UPDATED AGENDA: EW Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Contract Sales (DCS) Reform, Nov. 14-15 in Alexandria, Va.
Other nations are eager to buy U.S. exports such as fighter jets, attack helicopters and unmanned aircraft. Expanding exports through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) offers substantial opportunities for U.S. industries.
Take advantage of this strategic event in the D.C. area and gain valuable insights into the technologies emerging on the worldwide stage and learn how best to position your business to take advantage of opportunities available through the FMS process.
Along with International, DoD and Industry perspective panels, topics include:
• Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure
• ITAR: Understanding and Working within Regulation
• Maintaining and Building Trust with Existing and New Partners for Global Security
• Academia Advances and Programs
• A DoD Perspective on the Future of EW
• Steps for Working Together Better
• Is There EW FMS Reform?
• Accessing the Current Environment: Approaches by the Obama Administration and Congress to Export Controls and Enforcement
Click Here for the Updated Agenda
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CATCH UP ON SESSIONS with CONTENT from the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention
The AOC Learning Center connects you to session recordings from the Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention so you can extend your learning experience year-round. Catch up on sessions you missed and review captivating presentations from leading industry experts. Enrich your professional development from the comfort of your own home and share important information with colleagues who couldn't attend.
Access is FREE for full symposium attendees. All others can purchase access for $99.
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AOC COURSES ARE NEAR YOU! Take Advantage of Convenient Fall Education Options
Get on track for fall education with convenient courses form the AOC, many located in the D.C. area or with AOC Conferences.
Nov. 26: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications Course
Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
Course Details
Dec. 4-7: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Alexandria, Va.
Course Details
EDUCATING THE SPECTRUM WARRIOR: Attend the Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management Conference this November in Florida!
Workforce projections for 2014 by the U.S. Department of Labor show that 15 of the 20 fastest growing occupations require significant science or mathematics training to successfully compete for a job, while surveys find that fewer students are choosing to pursue advanced study in these areas.
This sobering statistic is forcing us to realize that we are going to have to do something to recruit and retain new spectrum warriors with these specialized skill sets.
STEM education is essential for the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the 21st century global marketplace. The DoD has a long history of supporting STEM initiatives at local, regional and national levels, but we need your expertise to educate and participate in discussions addressing these relevant concerns.
Join us as we exchange information on the technical and operational aspects EW/EMSO, and ensure your future labor force is prepared via Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. We aim to get government and military operations in Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) involved and talking with local and national businesses with a common passion for STEM programs and with an emphasis on supporting the warfighter.
NEXT MONTH IN KUALA LUMPUR: The Future of Electronic Warfare in the ASEAN and Pacific Regions
Join the AOC and representatives from the ASEAN and Pacific regions responsible for operations, specification and procurement to discuss the latest developments in EW and related EM capabilities, such as ISTAR, communications and SIGINT across all warfighting domains.
An exciting lineup of international experts will be sharing their knowledge and experience ...
Welcome Address
Deputy Defense Minister Y.B. Datuk Dr. Abd. Latiff Ahmad
Keynote Address
Deputy Chief Royal Malaysian Air Force Lt. Gen. Datuk Roslan Saad
Opening Address
Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy GCB CBE DSO RAF (Ret.)
Congested Contested EM Spectrum & EW
Wing Commander John Clifford OBE (Ret.), UK
Emerging Threat Considerations
Wayne Shaw III, USAF (Ret.), Vice President, AOC
Air Platform Protection & Survivability
Mr. Anton Kieck, SAAB, South Africa
New Radar Electronic Surveillance For Modern Environments
Mr. Richard Streeter, Head of Export Sales, Defence Mission Systems, Thales, UK
Operational Test & Evaluation of Counter RF-IED Jammers
Dr. Tom Millhouse, Nova Defense, RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia
Optimization & Evaluation of Receiver Search Strategies for Electronic Support
Flight Lt. Charles Winsor, RAAF
Surveillance Network Integrated Fitted for Radio (SNIFR) Development
Squadron Leader Fernando Gonzalez, RAAF
Intrepid Tiger 2 Briefing & OEF Operations
Maj. Kevin A Krespo, USMC Marine Aviation & Weapons Tactics Squadron One
Capt. Michael Williams, USMC, USA
Role of Modeling & Simulation
Col. Chris Glaze USAF (Ret.), Third Wave Strategies, USA
Advances in Digital Receiver for Radar EW
Mr. Jaques Saget, Thales, France
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SHAPE THE BATTLEFIELD: Attend the AOC Land EW Conference, Dec. 11-13 in Quantico, Va.
Within many military circles, it is becoming more and more evident that the electromagnetic spectrum and its manipulation, with a variety of tool sets, will dictate the actions of commanders in the 21st century. Whether monitoring a ground radar or leading from an operations center, the increased attention revolving around cyberspace and activities associated with the information environment are warranted given their ability to manipulate a commander’s perception of the battlefield. From an EMS perspective, the challenge is twofold: identifying the right technologies and then institutionalizing their use. Effective manipulation of the EMS requires that members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities so as to ensure spectrum activities support a commander’s intent.
The AOC Land EW Conference provides focus on technological and organizational efforts, from land component perspective toward meeting these ends. Sessions and demonstrations provide evidence of how the U.S. and Allied services are implementing technology and changing organizational paradigms in order to manipulate the EMS environment.
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43rd Annual Collaborative EW Symposium: Enabling Collaborative Electronic Warfare through Innovation and Invention, Jan. 29-31 at Pt. Mugu
The 43rd Annual Point Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare (EW).
Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia, and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
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In recognition of its efforts during the brigade's 2010 to 2011 deployment in support of Operation New Dawn, the Electronic Warfare Office with the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division received the Army Outstanding Unit Award from the Association of Old Crows during the association's annual convention Sept. 23-26 in Phoenix. (Fort Riley Post)
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The successful test of a U.S.-directed energy weapon hints at a change in the frequency and impact of future warfare. The new missile proved it can fry an enemy's electronics using radio waves. On October 16, a team comprised of members of Boeing’s Phantom Works, Raytheon's Ktech and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate successful conducted a missile test for a weapons system capable of decimating a country’s defenses and critically altering the military balance. (Digital Journal)
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Also: Boeing Now Has A Missile That Destroys Only Electronics and Leaves All Else Intact
This week, the Indian National Security Council Secretariat released recommendations by a joint public-private working group on cyber security aimed to strengthen India's cyber security capabilities to combat the rising threat from cyberspace. One of the key recommendations is the establishment of a "Joint Committee on International Cooperation and Advocacy" to promote "India's national interests at various international fora on cyber security issues." This begs the question: What exactly are India's national interests in cyberspace? (Huffington Post)
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Guided missile technology has emerged as the single most devastating offensive military technology across land, air or sea. A single terrorist with a shoulder mounted heat-seeking missile launcher costing less than $10,000 on the black market can down any $100 million aircraft with a simple aim and press of a button. (Big Scary Ideas)
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The U.S. Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, or JLTV program, is beginning a 33-month Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase, also known as EMD. The EMD phase is designed to test and prepare the next-generation vehicles for a Limited User Test, Capabilities Production Document and Milestone C procurement decision in fiscal year 2015, service officials said. (Army.mil)
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Several leading U.S. technology companies are to establish the Cyber Security Research Alliance (CSRA), a private, non-profit research consortium formed in response to the growing need for increased public-private collaboration to address complex problems in cyber security. (Air Traffic Management)
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