NOT One You’ll Want to Miss! Register Now for the 49th Annual AOC Symposium & Convention
The 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, "Arming the Spectrum Warrior," is about a month a way, September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ. Hotel rooms for key nights are selling out quickly, so secure your travel now! Also, check out the updated agenda, register for on-site courses, book your travel and much more!

2012 AOC Gold Medal Winner
"Unveiling the Unified Command Plan for the EMS Warrior"
"Developing the Joint Force for 2020"
"Big Data. New Physics. The Ultimate 'Weak Signal' Detection Weapon"
"Imagining the Next Evolution of National Security"
UPDATED AGENDA AND SPEAKERS: Discuss Critical Issues at the Pacific Theater Air, Sea, Land Battle Concept: IO/EW/Cyber Operations Conference, October 16-18 in Honolulu
The Information Operations Institute and the Association of Old Crows are proud to present this conference on the hottest topic facing the world today and in the future: the Pacific Rim. Sessions include topics on the South China Sea and surrounding waterways of global significance.
Mr. Austin Branch (USA)
Lt. Gen. Dan Leaf (USAF, Ret)
Ambassador Moriarty (USA)
Ambassador Fernandez (USA)
Click here to see the updated agenda
This international conference brings experts from the U.S., Japan, Korea and other countries to discuss the issues affecting this area, new concepts of operations (air, sea, land battle concept), with a concentration on programming and budget areas. The South China Sea is an area of primary concern for many nations and it is critical that all nations come together to build viable joint concepts and ensure the programming funding is in place to bring the concepts to fruition.
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TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ON-SITE COURSES at the 49th Annual AOC Symposium in Phoenix!
the most of your AOC Convention trip by planning now to take one of the
convenient on-site courses planned for Phoenix. Register for your
course when you register for convention and take advantage of early
Full Convention Details
September 18-21: Electronic Warfare Update Course
Course Details
September 20-21: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
Course Details
September 22-23: Modeling and Simulation Course
Course Details
September 22-23: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications
Course Details
September 25: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
Course Details
September 27-28: Radar for Electronic Warfare Professionals Course
Course Details
September 27-28: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
Course Details
EDUCATING THE SPECTRUM WARRIOR: Make Plan Now to Attend the Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management Conference this November in Florida!
This inaugural conference addresses key Special Operation's concerns about tomorrow’s EMS battlespace, specifically the programming, planning and execution of operational Special Operations Forces within the EMS across all domains. This highly charged aspect of the conference will have presentations from SOF senior leaders, operators and programmers. Declining SOF budgets make it imperative that government, industry and academia come together to demonstrate innovation in speedy acquisition and development of critical EMS enabling capabilities.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: AOC Land EW Conference, December 11-13 in Quantico, VA
Within many military circles, it is becoming more and more evident that the electromagnetic spectrum and its manipulation, with a variety of toolsets, will dictate the actions of commanders in the 21st Century. Whether monitoring a ground radar or leading from an operations center, the increased attention revolving around cyberspace and activities associated with the information environment are warranted given their ability to manipulate a commander’s perception of the battlefield. From an EMS perspective, the challenge is twofold: identifying the right technologies and then institutionalizing their use. Effective manipulation of the EMS requires that members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities so as to ensure spectrum activities support commander’s intent.
History has demonstrated that commanders who shape their battlefield, thereby dictating the tempo of operations, will eventually emerge victorious. However, history also has proven that control of a single war-fighting domain does not allow a commander to dictate terms within the battlespace. It is the combining of arms in all of the domains that has proven the most effective in eventually defeating or placating an adversary.
The AOC Land EW Conference provides focus on technological and organizational efforts, from land component perspective toward meeting these ends. Sessions and demonstrations provide evidence of how the U.S. and Allied services are implementing technology and changing organizational paradigms in order to manipulate the EMS environment.
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The AOC is pleased to announce the results of its July election and welcomes the newly elected board members. The new president will take office in fall 2013, the remaining directors take office this September.
Wayne Shaw – President-Elect
Lt. Col. Todd M. Caruso – At-Large Director
Vickie (Burkett) Greenier – At-Large Director
Paul Westcott – At-Large Director
Douglas "Chppper" Lamb – Mid-Atlantic Region Director
Joe Koesters – Central Region Director
Joe Hulsey – Pacific Region Director
Congratulations to the new president-elect and directors!
THE BEST IN EW: AOC 2012 Award Winners |
 The AOC is proud to announce the winning individual and military unit awards recognizing excellence in the electronic warfare industry. Please join us in congratulating these units for their achievements in EW and for their exceptional service.
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Current members and those interested in EW and IO should attend to refresh contacts, exchange new ideas and information, increase knowledge of local and National EW and IO activities, and socialize with other professionals in the Tidewater area. The guest speaker will be AOC Executive Director Don Richetti.
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Your EW/EMS/IO community association, the AOC, has partnered with other associations that support DoD and the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) to respond to the GSA scandal this past spring. The pending legislation is essential so that we can continue to educate and advocate for our community. Please read this letter from ASAE on their perspective.
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DSI's Military Tactical Communications Summit is designed as an educational and training "Town Hall" forum, where thought leaders and key policy-makers across U.S. military and U.S. civilian organizations can come together for actionable discussions and debate. Defense Strategies Institute's Military Mobile Power Summit will bring together selected technology, engineering, and requirements offices, along with high level thought leaders to key policy-makers across military and civilian offices in a forum for the discussion of current and future energy and power initiatives.
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The ever-exciting South China Sea took on a new twist this weekend with the U.S. and China trading strongly worded statements. The dispute was prompted by a U.S. statement on Friday, which was credited to acting Deputy State Department Spokesman Patrick Ventrell. (The Diplomat)
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The Association of Old Crows (AOC) hosts the 2nd AOC Global Connections EW Asia Symposium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 27/28. Themed "The Future of Electronic Warfare in the ASEAN and Pacific Regions," this event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel and Conference center. The AOC brings internationally renowned Electronic Warfare (EW) authorities together for a 2-day symposium comprising an unclassified English language conference and exhibition with plenty of networking and business development opportunities.
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The U.S. Air Force is getting a new chief of staff, and he faces the Herculean task of reversing an institutional decline that threatens to permanently impair the service's warfighting capabilities. The main reason for the decline is that America's military spent the first decade of the new millennium fighting enemies with no air forces and no air defenses, so Pentagon spending priorities shifted to other areas. (Forbes)
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"Gauss," the latest in a string of apparent government sponsored cyber-espionage toolkits, was uncovered by Kaspersky Labs last week. The threat posed by the existence of these pieces of militarized code, and their subsequent development and reprogramming, is at the center of a burgeoning national and global cyber security debate. (IDGA - registration required)
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The Army Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) focuses on a single objective: understanding the battlefield. As it works to fulfill its mandate, the organization develops and refines an array of electronic warfare technologies and advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors that promise to lead to improvements in situational awareness, force protection and reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA). (Defense Systems)
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A $450 million agreement between Israel and Lockheed Martin to allow Israel's own electronic warfare (EW) equipment on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter paves the way to finalizing an initial 19-jet, $2.75 billion JSF deal between the U.S. and Israel, a cornerstone of Middle East defense cooperation. But it also means much more. (Aviation Week)
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The cost to the taxpayer of converting 12 RAAF Super Hornets into $250 million electronic warfare warriors, or "Growlers," has increased almost six-fold from $300 million to $1.7 billion. By the time they are expected to come on line around the end of the decade, the planes' jamming pods will be close to their use-by date. (Canberra Times)
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