AOC CLASSIFIED SYMPOSIUM: The High Art of War: The Evolution of EW and Cyber |
The AOC Classified Symposium, Thursday, Nov. 17, will explore the advanced capabilities of what a peer/near-peer competitor possesses across all warfighting domains and battle spaces. It will delve into the threat from both kinetic and nonkinetic capabilities facing U.S. and Coalition Forces. The session will include a panel from the ELINT-NSG steering committee as well as a key intelligence community enterprise response.
Keynote Address
Block 1 - Competition for the EMS
- China EW Threat
- China Space Threat
- Cyber Threat
Block 2 - Evolving Intel Support to EW
- Cryptologic Enterprise Architecture
- Integrating the RF: REDHAWK
- E-Space – NSA
- SIGINT Support for EW & Cyber
- Foreign Material Exploitation and Cyber
Block 3 - The Way Forward: Future Intel Support to EW
- The View from the Pentagon
- ELINT Senior Steering Group Perspective
- Panel Discussion: The High Art of War
- ONDI National Intelligence Manager for Science & Technology
- USD(I)
- Deputy Director, NSA/SID
- President/CEO Key West Corp
Details and Registration Information
ONE WEEK LEFT to Take Advantage of LOWER REGISTRATION FEES for the 48th AOC International Symposium & Convention |
The annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the premier event for EW and IO community leaders to learn new strategies, discover innovative solutions and share best practices. Reduced registration fees are available through next Wednesday, October 26, so don't delay!
Register Now
This year's symposium includes 16 sessions featuring top-level speakers you don't want to miss, including: Confirmed International VIP Speaker , Air Commodore Ken McCann CBE RAF, Air Attaché, British Defence Staff United States; The Honorable Todd Young, Representative, 9th District of Indiana, Co-Chairman of the EW Working Group; Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army; and Lt. Gen. William T. Lord, Chief of Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force.
Symposium Details
Rooms for some Convention nights are still available at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel for the Convention rate of $272 per night (single) or $279 per night (double). Note that the hotel is sold out for Nov. 15 and Nov. 16. Due to events in the D.C. area, rooms are going fast and this rate is only good through Sunday, October 23, so book your rooms now! Visit the AOC Convention travel section for information on overflow hotel options.
This year's theme of "Victory Through the EMS" will inspire discussions, educational tracks and sessions about strategic uses of the EMS across military operations. Northrop Grumman is the host for this year's Convention.
Hotel and Travel Details
AOC POSTER SESSION: Perfect Showcase for Students, Authors and Educators – DUE FRIDAY! |
The poster session is an excellent forum for presenting speculative, late-breaking results or for giving an introduction to interesting and innovative work being conducted in the academic or commercial industries. Please share this invitation with the students, authors and educators you may know or have connections to, as this is an excellent opportunity to showcase theories in progress.
The poster session is designed to provide specific information about applications, architecture, implementation, performance, and security of electronic warfare and information operations. Posters that present work in progress and draw important conclusions from practical experience are especially encouraged to submit.
To submit your entry for consideration, email the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at postersession@crows.org.
Abstracts are due this Friday, October 21, 2011.
CONNECT WITH THE AOC: Discuss Now at Facebook and LinkedIn; Follow Us on Twitter |
Connect with the AOC through social media and join the ongoing discussion on electronic warfare, spectrum, cyber, IO and more.
REGISTER TODAY: Convergence of EW, IO and Cyber, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC |
This three-day event, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC, will engage all in thought-provoking discussions on a full range of cyber and electronic warfare topics. Experts will provide their insights and facilitate professional dialogues designed to frame the theme of how technology will drive convergence across target sets common to EW, cyber and IO.
Speakers include:
F. Austin Branch, SES
Senior Advisor for IO Strategy & Plans
Rosemary S. Wenchel, SES
Director for Cyber, IO & Strategic Studies OUSD(I)
Mark H. Johnson, SES
Director, Joint Information Operations Warfare Center
RADM Andy Singer, USN (Ret.)
