INFOWARCON CYBER 2011: No Other IO Conference Gives Direct Access to Key USCYBERCOM Senior Leaders |
The AOC community, in conjunction with US Cyber Command, is conducting this conference, September 13-15 in Linthicum Heights, MD. This event brings together professionals from the military, government, industry and academia to discuss the issues related to developing, planning, programming and executing Cyber, EW, OPSEC and deception operations to ensure that DOD is taking full advantage of Cyberspace's potential. Learn how DOD is partnering with the private sector to enable a whole-of-government cybersecurity strategy and rapid technological innovation. Meet with USCYBERCOM leaders and IO/Cyber subject-matter experts in our nightly casual networking sessions, and check out the latest IO/cyber capabilities and technologies on display by our conference sponsors and exhibitors.
See the Full Agenda
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REGISTER BY SEPTEMBER 2 AND SAVE: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications Course, September 11-12 |
Take advantage of this two-day course, prior to the 2011 InfowarCon Cyber conference at the Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights, MD. This survey course will discuss fundamental characteristics of
electromagnetic energy, EW targeting principles, wireless network
technology and standards, distinctions between the EMS and Cyberspace,
directed energy, and the convergence of EA and cyber attack effects. Register before September 2 for a discounted rate!
This great new course is taught by AOC member Lynn Berg. Berg is a retired USAF Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) who currently works in the areas of Electronic Warfare education and training. He has military experience in self-protection EW in B-52s and support Electronic Attack with EC-130 Compass Call, and he was Assistant Director of Operations and an instructor at the Air Force’s Electronic Warfare Schoolhouse. He served as the Education and Training Branch Chief at the Joint Electronic Warfare Center (JEWC) in San Antonio.
Course Details
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DISCOUNTS END SEPTEMBER 1: Register Now for the 48th AOC International Symposium & Convention |
Registration and room reservations are open now, so make your plans to attend the AOC 48th Annual International Symposium & Convention. This year's theme of "Victory Through the EMS" will inspire discussions, educational tracks and sessions about strategic uses of the EMS across military operations.
Early-bird registration is open now; reserve your space before September 1 and save on your registration fees!
View the Symposium Agenda
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JOIN EXPERT DR. RICHARD WILEY for ELINT and Modern Signals Course, September 20-23 in Alexandria, VA |
Learn about current methods, future problems and possible solutions to ELINT challenges. This course focuses on signal interception, signal processing and signal analysis – especially as applied to modern radar signals. Attendees will learn first-hand about ELINT by working exercises designed to bring out the practical aspects of the theories presented. The course uses an ELINT book written by the instructor, Richard G. Wiley, Ph.D., as well as additional material. Dr. Wiley has been an instructor in George Washington University’s Continuing Education program, for RAS, Inc., ATI, Inc., and for the Association of Old Crows (AOC).
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REGISTER NOW: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference, November 29-December 1 |
This three-day event, November 29-December 1 in Charleston, SC, will engage all in thought-provoking discussions on a full range of Cyber and Electronic Warfare topics. Experts will provide their insights and facilitate professional dialogues designed to frame the theme of how technology will drive convergence across target sets common to EW, Cyber and IO.
