HOTEL DEADLINE NEXT WEEK for the 48th AOC International Symposium & Convention |
The annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the premier event for EW and IO community leaders to learn new strategies, discover innovative solutions and share best practices. This year's symposium includes 16 sessions featuring top level speakers you don't want to miss, including: The Honorable Todd Young, Representative, 9th District of Indiana, Co-Chairman of the EW Working Group; Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army; and Lt. Gen. William T. Lord, Chief of Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force.
There are still rooms for some Convention nights available at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel for the convention rate of $272 per night (single) or $279 per night (double) – this is BASED ON AVAILABILITY. Due to events in the D.C. area, rooms are going fast and this rate is only good through October 23, so book your rooms now! Visit the AOC Convention travel section for information on overflow hotel options.
This year's theme of "Victory Through the EMS" will inspire discussions, educational tracks and sessions about strategic uses of the EMS across military operations. Northrop Grumman is the host for this year's Convention.
View the Symposium Agenda
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Hotel and Travel Details
AOC POSTER SESSION: Perfect Showcase for Students, Authors and Educators |
The poster session is an excellent forum for presenting speculative, late-breaking results or for giving an introduction to interesting and innovative work being conducted in the academic or commercial industries. Please share this invitation with the students, authors and educators you may know or have connections to, as this is an excellent opportunity to showcase theories in progress.
The poster session is designed to provide specific information about applications, architecture, implementation, performance and security of electronic warfare and information operations. Posters that present work in progress and draw important conclusions from practical experience are especially encouraged to submit.
To submit your entry for consideration, email the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at postersession@crows.org.
Abstracts are due next Friday, October 21, 2011.
CONNECT WITH THE AOC: Discuss Now at Facebook and LinkedIn; Follow Us on Twitter |
Connect with the AOC through social media and join the ongoing discussion on electronic warfare, spectrum, cyber, IO and more.
MEET THE SPEAKERS: Discuss the Convergence of EW, IO and Cyber, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC |
This three-day event, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC, will engage all in thought-provoking discussions on a full range of cyber and electronic warfare topics. Experts will provide their insights and facilitate professional dialogues designed to frame the theme of how technology will drive convergence across target sets common to EW, cyber and IO.
Speakers include:
F. Austin Branch, SES
Senior Advisor for IO Strategy & Plans
Rosemary S. Wenchel, SES
Director for Cyber, IO & Strategic Studies OUSD(I)
Mark H. Johnson, SES
Director, Joint Information Operations Warfare Center
RADM Andy Singer, USN (Ret.)
Executive Director, Information Dominance Center for Excellence
Mr. Robert J. Giesler
Vice President for Cyber Security, SAIC
Current Agenda
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DIXIE CROWS Assist Habitat for Humanity |
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC assisted Habitat for Humanity by providing lunch for workers at the 130 Orchard Way, Warner Robins, GA, build site on Saturday, October 1.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Pakistan Getting U.S. Jamming Pod |
ITT Corp. has been awarded a U.S. Foreign Military Sales contract to provide a digital radio frequency memory-based jamming pod. (UPI)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Electronic Warfare is More than Jamming IEDs |
When it comes to electronic warfare, the Army’s longtime focus has been roadside bombs and jamming the signals that trigger them. But now the Army is readying to go on the attack. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Wants More Efficiency Out of Quick-Reaction Capabilities |
Army Brig. Gen. Harold "Harry" Greene was named program executive officer for intelligence, electronic warfare and sensors this past summer. The program executive office has 112 programs and a portfolio of $4.3 billion in intelligence, electronic warfare and sensors (IEW&S) systems. (Defense Systems)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Flight of the Drones |
The missile strike that killed al Qaeda’s most effective propagandist was no real surprise. It was just the latest example of the way America’s armed Predator and Reaper drones are changing the terms of combat with the country’s enemies, leaving them able to run but with nowhere to hide. (The Economist)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Military Jamming of GPS in Scotland Suspended |
Jamming of global positioning signals (GPS) during Europe's largest military exercise has been suspended, following complaints from fishermen. (BBC)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: China Maps Original Defense Plan |
While China is not a specific target of Washington’s war planning, it does have the most impressive military force outside the U.S. As a result, Beijing’s aircraft, sensors, ballistic missiles, spacecraft, and fleet and missile defenses have become the standard against which U.S. tactics and technology are measured. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Egypt Purchases Sniper Targeting Pods |
