NEXT WEEK: SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare Conference, April 3-5 in Las Vegas |
It's your last chance to attend this conference, covering "Training, Tactics, and Testing in the Contested EMS" next week at the Rio Hotel & Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV. The discussion will cover furthering requirements and employment of EMS Control through Airborne Electronic Attack, Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense, test, training, and TTP development leveraging Live Virtual and Constructive mediums. So don't delay!
More Information and Registration Details
AOC AWARD NOMINATIONS: Recognize the Best in EW! Nominations Due May 1 |
It is that time of year to honor those who have furthered the discipline of Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations (IO), electromagnetic spectrum operations, and the AOC. Every year, the AOC presents these prestigious awards to each recipient at the Annual Convention.
Both individually and collectively, you have the knowledge and experience in the EMS community, so you are among the best qualified judges of those accomplishments that deserve international recognition. Whether it be for a single outstanding contribution or unit achievement, an act of courage or heroism, or long and valued service that has pushed the frontiers of EMS technology and its applications, we want to receive your nomination!
Recognize your colleagues by nominating someone for one or more of the AOC's 2012 individual or unit awards. Nomination forms are due by May 1 so don't delay!
NEW COURSES: Don't Miss Pre-Conference Education at Crane and Charleston |
The AOC has introduced two new education courses to enhance your experience at upcoming conferences.
Survey of Electronic Warfare Battle Management (EWBM) Applications
May 7
in conjunction with the 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference at Crane, IN
One of the most pressing deficiencies in recent joint operations has been trying to achieve coordinated and cohesive operations within the Electromagnetic Environment (EME). Decades of "Lessons Learned" and interference reports have culminated in a realization that anything that operates in the EM spectrum (communicates, radiates, locates) must be effectively managed.
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Register Now
Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
June 4
in conjunction with the EW, IO and Cyber Capabilities For Air, Sea Battlespace Operations Conference in Charleston, SC
While EW and Cyber remain distinct mission areas, the convergence of wired and wireless apertures in global information systems necessitates a better understanding of both domains for effects delivery. This survey course will discuss fundamental characteristics of electromagnetic energy, EW targeting principles, wireless network technology and standards, distinctions between the EMS and Cyberspace, directed energy, and the convergence of EA and cyber attack effects.
Instructor: Lynn Berg
Register Now
REPORT FROM EWCI 2012: Another Successful India Conference |
The Second International Conference on Electronic Warfare - EWCI 2012, held February 21-24, 2012, concluded on a very successful note at the National Science seminar Complex, IISc, Bangalore.
The Conference organized by the India Chapter of the Association of Old Crows with active Support from Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore, assumed high proportions, both technically and commercially, as it was attended by more than 400 delegates from India and abroad. The accompanying Technical Exhibition was also highly impressive with over 80 booths exhibiting EW Products from EW organisations across the globe.
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ENSURE THE SUCCESS OF OUR WARFIGHTERS: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference |
This capstone event will redefine Gaps and Capabilities Of Electronic Warfare as it gives capabilities and freedom of maneuver across all domains. Taking a look at more than four years of in-depth work by service leads on what progress has been made to ensure our warfighters remain successful in tomorrow's battlespace.
In addition to a tremendous line-up of senior leaders and speakers, this is the conference's fifth anniversary of bringing to the forefront the issues that affect operations across the spectrum. Four outstanding Networking Receptions, with the addition of one Day 2 in a classified setting at the Crane Lakeview Club, enable attendees and speakers to dive into small networking groups for lively discussions on all topics involving the EMS!
DAY 1: Exploring the gaps of the services to include the mutually supportive capabilities of EW across all the various maneuver spaces (aka Domains). This informative session of presentation and open discussion will provide senior leaders and attendees insight to Spectrum programs and operations that are key areas to the entire battlespace operations.
DAY 2: Capturing the service's gaps and then exploring the areas of EW not discussed in detail as the traditional RF portion of the spectrum. Specifically, what capabilities do EO and IR bring to assist in BOTH the Non-Kinetic and Kinetic fight.
