
RECOGNIZE EW EXCELLENCE: Nominations for the 2013 AOC Annual Awards due May 1
Don't miss this chance to recognize individuals and units for their achievements. Nominations for the 2013 AOC awards, including the AOC Gold Medal, the Stanley Hall Business Development Award, Communications Award, Outstanding Unit Awards and more than 20 others are being accepted now through May 1.
Please submit forms to oneilin@crows.org. Contact Glorianne O'Neilin at (703) 549-1600 with any questions.

EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNTS END FRIDAY! EW Europe 2013, May 28-30, Cologne, Germany – Advancing Electronic Warfare and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Electronic Warfare Europe, May 28-30 in Cologne, Germany, is an unrivaled forum discussing the latest in EW across land, maritime, air/space and EM environments.
With the widest ranging attendance of any EW gathering in the world and an exhibition showcasing the latest technology, tools and equipment all under one roof, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Come and meet the leaders and operators across government, defense and industry that are shaping the future of EW.
Electronic Warfare Europe provides attendees with unparalleled opportunities to learn from operational feedback, network with key decision-makers and understand the shape of future requirements in the EW arena.
May 28: Intelligence Workshop
Sponsored by PLATH, the Intelligence Workshop is a free-to-attend event. This full-day seminar will host many of Europe’s leading experts from the military, the intelligence service and industry. It will brief delegates on today’s cutting edge technology and some of its operational implications.
Register Now at www.eweurope.com/offer
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URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO TAKE ACTION! Reversing Sequestration Remains a Critical Need
Because of the White House and Congress’s inability to reach a deal to reverse mandatory across-the-board sequestration budget cuts, the initial round of multibillion-dollar cuts to defense and non-defense federal agencies has begun. Unless reversed, sequestration will cut defense and non-defense programs by $1 trillion over nine years. Sequestration will put at risk more than a million American jobs, including hundreds of thousands of small business jobs, and threatens to stall the economic recovery.
The public is now waking up to the consequences of sequestration. You can make a difference. Write your elected officials and urge them to reverse this bad policy.
The AOC remains committed to stopping sequestration!

EDUCATION IN YOUR BACKYARD: Fundamental Principles of Electronic Warfare and Other Key Courses in the D.C. Area!
April 9-12
Fundamental Principles of EW
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
This course provides insight into the whole electronic warfare field at the systems and operational level. It uses little math beyond algebra, yet the sources of important propagation and jamming equations are made amply clear. All information needed to understand the material is explained and included in the text. Both the course and the text avoid deep mathematical coverage, explaining all concepts in practical, physical terms.
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for experienced engineers with expertise in one aspect of EW who want to round out their EW education, engineers and advanced technicians new to the field and those who need to understand how their products and subsystems fit into the big picture.
Save by registering before Friday, March 29!
Course Details
May 7-8
Survey of Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM) Concepts
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
June 11-14
Advanced EW
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
July 16-17
Survey of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) EW Applications and Payloads
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
August 6-9
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details
October 22-25
Electronic Warfare Update
Instructor: Dave Adamy
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Course Details
November 12-15
ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D.
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Course Details

EXHIBIT SPACE IS 60% SOLD! SECURE YOUR SPACE Today for the AOC 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading
trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence
market. This year, we return to Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 2013, to celebrate our 50th event in the AOC & Spectrum Warfare Communities.
Across the globe, governments spend more than $7 billion per year on EW and SIGINT equipment and services. How do companies (from systems manufacturers to subsystem and component suppliers) reach their customers in this unique market? They exhibit at the AOC Convention.
For 50 years, the AOC Convention has served as the meeting place for the military customers who buy EW and SIGINT systems and the companies who develop and manufacture them. Don't miss your opportunity to showcase your company's products and services at the most important annual trade event in the global EW and SIGINT market.
Contact Stew Taylor, exhibits manager, taylor@crows.org or (540) 891-9956.