The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) has selected Lockheed Martin’s Sniper targeting pod to equip its 20 F-16 fighters purchased under the Peace Vector programme, becoming the 13 international customer for the pod. (Defence Web)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Upgrades to Extend B-52 Bomber's Lifespan Until 2044 |
In the second decade of the 21st century, the B-52 fleet still provides most of the third leg of the American nuclear deterrence triad (the other two being submarine-launched and intercontinental ballistic missiles) and that it plays a major part in American conventional warfare strategy. (Gizmag)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Missile Protection for Civilian Aircraft |
Reports of 20,000 missing shoulder fired anti-aircraft rockets in Libya have sent shivers down the spines of many airline security officials, who fear they may find their way into the hands of terrorists. (The Media Line)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Book Review: "Counterstrike: The Untold Story of America's Secret Campaign Against Al Qaeda" |
In the decade since the devastating Sept. 11 attacks, al Qaeda and its regional affiliates have been innovating their radicalization and recruitment practices – especially via the Internet – with the goal of finding impressionable Westerners.
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Contract News |
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. (Bethpage, NY) is being awarded $11,840,374 for ceiling priced delivery order #0001 under a previously awarded contract (N00383-12-G-034G) for repairable support for components of the EA-18G aircraft. Work will be performed in Philadelphia, PA (84 percent); Baltimore, MD (8 percent); Bethpage, NY (3 percent); Whidbey Island, WA (2 percent); Fort Wayne, IN (2 percent); and St. Augustine, FL (1 percent), and work is expected to be completed by September 2012. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support, Philadelphia, PA, is the contracting activity.
AAI Corp. (Hunt Valley, MD) was awarded an $11,074,078 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The award will provide for the engineering services in support of the Shadow 200 unmanned aerial systems. Work will be performed in Hunt Valley, MD, with an estimated completion date of May 31, 2013. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL, is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-11-C-0103).
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control (Orlando, FL) was awarded a $55,573,867 firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The award will provide for the procurement of AH-64D target acquisition kits and engineering services for the Netherlands, Egypt and Taiwan. Work will be performed in Orlando, FL, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2013. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL, is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-11-C-0120).
NIITEK, Inc. (Dulles, VA) was awarded a $49,499,467 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the procurement of spare parts in support of the Husky Mounted Detection System. Work will be performed in Charlottesville, VA, with an estimated completion date of April 28, 2012. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Fort Belvoir, VA, is the contracting activity (W909MY-11-C-0089).
BAE Systems, Information and Electronic Systems Integration, Inc. (Nashua, NH) was awarded a $12,000,000 firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-incentive-fee contract. The award will provide for the engineering and manufacturing services for the EMD Tactical Signals Intelligence Payload systems. Work will be performed in Nashua, NH; Tucson, AZ.; and Austin, TX; with an estimated completion date of March 29, 2013. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, is the contracting activity (W15P7T-11-C-S802).
PAX RIVER ROOST CONFERENCE: "Naval AEA System of Systems," November 30-December 1 |
The Patuxent River Roost and PMA-234 take great pleasure in providing you an opportunity to participate in the "Naval Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) System of Systems (SoS) Conference" to be held Wednesday, November 30 & Thursday, December 1 at NAS Patuxent River, MD.
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Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, D.C.
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November 29-December 1: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference
Charleston, SC
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November 30-December 1: 2011 Patuxent River Roost Conference "Naval AEA System of Systems"
NAS Patuxent River, MD
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December 6-7: EW Asia 2011
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December 7-8: EW Payloads on RPA's Conference
Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV
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February 2012: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
November 8-11: Electronic Warfare Update
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 10-11: Intelligence Support for Spectrum Operations
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 15: Integration of EA and Cyber Attack
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Modeling and Simulation
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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