AWARD NOMINATIONS: Honor the Best and Brightest in EW |
It is that time of year to honor those who have furthered the discipline of Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations (IO), electromagnetic spectrum operations, and the AOC. Every year, the AOC presents these prestigious awards to each recipient at the Annual Convention.
Both individually and collectively, you have the knowledge and experience in the EMS community, so you are among the best qualified judges of those accomplishments that deserve international recognition. Whether it be for a single outstanding contribution or unit achievement, an act of courage or heroism, or long and valued service that has pushed the frontiers of EMS technology and its applications, we want to receive your nomination!
Recognize your colleagues by nominating someone for one or more of the AOC's 2012 individual or unit awards. Nomination forms are due by May 1, so don't delay!
CALL FOR PAPERS: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference |
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Applied Communications and Information Networking (ACIN) Camden Technology Center have teamed to facilitate a pathway for small businesses to gain entrance into the competitive DoD market space.
On May 1-2, 2012, the playing field will be leveled for small businesses by providing them the opportunity to dialogue with larger, well-established, defense contractors and key military program managers. Not only is this a chance for small businesses to gain exposure, but for large businesses and military leaders to hear innovative solutions with focused answers to complex problems.
The AOC cordially invites you to submit a paper(s) to the conference on ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration at the ACIN Center in Camden, NJ. Presenters will have an opportunity to voice their solutions in front of industry executives and representatives of military, industry and academia. Potential speakers are invited to share their expertise that offers a solution to the following challenges:
1. EMS-Enabled Life Cycle Management Solutions
2. Infrastructure Support to EMS Solutions
3. How Can ISR Information Be Better Shared Across Government, Industry and Research Partners?
4. Modeling and Simulation Capabilities for EMS Warriors
5. Asymmetric Warfare Solutions – EMS Denied Environment
Click here for full details on the Call for Papers.
Papers are due by April 2.
Conference Information
NOMINATIONS DUE IN TWO WEEKS: Help Choose the Next AOC Board Members |
The AOC is accepting nominations for the AOC Board of Directors. This year's election will include the President-Elect. It will also include three At-Large Directors and the Mid-Atlantic, Central and Pacific Regional Directors to serve three-year terms starting in September 2012. Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by March 2. Don't miss your chance to shape the future of your association. Visit www.crows.org or click the link below to download a nomination form.
BOD Nomination Form
DON'T MISS INTERNATIONAL COUNTER-TERRORISM EXPERTS at Information Operations Europe, February 22-23 |
The use of the Internet - particularly social media - to organize, plan and overthrow ruling regimes has led to the entrenching of deeper extremist ideals. How do we counter these ideals and preserve peace? The FBI's Counter-Terrorism Department joins a host of other experts assembling in Oberammergau, Germany, Feb. 22-23, to address this pressing issue at the AOC's "Impact of Extremism - Europe 2012" conference.
This conference brings a cadre of professionals war-tested through international information activities into an inter-nation open dialog forum of "engaging, listening, and learning." The intent is to refocus and optimize our craft in response to a new global environment where we are facing the real complication of declining resources available to answer widely divergent global challenges. AOC IO Europe offers a unique venue in an academic setting that brings together perspectives across international approaches to planning, executing and assessing operations in information space.
Who should attend?
International cross-discipline information and communication professionals who plan, execute and assess activities across "inform, persuade, and influence" activities. Including, but not limited to:
-International & U.S. military commanders
-Diplomats and/or senior staff
-Intelligence community
-Public affairs
-Strategic communication
-Public diplomacy
-IO (including MISO, EMS/cyber)
-COCOM (U.S. and international equivalent)
-Academia who study human cognition and behavioral science.
The conference is only a week away! REGISTER NOW to make sure you have a seat at these crucial discussions!
BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS HAVE BEGUN: Reserve Your Space Now for the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention |
Booth assignments have begun for the AOC 49th Annual Symposium & Convention, September 23-26, in Phoenix, AZ. Space is allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, so secure the best locations by signing up early for the year's premier EW event. Contact Stew Taylor, taylor@crows.org, for more information on available locations and to complete your booth contract.
Booth Contract
Current Floor Plan
CALL FOR PAPERS: EMS Life-Cycle Management Conference |
AOC will host the EMS Life-Cycle Management conference in Dahlgren, VA, July 17-19, 2012. In the wake of constrained Department of Defense (DoD) budgets, Electronic Warfare (EW) combat systems must develop strategies of integration and cost-effective methods for sustainment to remain in operational use by the warfighter.
