and Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) programs, posing a significant threat to the air superiority long enjoyed by the U.S. and its allies.
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) come together at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL to present Performance & Vulnerabilities of Modern IADs/SAMs Conference. Scheduled for June 19-21, this three-day symposium provides an in-depth review of technical analysis of both modern IADs and SAMs. Discussions cover threat system capabilities and vulnerabilities, status of new development programs, and identify the current and projected proliferation of high-interest air defense systems.
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REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: 49TH Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention
Electromagnetic Spectrum Warfare is entering a new frontier. Much like the settling of the "Wild West," EMS control now affects government, industry and the military alike in their requirement for unfettered spectrum operating freedom globally. The AOC community leads the charge into the dawn of the "Spectrum Age."
Spectrum Warfare practitioners in academia, government, industry, and the military must now saddle-up and corral our collective knowledge into a cohesive force; and we must bring young pioneers into the fold and learn from each other. Join us in Phoenix, Sept. 23-26, 2012, as the AOC hosts "Arming the Spectrum Warrior."
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ENSURE SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS: EW Combat Systems Life Cycle Management Conference, July 17-19
Today’s EW combat systems are expensive and likely to remain in the DoD’s inventory longer as downturned budgets struggle to procure replacement systems. To ensure these systems remain effective, both performance insertion and cost reduction will be critically important to EW’s future. The EW Combat Systems Life Cycle Management Conference, July 17-19 at Dahlgren, VA, will discuss in depth how all three Services and other DoD agencies insert performance enhancements into legacy systems. We will discuss cost reduction concepts including combat systems integration, and use, as a case study, the Navy’s new product-line approach to improve the vertical integration of its EW systems.
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IT'S ALMOST TIME! Take Advantage of Key AOC Courses This Summer!
Fundamental Principles of EW, June 12-15 - SOLD OUT
This course provides insight into the whole electronic warfare field at the systems and operational level. This course is ideal for experienced engineers with expertise in one aspect of EW who want to round out their EW education, engineers and advanced technicians new to the field and those who need to understand how their products and subsystems fit into the big picture. Instructor: Dave Adamy
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This course builds on the information in Fundamentals of EW (or equivalent) courses. The principles learned in the fundamentals course will be applied to more complex practical problems, and the theoretical underpinnings of fundamental EW concepts and techniques will be developed. Instructor: Dave Adamy
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Missions, Payloads and Links, July 24-27- LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!
Join us at Cubic Defense in San Diego, CA, for this practical introduction to UAVs and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), their missions, payloads and data links. The main thrust of the course is to understand the traceability of mission-related performance requirements from the target, through the payloads and data links, to the operational user. The course begins a brief overview of the history of UAV development and current UAV types, including how various types of UAVs can be launched and recovered. Instructors: John Minor and Dave Adamy
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Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course, August 7-10- LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!
This course will provide an overview of Electronic Warfare from its roots in Electronic Combat to its contemporary EM Spectrum Warfare applications. Although this is not a technical course aimed at engineers, certain technological principles will be presented in order to baseline attendees and help demonstrate the unique knowledge skills, and abilities that warfare across the EM spectrum requires. Lessons will include current information from DoD issuances, Joint doctrine, service program plans and roadmaps, analysis projects and lessons learned from operations. Instructor: Lynn Berg
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PLAN NOW for Courses On-Site at the AOC Convention |
Make the most of your AOC Convention trip by planning now to take one of the convenient on-site courses planned for Phoenix. Register for your course when you register for Convention and take advantage of early savings!