DAY 3: Detailed Intelligence Community updates on where our adversaries threat systems are today and where they are going in the future.
Conference Details
DSEi 2013: The AOC Electronic Warfare Pavilion at DSEi 2013 |
The AOC is hosting the Electronic Warfare Pavilion at DSEi 2013 (September 10-13 London), the world's largest integrated defense & security show. As the ideal platform to display your full capabilities (air, naval, land and security) to a dedicated audience, the EW Pavilion is a great opportunity to network with the global defense community.
The EW Pavilion provides those supplying into this sector an opportunity to be in a dedicated, highly visible area to meet with those attendees, delegates, VIPs, Guests and other exhibitors looking to source your capabilities. Early Bird Rates have been extended.
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ABSTRACTS DUE NEXT WEEK: Share Your Innovative Solutions for the Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference |
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Applied Communications and Information Networking (ACIN) Camden Technology Center have teamed to facilitate a pathway for small businesses to gain entrance into the competitive DoD market space at the Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference, May 1-2 at the ACIN Center in Camden, NJ.
Not only is this a chance for small businesses to gain exposure, but for large businesses and military leaders to hear innovative solutions with focused answers to complex problems. The AOC cordially invites you to submit papers that offer solutions to the following challenges:
1. EMS-Enabled Life Cycle Management Solutions
2. Infrastructure Support to EMS Solutions
3. How Can ISR Information Be Better Shared Across Government, Industry and Research Partners?
4. Modeling and Simulation Capabilities for EMS Warriors
5. Asymmetric Warfare Solutions - EMS Denied Environment
Click here for full details on the Call for Papers.
Papers are due by April 2.
Conference Information
AOC NEEDS YOUR EW INPUT: Call for Papers, 49th Annual Symposium - "Arming the Spectrum Warrior" |
The spectrum is critical for operations in all domains, all phases of
conflict and successful day-to-day functions across many facets of daily
life. Your input as Electronic Warfare practitioners has never been
more critical. The AOC seeks those innovative ideas for presentation and discussion at the 49th Annual International Symposium & Convention, September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ.
Specifically, the AOC seeks original papers that discuss advancements in EMS-enabled technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase, through development and testing, and into the user's hands. Users of the EMS include the U.S. and foreign militaries, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local law enforcement and every smartphone user. Abstracts are due by May 15.
Full Call for Papers
Convention Details
RSVP BY NEXT WEEK: 4th Annual AOC Capitol Club EW Government/Industry Technical Interchange Meeting |
The Fourth Annual Naval Research Laboratory/Association of Old Crows Capitol Club EW Government/Industry Technical Interchange Meeting will be held at the NRL on Tuesday, April 18, and will address Communications Countermeasures Technologies. Our symposium will specifically address "Countermeasures to Cognitive Communications and Methods" as well as "Impact to Software Defined Radios." Clearance and RSVP is required by April 4.
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See the Current Agenda
PLAN NOW to attend the Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference, August 21-23 |
The inaugural Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference is moving to August 21-23 in Fort Walton Beach, FL.
The conference will focus on two main objectives. It will address:
- Key Special Operations Forces (SOF) concerns about tomorrow's Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) battlespace; specifically, the programming, planning and execution of operational SOFs within the EMS across all domains.
- The vital role Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education play for preparing your future labor force, military operations and personnel.
Spectrum Management is crucial for success, especially during Special Operations. Make plans now to join us as we exchange information on the technical and operational aspects SOF EW/EMSO, and ensure your future labor force is prepared via STEM education. We aim to get government and military operations in Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) and SOF involved and talking with local and national businesses with the emphasis in SOF and a common passion for STEM programs.
