CAST YOUR VOTE TODAY! AOC Online Elections Now Open Through July 31
Your vote counts! The AOC Elections are open through July 31 so take this opportunity to cast your vote and decide the future of the AOC.
Visit the Election Guide in the June JED
Vote NOW using your member ID and password

REGISTER NOW for the Year's Must-Attend EW Event – the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
For 49 consecutive years, the AOC International Symposium and Convention has been the leading annual event for
Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations (IO), and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) professionals
from around the world. This legacy is self-evident as we approach the 50th anniversary of the AOC Symposium and the AOC as a whole. The theme for this year's event is "Proud Legacy, Strong Future." The strength, passion, and vision of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Warfare community is strong today, and swiftly propelling the AOC into its next 50 years.
In today’s fiscal environment, it is imperative to consider all avenues for professional development, and this Symposium
promotes the Spectrum Warfare community in a dynamic environment available nowhere else. This year features more than 27 hours of focused discussions and passionate practitioner perspectives from the leading military and industry experts. It's the best financial investment you can make in yourself this year.
Register by August 29 to take advantage of early bird discounts!
Register Today
Full Symposium Details
SHOWCASE YOUR CHAPTER'S History in the 50th Anniversary History Hall at the Symposium This October!
Chapters have the opportunity to participate in the creation of a Chapter panel. These Chapter panels will tell about the Chapter through text and photos and will be displayed in the History Hall at the 2013 Symposium.
Do you have photos of your Chapter that you would like to submit? Or are you the Chapter historian? We’d love to borrow your photos or hear your story! Contact Bridget Whyde, whyde@crows.org, for more information or questions about this project.
DSEI SEPTEMBER 10-13 in LONDON! Access the Global Market With the AOC EW Pavilion
DSEI is the world’s largest fully integrated defence and security exhibition that brings together the entire industry to source the latest equipment and systems, develop international relationships, and generate new business opportunities. Based in ExCeL, London every two years, the event provides unrivalled access to key markets across the globe.
Combining a high quality of exhibitors across the supply chain, networking opportunities and the ability to see new technologies first hand on the show floor, DSEI provides an inspirational experience to nearly 30,000 visitors.
Register Today!
EW Pavilion
AOC has partnered with DSEI to offer an exclusive Electronic Warfare Pavilion, offering exclusive discounts for AOC members. Take advantage of these key benefits:
• Promote your electronic warfare capabilities and technologies in a dedicated area to a qualified and targeted audience
• Access more than 3,400 visitors expressing an interest in Electronic Warfare
• Exclusive member rates
• A variety of stand options
• Use of the EW meeting rooms and lounge
• Ability to request a visit from Official Delegations
• Access to seminars, briefings and demonstrations
For more information or to secure your space contact:
John Clifford
AOC Director Global Operations
Doug Schlam
DSEi Sales Manager
(203) 275-8014
Learn more at www.dsei.co.uk.

EDUCATION IN YOUR BACKYARD: Take Advantage of Great Courses Coming to You in the D.C. Area!
July 16-17
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) EW Applications and Payloads
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
August 6-9
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
October 22-25
Electronic Warfare Update
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 26
PRI Analysis and Deinterleaving Course
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 26-27
Survey of Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM) Concepts
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 27
Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar and What to do About it
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 31-November 1
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) EW Applications and Payloads
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
October 31-November 1
Using Technical CONOPS to Save (Even GROW) Your Project/Program During Declining Budgets
Instructor: Mack McKinney
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
November 12-15
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
December 3-6
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
SUPPORT THE AOC at the 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention
Due to sequestration and curtailed government and military travel, the
50th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, October 27-30,
is one of the few chances your
company will have in 2013 for vital face-to-face interaction with your
Spectrum Warfare suppliers and customers. It is the most cost-effective
vehicle for en-masse discussions between you and the military.
To adapt to this new fiscal reality, the AOC recently announced complimentary Symposium registration to both military personnel AND government civilians.
Because of the large concentration of military and government personnel
around the Washington, D.C. Beltway, this local Symposium will prove to
be a widely attended mission-critical meeting of industry, academia,
military and government. To accomplish this momentous event, the AOC community needs your support now more than ever.
Sponsorship makes an important statement about your company’s role in supporting our industry. It marks who the leaders are without regard to size and it offers benefits that are difficult to obtain elsewhere.
We welcome your ideas for tailoring any sponsorships or developing something new to fit your needs. Plan early for the best availability and exposure. Visit the Additional Branding Opportunities page to learn how your company can get involved for as little as $500!
Sponsorship Information
Show Daily Sponsorship
Exhibit Information
More about the AOC Convention

REGISTRATION OPEN NOW: AOC 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration, December 10-11
Due to protracted acquisitions and traditional doctrinal warfare solutions there is a lack of exposure or appreciation for the cutting-edge innovation and technological development resulting in missed opportunities to provide warfighters the most up-to-date spectrum and information-related capabilities.
The 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration will be held December 10-11 in Quantico, VA, to provide a forum for government and commercial attendees to both appreciate the latest innovations and/or witness how these tactics may be implemented.
Registration Form
Full Conference Details

