PAPERS DUE JUNE 1: AOC 48th International Symposium and Convention |
The AOC's annual symposium and convention, "Victory Through the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum," will take place November 13-16 in Washington, DC. The AOC is seeking original, unclassified and classified papers that discuss advancements in EW technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase through development and testing, into the user’s hands. Submissions are due June 1.
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JUST ADDED: Three Courses at the Aero Institute |
The AOC has just added three August courses at the Aero Institute in Palmdale, CA.
August 4-5: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course
This course provides engineers, technicians, project managers and program managers who are working in the field of electronic warfare (EW) with a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of Directed Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) system design, operation and performance.
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August 8-12: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs): Missions, Payloads, Links and Performance Course
This course provides a practical introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), their missions, payloads and data links. The main thrust of the course is to understand the traceability of mission-related performance requirements from the target, through the payloads and data links, to the operational user.
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August 15-19: EO/IR Fundamentals for EW Engineers & Managers
This popular and recently updated course provides engineers, technicians, project managers and program managers working in the field of electronic warfare (EW) with a solid understanding of the basics of electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) system design, operation and performance.
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Join the Rebirth of the Tidewater Crows |
Attention Hampton Roads Crows: The Tidewater Roost of the Association of Old Crows is rebuilding into a new, more focused AOC chapter. The AOC Tidewater Roost Steering Committee met on April 6 to discuss a way ahead for the organization. They are currently developing a strategic plan to make sure the roost meets the needs of the Hampton Roads members. If you want to join the roost, participate in the effort to shape the future Tidewater Roost, or serve on the Board of Directors, contact Dean Longo ( longod@raven3group.com), Greg Kern ( gkern@wbbinc.com), or Glorianne O'Neilin at National AOC HQ ( oneilin@crows.org).
The Lost Squadron Story to be Told at Museum of Aviation May 19 |
Two men who spent a decade of their lives to recover a World War II fighter plane buried 265 feet under the Greenland icecap will tell their amazing story at the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, GA, on Thursday evening, May 19. Pat Epps, a 2011 inductee into the Georgia Aviation Hall of Fame, and his partner Richard Taylor were co-founders of the Greenland Expedition Society that braved sub-zero temperatures from 1981 to 1992 to retrieve a P-38F aircraft that was eventually restored and flown again in 2002.
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REGISTER NOW: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011 |
Confirmed speakers for EW 2011 May 25-27 in Berlin, Germany, include Lieutenant General Friedrich Wilhelm Ploeger, Deputy Commander HQ Allied Air Command Ramstein, DEU AF, Colonel Thomas Lorber, Chairman, NATO EW Advisory Committee (NEWAC) and many more. COMINT Day: Plath has partnered with the conference to provide a COMINT seminar on May 25. Don't miss this key EW conference in Europe this year.
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EW PAVILION: Join AOC this September at DSEi |
AOC has partnered with the bi-annual Defense Security & Equipment International (DSEi), the world's largest fully integrated defense and security exhibition, to host an EW pavilion at the 2011 event September 13-16 at ExCeL London, UK. Join AOC in the EW Pavilion, showcasing electronic warfare capabilities for attendees -- including the more than 70 country delegations expected during the event. Join the AOC in showcasing EW to the international defense technology community.
About the EW Pavilion
Exhibit at the Pavilion
MIDDLE EAST: With Drones and Satellites, US Zeroed in on bin Laden |
The chain of intelligence that led US operatives to Osama bin Laden on Monday reportedly began with a tip from a detainee at the notorious American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. That tip led the CIA to one of Bin Laden’s trusted couriers – and then to the Al-Qaeda leader himself. Fundamentally, it was a success of human intelligence, or HUMINT. (Wired)
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MIDDLE EAST: US Officials Combing Data from bin Laden Compound |
Attorney General Eric Holder predicted Wednesday more names will be added to US terrorist watch lists as law enforcement agencies review the evidence gathered in Pakistan after the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound on Monday. (CNN)
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MIDDLE EAST: If US Killed Osama bin Laden, ask Libyans, Why Not Assassinate Qaddafi? |
Osama bin Laden was killed Sunday. Libyan refugees have been calling for the West to assassinate Col. Muammar Qaddafi, which they argue would save lives and end the civil war. (Christian Science Monitor)
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MIDDLE EAST: USAF Churns Out Cross-Trained Back-Seat Fliers |
No more training for just navigators, or just electronic warfare officers, or just weapon systems officers. Now, back-seaters are in school together, learning to do each other’s job so they can support virtually any war-fighting assignment on everything from fighter jets to transports to bombers. (Air Force Times)
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MIDDLE EAST: NATO Vows To Stay In Afghanistan |
NATO warned Monday that its mission in Afghanistan was far from over despite the death of Osama bin Laden as war-weary Europeans pile pressure on governments to bring troops home quickly. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Electronic Warfare Bucks Defense Cut Trend |
The US has been falling behind in the arena of electronic warfare – a key element in defeating enemy air defenses – for perhaps the last 20 years. That may explain why the Obama administration – while it is looking for further military cuts – has chosen electronic warfare (EW) as one of the few areas slated to receive a spending boost, says Frank Kendall, deputy under secretary of defense for acquisition and technology. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: India Snubs US, Russia in Jet Deal |
India shortlisted France's Dassault Aviation SA and Eurofighter GmbH for one of the country's largest-ever defense deals, a contract to supply 126 fighter jets to the Indian Air Force, dealing a major setback to aerospace giants Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin Corp. and to US efforts to expand military sales to India. (Wall Street Journal)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: US Industry Loses Big in India: Is ITAR to Blame? |
In the absence of factual information about how the selection was made, speculation is growing that restrictive US export policies may have played a significant role in India’s evaluation of fighter jet candidates. (National Defense)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Raytheon Plans Job Cuts in Goleta |
Raytheon has confirmed layoffs that will affect about 160 of its jobs in Goleta, CA. A company spokesman said the electronic warfare division is moving most of its manufacturing operations to other Raytheon facilities in Texas and Mississippi. (Pacific Coast Business Times)
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News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
Upcoming Industry Conferences |
May 25-27: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011
Berlin, Germany
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June 5-10: International Microwave Symposium
Baltimore, MD
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August 28-September 1: InfowarCon Europe 2011
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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September 13-15: InfowarCon Cyber Conference
Linthicum Heights, MD
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November 13-16: 48th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention
Washington, DC
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
May 16-18: Electronic Warfare Leader Course
Alexandria, VA
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July 11-15: Fundamental Principles of EW
Alexandria, VA
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July 19-22: Essentials of 21st Century EW Course
Alexandria, VA
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August 2-5: Introduction to Information Operations
Alexandria, VA
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August 4-5: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course
Palmdale, CA
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August 8-12: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs): Missions, Payloads, Links and Performance Course
Palmdale, CA
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August 15-19: Electro-Optics and Infrared (EO/IR) Fundamentals and EO/IR Countermeasures for EW Engineers and Managers Course
Palmdale, CA
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