Executive Director, Information Dominance Center for Excellence
Mr. Robert J. Giesler
Vice President for Cyber Security, SAIC
Current Agenda
Registration Form
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AOC and Shephard Unveil Details on EW 2012 |
Held in collaboration with the Association of Old Crows, Shephard’s 17th Electronic Warfare event, will once again provide an unrivaled forum to discuss the latest developments in EW across land, maritime, air/space and EM environments, May 9-11 in Rome, Italy.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: New Army Electronic Warfare System Steps Up |
When it comes to electronic warfare, the Army’s longtime focus has been roadside bombs and jamming the signals that trigger them. But now the Army is readying to go on the attack. (Army Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Faster SIGINT – The Secret Could Be in Your Game Room |
The same kinds of computer processors that project movie-quality video game graphics will soon sift signals intelligence collections aboard American planes, industry experts said. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: All Your UAVs Are Belong to Us |
It recently came to light that the U.S. Air Force base where most air force UAV operators are stationed had been infected. This led to speculation about hackers taking control of American UAVs. All air force Predator and Reaper UAVs are operated, via satellite, from this one base in the United States. (Strategy Page)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Smartphone Solution Sought for Nett Warrior |
The Army is looking at a new smartphone solution for its wearable computer system, Nett Warrior, after ordering a halt to the program’s development over the summer. (Army Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Meet The 'Euro Hawk,' Germany's Data-Trolling Super Drone |
Germany has just unveiled the Euro Hawk, a prototype drone that vacuums up data – cell phone conversations, text messages, you name it – and can fly to New Zealand without refueling. The German military is so excited about the Hawk it now wants five of the unmanned spy planes. (Die Welt, via World Crunch)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: U.S. Power Plants Vulnerable to Cyber Attack |
Hundreds of thousands of people in darkness, hospitals in chaos, a banking system under siege – a cyber attack on the U.S. electricity grid could have catastrophic consequences. (Financial Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: The EU and the Arab Spring: From Munificence to Geo-Strategy |
Political change in the Middle East and North Africa is good news for Europe, and the EU is right to set the deepening of Arab reform as a key objective. (FRIDE)
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Company News |
Northrop Grumman Corp. last week pulled out of the 2012 international air show in Farnborough, England, a dramatic move underscoring the company's drive to cut costs as it prepares for leaner times in the global defense market.
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dB Control will introduce several wide-bandwidth, high-power amplifiers –
including two traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifiers and a microwave power
module (MPM) that doubles output power over a wider frequency band,
compared to similar product at the AOC Convention.
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See a video of Northrop Grumman's/AAQ-37 Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (EO DAS) for the F-35.
Watch Video
AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems unveiled the newest version of a tactical aircraft use used by U.S. military forces.
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CAE announced that it has been awarded a series of military contracts from the defense forces of seven countries valued at more than C$125 million. They include a contract to develop two multi-crew simulators for a new undergraduate program of the United States Navy.
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Raytheon's Common Infrared Counter Measures solution for U.S. Army helicopters can also protect unmanned aircraft systems. At 15 pounds less than the Army's requirement, Raytheon's CIRCM system is lightweight enough for large UAS platforms.
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Lockheed Martin is upgrading the data management and fusion capabilities of the enterprise that disseminates intelligence for the U.S. Army. Through multiple projects, Lockheed Martin is modernizing many of the tools needed to support the Army’s Distributed Common Ground System’s (DCGS-A) intelligence missions.
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ITT will supply its AN/ALQ-211 advanced integrated defensive electronic warfare system (AIDEWS) pod to Pakistan, which is upgrading older F-16s for commonality with newer Block 52 aircraft from Lockheed Martin that started delivering in 2010.
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Contract News |
BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems (Totowa, NJ) was awarded a firm-fixed-price contract for a maximum $24,062,919 for installation of advanced radar warning receiver ship sets on C-130 aircraft. Other location of performance is New York. Using service is Air Force. The date of performance completion is Aug. 13, 2013. The Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Robins Air Force Base, GA, is the contracting activity.
Science Applications International Corp. (McLean, VA) is being awarded a $25,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to advance passive electro-optical technologies for hyper-spectral target detection and material identification, extended range sensing with polar metric and other non-literal sensors, and persistent surveillance. AFRL/PKSE, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, is the contracting activity.
Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (Poway, CA) was awarded a
$30,279,377 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The award will provide for the
modification of an existing contract for additional engineering
services for the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System program. Work
will be performed in Poway, Calif., with an estimated completion date
of Aug. 30, 2012. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S.
Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL, is the contracting
Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, D.C.
More Information
November 29-December 1: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference
Charleston, SC
More Information
November 30-December 1: 2011 Patuxent River Roost Conference "Naval AEA System of Systems"
NAS Patuxent River, MD
More information
December 6-7: EW Asia 2011
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December 7-8: EW Payloads on RPA's Conference
Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV
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February 2012: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
More Information
Upcoming AOC Courses |
November 8-11: Electronic Warfare Update
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
November 10-11: Intelligence Support for Spectrum Operations
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
November 12-13: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
November 12-13: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
November 15: Integration of EA and Cyber Attack
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Modeling and Simulation
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
November 17-18: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
Register Now
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