
REGISTER ON-SITE NEXT WEEK – Join Us at the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention; Military and Government Attend FREE

The Honorable James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence
Intelligence Integration – Past, Present and Future
Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations
Imminent Domain 2014
Major Gen. Robert E. Wheeler, USAF, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of Defense
For 49 consecutive years, the AOC International Symposium and Convention has been the leading annual event for Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations (IO) and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) professionals from around the world. This legacy is self-evident as we approach the 50th anniversary of the AOC Symposium and the AOC as a whole. The theme for this year's event is "Proud Legacy, Strong Future." The strength, passion and vision of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Warfare community are strong today and swiftly propelling the AOC into its next 50 years.
In today’s fiscal environment, it is imperative to consider all avenues for professional development, and this Symposium promotes the Spectrum Warfare community in a dynamic environment available nowhere else. This year features more than 27 hours of focused discussions and passionate practitioner perspectives from the leading military and industry experts. It's the best financial investment you can make in yourself this year.
Didn't pre-register? Just show up on-site!
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AOC Members: Share Your Thoughts in the AOC Membership Survey
In an effort to evaluate member satisfaction and identify future needs, the AOC would like your input. This information will be used to determine how well we are meeting the needs of our members, as well as how we can improve the types of services we provide.
Your participation in this survey is very important to us. We understand your busy schedule, so we appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback. The survey consists of 11 questions and should not take longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.
Take the Survey

GET THE MOST FROM CONVENTION: Last Chance to Take Advantage of Great Courses On-Site at the Marriott!
October 22-25
Electronic Warfare Update
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 26
PRI Analysis and Deinterleaving Course
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 26-27
Survey of Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM) Concepts
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 27
Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar and What to do About it
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 31-November 1
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) EW Applications and Payloads
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
November 12-15
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
December 3-6
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details

REGISTER NOW for the AOC 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration, December 10-11
Due to protracted acquisitions and traditional doctrinal warfare solutions, there is a lack of exposure or appreciation for the cutting-edge innovation and technological development, resulting in missed opportunities to provide warfighters the most up-to-date spectrum and information-related capabilities.
The 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration will be held December 10-11 in Quantico, VA, to provide a forum for government and commercial attendees to both appreciate the latest innovations and/or witness how these tactics may be implemented.
Registration Form
Full Conference Details

PRESENTATIONS DUE DECEMBER 4: Submit Your Papers for the 43rd Collaborative EW Conference, January 2014 at Pt. Mugu
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare (EW). Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps. The symposium will be a three-day Classified SECRET event held at Naval Base Ventura County Pt. Mugu Station Theater, January 38-30, 2014.
Call for Presentations
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management. The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps.
Papers are due December 4.
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PLEASE NOTE: This conference is tentatively planned and subject to approval. Confirmation will be announced by the AOC sometime in the future.

