CALL FOR PAPERS ENDS FRIDAY: LPI Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Conference |
The paper submission deadline for the AOC LPI Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Technologies Conference ends this Friday, February 3. Refer to the call for papers below for submission guidelines. The important dates are:
- Extended summaries due: February 3
- Notification of acceptance: February 17
- Final extended summary submission: March 1
- Author registration with AOC: February-March
On behalf of the AOC and the NPS Center for Joint Services Electronic Warfare, you are cordially invited to submit a paper(s) to the Symposium on LPI Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Technologies Conference (to be held at the S/NF classification) at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, from March 27-29.
Click here for more information.
HOW EXTREMISM IS CHANGING THE CONVERSATION: Discuss at Information Operations Europe, February 22-23 |
Theme: The rise of extremism and the role of Information Operations.
Objective: The purpose of this
conference is to explore how individuals and groups use the information
environment to advance extremism within nation states.
Background: The events
surrounding Arab Spring awakened Western countries to the plight of
disenfranchised populations in the Arab Region and Northern Africa.
Large groups of disaffected people coalesced their anger to overthrow
long-standing governments. These groups leveraged the information
environment to communicate on a world stage while garnering support
within their home nation, across their region and from the entire world.
This same information environment is available to other groups to
advance their goals and objectives.
Key Speakers:
Ambassador Brian Carlson
Col. Randy Rosin (USA)
Col. Jim Skelton (USA)
Mr. Mark Laity (Belgium)
Mr. (SES) Austin Branch (USA)
Cdr. Dai Roberts (UK)
Professor Sean Costigan
Col. Laurie Buckhout (Ret.) (USA)
Air Commodore Graham Wright (Ret.) (UK)
Mr. Thomas Nissen (Denmark)
Ambassador Kurt Volker (USA)
Gen. Klaus Reinhardt (Ret.) (Germany)
Mr. Neeraj Singh (India)
Mr. Steve Mehringer
Col. Arthur Tulak (USA)
Col. Al Bynum (Ret.) (USA)
Col. Dave Grohoski (Ret.) (USA)
Register Now
DISCUSSION: The Struggle for Democracy in 'Arab Awakening' |
One of the first comments we heard from the Obama administration in the early stages of Egypt's 2011 revolution was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's remark that "the Egyptian government is stable," referring to the Hosni Mubarak regime. This is a stark contradiction to the democratic and human rights principles that the United States espouses. It also contradicts the expressed objective to promote democracy in the region. (Tampa Bay Online)
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GUIDE THE FUTURE OF THE AOC: Nominate a New Board Member |
The AOC is accepting nominations for the AOC Board of Directors. This year's election will include the President-Elect. It will also include three At-Large Directors and the Mid-Atlantic, Central and Pacific Regional Directors to serve three-year terms starting in September 2012. Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by March 2, 2012. Don't miss your chance to shape the future of your association. Visit www.crows.org or click the link below to download a nomination form.
Nomination Form
EDUCATION YOU NEED: Radar and EW and 21st Century EW Courses |
Don't Miss the AOC's upcoming spring courses:
Introduction to Radar and EW
February 28-March 2
Instructor: Dick Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
Essentials of 21st Century EW
March 13-16
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
NEW SCHEDULE AND EXHIBITORS: Register Now for Dixie Crow Symposium 37, March 18-22 |
Dixie Crow Symposium 37 comes to the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, GA, March 18-22. Registration for this event is FREE, as long as you mail your registration form by March 2.
Sponsorships and exhibit space for the event are still available. See information on the Dixie Crow website, or click here to download an application and information form.
Registration Form
CAPTIOL CLUB: Don't Miss the 4th Annual NRL/AOC EW Technical Interchange |
 The AOC Capitol Chapter announces our Fourth Annual Naval Research Laboratory/Association of Old Crows Capitol Club Jointly Sponsored EW Technical Interchange Meeting will be at the NRL on Tuesday, April 18, 2012. This year's classified symposium (SECRET/U.S. ONLY) will address the topic of Communications Countermeasures Technology with presentations on technologies to defeat or counter communications across the continuum. Visit http://aoccapitolclub.com for details, abstract submission and registration information.
