
TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Register Now for the 43rd Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, January 29-31 at Pt. Mugu
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management.
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps.
Register Today!

REGISTER NOW FOR FIRST QUARTER COURSES: Get the Skills You Need Through AOC Professional Development
Last chance for education this year, plus new courses announced for 2013! Don't miss these great courses form the AOC, all conveniently located at AOC Headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
Jan. 21-22: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications Course – Prices Increase Jan. 14!
Course Details
Feb. 12-15: Introduction to Radar and EW Course
Course Details
March 12-15: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Course Details
April 9-12: Fundamental Principles of EW Course
Course Details

CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Europe 2013, May 28-30, Cologne, Germany – Advancing Electronic Warfare and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Electronic Warfare Europe, May 28-30 in Cologne, Germany, is an unrivaled forum discussing the latest in EW across land, maritime, air/space and EM environments. With the widest ranging attendance of any EW gathering in the world and an exhibition showcasing the latest technology, tools and equipment all under one roof, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Come and meet the leaders and operators across government, defense and industry that are shaping the future of EW.
Electronic Warfare Europe provides attendees with unparalleled opportunities to learn from operational feedback, network with key decision-makers and understand the shape of future requirements in the EW arena.
Take the opportunity to share your experience, knowledge, innovation, achievements and lessons identified within the theme of advancing EW and EMS Operations. Military and government speakers are especially welcome. Industry briefs are too but must be focused on technology or systems; company and sales briefs are not permitted. Limited opportunities so don’t delay – get in touch now! The deadline is February 1, 2013, but sooner is better. Please send abstracts to Clifford@crows.org.
Register by January 31 for major savings!
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SECURE YOUR EXHIBIT SPACE at the AOC 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading
trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence
market. This year we return to Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 2013, to celebrate our 50th event in the AOC & Spectrum Warfare Communities.
Across the globe, governments spend more than $7 billion per year on EW and SIGINT equipment and services. How do companies (from systems manufacturers to subsystem and component suppliers) reach their customers in this unique market? They exhibit at the AOC Convention.
For 50 years, the AOC Convention has served as the meeting place for the military customers who buy EW and SIGINT systems and the companies who develop and manufacture them. It is, without a doubt, the most important annual trade event in the global EW and SIGINT market. Space is limited, so secure yours today!
Contact Stew Taylor, Exhibits Manager, taylor@crows.org or (540) 891-9956.
More about the AOC Convention
PAPERS DUE FEBRUARY 1: Dixie Crow Symposium 38 – Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC will host its 38th Annual Regional Technical Symposium on March 24-28, 2013. This year’s theme, "Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment," illustrates collaboration within the Information Operations (IO) environment. It prepares the battlefield before combat operations, serves as a force multiplier during battle and defends our forces throughout. IO is the key to America’s protection at home and force projection abroad.
Register Now
Exhibit Application
Papers to support this theme
should include issues relating to Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence
Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) and collaboration within the IO
environment. Efficient utilization and control of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum is necessary for defense of our forces and our
homeland. Collaborative improvement is
necessary to assure our tactics and products are affordable and successfully
protect the warfighters.
Papers may be classified or
unclassified. Briefing sessions will be held
for classified, unclassified and export-controlled information. There will be significant representation from
our foreign allies. International
Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) will apply.
Your presentations should consider applicability, classification,
releasability and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. Releasability
documents are required. Papers are due February 1, 2013.
Full Call for Papers
More about the Dixie Crow Symposium
DEADLINE IS MARCH 1 for the Joseph R. Pitts NCO EW Scholarship Program
Last month, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) Capitol Club announced the Joseph R. Pitts Electronic Warfare (EW) Scholarship Program, a scholarship opportunity designed to help non-commissioned officers serving in the U.S. armed forces pursue post-secondary education degrees to advance their military and career direction in fields related to electronic warfare.
The application deadline for the 2013 award is March 1, 2013. The awardee will be announced in April 2013 and the scholarship will be awarded through the selected student's educational institution.
