
PAPERS DUE DECEMBER 4: Submit Your Papers for the 43rd Collaborative EW Conference, January 2014 at Pt. Mugu
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare (EW). Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps. The symposium will be a three-day Classified SECRET event held at Naval Base Ventura County Pt. Mugu Station Theater, January 38-30, 2014.

RADM Mark W. Darrah, USN
Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD); Assistant Commander for Research and Engineering, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
RADM John R. Haley, USN
J3 Director, Global Operations, US Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
RADM Donald Gaddis, USN
Program Executive Officer, Tactical Aircraft Programs [PEO(T)], Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management. The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps.
Papers are due December 4.
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PLEASE NOTE: This conference is tentatively planned and subject to approval. Confirmation will be announced by the AOC sometime in the future.
UK Electronic Warfare Symposium 2013: The Electromagnetic Environment – An Operational Manoeuvre Space, December 4-5
This year’s SECRET 5-Eyes EW Symposium is jointly sponsored by the Association of Old Crows, the AOC UK Chapter, Cranfield Defence and Security and the Defence Academy College of Management and Technology at Shrivenham.
This event, which is in its ninth year, is organized and run by Symposia at Shrivenham and will follow a well-proven format of presentations and discussions in a relaxed atmosphere within secure surroundings with lunches and refreshments included. An inclusive formal Symposium Dinner will be held in the award-winning STEAM museum in Swindon.
There is still time to reserve your place at this 5 Eyes event at the Defence Academy, as a delegate, exhibitor or sponsor.
Please click here for details.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: AOC 2014 Annual Election
Nominations for the 2014 AOC Annual Election are currently being accepted. Help determine the future of the AOC by nominating yourself or your colleagues to serve on the board.
The 2014 election slate will include the position of President-Elect, who will serve as Vice President in 2015 and as President in 2016. The AOC President appoints the association’s Secretary and Treasurer, presides over the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and appoints committee chairs. The President is also the AOC’s primary spokesperson, visiting AOC chapters across the world and meeting with leaders in the Electronic Warfare community.
The 2014 election slate will also include three At Large Director positions. At Large Directors serve a three-year term. In addition, three Regional Directors will be elected for three-year terms from the Southern, Mountain-West and North-Eastern regions.
Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by close-of-business on March 1, 2014. If you wish to nominate more than one person, please duplicate the form. Nomination Forms are available on the AOC website at www.crows.org or by contacting Glorianne O’Neilin at oneilin@crows.org.
For any questions or assistance, please contact:
Glorianne O’Neilin, AOC Election Coordinator
Office: (703) 549-1600
Fax: (703) 549-2589
Email: oneilin@crows.org

ACCESS RECORDINGS from the AOC 50th Annual International Symposium
The content from the 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention is now available. Catch up on sessions you missed and review captivating presentations from leading industry experts. Enrich your professional development from the comfort of your own home and share important information with colleagues who couldn't attend. Only $99 for non-symposium attendees – http://aoc.sclivelearningcenter.com. Full symposium attendees, please email frost@crows.org for your complimentary access.
DIXIE CROW SYMOSIUM 39: '21st Century Mission Success Through ISR & Legacy EW Integration'
 The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC will host its 39th annual Regional Technical Symposium March 23-27, 2014. This year’s theme, shown above, illustrates collaboration within the Information Operations (IO) environment and integration within the operations environment for both new and legacy systems.
Papers to support this theme should include issues relating to Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) and collaboration within the existing and future IO environment. Efficient utilization and control of the Electromagnetic Spectrum is necessary for defense of our forces and our homeland. Collaborative improvement is necessary to assure our tactics and products are affordable and successfully protect the warfighters. Integration with legacy systems requires some "out of the box" thinking.
Call for Papers Details
Papers to support this theme should include issues relating to
Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance
(ISR) and collaboration within the existing and future IO environment.
Efficient utilization and control of the Electromagnetic Spectrum is
necessary for defense of our forces and our homeland. Collaborative
improvement is necessary to assure our tactics and products are
affordable and successfully protect the warfighters. Integration with
legacy systems requires some "out of the box" thinking.
Exhibit Application
Sponsorship Details
Learn More About the Dixie Crow Symposum
Leaders of smaller air forces are worried that they could be priced out of flying fighter aircraft by rising acquisition and operational costs, and countries that once fielded large forces are recognizing that they cannot cover all their historic missions as they switch to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). (Aviation Week)
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Three years after it was discovered, Stuxnet, the first publicly disclosed cyberweapon, continues to baffle military strategists, computer security experts, political decision-makers and the general public. A comfortable narrative has formed around the weapon: how it attacked the Iranian nuclear facility at Natanz, how it was designed to be undiscoverable, how it escaped from Natanz against its creators' wishes. Major elements of that story are either incorrect or incomplete. (Foreign Policy)
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The American military-industrial complex used to lead the world in high technology. Now it struggles to keep up with private-sector breakthroughs in computing and other commercial technologies, from iPhones to 3D printing, that any adversary can buy to use against us. Even in military-unique technologies like precision-guided missiles and electronic warfare, experts in and out of the Defense Department fear some adversaries are starting to catch up – at the very moment when America’s near-term budget crunch is forcing cuts in long-term R&D. (Breaking Defense)
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Officials at the National Security Agency, intent on maintaining its dominance in intelligence collection, pledged last year to push to expand its surveillance powers, according to a top-secret strategy document. In a February 2012 paper laying out the four-year strategy for the NSA’s signals intelligence operations, which include the agency’s eavesdropping and communications data collection around the world, agency officials set an objective to "aggressively pursue legal authorities and a policy framework mapped more fully to the information age." (The New York Times)
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South Korea decided to buy 40 F-35 conventional take-off joint strike fighters in a bid to better respond to North Korea’s increasing nuclear and missile threats, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) announced Friday. (Defense News)
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U.S. Air Force researchers are asking industry for ideas on adaptive spectrum warfare technologies to enable U.S. and allied warfighters to control communications, radar, networking and other crucial systems in the presence of electronic warfare and cyber warfare. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is making progress toward reaching a challenging portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum with a pair of programs involving vacuum electronic devices that could improve a host of radar, security and imaging programs. (Login required) (Defense Daily)
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Popular culture has it that the glory days of fighter pilots and swirling dogfights have passed, that technology has rendered the man in the loop moot and that traditional aircraft will soon be replaced by drones in every mission area. The instructors at VFA-106 don’t buy it. (Military.com)
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Selex ES and BAE Systems have announced they are teaming to provide electronic warfare operational support for operators of the Eurofighter Typhoon. Electronic warfare operational support, or EWOS, is a combination of mission support tools, processes, personnel and specialized training fundamental to transforming mission data into mission advantage for EW operators. (UPI)
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Exelis and its partner Innovative Technology Solutions Inc. (doing business as NovaSol) have successfully completed an extensive series of evaluations of the jointly developed Tactical Line-of-Sight Optical Network (TALON) free-space optical communications system. (MarketWatch)
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Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a $219 million contract by the U.S. Air Force for the Joint Threat Emitter (JTE) Follow-On Production program. The contract includes a $44 million initial award that includes foreign military sales. Under the terms of the program, Northrop Grumman will produce, test and deliver JTE first article production units. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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