VIEW THE FULL CONFERENCE AGENDA: Highlighting Joint-Force Perspectives at the 42nd Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, January 24-26 |
It's almost time for the Collaborative Electronic Warfare Symposium. Join us at the Ronald Reagan Library, January 24 and at Pt. Mugu, CA, January 25-26. Don't miss this conference, designed to look forward with an aim to understand the potential collaborative EW solution vectors to achieve interoperability in the near and long-term. Keynote speakers include: VADM Architzel, Commander NAVAIR; RADM Leigher, Director, OPNAV N2/N6F; RADM Winter, Commander NAWCWD; Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.), CEO MAV6
Full Conference Agenda
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NOMINATE YOUR COLLEAGUES for a 2012 AOC Individual or Unit Award |
Recognize your colleagues by nominating someone for one of the AOC's 2012 individual or unit awards. Nomination forms are due May 1, 2012 so don't delay! Email the completed forms to oneilin@crows.org.
Download a Nomination Form
AOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Nomination Forms Due March 2 |
The AOC is accepting nominations for the AOC Board of Directors. This year's election will include the President-Elect. It will also include three At-Large Directors and the Mid-Atlantic, Central and Pacific Regional Directors to serve three-year terms starting in September 2012. Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by March 2, 2012. Don't miss your chance to shape the future of your association. Visit www.crows.org or click the link below to download a nomination form.
Nomination Form
CALL FOR PAPERS EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 3: AOC Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Conference |
The paper submission deadline for the AOC LPI Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Technologies Conference is extended to February 3. Refer to the call for papers below for submission guidelines. The important dates are:
- Extended summaries due: February 3
- Notification of acceptance: February 17
- Final extended summary submission: March 1
- Author registration with AOC: February-March
On behalf of the AOC and the NPS Center for Joint Services Electronic Warfare, you are cordially invited to submit a paper(s) to the Symposium on LPI Radar, Counter LPI and ELINT Receiver Technologies Conference (to be held at the S/NF classification) at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, from March 27-29.
Click here for more information.
EW CREDENTIALING SURVEY: AOC Needs Your Input; Survey Closes January 24 |
AOC needs your input to help define the content of a professional credentialing program and associated educational materials for spectrum warfare professionals (e.g., electronic warfare and spectrum control professionals.) Specifically, we need you to complete a formal survey that is part of the AOC Job/Task Analysis study of the profession of spectrum warfare professionals.
The survey was prepared by a panel of spectrum warfare professionals under the direction of credentialing experts from The Caviart Group. It is designed to determine the tasks that spectrum warfare professionals do in their job and the knowledge, skills and abilities required to do those tasks. The results of this survey will be analyzed and will guide the design of future professional credentials for spectrum warfare professionals.
Click here to take the survey. It should take you less than 30 minutes to complete.
This study is on a tight schedule so it is important that you respond to the survey as soon as possible. The survey will close on January 24, 2012, but please complete it today!
If you have any problems using the survey site, please email Clarence "Buck" Chaffee at The Caviart Group at cchaffee@thecaviartgroup.com. He will respond within 48 hours.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
DISCUSS THE IMPACTS OF EXTREMISM at Information Operations Europe, February 22-23 |
This conference explores how individuals and groups use the information environment to advance extremism within nation states. The events surrounding the "Arab Spring" awakened Western countries to the plight of disenfranchised populations in the Arab Region and Northern Africa. Large groups of disaffected people coalesced their anger to overthrow long-standing governments. These groups leveraged the information environment to communicate on a world stage while garnering support within their home nations, across their region and from the entire world. This same information environment is available to other groups to advance their goals and objectives.
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REGISTER NOW: Dixie Crow Symposium 37 |
Dixie Crow Symposium 37 comes to the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, GA, March 18-22. Registration for this event is FREE, as long as you mail your registration form by March 2. Also, don't miss the call for papers and technical presentations, which are being accepted through February 1. For more information visit the links below or visit www.dixiecrow.org.
Registration Form
Call for Papers
INDUSTRY NEWS: Saving Money is Key to Future EW |
Electronic warfare and directed energy are at the heart of next-generation warfare, but there needs to be a steep education of decision makers both in and out of uniform to turn these technologies into operational weapons. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: F-22 Technology On UAV That Crashed In Iran |
The first clear pictures of the center-line reconnaissance bay on Lockheed Martin’s RQ-170 Sentinel show that the small unmanned aircraft was carrying sensor balls mounted in an internal compartment with specially treated transparent panels – developed for the F-22 – when one of them crashed in Iran on Dec. 4. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: AOC Says GPS Commercial Interface Could Impact National Security |
The Association of Old Crows (AOC), an international professional organization that specializes in electronic warfare and tactical information operations, has publicized its caution that persistent sources of GPS interference could seriously affect the ability of the U.S. to both respond to crises of all levels, whether it be natural or man-made, and to operate critical infrastructure. (Top Secret Writers)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might |
The USS Gerald R. Ford was supposed to help secure another half century of American naval supremacy. The hulking aircraft carrier taking shape in a dry dock in Newport News, Va., is designed to carry a crew of 4,660 and a formidable arsenal of aircraft and weapons. But an unforeseen problem cropped up between blueprint and expected delivery in 2015: China is building a new class of ballistic missiles designed to arc through the stratosphere and explode onto the deck of a U.S. carrier, killing sailors and crippling its flight deck. (Wall Street Journal)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The Future: Directed Energy Weapons |
In November, Rheinmetall shot down a low-altitude unmanned UAV with a 10kW laser, marking the first time the company had done so with its directed energy weapon integrated with a full air defense system. At a live fire laser demo at the Group’s Ochsenboden proving ground, international guests were able to view two laser weapon demonstrators in action, each featuring different performance parameters. (Defence iQ)
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
January 24-26: 42nd Annual Collaborative Electronic Warfare Symposium
Pt. Mugu, CA
More Information
February 21-24: Second Annual International Conference on Electronic Warfare
Bangalore, India
More Information
February 22-23: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
More Information
March 18-22: Dixie Crow Symposium 37
Warner Robins, GA
Call for Papers
More Information
March 27-29: Low Probability of Intercept/ELINT Conference
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA
Call for Papers
More Information
April 4-5: Training, Tactics and Testing in the Contested EMS
Las Vegas, NV
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April 10-12: SOF EW: Training, Test and Special Ops in the EMS
Hurlburt Field, FL (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
More information
May 8-10: 5th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
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May 9-11: EW Europe 2012
Rome, Italy
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June 17-22: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)
Montreal, Canada
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
January 23-24: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications Course
In conjunction with the 42nd Annual Collaborative Electronic Warfare Symposium at the Naval Air Warfare Center- Weapons Division, Pt. Mugu, CA
Westlake Village, CA
Register Now - Rates increase after 1/16/12!
February 28-March 2: Introduction to Radar and Electronic Warfare Course
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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March 13-16: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
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March 26: Leveraging LPI Technologies
In conjunction with the Low Probability of Intercept/ELINT Conference at the US Navy Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA
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April 2-3: Modeling & Simulation Course
in conjunction with the Training, Tactics and Testing in a Congested EMS Conference at Nellis AFB and Rio Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
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