NEXT WEEK: Direct Access to Key USCYBERCOM Senior Leaders at InfowarCon Cyber 2011 |
Don't miss this key conference, held in conjunction with US Cyber Command, September 13-15 in Linthicum Heights, MD. This event brings together professionals from the military, government, industry and academia to discuss the issues related to developing, planning, programming and executing cyber, EW, OPSEC and deception operations to ensure that DOD is taking full advantage of cyberspace's potential. Learn how DOD is partnering with the private sector to enable a whole-of-government cybersecurity strategy and rapid technological innovation. Meet with USCYBERCOM leaders and IO/cyber subject-matter experts in our nightly casual networking sessions, and check out the latest IO/cyber capabilities and technologies on display by our conference sponsors and exhibitors.
See the Full Agenda
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LAST CHANCE: Register for the Survey of EW and Cyber Applications Course, September 11-12 |
Take advantage of this two-day course, prior to the 2011 InfowarCon Cyber conference at the Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights, MD. This survey course will discuss fundamental characteristics of
electromagnetic energy, EW targeting principles, wireless network
technology and standards, distinctions between the EMS and cyberspace,
directed energy, and the convergence of EA and cyber attack effects.
Course Details
Registration Form
REGISTER NOW: The 48th AOC International Symposium & Convention |
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the premier
event for EW and IO community leaders to learn new strategies, discover
innovative solutions and share best practices. Join more than 1,300
attendees from government, military, industry and academia for more than
40 cutting-edge education presentations, panel discussions, inspiring
general session speakers, a top-notch exhibit hall and numerous
outstanding networking opportunities.
Registration and room reservations are open now, so make your plans to attend the AOC 48th Annual International Symposium & Convention. This year's theme of "Victory Through the EMS" will inspire discussions, educational tracks and sessions about strategic uses of the EMS across military operations.
View the Symposium Agenda
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RECRUITMENT CONTEST: Winners of the AOC Membership Drive |
The AOC is happy to announce the winners of its summer membership drive. First place went to Ruben Jordan of the Dixie Crow chapter, who won an iPod Touch for recruiting the most new members this summer. Second place went to Lt. Col. Wayne L. Shaw, III (USAF, Ret.) of the Billy Mitchell Chapter, who won a Nikon COOLPIX Camera.
Learn More About AOC Membership
GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE for Systems Architecture and Model-Based System Engineering Course, October 4-7 |
EW professionals involved in designing extremely complex systems should plan to attend the Systems Architecture and Model-Based System Engineering Course – October 4-7, 2011 at the AOC headquarters in Alexandria, VA. Also, for this course only, we are offering a special discounted rate for groups of two (2) or more employees from the same company as follows:
- From two (2) to the first five (5) registrants = $200 off the full registration fee per person
- Six (6) or more registrants = $300 off the full registration price
The regular (non-discounted) fees received on or before September 26 are: AOC member = $2,000 and non-member = $2,200. Please note that to receive the discounted group rate the registration forms must be sent at the same time. Register now to take advantage of this offer.
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycles. Systems engineering and MBSE are employed wherever the solution to be designed is a complex system. This course is a heavy-duty engineering treatise designed for the next generation of EW professionals, who will need to be fluent in MBSE. It is taught by Dr. John Borky, who has more than 40 years in technical and leadership positions in electronic technology, avionics systems, and architecture and engineering for information-enabled systems and enterprises. Dr. Borky is a leader in the development and application of MBSE and has instructed courses on the subject at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
Course Information
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REGISTER NOW: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference, November 29-December 1 |
This three-day event, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC, will engage all in thought-provoking discussions on a full range of cyber and electronic warfare topics. Experts will provide their insights and facilitate professional dialogues designed to frame the theme of how technology will drive convergence across target sets common to EW, cyber and IO.
Current Agenda
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MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Charlie Yankee Roost Marine Air Ground Task Force Electronic Warfare Symposium, September 27-28 |
Plan now to attend the Cherry Point Roost's Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Electronic Warfare Symposium, September 27-28 at MCAS Cherry Point. The two-day symposium is designed to foster dialogue between the Marine Corps EW community and the industry on the planned way forward for Marine Corps EW.