INDUSTRY NEWS: CIRCM Technology Development Phase Contracts Announced |
The US Army's Project Manager for Aircraft Survivability Equipment (PM ASE) at Redstone Arsenal, AL, has awarded a pair of contracts to BAE Systems EIS (Nashua, NH) and Northrop Grumman's Land and Self Protection Systems Division (Rolling Meadows, IL), for the Technology Development phase of the Common IR Countermeasures (CIRCM) program, according to an Army press release issued on February 1.
The Army stated, "CIRCM is a Special Interest, ACAT 1D program that will serve as the Next Generation to the Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures program. CIRCM shall provide the sole acquisition of future laser-based countermeasure systems for all rotary-wing, tilt-rotor, and small fixed wing aircraft across the Department of Defense.
"The CIRCM consists of a laser-based countermeasure which will be fully integrated with an ASE suite that includes passive missile warning, an improved countermeasures dispenser and advanced expendables. CIRCM will be a light-weight, low cost, highly reliable, laser-based countermeasure system designed to work in conjunction with missile warning systems across the Services.
"The TD Phase contracts provide for a twenty-one (21) month period of performance. The contracts include both Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) and Firm Fixed Price (FFP) elements and will utilize competitive prototyping.
"CIRCM will bolster the level of protection that is provided to our aircrews and passengers from MANPADS as it combines with the Common Missile Warning System to ensure an envelope of protection," said Col. John Leaphart, PM ASE.
"This contract award for CIRCM is the result of a strong team effort. We are excited about moving the program forward with our industry partners and ultimately adding this great system into the Army inventory," said Lt. Col. Christopher Brown, Product Manager Countermeasures.
"Additional information regarding the CIRCM program will be made available following a debriefing period."
Two other companies, ITT Exelis Electronic Systems (Clifton, NJ) and Raytheon Missile Systems (Tucson, AZ) also bid for the TD contracts. –JED Staff
INDUSTRY NEWS: New EW Capabilities To Emerge With NGJ |
Technologies being offered up by the aerospace industry for the Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) are still closely held, but clues are emerging. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Rapid Fire DoD Budget Guidance |
Top Pentagon officials gave a briefing yesterday on major budget decisions ahead of the FY13 President Budget request coming on Feb. 13. Some highlights among the outlined priorities. (Defense Industry Daily)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: McKeon Warns President’s Military Cuts are Real and Dramatic |
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon released the following statement today regarding the Obama Administration’s new defensive strategy and military posture: "Today Secretary Panetta announced how he will execute the President’s direction to cut $47 billion from his original request for FY13 military spending. Contrary to those who would assert that this budget still represents an increase in defense spending, clearly this budget is a real cut in military spending."
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Two Sides of the DoD Coin: Budgets Slashed, UAV Market Soars |
As we embark on a new year, imminent cuts to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) budget are top of mind for those of us in the military electronics market. At a recent House Armed Services Committee hearing, the nation’s military chiefs cited a $600 billion defense cut as "catastrophic to the military" and having a "severe and irreversible impact." (MP Digest)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: USAF Cancels Block 30 RQ-4 Global Hawk |
Few months after declaring the latest model Global Hawk intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) unmanned aircraft ‘operational’ the United States Air Force has announced it has decided to discontinue any further procurement of the Block 30 RQ-4 Global Hawk drones. Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter cited increasing costs as a critical factor in the cancellation decision. Media reports indicate that the USAF will retire the Block 30 drones currently in the air fleet and all future production will be terminated. (Defense Update)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Canada Reviewing Implications of Slowed U.S. F-35 Production |
The federal government is reviewing Canada's planned purchase of up to 65 F-35s after U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed Thursday his country will be slowing production on the troubled stealth fighters. (Canada.com)
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
February 21-24: Second Annual International Conference on Electronic Warfare
Bangalore, India
More Information
February 22-23: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
More Information
March 18-22: Dixie Crow Symposium 37
Warner Robins, GA
More Information
March 27-29: Low Probability of Intercept/ELINT Conference
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Call for Papers - Ends Friday!
More Information
April 3-5: Training, Tactics and Testing in the Contested EMS
Las Vegas, NV
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April 10-12: SOF EW: Training, Test and Special Ops in the EMS
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
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May 1-2: ACIN: Legislative Initiatives for Small Business Integration Conference
Cherry Hill, NJ
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May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
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May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
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June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
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