ACCESS THE GLOBAL EW MARKET at the AOC EW Pavilion at DSEi in London This September
DSEI provides exhibitors the platform to display their full capabilities – air, land, naval, security – at one event, to a prequalified audience of 28,000 from 121 countries. The event provides you the ability to exhibit at one show, which will reduce your trade show expenditures.
AOC has partnered with DSEi to offer an exclusive Electronic Warfare Pavilion, offering exclusive discounts for AOC members. Take advantage of these key benefits:
• Promote your electronic warfare capabilities and technologies in a dedicated area to a qualified and targeted audience
• Access more than 3,400 visitors expressing an interest in Electronic Warfare
• Exclusive member rates
• A variety of stand options
• Use of the EW meeting rooms and lounge
• Ability to request a visit from Official Delegations
• Access to seminars, briefings and demonstrations
For more information or to secure your space contact:
John Clifford
AOC Director Global Operations
Doug Schlam
DSEi Sales Manager
(203) 275-8014
Learn more at www.dsei.co.uk.

CALL FOR PAPERS: 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration
Due to protracted acquisitions and traditional doctrinal warfare solutions there is a lack of exposure or appreciation for the cutting-edge innovation and technological development resulting in missed opportunities to provide warfighters the most up-to-date spectrum and information related capabilities.
The 2013 Land EW Conference: Innovation and Demonstration will be held December 10-11 in Quantico, VA, to provide a forum for government and commercial attendees to both appreciate the latest innovations and/or witness how these tactics may be implemented.
The AOC is soliciting original technical abstracts for the second Land EW Conference in Quantico, VA. The conference will host eight technical innovation sessions on Day One and three industry demonstrations on Day Two.
Final briefs should be no more than 30 minutes in length, which includes time for Q&A. Time limits will be strictly enforced to the keep the program on schedule. If additional Q&A time is needed, breakout rooms will be available for the presenter to engage with interested attendees.
For more information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lauren Stewart, stewart@crows.org.
All applicants will be notified by May 10 with regards to their submission status. All submissions should be sent via email to callforpapers@crows.org with "2013 Land EW Conference" in the subject line.
Submission deadline is April 30, 2013.
Full Call for Papers Details
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the EA-6A with the Capitol Club
The Association of Old Crows Capitol Club Chapter is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the first EA-6A flight (26 April 1963) by sponsoring a luncheon with our co-host, Northrop Grumman Corporation, on Tuesday, April 30, 2013, at the Sheraton Pentagon City (the one near Marine Corps Headquarters). This event will start at 11:30 a.m. and end by 1:30 p.m. In case you did not know, the EA-6A was originally a USMC program followed by the EA-6B for the Navy and eventually the Marine Corps and now supports the Air Force.
Our program will feature a presentation by Captain John "JJ" Thompson, USN, and Commander David "Smack" Edgarton, USN, both veteran EA-6B pilots. "JJ" is currently the OPNAV N98 AEA and F/A-18 Requirements Officer, while "Smack" works on the CNO’s staff as the Airborne Electronic Attack Requirements Officer.
The reduced cost of this event will be just $10 per person (including complementary parking) with any funds over costs going into the AOC Capitol Club’s Annual Joe Pitts Scholarship. To reserve your spot in this celebration, contact Juan Moore at jpmore1@comcast.net, Chopper Lamb at douglas.g.lamb@saic.com, or any other Capitol Club BoD member via the AOC Capital Club website at http://aoccapitolclub.com, and pay via the PayPal button at the Capitol Club website.
We have to provide the Sheraton with a final headcount by April 26, so reserve your spot now. If you have any questions, contact Chopper at douglas.g.lamb@SAIC.com or (703) 623-0848. This should be a great event with wide participation by all whole EW community, so don’t delay making your reservation.
Emerald Coast Chapter Congratulates Newest Combat Systems Officers
Kudos and congratulations to the Air Force's newest Combat Systems Officers, graduating from the schoolhouse at Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL, on March 22, 2013, after nearly 11 months of training.
The class (at right) was presented AOC coins by chapter Vice President Maj. John Herrington. Eleven students graduated in this class, and several will move on to fill Electronic Warfare Officer positions throughout the Air Force. Classes graduate from the Combat Systems Officer Training program approximately every three weeks.
