IN THREE WEEKS: Register Now for SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare Conference, April 3-5 in Las Vegas |
 This Conference, April 3-5 at the Rio Hotel & Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV, takes on the theme of "Training, Tactics, and Testing in the Contested EMS." Furthering requirements and employment of EMS Control through Airborne Electronic Attack, Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense, test, training, and TTP development leveraging Live Virtual and Constructive mediums. Discounted hotel rates end March 19, so make plans to attend today!
Watch the video of Col Robin "VBerry" Vanderberry discussing the Conference
More Information and Registration Details
PRESENT AT THE AOC CONVENTION: Call for Papers - "Arming the Spectrum Warrior" |
The spectrum is critical for operations in all domains, all phases of
conflict and successful day-to-day functions across many facets of daily
life. Your input as Electronic Warfare practitioners has never been
more critical. The AOC seeks those innovative ideas for presentation and discussion at the 49th Annual International Symposium & Convention, September 23-26 in Phoenix, AZ.
Specifically, the AOC seeks original papers that discuss advancements in EMS-enabled technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase, through development and testing, and into the user's hands. Users of the EMS include the U.S. and foreign militaries, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local law enforcement and every smartphone user. Abstracts are due by May 15.
Full Call for Papers
Convention Details
NEXT WEEK: Don't Miss Dixie Crow Symposium 37, March 18-22 |
Time and again the men and women of the US Air Force have proven the air superiority of America in places like Kosovo, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They have gone into battle with the knowledge that Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems are onboard their aircraft with the ability to detect and protect them from the enemies’ defense systems.
The personnel of the Aerospace Sustainment Directorate, EW/Avionics Division at WR-ALC play a vital role in maintaining these systems and responding to new threats day in and day out. To highlight the work that these men and women do day in and day out the Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows is honored to co-host the 37th Dixie Crow Technical Symposium with the support of Robins Air Force Base and the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center.
Dixie Crow 37 Details
DIXIE CROW 37: Old Crows Expecting Another Huge Turnout |
Last year was an attendance record breaker for the annual Dixie Crow Electronic Warfare Symposium. This year should at least equal that 1,500 number, said Chuck DeBoe, symposium chairman. The March 18-22 event is sponsored by the local Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows and various agencies at Robins Air Force Base. Robins and the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center form the Air Force's center of excellence for electronic warfare. (Warner Robins Patriot)
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JOIN OUR DISCUSSIONS: In the AOC Communities of Interest |
The largest benefit of being an AOC member is the network of relationships that are built within the Spectrum Warfare community. These personal relationships can pave the way for professional development and lifelong friendships. They also can produce partnerships that lead to tremendous innovations and breakthroughs in advancing Spectrum Warfare. Now, we're making these relationships easier.
Our Communities of Interest (COI) are the newest feature for the AOC community to engage with like-minded individuals. They will allow you to connect and share ideas with folks that share similar interests within the broad scope of Electromagnetic Spectrum Warfare.
Communities include:
-AOC Open Forum
-48th Annual Convention
-Electronic Attack
-Information Operations
-Collaborative EW
-Life Cycle
-Navigation Warfare
-Pacific Region
...Can't find a community that you're interested in? No problem! Ask us how to create a new community, and invite others to join!
The AOC is mobile!
You can also access these COI's via your smartphone. The mobile app can be downloaded by pointing your smartphone's browser at the appropriate platform link here:
This service is free to all AOC members! If you need any help accessing your login information, please contact Glorianne O'Neilin at oneilin@crows.org. For any questions that you may have about the Communities of Interest, contact Tony Ramos ( ramos@crows.org).
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Applied Communications and Information Networking (ACIN) Camden Technology Center have teamed to facilitate a pathway for small businesses to gain entrance into the competitive DoD market space.
On May 1-2, 2012, the playing field will be leveled for small businesses by providing them the opportunity to dialogue with larger, well-established, defense contractors and key military program managers. Not only is this a chance for small businesses to gain exposure, but for large businesses and military leaders to hear innovative solutions with focused answers to complex problems.
The AOC cordially invites you to submit a paper(s) to the conference on ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration at the ACIN Center in Camden, NJ. Presenters will have an opportunity to voice their solutions in front of industry executives and representatives of military, industry and academia. Potential speakers are invited to share their expertise that offers a solution to the following challenges:
1. EMS-Enabled Life Cycle Management Solutions
2. Infrastructure Support to EMS Solutions
3. How Can ISR Information Be Better Shared Across Government, Industry and Research Partners?
4. Modeling and Simulation Capabilities for EMS Warriors
5. Asymmetric Warfare Solutions - EMS Denied Environment
Click here for full details on the Call for Papers.