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PALMETTO ROOST Presents Free Two-Part Cyber 101 Course Series
One of the latest and hottest buzz words circulating the security field today is "cyber," from cyber-terrorism, cyber security, cyber operations to cyber weapons. But what does "cyber" really mean? Does it only apply to federal agencies and the Department of Defense, or does it include the private sector or the general public?
In the first session of a two-part series presented by Bill Littleton and Kenneth Zahn, we will demystify "cyber," as well as many other terminologies used in the security field. During our fast-paced journey will intertwine areas of cyber operations, electronic warfare, critical infrastructure, network security, risk management, information assurance and much more. The lecture will also feature various examples of malware, steganography, intrusions and what the future holds in the field of security and hacking. By the end of the second session, you will be well-versed with cyber terminology and have a solid general understanding of all of the elements that make up this exciting field.
For additional information, including agendas and guest speaker bios, check out the Palmetto Roost website under Chapter Meetings.
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Support the AOC Community with Corporate Opportunities This Year
As you plan your marketing, sponsorship and conference participation for 2013, consider all the opportunities available with the AOC. As you already know, the AOC is the premier avenue for exposure into the spectrum warfare community. There are opportunities to sponsor conferences, the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention and customizable packages to hit the perfect audience.
Refer to the 2013 sponsorship brochure for the latest details.
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate's (SLAD) Electromagnetic Vulnerability Assessment Facility (EMVAF) at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico, is a state-of-the-art facility that is used to conduct experiments that address the electromagnetic vulnerability requirements of the U.S. Army Weapon and Communication-Electronics Systems. (Army.mil)
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The Sans Institute was founded in 1989 and currently leads information-security training for military, government, and civilian officials – sessions that tend to specialize, these days, in digital forensics and network penetration testing. For the past few years, SANS has been running computer simulation training games (the aptly named "NetWars") for members of the military. But those simulations, officials realized, were insufficient to prepare people for the threats we face – because cybersecurity, its name notwithstanding, doesn't merely concern cyber-environments. (The Atlantic)
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Newly released documents confirm that the National Security Agency (NSA), America's top cyberespionage organization, is spearheading a cloaked and controversial program to develop technology that could protect the U.S. power grid from cyber attack. Existence of the program, dubbed Perfect Citizen, was revealed in a 2010 Wall Street Journal article. But intriguing new details are revealed in documents released by the NSA last month to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), an Internet privacy group that petitioned for them in 2010 under the Freedom of Information Act. (ABC News)
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The Budget Control Act of 2011 mandates $600 billion in spending cuts at the Pentagon over the next nine years, which minus an assumed 18 percent savings in interest payments from a smaller federal budget means an actual reduction of $492 billion – $55 billion per year. That's on top of similarly-sized cuts that were instituted last year pursuant to the same law. So whereas two years ago the White House was predicting a fiscal 2013 military budget of about $600 billion, it now looks likely to be about $490 billion (not counting overseas contingencies). (The Lexington Institute)
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Iran has equipped its navy with modern electronic warfare systems and radar equipment in a bid to boost its capabilities in sea warfare, a senior Iranian military official announced on Monday. (Fars News Agency) (Note: This connects to a Mideast news site)
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The RQ-4 Global Hawks isn't a full successor to the famous U-2 spy plane just yet. It's close, however, and some people have described the HALE (High Altitude, Long Endurance) UAV as the equivalent of having a photo satellite on station. Flying at 60,000 feet for 30-40 hours at a time, the jet-powered UAV uses sophisticated radars and other sensors to monitor developments on land, sea, and air over an area of about 40,000 square miles/ 100,000 square km. (Defense Industry Daily)
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The failure of the international community to take direct military action in Syria is largely attributed to China and Russia's refusal to endorse any UN Security Council Resolution authorizing force. However, after two years of civil strife even senior Russian officials are now admitting the President Bashar al-Assad's regime may not weather the storm. (Public Service UK)
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Cobham PLC, a defense technology company, said Monday it was awarded a $31.7 million contract from the U.S. Navy's Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) to manufacture low-band transmitters used for disrupting enemy radar and communications. (MarketWatch)
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