Invitation to Attend
Industry Presentations
WHITE PAPER: Army Cellular Capability Development Strategy |
The U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence at Fort Gordon, GA, has released a new white paper, "Army Cellular Capability Development Strategy: Vision for the Future of Army Mobile Computing," exploring the use of cellular applications in meeting the Army's current and future communications needs.
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The AOC REMEMBERS: 9/11 Stories from the EW Community |
With the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks this weekend, the AOC has asked members of its community to share their stories to help educate tomorrow's warriors and salute the sacrifices of our service members who ensure our freedom. Read some of their stories below and on our Facebook page. And please continue to share your experiences as we commemorate the sacrifices made by so many and the impact of their aftermath. If you have any questions on sharing, please contact Norm Balchunas at Balchunas@crows.org.
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9/11 STORIES: The Impact on EW |
From Joe Hulsey, CAPT, USN (Ret.): As I think about it, 9/11’s impact on EW was unparalleled in history. If you consider that the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan resulted, RCIEDs revolutionized EW and brought it unprecedented recognition. RCIEDs have been around but they were not getting the attention. Now they are, in an unprecedented way.
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9/11 STORIES: Remembering Stanley Hall |
Mr. Stanley Hall, 68, of Clifton, VA, was one of the victims on board American Airlines Flight 77 scheduled to travel from Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles on September 11, 2001. As an employee of Raytheon’s Electronic Warfare Operations (Goleta, CA), he was based in Arlington, VA, and served as Raytheon’s foremost liaison with key electronic warfare military leaders in the Washington, D.C., area.
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9/11 STORIES: A "Day of Infamy" |
From Paul Westcott, Dayton, OH: 9/11 2001 will stay with me forever, as my "Day of Infamy." When I ran the Electronic Warfare organization at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB OH, every September we conducted our annual "EW Users’ Review" (later "EW Customer Review" and now "Sensors Directorate Briefing to Industry"). On the morning of September 11th, 2001, a Captain from the Foreign Technology Division (now National Air and Space Intelligence Center {NASIC}) was providing a threat briefing.
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9/11 STORIES: The Day at Barksdale AFB |
From Anthony A. Ramos: Barksdale AFB; right in the middle of an exercise: planes, weapons, personnel, everything ... I was hanging with the crewdogs in the alert facility watching CNN a few minutes after the North Tower was hit.
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9/11 STORIES: Getting the Job Done |
Nick LaBrutte, USAF Retired: I was the Chief of Plans, Programs, and Readiness for Distributed Ground System-1, Langley AFB. I was sitting at my desk reviewing the findings of our Unit Effectiveness Inspection when a SSgt came running in saying a plane had just hit one of the Twin Towers.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Old Weapons, New Tricks |
As intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance expands into new sections of the electromagnetic spectrum, new capabilities are emerging – often within existing programs – to take on missions in cyber, electronic and information warfare. (Aviation Week)
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As NATO prepares to wind down its air operations over Libya and end its naval blockade, satisfaction over the outcome will be mixed with concern over the weaknesses it exposed. (The Economist)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Defense Cuts Will Require More Focus on Critical Enablers |
As NATO prepares to wind down its air operations over Libya and end its naval blockade, satisfaction over the outcome will be mixed with concern over the weaknesses it exposed. (The Economist)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: On Top of Equipment Cuts, UK Top Brass Now Looking at Personnel Cuts |
Britain's top brass are very unhappy. And so they should be. They have already accepted cuts in the number of navy ships, army tanks, and RAF planes. Now deep cuts in the number of sailors, soldiers and air force personnel are being forced upon them. (Guardian UK)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: N. Korea Developing New Devices to Jam GPS Signals |
North Korea has been developing a signal jamming device with an extended range, the defense ministry said Tuesday. In a report submitted to the parliamentary committee on defense, the ministry said North Korea has been developing the new Global Positioning System (GPS) jammer with a range of more than 100 kilometers, among other devices for electronic warfare. (Yonhap News Agency)
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Contract News |
The Boeing Company (Mesa, AZ) was awarded a $16,017,000 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to provide for the procurement of AH-64D Apache Block III Low Rate Initial Production for Lot 1A and 1B support. Work will be performed in Mesa, AZ, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 28, 2014.