AOC Welcomes New Wild Parrots Chapter
AOC is proud to welcome its newest chapter, Brazil's Wild Parrots. The chapter encompasses Brazil's growing EW community, which has worked hard for this opportunity to join the AOC. We are proud to welcome them to the fold of international Crows. Pictured below is Maj. Lucienne along with students from his EW class.
A Visit to the AOC Diamond Head Chapter
Wayne Shaw, vice president of the AOC, met with members in Honolulu on March 18, 2013 to discuss re-activating their chapter. A total of 11 local AOC members and one potential member gathered at the Dixie Grill just outside Pearl Harbor to discuss the steps needed to re-activate the chapter and ask questions of the VP. The beer, popcorn and good-natured conversation continued for two hours and one potential AOC member joined on the spot. Under the leadership of Aaron Rusling, the names of 10 AOC members are being gathered for the required petition to activate the Diamond Head Chapter. Book 'em "Toro"!
Pictured, left to right, are Cpl. Jacob Stauber, Aaron Rusling, Edward Hill, Peter Fey and Wayne Shaw. Photo by Michael Solomon.
March Los Angeles Chapter Meeting a Great Success
The Greater Los Angeles AOC Chapter March 2013 meeting was well attended and was considered a great success by all attendees, lots of socializing and informative briefings. Meeting presentations included an educational offering briefed by Rohde & Schwarz (one of the Chapter's industrial partners) to provide on-site training at no cost, a talk by Dave Adamy (former AOC president and its principle educator) on the history of EW and the relationship to current/future defense needs. Dave provided his perspective of the AOC’s role in supporting the free worlds defense in the past, today and in the future.
The membership had the opportunity to review and discuss the initiatives underway at National headquarters to improve operations, communications and advocacy, including actions to update OPMANS and prepare for this year's convention. The members were asked to support the organizations call for awards nominees, convention attendance to celebrate the 50 year anniversary and the need to attract additional members to our association. Four new members were signed up at the door and overall the membership appeared very motivated to keep the positive momentum going in spite of current fiscal difficulties.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Aardvark Roost International Electronic Warfare Conference, September 4-5
The Aardvark Roost, the South African Chapter of the Association of Old Crows (AOC), is hosting its biennial two-day international Electronic Warfare (EW) conference on September 4-5, 2013 at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria. The Aardvark Roost is soliciting original, unclassified papers for the conference, following this year's theme: Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) in the modern scenario of irregular warfare conducted in current operational environments.
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Civilian defense employees now are facing 14 unpaid furlough days this summer instead of the 22 previously announced by the Pentagon, thanks to more funding from Congress. (Stars & Stripes)
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When it became clear that sequestration meant most of the military branches would have to suspend tuition assistance – a program that allows active-duty service members to work toward degrees or enroll in vocational-training courses – there was a squawk of protest in Congress. (The New Yorker)
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In an elegant hotel dining room near the White House, after the salad but before the surf and turf, one of the defense industry’s top advocates warned the defense industry may be doomed. "Today is the first day of spring in Washington," intoned the well-known consultant Loren Thompson, "but for the defense industry, the autumn winds are blowing. ... We may be seeing the end of the military industrial complex that’s been with us since the beginning of the Cold War." (Politico)
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Adm. Jonathan Greenert is chief of naval operations, the most senior officer in the United States Navy. CNO Greenert has increasingly emphasized the convergence between traditional electronic warfare – long a strong suit of the U.S. Navy – and the new arena of cyberspace. Now, in this piece for AOL Defense, the Admiral argues for treating "cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum" as a single domain of warfare on par with land, sea, air and space. (AOL Defense)
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Boeing and the U.S. Air Force will have to recertificate the new F-15SA's performance over the Eagle's entire flight envelope due to its new fly-by-wire flight control systems. "The entire F-15 flight envelope requires clearance for the F-15SA fly-by-wire system," the USAF says. "The flight test to certify airworthiness will take approximately a year and a half to accomplish." (Flightglobal)
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