TIME IS RUNNING OUT: Papers for the AOC 48th International Symposium and Convention Due June 1 |
The AOC's annual symposium and convention, "Victory Through the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum," will take place November 13-16 in Washington, DC. The AOC is seeking original, unclassified and classified papers that discuss advancements in EW technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase through development and testing, into the user’s hands. Submissions are due June 1.
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LAST CHANCE: Get Your Exhibition Passes for EW 2011 |
Don't miss out on Electronic Warfare 2011 on May 25-27 at the Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany. Register now for a free pass to visit the exhibition hall, or sign up for a delegate pass and attend the entire conference, including the May 25 COMINT day!
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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: AOC Electronic Warfare Professional Certification Project |
Experienced Electronic Warfare engineers and professionals who understand the job responsibilities as well as the knowledge and skill sets required within the Electronic Warfare workforce are needed to volunteer to serve on the AOC’s Job/Task Analysis Working Group. The JTA Working Group will work to help the AOC develop a possible Electronic Warfare certification program.
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Dixie Crows Update Electronic Warfare Exhibit at the Museum of Aviation |
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows has partnered with the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, Georgia to update the Electronic Warfare Exhibit. The Dixie Crow Chapter opened the EW exhibit in 1992 and has provided several minor updates over the past 20 years. A major update of the exhibit is necessary to take advantage of technology and to communicate the increasing role of EW in modern warfare.
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EW PAVILION: Join AOC this September at DSEi |
AOC has partnered with the bi-annual Defense Security & Equipment International (DSEi), the world's largest fully integrated defense and security exhibition, to host an EW pavilion at the 2011 event September 13-16 at ExCeL London, UK. Join AOC in the EW Pavilion, showcasing electronic warfare capabilities for attendees -- including the more than 70 country delegations expected during the event. Join the AOC in showcasing EW to the international defense technology community.
About the EW Pavilion
Exhibit at the Pavilion
INDUSTRY NEWS: Secrets Surface About North Korea's Cyberwar College |
The inner workings of a secret North Korean cyberwar college in existence for the past 25 years are finally coming to the surface. According to the South Korean newspaper the DailyNK, Mirim College, in a mountainous region of North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, was opened in 1986 by North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il, and in the 25 years since has made it its mission to train about 120 students per year in electronic warfare. (MSNBC)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: USAF Eyes A-10 for Communications Jamming Role |
Four contractors will compete for a $200 million US Air Force program to develop and produce an electronic attack (EA) pod that will be installed on unmanned aircraft systems and manned aircraft including potentially the Fairchild Republic A-10. (Flightglobal)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: F-35's Range Falls Short of Predictions |
The US Air Force's F-35A Lightning II appears to be unable to fly as far as once predicted, according to a Pentagon document. The aircraft is currently estimated to have a combat mission radius of 584 nautical miles, just short of the required 590 nautical miles, according to a Selected Acquisition Report dated December 31. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy Chief on the Future of Aviation: We Have Real Hardware, Not Viewgraphs |
Air wars may be passé, but the US Navy sees a bright future in tactical aviation. "In the aviation area is where we are renewing ourselves," said Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead. (National Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: USAF Aircraft Fortunes Rise And Fall |
With the Pentagon facing yet another round of budget cutting and a continuing search for efficiencies – along with a reassessment of roles and missions to fine-tune who should do what with which equipment – there are hints that the US Air Force’s new bomber program is popular and the increasingly expensive F-35 program is not. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Fighting Bombs in Cyberspace Gives Army an ‘EDGE’ |
The fight against improvised explosive devices or homemade bombs -- weapons of choice for terrorists everywhere -- has lots of moving parts. That’s why the Joint IED Defeat Organization here is funding a research project prototype that combines technology from virtual worlds, Army simulations and computer gaming. (Defense.gov)
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Company News |
Mercury Introduces New Signal Processing Boards
Mercury Computer Systems in Chelmsford, MA, is introducing 3U VPX and 6U VPX digital signal processing (DSP) boards for electronic warfare and signals intelligence (EW/SIGINT) applications. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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Lockheed hopes to finalize F-16 sales to Iraq, Oman
Lockheed Martin Corp says it hopes to sign sales contracts for up to 18 F-16 fighter jets to both Iraq and Oman by early 2012, and expects to book a total of about 100 additional orders by the end of the decade.
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News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
Contract News |
Sierra Nevada Corp. (Sparks, NV)., is being awarded a $38,588,760 firm-fixed-price modification to previously awarded contract from the Naval Sea Systems Command to procure 360 dismounted Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW) systems. Dismounted Joint CREW (JCREW) systems are electronic jammers designed to prevent the initiation of Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices. This contract is for the procurement and support of JCREW systems, to be used by forces in each of the military services of the Central Command area of responsibility. Work is expected to be completed by December 2011.
CACI Systems, Inc. (Chantilly, VA), is being awarded a $7,757,328 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division at Patuxent River to exercise an option for services in support of the development, integration, test and evaluation, installation, fielding, certification, maintenance, life cycle and logistics support of Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) electronic systems. This modification provides approximately 88,312 man-hours of support for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division’s Special Communications Requirements (SCR) Division.
Northrop Grumman Intelligence Systems (Chantilly, VA), is being awarded a $9,771,302 contract modification from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to extend the Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload (ASIP) baseline contract to support the ASIP post-initial operational test and evaluation flight testing on the Global Hawk platform.
Avionics and electronic warfare (EW) testing systems from AAI Test & Training were selected by Air Force officials at Robins Air Force Base, GA. The AAI system -- the Joint Service Electronic Combat Systems Tester (JSECST) – test electronic warfare (EW) and avionics systems for mission readiness.
News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
Upcoming Industry Conferences |
May 25-27: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011
Berlin, Germany
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June 5-10: International Microwave Symposium
Baltimore, MD
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August 28-September 1: InfowarCon Europe 2011
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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September 13-15: InfowarCon Cyber Conference
Linthicum Heights, MD
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November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, DC
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
July 19-22: Essentials of 21st Century EW Course
Alexandria, VA
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August 2-5: Introduction to Information Operations
Alexandria, VA
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August 4-5: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course
Palmdale, CA
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August 8-12: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs): Missions, Payloads, Links and Performance Course
Palmdale, CA
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August 15-19: Electro-Optics and Infrared (EO/IR) Fundamentals and EO/IR Countermeasures for EW Engineers and Managers Course
Palmdale, CA
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