
NOMINATE YOUR COLLEAGUES for the 2013 AOC Board of Directors by March 1
Each year, AOC's membership determines the future of the association by electing representatives to its Board of Directors. Nominations for the 2013 election are being accepted now. The deadline is March 1.
The election will begin on July 1, 2013 and will end on July 31, 2013.
The 2013 election slate will include the position of President-Elect, who will serve as Vice President in 2014 and as President in 2015. The AOC President appoints the Association’s Secretary and Treasurer, presides over the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and appoints committee chairs. The President is also the AOC’s primary spokesperson, visiting AOC chapters across the world and meeting with leaders in the Electronic Warfare community. This is a significant but rewarding commitment.
The 2013 election slate will also include three At Large Director positions. At Large directors serve a three-year term. In addition, Regional Directors will be elected for three-year terms from the International I, International II and Information Operations Regions. If you want to nominate for than one person, please duplicate the form.
Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by close-of-business on March 1, 2013. Nomination Forms are also available on the AOC website at www.crows.org or by contacting Glenda Reyes-Montanez at reyes-montanez@crows.org.
Download a Nomination Form

SEE THE FULL AGENDA AND SPEAKER ABSTRACTS: And Don't Miss Your Last Chance to Register for the 43rd Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, January 29-31 at Pt. Mugu
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management.
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Speakers and sessions are noted below. Click on linked items to view available abstracts:
Keynote Address
RDML Paul Sohl, Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
Assistant Commander for Test and Evaluation, Naval Air Systems Command
Collaborative EW Innovation and Inventions – S&T Perspective
Session Chair: Mr. Dave Temper, EW Program Officer, Office of Naval Research
Ultra-Short Pulse Laser as an EW Platform Countermeasure Capability
Mr. George Capen, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Envisioneering, Inc.
Agile RF Filters – Enabling Collaborative EW
Mr. Mark Drzymkowski, Director of Business Development, Physical Optics Corporation
Core Technologies for Wideband Software-Defined EW Systems
Mr. Tim Fountain, Tektronix & Mr. Denis Smetana, Curtiss-Wright Controls
Collaborative EW Investments (R&D and S&T) for Naval Aviation
CAPT John Green, Commander PMA 234, U.S. Navy
Cognitive and Adaptive EW Capabilities
Session Chair: Dr. John D. Matyjas, Connectivity & Dissemination CTC Lead, AFRL Information Directorate
Spatial Cognitive Electronic Warfare
Dr. Robert Baxley, Senior Research Engineer, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Distributed Anti-Jam: Higher Resiliency Through Higher Dimensionality
Mr. James Browning, Research Electronics Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory
The EW Octagon: A Way to Rest Cognitive EW
Maj Kenneth Hollinger, Lead RF Engineer, Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity
In Our Changing EW World, Are You Ready to Be Adaptive?
Mr. Daniel Luebke, Aerospace & Defense Strategic Planning, Agilent Technologies
Integrated Aircraft Survivability Equipment – There’s an App for That!
Mr. Rick Snyder, Senior Program Manager, ATK Defense Electronics Systems
AFRL Cognitive EW Research Initiatives and Perspective
Dr. Vasu Chakravarthy, Sr. Research Engineer, AFRL/Sensors Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB
Keynote Address
Lt Gen Robert Elder, Jr, USAF (Ret), President, AOC
Coordinated / Distributed / Network Enabled Systems
Session Chair: ONR Representative
Electronic Warfare Battle Management System: A Use Case Analysis
Mr. Michael Herrera, EW Research Analyst, Joint Electronic Attack Compatibility Office
Electronic Warfare Battle Management
Mr. John Bodenschatz, Engineering Fellow, Raytheon
Spectrum Standards as an Enabling Technology for Collaborative EW
Mr. Robert Normoyle, EW Engineer, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Distributed Hard-Kill/Soft-Kill Weapon Coordination
Mr. Scott Orosz, Deputy PM for EW Programs, PMR 51, Office of the Naval Research
EW Challenges for 2025 and Beyond
Mr. Richard Schowengerdt, Systems Engineer, DCMA Palmdale
Tours of NAWCWD EW and Range Facilities
Aircraft Static Displays During Tours
(Note: aircraft configuration approved by program offices for public display)
EW Gatekeeper Panel
Warfighter Perspective
Collaboration, an Army Experience
LTC Lisa M. Mahood, USA, Programs & Requirements Branch Chief, HQDA G-3/5/7, G-33, EW
Collaborative EW Operations in RC Southwest
Maj. Eric Santana, USMC
Fleet EW Perspective
Capt. Robert Gamberg, USN, Director, Fleet EW Center, Navy Cyber Forces
EA-18G/EA-6B Operations Representative
View the Full Agenda
Register Today!

