TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Register Now for the 49th Annual AOC Symposium and Convention
Register now for the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, "Arming the Spectrum Warrior," September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ, Hotel rooms for key nights are selling out quickly, so secure your travel now!

2012 AOC Gold Medal Winner
"Unveiling the Unified Command Plan for the EMS Warrior"
"Developing the Joint Force for 2020"
"Big Data. New Physics. The Ultimate 'Weak Signal' Detection Weapon"
"Imagining the Next Evolution of National Security"
DISCUSS CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE PACIFIC: Don't Miss the Pacific Theater Air, Sea, Land Battle Concept: IO/EW/Cyber Operations Conference, October 16-18 in Honolulu
The Information Operations Institute and the Association of Old Crows are proud to present this conference on the hottest topic facing the world today and in the future: the Pacific Rim. Sessions include topics on the South China Sea and surrounding waterways of global significance. This international conference brings experts from the U.S., Japan, Korea, and other countries to discuss the issues affecting this area, new concepts of operations (air, sea, land battle concept), with a concentration on programming and budget areas.
The South China Sea is an area of primary concern for many nations. The U.S. DoD is building its air, sea battle concept encompassing not only traditional air and maritime operations but also incorporating the IO/Cyber/EW operations and programming. It is critical that all nations come together to build viable joint concepts and ensure the programming funding is in place to bring the concepts to fruition. Foreseen as an annual event and concentrating on strategic international partnerships, this conference promises to be one that is on the leading edge of future operations in the Pacific Theater.
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AOC SUMMER SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: Don't Miss Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course, August 7-10 - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!
This course will provide an overview of Electronic Warfare from its roots in Electronic Combat to its contemporary EM Spectrum Warfare applications. Although this is not a technical course aimed at engineers, certain technological principles will be presented in order to baseline attendees and help demonstrate the unique knowledge skills and abilities that warfare across the EM spectrum requires.
EDUCATING THE SPECTRUM WARRIOR: Make Plan Now to Attend the Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management Conference this November in Florida!
This inaugural conference addresses key Special Operation’s concerns about tomorrow’s EMS battle space, specifically the programming, planning, and execution of operational Special Operations Forces within the EMS across all domains. This highly charged aspect of the conference will have presentations from SOF senior leaders, operators and programmers. Declining SOF budgets make it imperative that government, industry and academia come together to demonstrate innovation in speedy acquisition and development of critical EMS enabling capabilities.
THE BEST IN EW: AOC Announces Winners of 2012 Unit Awards |
 The AOC is proud to announce the winning military units in our annual awards recognizing excellence in the electronic warfare industry. Please join us in congratulating these units for their achievements in EW and for their exceptional service.
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In wake of constrained Department of Defense (DoD) budgets and with the threat of sequestration looming, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) headed to Dahlgren, VA, July 17-19 for its EMS Combat Systems Life Cycle Management Conference. This inaugural event brought together more than 140 attendees and speakers from defense industries, government and military to the University of Mary Washington Education and Research Center to discuss the criticality of sustainment and acquisition for Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) combat systems.
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The India Chapter is the youngest Chapter of the Association of Old Crows and appears in the International Region I. However, it has enrolled more than 250 EW professionals and two industrial members in the short span since its inauguration during the First EW Conference in India – EWCI 2010 in February 2010 in Bangalore, India, and is growing.
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Three new companies have joined the AOC. Hunter Technology Corp. of Santa Clara, CA, has joined as a small group industry member. Impact Cases Inc. of Markham, Ontario, Canada, has also joined as a small group industry member. Midcon Cable Company of Joplin, MO, joined as a medium group industry member. Connect your company with the EW industry by joining today!
Learn more about AOC Industry Memberships
Impact Cases Inc. is a manufacturer of performance-oriented aluminum shipping cases and STD 19-inch rackmount cases. Catering to the defence, aerospace, telecommunications and high-tech electronics industries, Impact Cases specializes in heavily customized shock-mounted rackmount case solutions for deployable electronics applications.
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REGISTER FOR ON-SITE COURSES AT THE AOC CONVENTION: Make the Most of Your Trip With the Knowledge You Need to Succeed |
Make the most of your AOC Convention trip by planning now to take one of the convenient on-site courses planned for Phoenix. Register for your course when you register for convention and take advantage of early savings!
Full Convention Details
September 18-21: Electronic Warfare Update Course
Course Details
September 20-21: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
Course Details
September 22-23: Modeling and Simulation Course
Course Details
September 22-23: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications
Course Details
September 25: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
Course Details
September 27-28: Radar for Electronic Warfare Professionals Course
Course Details
September 27-28: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
Course Details
In a significant indication of where the Army anticipates it will be deployed over coming years, and what it will be doing there, the service is planning to relocate some of its vast overseas stores of combat equipment and alter the contents of other warehouse stocks to reflect the changing nature of the mission after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (The New York Times)
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As militaries around the world develop new technology to combat the effectiveness of radar and communications, electronic warfare specialists are quickly proving their worth on the frontlines of today's modern battlefield. (DVIDs)
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A reported agreement by the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin to install Israeli-made electronic warfare systems in 19 F-35I Joint Strike Fighters ordered by the Jewish state gives a major boost for the $2.75 billion deal that has been worrying the Israelis. (UPI.com)
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In July 10, the U.S. Navy released a request for proposals for the first all-new electronic jammer in over 40 years. It's about time since the existing ALQ-99 jammer carried on electronic-warfare planes is gradually losing the ability to keep up with joint requirements – not to mention threats. (AOL Defense)
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From his computer console here in the Syracuse suburbs, Col. D. Scott Brenton remotely flies a Reaper drone that beams back hundreds of hours of live video of insurgents, his intended targets, going about their daily lives 7,000 miles away in Afghanistan. Sometimes he and his team watch the same family compound for weeks. (The New York Times)
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The Counter Radio-controlled IED Electronic Warfare training course here prepares students to fight the war against radio-controlled improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan. (DVIDs)
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