NEXT WEEK: Warfighters Convene to Define Deal With Deficiencies in EW Capabilities, May 8-10 |
This event, next week at Crane, IN, will redefine Gaps and Capabilities of Electronic Warfare as it gives capabilities and freedom of maneuver across all domains. Taking a look at more than four years of in-depth work by service leads on what progress has been made to ensure our warfighters remain successful in tomorrow's battlespace.
In addition to a tremendous line-up of senior leaders and speakers, this is the conference's fifth anniversary of bringing to the forefront the issues that affect operations across the spectrum. Don't miss your last chance to register for this can't miss event!
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NEXT WEEK: EW Rome 2012: Don't Miss This Premier International EW Event |
- EW Europe 2012 one-day intelligence workshop and two-day EW conference, May 9-11, Rome, Italy
- Registration is complimentary for serving military in EW-related posts provided they attend in uniform and is subject to availability. If this applies to you, register at http://www.shephardmedia.com/events/ew-europe-2012-82/ click on "Register Now" and irrespective of rank, tick the "OF-5 and Above" button.
- The AOC/Shephard Europe EW Conference and Exhibition is truly the global EW event with the widest ranging attendance of any EW gathering in the world. Last year, 45 nations attended.
- With more than 700 registrants in 2011, EW Europe is the event to attend this year if you wish to witness the latest leadership and operational perspectives on this fast moving topic, central to all of modern operations across the spectrum of conflict and ranging from Homeland Defence, counterterrorism to international stability operations.
- EW Europe 2012 in Rome is addressing challenging issues at the forefront of military and government thinking.
Click here to see the Rome preview (PDF).
For more information, visit www.crows.org, www.shephardmedia.com or contact John Clifford.
DUE IN TWO WEEKS: Abstracts fo the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium - "Arming the Spectrum Warrior" |
The spectrum is critical for operations in all domains, all phases of
conflict and successful day-to-day functions across many facets of daily
life. Your input as Electronic Warfare practitioners has never been
more critical. The AOC seeks those innovative ideas for presentation and discussion at the 49th Annual International Symposium & Convention, September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ.
Specifically, the AOC seeks original papers that discuss advancements in EMS-enabled technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase, through development and testing, and into the user's hands. Abstracts are due by May 15.
Full Call for Papers
Convention Details
SPECTRUM CHALLENGES for Air, Sea Battlespace Operations Addressed, June 5-6 in Charleston, S.C. |
This annual event has shifted to June to better integrate with the fiscal calendar and also to enable attendees to really enjoy the best of Charleston in late spring. We have rebuilt this conference series with a truly interactive symposium format, and a Benefit Reception aboard the U.S.S. Yorktown. It also coincides with the Charleston Spoleto festival – a huge treat to area visitors that same week. More importantly, it takes the convergence discussion right down to the operational level focusing on how we need to prepare for future combined arms conflicts in the South China Sea environment.
The conference includes an unclassified day at the Citadel, followed by a classified day at SPAWAR facility.
Read the Press Release
Registration Details
U.S. military superiority has helped maintain stability around the globe and keep peace for nearly 70 years. Our air superiority has meant that no U.S. soldier, sailor or marine has been killed by enemy airplanes in nearly six decades. Air power is now central to joint war-fighting and helped achieve our goals in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. (Politico)
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INDUSTRY NEWS - CHARLESTON: Military Leaders Seek Higher Profile for Pentagon's Cyber Command Unit |
Senior military leaders are recommending that the Pentagon's two-year-old cyberwarfare unit be elevated to full combatant command status, sending a signal to adversaries that the U.S. military is serious about protecting its ability to operate in cyberspace, officials said. (Washington Post)
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REGISTER BY MAY 21 to attend the Kittyhawk Week Conference, June 4-7 in Dayton, OH |
The AFRL Sensors Directorate (AFRL/RY) will hold the 39th Kittyhawk Week conference June 4-7 in Dayton, OH. The conference, which has a 40-year history deeply rooted in Electronic Warfare (EW) requirements and programs, is a Defense (DoD) Industry forum that provides operating command representatives and acquisition organizations throughout the DoD with the most current information on exploratory/advanced development efforts, technology trends, transition status, and investment strategy and opportunities within the Sensors Directorate's portfolio.
The theme for this year's conference is "Dominating the Electromagnetic Spectrum in Air and Space" and will include related policy, threat, and technology topics and trends relevant to directorate's work in the three-day "classified" agenda. Interaction with industry always plays an important role in this technical forum.
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CALL FOR PAPERS: EW Asia 2012, November 7-9, Kuala Lumpur |
In February 2012, the Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Shephard Group announced the dates for EW Asia 2012, the second event organized in Asia under their expanded cooperation agreement. EW Asia 2012 will be held November 7-9, 2012 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Symposium planning is being led by AOC Global Programs personnel who have structured the EW Asia 2012 event into five sessions. These sessions are:
- Session One: An Introduction to Pacific Basin EW Challenges
- Session Two: Perspectives on Regional EM Ops
- Session Three: EW Technology Trends
- Session Four: EM Operations Integration
- Session Five: Future EW
Each day will begin with a Keynote Speaker to set the stage for the day’s presentations and discussions. Each session will include presentations from a variety of invited military, government, academic, and industry speakers supporting the session theme of Electronic Warfare in the Pacific Region. There are a limited number of opportunities for outstanding individuals, organizations and companies to make a 20-25 minute unclassified presentation at EW 2012 Asia coherent with the theme and suitable for one of the sessions outlined above.
Topics likely to be accepted include national perspectives from around the Region; EW and associated capability briefs especially those dealing with integration; operational experiences; EW in the Maritime, Land, Air, Space and Cyber domains; threat briefs; force, platform and area protection including C-IED; technology advances and new concepts. The conference language is English. Abstracts are due by July 30.