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 43rd Collaborative EW Conference, January 2014 in Pt. Mugu
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare (EW). Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps. The symposium will be a three-day Classified SECRET event held at Naval Base Ventura County Pt. Mugu Station Theater, January 38-30, 2014.
PLEASE NOTE: This conference is tentatively planned and subject to approval. Confirmation will be announced by the AOC sometime in the future.
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REVERSING SEQUESTRATION REMAINS CRITICAL: Urge Your Representatives to Take Action Today!
Because of the White House and Congress’s inability to reach a deal to reverse mandatory across-the-board sequestration budget cuts, the initial round of multibillion-dollar cuts to defense and non-defense federal agencies has begun. Unless reversed, sequestration will cut defense and non-defense programs by $1 trillion over nine years. Sequestration will put at risk more than a million American jobs, including hundreds of thousands of small business jobs, and threatens to stall the economic recovery.
The public is now waking up to the consequences of sequestration. You can make a difference. Write your elected officials and urge them to reverse this bad policy.
The AOC remains committed to stopping sequestration!
Join the Greater Los Angeles Chapter July 16, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. for a meeting featuring an outstanding slate of speakers.
First, AOC President Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, USAF (Ret.) will provide us his "view from the top" on the state of the AOC and future directions. Then, having participated in the initial phases of the joint USAF/NGC/Contractor effort to define the B-2 Defense Management System (DMS), Chapter President Vince Battaglia will share with you the system engineering/management challenges encountered in the process of defining a responsive and cost effective DMS.
The main event of the evening will be an enlightening and informative talk by Lt. Col. Roger "Bull" Forsythe, USAF (Ret.), who has more than 1700 B-2 flight hours. He will recount his first-hand operational experiences in the cockpit of our nation’s Number 1 Long Range Bomber. And in closing, NGC B-2 Modernization Program Manager, Ms. Lauren Stevens has offered to provide us a DMS update briefing on the recently contracted Modernization program which maintains the B-2 weapon system at the leading edge.
The meeting will be held at the Northrop Grumman – Space Park Campus ( Click here for map). Attendance fee is $5. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. RSVP to Vince Battaglia to secure your space.
Additional Details
The September 9 summit will address increasing the synergy across local, state, and federal government agencies, industry and academia, focusing on the cyber and net-centric challenges facing the U.S. Technology applications, system options and best practices from various organizations will be examined. Speakers and panels will identify both critical problems and innovative approaches, and the venue will include individual presentations, simulations, and technology demonstrations. The goal of the summit is to explore techniques for ‘whole of government’ and complementary relationships that optimize a cross-flow of technologies and systems to enhance operational capabilities.
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The AOC India Chapter has announced EWCI 2014, the Third Annual International EW Conference in Bangalore, India. This conference follows the other two successful events and is supported by the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDO), Government of India and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore. The conference will address the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems. The theme for this year is "EW: Share to Succeed."
Technical papers are being solicited and are due August 31. Papers are sought on the following technical topics:
• Advances in EW Systems/Architectures/Techniques/Technologies
• EW Systems Modeling and Simulation, EW & EO Threat Simulators, Testing & Evaluation
• Advances in ECM/ECCM Techniques
• Expendable Repeater and IR Jammers, DEWs, and New Generation Jammers
• Electro-Optic based EW Systems, MAWS & LWS, IRST
• Network Centric & Information Warfare
• EW Antennas, Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) & Shared Apertures
• Radar Finger Printing, LPI Emitters Techniques for Interception and Countermeasures
• Communication DF Receivers, Emitter Location Algorithms
• EW Signal Processors, Digital Receivers
• Satellite Based EW-Challenges
• SIGINT, COMINT, RWR, ESM, Multi Sensor Warner
• Microwave & MM wave Technology for EW, MPMs, HPMs
• Light Weight EW Systems for UAV, Aerostat & Other Platforms
• Program Management of Complex EW Systems, and Their Production / Field Trials
• EW Interference to TV/Radio/Mobile Transmissions and their Maintenance
• EW Ops & Spectrum Management in Joint Services Operation Scenario and Challenges
• EW Algorithms, Software Implementation Issues, Quality Assurance and Certification
• EW Technology Spin-off for Homeland Security
• Platform Modification issues, Stealth and Conformal Antennas
Full Details
Today, however, we may be on the verge of a third program that ultimately may be just as important and just as influential in pushing the state of the art in electronics as VHSIC and MIMIC. The newest program is called ACE , which is short for Advanced Components for Electronic Warfare. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno has approved a new cyber school for soldiers to consolidate training of the Army’s growing cyber force in one location at Fort Gordon, Ga., the first step in what could be a significant reorganization of soldiers with connections to cyberspace operations. (Army Times)
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Today there are 300 Marines and civilians handling cyber operations as part of the Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command (MARFORCYBER), and what differentiates them from personnel at the other military cyber commands is their focus on forward-deployed warfighters. (Defense Systems)
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The Defense Department’s research arm is seeking information on modeling and simulation capabilities to be used to assess various systems, including communications, networking and electronic warfare. (Defense Systems)
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Less than two years after a new Pentagon leadership team adopted a new integrated master schedule (IMS) for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program – which in 2010 plans was to have been declared operational by now – the latest plan is at risk, according to the Defense Department's chief weapons-tester. (Aviation Week)
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Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base locally has started doling out millions of dollars in contracts for a new effort to develop electronic warfare capabilities. The Sensors Directorate at AFRL late last week issued nearly $3 million in awards to nine companies for preliminary phase work on a program designed to develop, mature and demonstrate "leap-ahead electronic warfare component technologies" to address the rapidly evolving threats. (Dayton Business Journal)
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Though late to sign on to the network of nations purchasing the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, Israel will be the first international customer to operate the fifth-generation fighter. (Aviation Week)
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"I want to work here and invent new technology for the military." Camille Michaleak, a fifth-grade student from the Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School in Camarillo was clearly impressed with the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, when she toured the facility with 65 classmates June 6. (Ventura County Star)
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