EARLY BIRD DEADLINE IS FRIDAY! Register Now for the AOC Convention. Big Discounts for Young Crows.
Register now for the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, "Arming the Spectrum Warrior," September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ, and take advantage of early registration discounts. Register Now!
To help bring young EMS warriors into the Crow family, we are offering discounted registration fees for first-time AOC convention attendees who are 35 years of age or younger by September 24, 2012. You must provide your date of birth at the time of registration and past attendance will be verified by AOC staff. Register by July 27 and attend for only $300!
"Unveiling the Unified Command Plan for the EMS Warrior"
"Developing the Joint Force for 2020"
"Big Data. New Physics. The Ultimate 'Weak Signal' Detection Weapon"
"Imagining the Next Evolution of National Security"
LAST WEEK TO VOTE IN THE AOC ELECTION: Online Ends July 31! Vote Today!
The 2012 AOC Election is now open for voting online. You will need your AOC member number (found on the label of your JED) and crows.org password to access the online system. Offices include the AOC President-Elect (for the presidential term beginning in 2014), as well as At-Large directors and directors for the Central, Mid-Atlantic and Pacific regions. You can learn about the candidates in the AOC Election Guide in the June issue of JED. (Use your crows.org username and password or username: June2012 and password: crow0612 to log in.)
THINGS ARE HEATING UP IN THE PACIFIC: Don't Miss the Pacific Theater Air, Sea, Land Battle Concept: IO/EW/Cyber Operations Conference, October 16-18 in Honolulu
The Information Operations Institute and the Association of Old Crows are proud to present this conference on the hottest topic facing the world today and in the future: the Pacific Rim. Sessions include topics on the South China Sea and surrounding waterways of global significance. This international conference brings experts from the U.S., Japan, Korea, and other countries to discuss the issues affecting this area, new concepts of operations (air, sea, land battle concept), with a concentration on programming and budget areas.
The South China Sea is an area of primary concern for many nations. The U.S. DoD is building its air, sea battle concept encompassing not only traditional air and maritime operations but also incorporating the IO/Cyber/EW operations and programming. It is critical that all nations come together to build viable joint concepts and ensure the programming funding is in place to bring the concepts to fruition. Foreseen as an annual event and concentrating on strategic international partnerships, this conference promises to be one that is on the leading edge of future operations in the Pacific Theater.
Register Now
AOC SUMMER SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: Don't Miss Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course, August 7-10 - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!
This course will provide an overview of Electronic Warfare from its roots in Electronic Combat to its contemporary EM Spectrum Warfare applications. Although this is not a technical course aimed at engineers, certain technological principles will be presented in order to baseline attendees and help demonstrate the unique knowledge skills and abilities that warfare across the EM spectrum requires.
EDUCATING THE SPECTRUM WARRIOR: Make Plan Now to Attend the Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management Conference this November in Florida!
This inaugural conference addresses key Special Operation’s concerns about tomorrow’s EMS battlespace; specifically the programming, planning, and execution of operational Special Operations Forces within the EMS across all domains. This highly charged aspect of the conference will have presentations from SOF senior leaders, operators, and programmers. Declining SOF budgets make it imperative that government, industry, and academia come together to demonstrate innovation in speedy acquisition & development of critical EMS enabling capabilities.
THE BEST IN EW: AOC Announces 2012 Individual Award Recipients |
 The AOC has announced winners of its annual awards recognizing excellence among military and contractors in the electronic warfare industry, including the Gold Medal, Hal Gershanoff Silver Medal, the Joseph W. Kearney Pioneer Award and more than 20 others.
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We need your help! We’re looking at YOU, all of you book-smart crows! Can you think of your favorite book that has helped further your knowledge of Spectrum Warfare? What comes to mind when you think of some of your most influential and helpful professional development books?
We’re looking to reach out to our younger generation by finding out which books would make the "Top 10" in our list of books that provide influential, educational and professional advice in the world of Spectrum Warfare for our young crows. We will take all of your responses and comprise a list of the most popular titles that we receive, then call for a vote on which books YOU think should find a place in the Top 10! To submit a title, please email your suggested book(s) (title AND author) to fulk@crows.org.
Thanks for your help – keep watching to see where your book places on the list!
Laurie Buckhout, AOC President
REGISTER FOR ON-SITE COURSES AT THE AOC CONVENTION: Make the Most of Your Trip With the Knowledge You Need to Succeed |
Make the most of your AOC Convention trip by planning now to take one of the convenient on-site courses planned for Phoenix. Register for your course when you register for convention and take advantage of early savings!
Full Convention Details
September 18-21: Electronic Warfare Update Course
Course Details
September 20-21: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
Course Details
September 22-23: Modeling and Simulation Course
Course Details
September 22-23: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications
Course Details
September 25: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
Course Details
September 27-28: Radar for Electronic Warfare Professionals Course
Course Details
September 27-28: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
Course Details
Hunter Technologies of Santa Clara, CA, has joined the AOC as a small industry group member. Joining the AOC as an industry member connects your company to government, military and your colleagues to support the overall growth and success of the electronic warfare industry.
Learn more about becoming and industry member
PAPERS DUE JULY 30: Present at EW Asia 2012 |
There are a limited number of opportunities for outstanding individuals, organizations and companies to make a 20-25 minute unclassified presentation at EW Asia coherent with the theme and suitable for one of the sessions. Abstracts are due July 30, so don't delay!
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BAE Systems announced today that Dan Gobel has been appointed president of the Electronic Systems sector. Gobel succeeds Tom Arseneault, who recently was named executive vice president for Product Sectors and chief technology officer for BAE Systems, Inc. (MarketWatch)
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From the blog of Chief of Naval Operations, ADM Jonathan Greenert: "The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is an unseen but integral part of our daily lives. Almost every one of us uses a remote (or EM transmitter) to control our television and unlock our car. We use mobile phones (or EM transceivers) to constantly stay in touch with each other by talking, e-mailing and texting."
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Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, the Chief of Naval operations, in a recent piece in the US Naval Institute's Proceedings provides some insights into his thinking about the future of warfighting. Somewhere along the way this effort was hijacked into a discussion about the F-35. The CNO responded to the hijack attempt through his press spokesman and tried to put the discussion back on track. But let us look at what he actually said in his article suggest the way ahead in the future of power projection, for that is where the Navy can be found. (AOL Defense)
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The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are expected to outspend each of their sister services roughly two-to-one on electronic warfare (EW) programs during the next decade. (Aviation Week)
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The US Marine Corps hopes to leverage the US Air Force's experience with the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor to develop concepts of operations for its Lockheed F-35B Joint Strike Fighter. At Eglin AFB, Florida, the USMC has begun training its first F-35B aviator who is not a test pilot: Lt Col David "Chip" Berke, commander of the base's VMFAT-501 training squadron. (Flightglobal)
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There are ominous converging trends in the defense world. New technologies, in particular cyberdevelopments and advanced electronics, are growing exponentially in cost. At the same time, military budgets are falling rapidly and will continue to do so. The survivors of the coming turmoil will be those who embrace the formula of faster, smaller, better and cheaper. (Aviation Week)
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