Full Call for Papers Details
MODERN IADS AND SAMS: Join Us to Discuss Performance and Vulnerabilities, June 19-21 in Huntsville, AL |
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Missile and Space Intelligence Center come together in Huntsville, AL, to present Performance & Vulnerabilities of Modern IADs/SAMs Conference. Scheduled for June 19-21, this three-day classified symposium will provide an in-depth review of technical analysis of both modern Integrated-Air-Defense-systems (IADs) and Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM). Discussions aim to cover the status of new development programs and to identify the current and projected proliferation of high interest air defense systems.
Presentations will include detailed scientific and technical theory of operation, characteristics and performance assessments, and vulnerabilities. The information will be pertinent for weapons developers, Electronic Attack/Electronic Program developers and users, cyber operations planners and operators, as well as other SAM and IADS analysts in the community. In addition to technical SAM presentations, an overview of the air defense network, command and control details, and some early warning radars specific to Iran and North Korea will be discussed. This conference is designed to specifically address modern IADs and SAM system performance and theory of operation but will also deal with operational aspects of SAM system testing, training, and doctrine.
AOC is a non-profit international Electronic Warfare/Information Operations (EW/IO) association, which promotes electromagnetic spectrum operations and related activities across military, civilian and commercial applications.
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INDUSTRY NEWS - HUNTSVILLE: Flying Not Quite as High |
The release of the Obama administration's defense budget in January makes clear just how the president intends to reshape the U.S. military. For starters, the Army will shrink 14 percent by 2017, the Marines will decrease by 20,000, six Air Force fighter squadrons will be deactivated, and the Navy will make do with fewer ships. (Weekly Standard)
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PAPERS DUE JUNE 4: Defense Budget Cuts Require Innovative Management of Aging Electronic Warfare Systems |
AOC will host the EMS Combat Systems Life Cycle Management Conference in Dahlgren, VA, July 17-19, 2012. In the wake of constrained Department of Defense (DoD) budgets, Electronic Warfare (EW) combat systems must develop strategies of integration and cost-effective methods for sustainment to remain in operational use by the warfighter. Submitted papers should address these areas:
1. Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements
2. Combat System Component Integration
Deadline for abstracts is June 4.
Full Call for Papers Details
REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER AOC COURSES: Join Dave Adamy for Fundamental Principles of EW and Advanced EW |
Fundamental Principles of EW, June 12-15, AOC Headquarters
This course provides insight into the whole electronic warfare field at the systems and operational level. It uses little math beyond algebra, yet the sources of important propagation and jamming equations are made amply clear.
This course is ideal for experienced engineers with expertise in one aspect of EW who want to round out their EW education, engineers and advanced technicians new to the field and those who need to understand how their products and subsystems fit into the big picture.
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Advanced EW, July 17-20, AOC Headquarters
This course builds on the information in Fundamentals of EW (or equivalent) courses. The principles learned in the fundamentals course will be applied to more complex practical problems, and the theoretical underpinnings of fundamental EW concepts and techniques will be developed.
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Instructor: Both courses are taught by Dave Adamy, an internationally recognized expert in electronic warfare who writes the popular monthly "EW 101" column in the Journal of Electronic Defense.
INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. House Committee Presses Air Force on Global Hawk |
The House Armed Services Committee has made the first move to reverse the U.S. Air Force's controversial decision to retire the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 30 fleet. (Flightglobal)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Iran Says it is Building Copy of Captured U.S. Drone, Reveals 'Codes' |
A senior Iranian commander says the country has reverse-engineered an American spy drone captured by Tehran’s armed forces last year and has begun building a copy. (Al Arabiya)
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Note: Links to site in Middle East. Alternate Story: BBC News
INDUSTRY NEWS: Ground Sensors Play Key Role in Battlefield Snooping |
U.S. and coalition forces continue to operate in regions where the enemy is intimately familiar with the topography and is effectively disappearing into the night - despite satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles - after planting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and staging ambushes. (Defense Systems)
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
NEXT WEEK - May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
More Information
NEXT WEEK - May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
More Information
June 4-7: Kittyhawk Week Conference
Dayton, OH
More Information
June 5-6: EW, IO and Cyber Capabilities For Air, Sea Battlespace Operations
Charleston, SC
More Information
June 19-21: Performance & Vulnerabilities of Modern IADs/SAMs Conference
Huntsville, AL
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June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
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July 17-19: Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements Conference
Dahlgren, VA
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August 21-23: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
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September 23-26: AOC 49th Annual International Symposium & Convention
Phoenix, AZ
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October 16-18: Pacific Theater Air, Sea Battlespace IO/EW/Cyber Operations
Honolulu, HI
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November 8-9: EW Asia 2012
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
More information
Upcoming AOC Courses |
LAST CHANCE - May 7: Survey of Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM) Applications
in conjunction with the 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
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June 4: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
in conjunction with the EW, IO and Cyber Capabilities For Air, Sea Battlespace Operations Conference
Charleston, SC
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June 12-15: Fundamental Principles of EW Course
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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July 17-20: Advanced EW Course
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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August 7-10: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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August 20: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications Course
in conjunction with the Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference
Fort Walton Beach, FL
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September 18-21: Electronic Warfare Update Course
at the AOC 49th Annual International Symposium and Convention
Phoenix, AZ
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September 22-23: Modeling and Simulation Course
at the AOC 49th Annual International Symposium and Convention
Phoenix, AZ
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September 27-28: Radar for Electronic Warfare Professionals Course
at the AOC 49th Annual International Symposium and Convention
Phoenix, AZ
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October 9-12: ELINT and Modern Signals Course
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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