Current Agenda
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CYBER NEWS: S. Korea Charts Out National Cyber Security Strategy |
South Korea on Monday outlined a nationwide cyber security strategy following a series of recent online attacks on state-run and corporate websites, including net offensives allegedly launched by North Korea. (Antara News)
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CYBER NEWS: Hackers Target 72 Organizations in 'Biggest Cyber Attack in History' |
Security experts have discovered the biggest series of cyber attacks to date, involving the infiltration of the networks of 72 organizations, including the United Nations, governments and companies around the world. (Telegraph UK)
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CYBER NEWS: Cyber Warfare, Stuxnet and DNA Fortification of Electronic Supply |
Cyber warfare is in the news. Graduating – in the public perception – from the realm of Xbox and PlayStation, it has become suddenly obvious that warfare using hyper-advanced electronics is deadly serious business. (Applied DNA Sciences)
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CYBER NEWS: Computer Lab’s Chinese-Made Parts Raise Spy Concerns |
A U.S. supercomputer laboratory engaged in classified military research concluded a recent deal involving Chinese-made components that is raising concerns in Congress about potential electronic espionage. (Washington Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: EP-8 Replaced by Robots |
After several years of debate, the U.S. Navy has decided to replace its specialized versions of its P-3 maritime reconnaissance aircraft with UAVs, and not a new manned aircraft. (Strategy Page)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Conference Shapes Direction of Doctrine 2015 |
More than 100 doctrine leaders from across the Army and joint community met in Kansas City, MO, Aug. 3-4 to discuss a major change in the way Army doctrine is developed and disseminated. With guidance from the Army’s senior leadership, the group reviewed plans that leverage emerging technology to accelerate and modernize the entire doctrine development process. (Fort Leavenworth Lamp)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Simulation Breakthrough |
The U.S. Marine Corps is spending $50 million to begin upgrading its infantry combat training gear. This means that its laser tag (MILES) gear will be replaced with more capable stuff, which means more reliable and able to simulate grenades, RPGs and other rocket launchers. (Strategy Page)
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CONNECT WITH the Department of the Army EW HQ on Facebook |
Follow the Department of the Army's Electronic Warfare HQ page on Facebook.
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Contract News |
The Boeing
Co. (St. Louis, MO) is being awarded a $135,000,000
cost-plus-incentive-fee, firm-fixed-price contract for the engineering,
manufacturing and development of the F/A-18E/F Infrared Search and
Track System, a long-wave infrared detection system that targets
airborne vehicles in a radar-denied environment.
Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (Kirkham Way, CA) is being
awarded an $11,563,779 cost-plus-incentive, firm-fixed-price contract
to purchase MQ-9 Reaper; development of aircraft structural improvement
program master plan; left set synthetic aperture radar; and high
definition integrated sensor control system.
Systems Corp. (Colorado Springs, CO) received a $73,603,550
cost-plus-award-fee/cost-plus-fixed-fee/cost-reimbursement contract
modification and a $20,322,990 cost-plus-award-fee contract modification for the Systems Engineering and Sustainment Integrator
(SENSOR), which is to provide system engineering integration and
sustainment of ground-based missile warning, missile defense and space
surveillance sensors. The SENSOR systems currently include ground-based
radars and optical systems controlled and operated by U.S. Strategic
Command and Air Force Space Command.
Grumman Systems Corp. (Bethpage, NY) was awarded a $47,587,946
modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-award-fee contract
(N00019-03-C-0057) for maintenance and repair of the supply assets for
E-2D unique components and/or systems in support of the E-2D Advanced
Hawkeye System Development and Demonstration Program. Work is expected to be completed
in December 2012.
Martin Aeronautics Co. (Fort Worth, TX) is being awarded a $9,852,115
cost-plus-fixed-fee contract modification for F-22 software maintenance
based on root cause analysis.
Upcoming Industry Conferences and Tradeshows |
September 12: Patriot's Roost: Ninth Annual Fall Conference and Social
New Castle, NH
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September 13-15: Maneuvering in Cyberspace and IO: InfowarCon Cyber
Linthicum Heights, MD
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September 13-16: DSEi
London, UK
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November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, D.C.
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November 29-December 1: Converging Cyber, IO and EW Conference
Charleston, SC
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December 6-7: EW Asia 2011
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December 7-8: EW Payloads on RPA's Conference
Nellis and Creech AFBs, Las Vegas, NV
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February 2012: InfowarCon Europe
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
September 11-12: Survey of EW and Cyber Applications
Maritime Institute, Linthicum Heights, MD
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September 20-23: ELINT and Modern Signals Course
Alexandria, VA
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October 4-7: System Architecture and Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
Alexandria, VA
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November 8-11: Electronic Warfare Update
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 10-11: Intelligence Support for Spectrum Operations
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 12-13: Effectiveness Evaluation of Electronic Self Protection
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 15: Integration of EA and Cyber Attack
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Modeling and Simulation
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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November 17-18: Survey of EW Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications and Payloads
AOC Convention, Washington, D.C.
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