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DISCUSS CONVERGENCE ON THE OPERAITONAL LEVEL: EW, IO and Cyber Capabilities For Air, Sea Battlespace Operations Conference, June 5-6 |
This annual event has shifted to June to better integrate with the fiscal calendar and also to enable attendees to really enjoy the best of Charleston in late spring. We have rebuilt this conference series with a truly interactive symposium format, and a Benefit Reception aboard the U.S.S. Yorktown. It also coincides with the Charleston Spoleto festival - a huge treat to area visitors that same week. More importantly, it takes the convergence discussion right down to the operational level focusing on how we need to prepare for future combined arms conflicts in the South China Sea environment.
The conference includes an unclassified day at the Citadel, followed by a classified day at SPAWAR facility.
Charleston June 5-6 is the place to be for senior leader updates on:
- OSD response to the GAO audit on the status of EW
- OSD’s initial draft on the EW Policy/Enterprise
- ATL update's on EW
- STRATCOM update on JEMSC
- Updates on GAO IO surveys/Investigations
- Joint Staff update on IO range status and way ahead regarding EW, IO and Cyber testing and modeling and simulation
- OSD update on the IO way-ahead
- Do we have the right organizational structures in place to maximize these capabilities?
- Initial way ahead and updates from Air Sea Battle Stake holders
Registration Details
CALL FOR PAPERS: Defense Budget Cuts Require Innovative Management of Aging Electronic Warfare Systems |
AOC will host the EMS Combat Systems Life Cycle Management Conference in Dahlgren, VA, July 17-19, 2012. In the wake of constrained Department of Defense (DoD) budgets, Electronic Warfare (EW) combat systems must develop strategies of integration and cost-effective methods for sustainment to remain in operational use by the warfighter. Submitted papers should address these areas:
1. Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements
2. Combat System Component Integration
Deadline for abstracts is June 4.
Full Call for Papers Details
UPCOMING COURSE: Fundamental Principles of EW, June at AOC HQ |
Don't miss the next Fundamental Principles of EW Course, June 12-15, at AOC headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
The two-day course, taught by Dave Adamy, provides insight into the whole electronic warfare field at the systems and operational level. It uses little math beyond algebra, yet the sources of important propagation and jamming equations are made amply clear. All information needed to understand the material is explained and included in the text. Both the course and the text avoid deep mathematical coverage, explaining all concepts in practical, physical terms.
Who Should Attend?
This course is ideal for experienced engineers with expertise in one aspect of EW who want to round out their EW education, engineers and advanced technicians new to the field and those who need to understand how their products and subsystems fit into the big picture.
Registration Details
INDUSTRY NEWS: For DARPA, Defense Planning Proceeds at Mach 20 |
The folks who stay up all night worrying about such things at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have a real insomnia inducer for the people of the United States: Our most advanced technology is in enemy hands. But for those enemies, DARPA has a warning shot: It's up to the challenge. (U.S. News & World Report)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: How to Kill China's 'Carrier-Killer' Missile: Jam, Spoof and Shoot |
China has developed a missile that would turn an aircraft carrier into a two-billion-dollar hulk of twisted metal, flame and dead sailors. Publicly, the U.S. Navy downplays its importance. Privately, the sailors are working out several different options to kill it before it kills them. (Wired)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: USAF Fields First Upgraded F-22 Raptors |
The U.S. Air Force has begun to deploy Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors upgraded with enhanced air-to-ground strike capabilities to the operational fleet, starting with the 3rd Wing at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska. (Flightglobal)
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
April 3-5: SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare
Las Vegas, NV
More Information
April 16-17: Australian EW, IO and Cyber Convention
Adelaide, Australia
More information
April 18: 4th Annual NRL/AOC EW Technical Exchange
Washington, D.C.
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May 1-2: ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference
Cherry Hill, NJ
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May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
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May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
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May 23: Virtual Career Expo
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June 5-6: EW, IO and Cyber Capabilities For Air, Sea Battlespace Operations
Charleston, SC
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June 19-21: Performance & Vulnerabilities of Modern IADs/SAMs Conference
Huntsville, AL
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June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
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July 17-19: Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements Conference
Dahlgren, VA
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August 21-23: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
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