Papers are due by April 2.
Conference Information
L-3 TRL Technology, based in Gloucestershire, UK, has joined the AOC as a group member.
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RECONNECT WITH TIDEWATER CROWS: Upcoming Meeting and Elections |
The Tidewater Chapter of the Association of Old Crows will be holding a meeting on May 11 at 3:30 p.m. at the WBB Office located at 22 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 310, Hampton, VA. Plan to attend if you are a current AOC member or you are interested in re-connecting and networking with the Tidewater area’s community chartered to promote Electronic Warfare and Information Operations. If you have questions contact Greg Kern at gkern@wwbinc.com in Hampton Roads or Glorianne O’Neilin at the AOC National HQ at oneilin@crows.org.
The Tidewater Chapter will be conducting officer elections in the near future. If you are interested in running for President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer of the Tidewater Chapter or would like to assist with other areas please email Greg Kern at gkern@wwbinc.com.
SEE THE AGENDA: 4th Annual AOC Capitol Club EW Government/Industry Technical Interchange Meeting |
The Fourth Annual Naval Research Laboratory/Association of Old Crows Capitol Club EW Government/Industry Technical Interchange Meeting will be held at the NRL on Tuesday, April 18, and will address Communications Countermeasures Technologies. Our symposium will specifically address "Countermeasures to Cognitive Communications and Methods" as well as "Impact to Software Defined Radios." Clearance and RSVP is required by April 4.
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See the Current Agenda
PLAN NOW to attend the Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference, August 21-23 |
The inaugural Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops Conference is moving to August 21-23 in Fort Walton Beach, FL.
The conference will focus on two main objectives. It will address:
- Key Special Operations Forces (SOF) concerns about tomorrow’s Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) battlespace; specifically the programming, planning, and execution of operational SOFs within the EMS across all domains.
- The vital role Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education play for preparing your future labor force, military operations and personnel.
Spectrum Management is crucial for success, especially during Special Operations. Make plans now to join us as we exchange information on the technical and operational aspects SOF EW/EMSO, and ensure your future labor force is prepared via STEM education. We aim to get government and military operations in Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) and SOF involved and talking with local and national businesses with the emphasis in SOF and a common passion for STEM programs.
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CALL FOR PAPERS: Defense Budget Cuts Require Innovative Management of Aging Electronic Warfare Systems |
AOC will host the EMS Combat Systems Life Cycle Management conference in Dahlgren, VA, July 17-19, 2012. In the wake of constrained Department of Defense (DoD) budgets, Electronic Warfare (EW) combat systems must develop strategies of integration and cost-effective methods for sustainment to remain in operational use by the warfighter.
The AOC cordially invites you to submit a paper(s) to the EMS Life-Cycle Management conference in Dahlgren, VA. Selected speakers will present their expert solutions in front of representatives from government, military, industry and academia - addressing these issues:
1. Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements
2. Combat System Component Integration
Deadline for abstracts is June 4.
Full Call for Papers Details
INDUSTRY NEWS: China, U.S. Chase Air-to-Air Cyberweapon |
The U.S. Air Force is developing network weapons to attack aircraft. Electronic warfare specialists know the technology is already a double-edged sword, however. The Chinese, a senior service official says, are already working hard on, and in some cases fielding, similar systems to attack high-value aircraft used for early warning, electronic surveillance, command and control, and intelligence. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: New Book Salutes 'Silent Heroes' – Marine Corps EW Aviation |
The pilots and radar officers of electronic warfare aircraft go into the sky for every mission knowing their role – and the consequences that role may have. "We’re supposed to be a plane that’s there to protect others," said H. Wayne "Flash" Whitten, a retired Marine Corps colonel. In honor of the 100th anniversary of Marine Corps aviation, Whitten has written a book that details the history of electronic warfare and Cherry Point’s vital role in the development of the sixth function of Marine Corps aviation.
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
March 18-22: Dixie Crow Symposium 37
Warner Robins, GA
More Information
April 3-5: SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare
Las Vegas, NV
More Information
April 18: 4th Annual NRL/AOC EW Technical Exchange
Washington, D.C.
More information
May 1-2: ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference
Cherry Hill, NJ
More Information
May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
More Information
May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
More Information
June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
More Information
August 21-23: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
More information
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