LETTER FROM AOC PRESIDENT BOB ELDER: Electronic Warfare Advocacy |
 Electronic warfare plays an increasingly important role in national security strategy with EW capabilities serving as key enablers for all military operations, from irregular warfare to major combat campaigns. Unfortunately, many policymakers do not fully understand the significance of EW, the electromagnetic spectrum and its many related issues. AOC performs an important role by educating key political leaders, engaging with military and industry, and advocating policies to support EW.
AOC is now working to facilitate regular events – including panel discussions, briefings, and site visits – to educate, promote, support, and explore issues related to EW. Our goal is to encourage broader international support for EW and a greater understanding of the critical role of EW and IO in military operations. As part of this initiative, AOC will encourage Members of Congress with EW equities or interests to join the EW Working Group (EWWG) and will work to form similar working groups in other nations.
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Don’t Let a Lame Duck Congress Pass Meeting Prohibition
Postal Reform Amendment Could Be Slipped into Legislation
AOC is joining many other associations in asking members to contact their members of Congress on a topic that is incredibly important to the association. Please take just a minute to send a quick email to your members of Congress asking them to remove the provision that would allow federal agencies to attend only one association meeting per year.
According to The Hill newspaper, members of Congress are having advanced discussions to quickly pass a bill that would reform the postal service, due to its serious financial issues. However, the amendment that would allow federal agencies to attend only one association meeting per year and other onerous requirements (SA 2060) is contained in S. 1789, the 21st Century Postal Reform Act, which was passed by the Senate in April. If Congress rushes to pass postal reform by the end of the year, they could simply pass the amendment without removing this provision.
Association educational meetings and conventions make tangible contributions to national, state and local economies. From AOC's International Symposium & Convention, to local AOC Chapter meetings, all associations bring their members together for continuing education, networking and learning best practices. With their focus on professional development and training, associations host a wide range of meetings, seminars, conventions, trade shows and other events in cities across the United States and abroad.
Despite the gains that have been made in educating members of Congress on the harm SA 2060 would have on professional associations – and the public good overall – the rushed nature of postal reform could allow the provision to pass in the waning days of the 112th Congress.
We need all AOC members to act today to prevent Congress from simply including this amendment (SA 2060) either intentionally or unintentionally during the postal reform negotiations.
Please follow these links to find the email addresses for your:
• Congressional representative – http://m.house.gov/representatives/
• Senators – http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

REGISTER NOW! 43rd Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, January 29-31 at Pt. Mugu
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management.
The 43rd Annual Point Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps.
Register Today!
CALL FOR PAPERS: Dixie Crow Symposium 38 – Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC will host its 38th Annual Regional Technical Symposium on March 24-28, 2013. This year’s theme, "Maximizing EW/ISR Capabilities in an Austere Budget Environment," illustrates collaboration within the Information Operations (IO) environment. It prepares the battlefield before combat operations, serves as a force multiplier during battle and defends our forces throughout. IO is the key to America’s protection at home and force projection abroad.
Papers to support this theme
should include issues relating to Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence
Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) and collaboration within the IO
environment. Efficient utilization and control of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum is necessary for defense of our forces and our
homeland. Collaborative improvement is
necessary to assure our tactics and products are affordable and successfully
protect the warfighters.
Papers may be classified or
unclassified. Briefing sessions will be held
for classified, unclassified and export-controlled information. There will be significant representation from
our foreign allies. International
Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) will apply.
Your presentations should consider applicability, classification,
releasability and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. Releasability
documents are required. Papers are due February 1, 2013.
Full Call for Papers
About the Dixie Crow Symposium