CALL FOR PAPERS: AOC 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading
trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence
market. This year we return to Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 2013, to celebrate our 50th event in the AOC & Spectrum Warfare Communities.
The AOC is soliciting original, unclassified, technical papers for the Symposium, following this year's theme: "Proud Legacy – Strong Future"
The submission deadline is May 15, 2013.
Submission Information: Email the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at callforpapers@crows.org.
Title of proposed paper
Name of presenter and organization represented
One or two short paragraphs describing the scope of the paper
One or two short paragraphs describing the credibility of the presenter on this subject
Speakers selected will be notified of their provisional acceptance by mid-July or as soon as all slots are filled. Two back-up speakers will also be recognized on the printed program and their papers will be published on the web page whether presented or not. Presentations are limited to 25 minutes including questions and answers. Time limits are strictly enforced to keep the program on schedule.
For more information, view the full call for papers details at crows.org or contact the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at callforpapers@crows.org. Submission Deadline is May 15, 2013.
Full Call for Papers Details
More about the AOC Convention

REGISTER NOW FOR FIRST QUARTER COURSES: Get the Skills You Need Through AOC Professional Development
Last chance for education this year, plus new courses announced for 2013! Don't miss these great courses form the AOC, all conveniently located at AOC Headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
Feb. 12-15: Introduction to Radar and EW Course
Course Details
March 12-15: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Course Details
April 9-12: Fundamental Principles of EW Course
Course Details

CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Europe 2013, May 28-30, Cologne, Germany – Advancing Electronic Warfare and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Electronic Warfare Europe, May 28-30 in Cologne, Germany, is an unrivaled forum discussing the latest in EW across land, maritime, air/space and EM environments. With the widest ranging attendance of any EW gathering in the world and an exhibition showcasing the latest technology, tools and equipment all under one roof, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Come and meet the leaders and operators across government, defense and industry that are shaping the future of EW.
Electronic Warfare Europe provides attendees with unparalleled opportunities to learn from operational feedback, network with key decision-makers and understand the shape of future requirements in the EW arena.
Take the opportunity to share your experience, knowledge, innovation, achievements and lessons identified within the theme of advancing EW and EMS Operations. Military and government speakers are especially welcome. Industry briefs are too but must be focused on technology or systems; company and sales briefs are not permitted. Limited opportunities so don’t delay – get in touch now! The deadline is February 1, 2013, but sooner is better. Please send abstracts to Clifford@crows.org.
Register by January 31 for major savings!
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PAPERS DUE FEBRUARY 1: Dixie Crow Symposium 38 – Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC will host its 38th Annual Regional Technical Symposium on March 24-28, 2013. This year’s theme, "Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment," illustrates collaboration within the Information Operations (IO) environment. It prepares the battlefield before combat operations, serves as a force multiplier during battle and defends our forces throughout. IO is the key to America’s protection at home and force projection abroad.
Register Now
Exhibit Application
Papers to support this theme
should include issues relating to Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence
Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) and collaboration within the IO
environment. Efficient utilization and control of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum is necessary for defense of our forces and our
homeland. Collaborative improvement is
necessary to assure our tactics and products are affordable and successfully
protect the warfighters.
Papers may be classified or
unclassified. Briefing sessions will be held
for classified, unclassified and export-controlled information. There will be significant representation from
our foreign allies. International
Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) will apply.