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September 18-21: Electronic Warfare Update Course
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September 20-21: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
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September 22-23: Modeling and Simulation Course
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September 22-23: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications
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September 25: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
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September 27-8: Radar for Electronic Warfare Professionals Course
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A damaging cyberattack against Iran’s nuclear program was the work of U.S. and Israeli experts and proceeded under the secret orders of President Obama, who was eager to slow Iran’s apparent progress toward building an atomic bomb without launching a traditional military attack, say current and former U.S. officials. (Washington Post)
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From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program. (The New York Times)
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It began as a hobby for a teenage computer programmer named John Matherly, who wondered how much he could learn about devices linked to the Internet. After tinkering with code for nearly a decade, Matherly eventually developed a way to map and capture the specifications of everything from desktop computers to network printers to Web servers. (Washington Post)
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A massive, highly sophisticated piece of malware has been newly found infecting systems in Iran and elsewhere and is believed to be part of a well-coordinated, ongoing, state-run cyberespionage operation. The malware, discovered by Russia-based antivirus firm Kaspersky Lab, is an espionage toolkit that has been infecting targeted systems in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, the Israeli Occupied Territories and other countries in the Middle East and North Africa for at least two years. (Wired)
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The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) recognizes that everything it does communicates a message, from having soldiers distribute soccer balls in conflict zones to scheduling joint exercises off the coasts of foreign nations. However, DOD officials stated that the department has struggled for several years to strategically align its actions with the messages it intends to communicate to foreign audiences – an effort that is also referred to as strategic communication. (Defpro)
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What do you need to disrupt nuclear facilities of your enemy? A thumb drive. Well, that and a virulent cyber weapon such as Stuxnet that works so effectively that it takes out nothing but its target in a way that is more subtle than explosive. (Los Angeles Times)
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The U.S. Air Force has started preparing for the landing of its second unmanned X-37B space plane, which is expected to return in early to mid-June after more than a year on orbit, the service said in a press release May 30. (Space News)
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The Pentagon will shift the bulk of its naval assets to Asia within the next decade and increase the number of military exercises it conducts in the region, according to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in the most tangible sign yet of the renewed U.S. emphasis on Asia. (Wall Street Journal)
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For those who watch ISR spending, a large portion of the drama this budget season centers on whether Congress will step in to overturn cuts proposed for three programs that, until a few months ago, were labeled as crucial for the war in Afghanistan and intelligence gathering elsewhere. (Defense News)
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A hawkish Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, has called for a major spend on Australia's air warfare capability to counter possible regional instability. Heading his wish list for the 2020s are at least 100 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and 12 Growlers – the electronic warfare equipped version of the F/A-18 Super Hornet. (Sydney Morning Herald)
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The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday questioned the quality of production on the Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, citing a "potentially serious issue" with its electronic warfare capability. (Reuters)
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CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Asia 2012, November 14-15, Kuala Lumpur |
In February 2012, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Shephard Group announced the dates for EW Asia 2012, the second event organized in Asia under their expanded cooperation agreement. EW Asia 2012 will be held November 14-15, 2012 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Symposium planning is being led by AOC Global Programs personnel who have structured the EW Asia 2012 event into five sessions. These sessions are:
- Session One: An Introduction to Pacific Basin EW Challenges
- Session Two: Perspectives on Regional EM Ops
- Session Three: EW Technology Trends
- Session Four: EM Operations Integration
- Session Five: Future EW
There are a limited number of opportunities for outstanding individuals, organizations and companies to make a 20-25 minute unclassified presentation at EW 2012 Asia coherent with the theme and suitable for one of the sessions outlined above. Topics likely to be accepted include national perspectives from around the region; EW and associated capability briefs especially those dealing with integration; operational experiences; EW in the Maritime, Land, Air, Space and Cyber domains; threat briefs; force, platform and area protection including C-IED; technology advances and new concepts. The conference language is English. Abstracts are due by July 30.
Full Call for Papers Details
PLAN AHEAD: For Future AOC Events |
Pencil these AOC events into your calendar to ensure you don't miss the year's critical industry conferences, courses and conversations. For full information view our full online calendar at www.crows.org.
July 24-27: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Missions, Payloads and Links Course
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August 7-10: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
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August 20: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications Course
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August 21-23: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference
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September 23-26: AOC 49th Annual International Symposium & Convention
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October 9-12: ELINT and Modern Signals Course
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October 16-18: Pacific Theater Air, Sea Battlespace IO/EW/Cyber Operations Conference
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November 14-15: EW Asia 2012
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