REVERSING SEQUESTRATION REMAINS CRITICAL: Tell Your Representatives About the Impacts and Urge Them to Take Action Today!
Because of the White House and Congress’s inability to reach a deal to reverse mandatory across-the-board sequestration budget cuts, the initial round of multibillion-dollar cuts to defense and non-defense federal agencies has begun. Unless reversed, sequestration will cut defense and non-defense programs by $1 trillion over nine years. Sequestration will put at risk more than a million American jobs, including hundreds of thousands of small business jobs, and threatens to stall the economic recovery.
The public is now waking up to the consequences of sequestration. You can make a difference. Write your elected officials and urge them to reverse this bad policy.
The AOC remains committed to stopping sequestration!
 Chief Johnson Rolls Out the Red Carpet for AOC's 50th
At 4:45 p.m. on Monday, October 28, Chief Johnson’s 50th Anniversary painting will be unveiled at Booth #219. Chief Johnson was the illustrator for a series of Sanders Associates advertisements during the late 1970s and 1980s on the history of Electronic Warfare. BAE Systems has commissioned Chief Johnson to paint a C-130 Compass Call-themed 50th Anniversary painting. The painting, along with his past artwork, will be compiled into a 2014 Calendar and Chief Johnson will be signing copies at BAE’s booth.
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The AOC India Chapter has announced EWCI 2014, the Third Annual International EW Conference in Bangalore, India. This conference, now scheduled for February 17-20, 2014, follows the other two successful events and is supported by the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDO), Government of India and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore. The conference will address the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems. The theme for this year is "EW: Share to Succeed."
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 UK Electronic Warfare Symposium 2013: The Electromagnetic Environment – An Operational Manoeuvre Space, December 4-5
This year’s SECRET 5-Eyes EW Symposium is jointly sponsored by the Association of Old Crows, the AOC UK Chapter, Cranfield Defence and Security and the Defence Academy College of Management and Technology at Shrivenham. This event, which is in its ninth year, is organized and run by Symposia at Shrivenham and will follow a well-proven format of presentations and discussions in a relaxed atmosphere within secure surroundings with lunches and refreshments included. An inclusive formal Symposium Dinner will be held in the award-winning STEAM museum in Swindon.
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Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Training Squadron 1 began training its first class of seven replacement pilots Oct. 7. The squadron was redesignated from VMAQ-1 to VMAQT-1 during a June 14 ceremony here. "This class represents a lot of hard work," said Lt. Col. Josh Gordon, the commanding officer of the training squadron. "The students being here represent our hard work. Having them onboard makes the transition of becoming a fleet replacement squadron seem real." (Marines.mil)
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A British soldier killed while on patrol in Afghanistan has been named as Lance Cpl. James Brynin by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The 22-year-old serving with the 14th Signal Regiment (Electronic Warfare) had been on patrol in Helmand Province when he was killed. A spokesman described Lance Cpl. Brynin as "the best and brightest." (BBC News)
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The Summerville High School Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp was honored Tuesday after winning second place in a cyber defense competition sponsored by The Palmetto Roost Chapter of the Association of Old Crows (AOC) in collaboration with Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic and the Navy’s East Coast Engineering Center. (Summerville Journal-Scene)
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As the war winds down in Afghanistan, the Pentagon is looking to preserve a host of rapid-development programs and war zone-specific procurement practices put in place during the past decade of land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, defense officials said. (Military.com)
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The anger expressed by French officials following revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency gathered data on millions of phone calls involving French citizens appears misplaced considering reports of the country's own record of domestic and international surveillance. (ComputerWorld)
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Knowing the core strength of the U.S. military is in its advanced communication systems, its GPS and satellites, and its air and naval fleets that rely on these technologies, China’s military is pushing for electronic warfare systems that would disable or destroy them. (Epoch Times)
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In the early years of the Iraq war, the U.S. military developed a technology so secret that soldiers would refuse to acknowledge its existence, and reporters mentioning the gear were promptly escorted out of the country. That equipment – a radio-frequency jammer – was upgraded several times, and eventually robbed the Iraq insurgency of its most potent weapon, the remote-controlled bomb. But the dark veil surrounding the jammers remained largely intact, even after the Pentagon bought more than 50,000 units at a cost of over $17 billion. (Wired)
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It was an innocuous email, one of millions sent every day by spouses with updates on the situation at home. But this one was of particular interest to the National Security Agency and contained clues that put the sender’s husband in the crosshairs of a CIA drone. (Washington Post)
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In an interview with the New York Times published yesterday, document-leaking NSA contractor Edward Snowden made a bold claim in response to allegations that other nations may have got hold of his classified haul: "There’s a zero percent chance the Russians or Chinese have received any documents." (MIT Technology Review)
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Agilent experts using next-generation test and measurement solutions will demonstrate complex signal creation, real-time spectrum analysis tools and RF/microwave handheld field test tools at the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention. (Sat News)
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MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (MacB), a leading national security company providing innovative engineering and technical solutions to defense, intelligence, homeland security and federal agencies, announced today that it will be demonstrating its electronic warfare (EW) products, services, solutions and capabilities at the 50th Annual Association of Old Crows (AOC) International Symposium and Convention. (GlobeNewswire)
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