Your presentations should consider applicability, classification,
releasability and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. Releasability
documents are required. Papers are due February 1, 2013.
Full Call for Papers
More about the Dixie Crow Symposium
DEADLINE IS MARCH 1 for the Joseph R. Pitts NCO EW Scholarship Program
Last month, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) Capitol Club announced the Joseph R. Pitts Electronic Warfare (EW) Scholarship Program, a scholarship opportunity designed to help non-commissioned officers serving in the U.S. armed forces pursue post-secondary education degrees to advance their military and career direction in fields related to electronic warfare.
The application deadline for the 2013 award is March 1, 2013. The awardee will be announced in April 2013, and the scholarship will be awarded through the selected student's educational institution.
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Support the AOC Community with Corporate Opportunities This Year
As you plan your marketing, sponsorship and conference participation for 2013, consider all the opportunities available with the AOC. As you already know, the AOC is the premier avenue for exposure into the spectrum warfare community. There are opportunities to sponsor conferences, the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention and customizable packages to hit the perfect audience.
Refer to the 2013 sponsorship brochure for the latest details.
Commander Electronic Attack Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet will hold its annual EW Symposium at NAS Whidbey Island, May 21-24 2013. Contact is Lt. Jesse "Ichiban" Coe, (360) 257-2678, jesse.coe@navy.mil. Look for more information this spring.
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate's state-of-the-art Electromagnetic Vulnerability Assessment Facility here is used to conduct experiments that address the electromagnetic vulnerability requirements of the U.S. Army Weapon and Communication-Electronics Systems. (Army.mil)
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The Federal Communications Commission has approved a proposal to share U.S. military wireless spectrum with commercial users. The 3.5GHz band is currently used by high-power military radar services and is not traditionally seen as ideal for mobile broadband because radar can limit the widespread use of spectrum. (Interference Technology)
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The Pentagon has no idea if Congress will vote to cancel the automatic budget cuts scheduled for the military on March 1. That uncertainty has prompted the Pentagon to take the precaution of slashing cash from nearly everything it does that isn't directly related to fighting the Afghanistan war and paying troops. Flight hours will be cut, ships will stay in port and contracts will be suspended. (Wired)
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With overseas wars winding down and the government increasingly focused on deficit reduction, it is inevitable that many military sites in the U.S. will see their workforces shrink. That's especially true of the public-sector depots and shipyards that provide repair services for weapon systems, because current maintenance capacity far exceeds likely future demand. (Lexington Institute)
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Internet. Things. Add the "of" and suddenly these three simple words become a magic meme – the theme we've been hearing all week at CES, the oft-heralded prediction that may have finally arrived in 2013. While not devoid of hype and hyperbole, the Internet of Things (IoT) does represent a revolution happening right now. Companies of all kinds – not just technology and telecommunications firms – are linking "things" as diverse as smartphones, cars and household appliances to industrial-strength sensors, each other and the internet. (Wired)
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Military software engineers will soon have to follow new testing rules amid high-profile hacks that occur due to design flaws in computer code. The new policy was codified in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act signed by President Obama Jan. 2. Homeland Security officials have warned that contractor requirements and code developers are overlooking software integrity to the detriment of national security. (NextGov)
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The UK Royal Navy will encounter a potential four-year gap in its ability to deliver organic airborne surveillance and control (ASaC) services late this decade, following the retirement in 2016 of its last Westland Sea King helicopters, the government's National Audit Office (NAO) has warned. (Flightglobal)
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Thousands of Minnesota soldiers deployed in Kuwait woke up to a surprise last spring. Just weeks before the end of their tour, a group of corporate recruiters in business-casual attire showed up on base. The first-of-its kind visit was part of a new strategy to help returning service members find civilian jobs before their feet even hit U.S. soil. (NPR)
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A German company used a futuristic laser weapon to cut through a half-inch thick steel girder from 2/3 of a mile away. But don't try running away just yet: Dusseldorf-based Rheinmetall Group also reported that its new 50kW high-energy weapon technology can successfully detect and engage targets. (Fox News)
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