For systems life-cycle management to be most efficient, it is vital for the armed forces to collaborate to meet the new fiscal restraints by producing more commonality in EW combat systems. The viewpoints presented at this conference are essential for excelling in a challenging fiscal environment, and helping EW missions contribute effectively to our critical national defense mission.
The AOC cordially invites you to submit a paper(s) to the EMS Life-Cycle Management conference in Dahlgren, VA. Selected speakers will present their expert solutions in front of representatives from government, military, industry and academia - addressing these issues:
1. Combat Systems Integration and Life Cycle Cost and Performance Improvements
2. Combat System Component Integration
Deadline for abstracts is June 4.
Full Call for Papers Details
REPORT FROM PT. MUGU: Challenging Times for Electronic Warfare |
Working together to take electronic warfare to new heights and into uncharted waters - all while budgets are being cut - was the key topic at the 42nd Annual Electronic Warfare Symposium that began Jan. 24 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. (The Lighthouse)
Learn More...
SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare, April 3-5 |
This Conference, April 3-5 at the Rio Hotel & Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV, takes on the theme of "Training, Tactics, and Testing in the Contested EMS." Furthering requirements and employment of EMS Control through Airborne Electronic Attack, Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense, test, training, and TTP development leveraging Live Virtual and Constructive mediums.
More Information and Registration Details
DISCUSS CRITICAL EMS PARTNERSHIPS: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops, April 10-12 |
This conference, April 10-12 at Hurlburt Field (Ft. Walton Beach, FL), addresses two of the most critical EMS enabling activities and partnerships for our community. The AOC supports the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition in their STEM programs for teachers and students at the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation and our Special Operations Community.
The goal of this conference is to inform and educate the EMS community on the necessity of supporting STEM; and introduces key Special Operations Forces (SOF) EMS requirements. SOF requirements remain critical in a reduced budget and demonstrate innovation in speedy acquisition and development of critical EMS enabling capabilities.
More Information and Registration Details
COURSE PRICE INCREASES MONDAY: Introduction to Radar and EW, Feb. 28-March 2 |
Introduction to Radar and EW
February 28-March 2
Instructor: Dick Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Essentials of 21st Century EW
March 13-16
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
REGISTER FREE UNTIL MARCH 2: Dixie Crow Symposium 37, March 18-22 |
Dixie Crow Symposium 37 comes to the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, GA, March 18-22. Registration for this event is FREE, as long as you mail your registration form by March 2.
Sponsorships for the event are still available. See information on the Dixie Crow website, or click here to download an information form.
Registration Form
INDUSTRY NEWS: Offutt Crews Are Troops' Ears in Sky |
In late November, as most of Omaha carved turkeys and strung Christmas lights, an Air Force captain named Daniel piloted an ancient, hulking airplane toward its top-secret destination high above Afghanistan. (Omaha World-Hearld)
Learn More...
INDUSTRY NEWS: Wounded Veterans Build New Skills to Keep Serving |
Sergeant Michael Kidd considered cyberspace a hobby before he joined the Marines in 2003, but he hopes to make it his new battlefield after suffering debilitating injuries in Iraq. (Chicago Tribune)
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BUDGET NEWS: Pentagon Takes $1.6 Billion From Lockheed F-35 Jet in Biggest Defense Cut |
The Pentagon's proposed budget would reduce spending on Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT)'s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the military's costliest weapons program, by $1.6 billion in the next fiscal year. (Bloomberg)
Learn More...
BUDGET NEWS: Pentagon Spending on Aircraft to Dip 12 Percent in 2013 |
Funding for aircraft decreased in the Pentagon's fiscal year 2013 budget proposal as compared to 2012, according to documents obtained by Defense News. (Air Force Times)
Learn More...
BUDGET NEWS: Budget Request Includes Funds for 10 New Ships |
At least $12.8 billion in shipbuilding funds will be part of the Obama administration's fiscal 2013 defense budget, according to a Pentagon document prepared for Monday's news briefings and obtained by Defense News. (Navy Times)
Learn More...
Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
NEXT WEEK - February 21-24: Second Annual International Conference on Electronic Warfare
Bangalore, India
More Information
NEXT WEEK - February 22-23: Information Operations Conference Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
More Information
March 18-22: Dixie Crow Symposium 37
Warner Robins, GA
More Information
April 3-5: SPECTRUM SUPERIORITY - Critical Enabler to 21st Century Warfare
Las Vegas, NV
More Information
April 10-12: Educating the Spectrum Warrior: Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management for Special Ops
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
More information
April 18: 4th Annual NRL/AOC EW Technical Exchange
Washington, D.C.
More information
May 1-2: ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference
Cherry Hill, NJ
More Information
May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
More Information
May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
More Information
June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
More Information
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