NEW COURSES ANNOUNCED! Get the Skills You Need Through AOC Professional Development
Last chance for education this year, plus new courses announced for 2013! Don't miss these great courses form the AOC, all conveniently located at AOC Headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
Jan. 21-22: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications Course
Course Details
Feb. 12-15: Introduction to Radar and EW Course
Course Details
March 12-15: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Course Details
April 9-12: Fundamental Principles of EW Course
Course Details
Support the AOC Community with Corporate Opportunities in 2013
As you plan your marketing, sponsorship and conference participation for 2013, consider all the opportunities available with the AOC. As you already know, the AOC is the premier avenue for exposure into the Spectrum Warfare community. There are opportunities to sponsor conferences, the 50th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention and customizable packages to hit the perfect audience.
Refer to the 2013 sponsorship brochure for the latest details.
Windy City Chapter: 25th Annual Bob Kranz Memorial Golf Classic
On behalf of AOC Windy City Chapter President Joe Duthie and the Board of Directors, we wish to thank the golfers who were able to join us at the 25th Annual Bob Kranz Memorial Classic Golf outing held on July 14, 2012 at Crystal Woods Golf Club in Crystal Lake. A special "thank you" to all the members of Bob’s family who came all the way from California to be with us this year: Kurt, Kevin, Mark, Carol and Debbie Kranz. We’re so glad you could make it.
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Chesapeake Roost Celebrates Holiday Party
The Chesapeake Roost of the AOC celebrated its holiday party last week. A great time was had by all as crows, young and old, gathered to remember a great 2012, honor members who have passed away, honor members for outstanding service to the chapter, and look ahead to a great 2013.

TIS THE SEASON! Give Someone the Gift of an AOC Membership
Share with someone the great benefits you receive as a Crow for just $25! But, you'll get something too ... a free AOC tie tack! It's the perfect accent for your crow tie! Fill out this application and either fax or call the number at the bottom of the form.
Shop Now!
We surveyed Crows on their favorite books to form an "AOC Professional Reading List." Here are your selections for the Top 5 EW Books, Top 3 IO Books and Top 2 Great Reads:
1. EW 101, 102, and 103 – Dave Adamy*
2. Introduction to Radar Systems – Merrill Skolnik
3. Introduction to Airborne Radar – George W. Stimson*
4. Electronic Warfare in the Information Age – D. Curtis Schleher
5. Electronic Intelligence: The Analysis of Radar Signals – Richard G. Wiley
6. Information Warfare: Principles and Operations – Edward Waltz
7. Information Operations – Doctrine and Practice: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary Military, Strategic, & Security Issues) – Christopher Paul
8. Information Operations: The Hard Reality of Soft Power – Edwin L. Armistead
9. Most Secret War – Reginald V. Jones
10. Deep Black – William Burrows
*indicates that this book is available through the AOC Online Store.
Now you’re all set to give a great gift to your favorite crow. What better way to relax over the holidays. And visit the AOC Online Store for even more great AOC merchandise.
Know someone who would benefit from the AOC? Give the gift of membership. Contact Glorianne O'Neilin to arrange a gift membership today.
Raul Blanche of Hollis received the Association of Old Crows' prestigious Col. Anton D. Brees Lifetime Service Award. The AOC is a not-for-profit international professional association with more than 13,500 members engaged in the science and practice of electronic warfare, information operations and related disciplines. (Hollis Brookline Journal)
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The new joint publication on IO (Joint Pub 3-13) summarizes the joint doctrine for the planning, preparation, execution and assessment of information operations. The across the range of military operations, the ability to share information in near real time, anonymously and/or securely, is a capability that is both an asset and a potential vulnerability to us, our allies and our adversaries.
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While the Air Force and the Marines stake their future on a great leap forward to the stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Navy is taking what one officer called "baby steps" into the future: a careful, incremental upgrade of electronic warfare systems to jam enemy radar instead of just hiding from it. (AOL Defense)
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Years after establishing a cyber fighting arm, the U.S. Air Force is still trying to define just what cyber operations are so that it can determine what troops and resources it should dedicate to cyber security versus simple IT work – and increase its offensive cyber capabilities. (Foreign Policy)
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The naval forces of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps have captured an American drone that Iran said entered its airspace over the Persian Gulf, state television reported Tuesday. The claim was quickly denied by the United States Navy and later by the Obama administration. (The New York Times)
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The soldiers and Marines are packing their bags. The pilots are sitting on the tarmac. But the armed robotic planes are busier than they've ever been: Revised U.S. military statistics show a much, much larger drone war in Afghanistan than anyone suspected. (Wired)
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A research program entitled Communications and Cross-Cutting Electronic Surveillance (CCCES) will investigate novel technologies and techniques in support of future UK MOD Electronic Surveillance procurements. (PR Newswire)
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Associations representing the defense, healthcare and education sectors voiced their concern last week about the looming threat of the "fiscal cliff." As the U.S. continues to march toward the "fiscal cliff," many associations are warning against the potential fallout resulting from sequestration – the automatic cuts that will occur should Congress not reach a budget agreement by December 31. (Associations Now)
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