Lockheed Martin Corporation Missiles and Fire Control (Orlando, FL) is being awarded a $49,950,000 firm-fixed-price contract for procurement of 18 AN/AAQ-30 target sight systems (TSS) that will be integrated into the AH-1Z Cobra attack helicopter. This integration is part of the USMC H-1 upgrade program to remanufacture legacy aircraft with state of the art designs incorporated into the existing fleet of AH-1W's, converting them to AH-1Z. The TSS provides target identification and tracking, passive targeting for integrated weapons, including Hellfire missiles, and a laser designation capability supporting friendly laser-guided weapons. Work will be performed in Orlando, FL (90 percent), Ocala, FL (10 percent), and is expected to be completed by August 2014.
Alloy Surfaces Company (Aston, PA) is awarded a $12,971,839 firm-fixed-price modification under a previously awarded Basic Ordering Agreement (N00104-10-G-0726) to exercise an option to manufacture MJU-64/B Decoy Devices. Work will be performed in Aston, PA, and work is expected to be completed by April 2013.
Impact Resources Technologies (Bethesda, MD) is being awarded an $8,896,823 firm-fixed-price contract for Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) logistic support system comprised of Common Logistics Command and Control System Support Services and Transportation Capacity Planning Tool that are tactical web-enabled logistics information management systems to provide the MAGTF commander with "planning, executing and tasking" capabilities, and tactical logistics situational awareness of the battlefield.
Battle Command Sustainment Support System is a workstation that the Marine Corps utilizes for its in transit visibility capability. This contract contains four options which, if exercised, will bring the total contract value to $47,232,710. Work will be performed in Camp LeJeune, NC (25 percent); Albany, GA (25 percent); Dumfries, VA (25 percent); Afghanistan (15 percent), Okinawa (5 percent), and Marine Corps Base, Hawaii (5 percent), and work is expected to be completed by August 29, 2016.
Georgia Tech Applied Research Corp. (Atlanta, GA) is being awarded a $49,853,499 cost-plus-fixed-fee, indefinite-delivery requirements contract to identify emerging sensor capabilities, and assess new or innovative sensor concepts that could be utilized to satisfy emerging or existing requirements. The contract also calls for the company to utilize analyses, trade studies and simulations to determine the best potential sensor solutions to satisfy particular operational requirements, and provide that information to acquisition decision makers. Also to design, develop and prototype new sensor concepts in order to evaluate their effectiveness and determine suitability for transition to fielded systems; provide technology assessments that quantify the readiness of particular sensor technologies for use by Army forces. And to perform testing and user evaluations in order to determine the performance of various sensor systems, and other services.
Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
September 12: Patriot's Roost: Ninth Annual Fall Conference and Social
New Castle, NH
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September 13-15: Maneuvering in Cyberspace and IO: InfowarCon Cyber
Linthicum Heights, MD
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September 13-16: DSEi
London, UK
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September 27-28: Charlie Yankee Roost Marine Air Ground Task Force Electronic Warfare Symposium
Cherry Point, NC
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November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, D.C.
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November 29-December 1: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference
Charleston, SC
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December 6-7: EW Asia 2011
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December 7-8: EW Payloads on RPA's Conference
Nellis and Creech AFBs, Las Vegas, NV
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February 2012: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
September 11-12: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
Maritime Institute, Linthicum Heights, MD
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September 20-23: ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Alexandria, VA
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October 4-7: System Architecture and Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
Alexandria, VA
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November 8-11: Electronic Warfare Update
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 10-11: Intelligence Support for Spectrum Operations
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 15: Integration of EA and Cyber Attack
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Modeling and Simulation
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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