MEET THE KEYNOTERS: The 4th Annual EW Capability Gaps Conference |
Confirmed keynote speakers for the 4th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference May 3-5 at Crane, IN, include Rear Admiral Kendall L. Card, Director of Concepts, Strategies and Integration for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6); and Mr. Steve Callicutt, USSTRATCOM J8 Director, Capability and Resource Integration. Check out the new draft agenda, meet the speakers and register today!
Draft Agenda
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PAPERS DUE JUNE 1: AOC 48th International Symposium and Convention |
The AOC's annual symposium and convention, "Victory Through the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum," will take place November 13-16 in Washington, DC. The AOC is seeking original, unclassified and classified papers that discuss advancements in EW technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase through development and testing, into the user’s hands. Submissions are due June 1.
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REGISTER NOW: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011 |
Confirmed speakers for EW 2011 May 25-27 in Berlin, Germany, include Lieutenant General Friedrich Wilhelm Ploeger, Deputy Commander HQ Allied Air Command Ramstein, DEU AF, Colonel Thomas Lorber, Chairman, NATO EW Advisory Committee (NEWAC) and many more. COMINT Day: Plath has partnered with the conference to provide a COMINT seminar on May 25. Don't miss this key EW conference in Europe this year.
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ARE YOU AN EW PRO? EW Leader Course May 16-18 in Alexandria, VA |
Because of its successful role in Iraq and Afghanistan, EW is currently enjoying elevated status within the DoD. Concurrently, the DoD faces a period of austere budgets, requiring an efficient management of resources and a clear-headed view of emerging security requirements. The AOC's EW Leader Course provides a broad, high-level overview of current EW topics and DoD development processes that will help inform and reinforce an understanding of the operational contexts of EW in those leaders who may or may not be directly involved in operations.
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AOC has partnered with the bi-annual Defense Security & Equipment International (DSEi), the world's largest fully integrated defense and security exhibition, to host an EW pavilion at the 2011 event September 13-16 at ExCeL London, UK. Join AOC in the EW Pavilion, showcasing electronic warfare capabilities for attendees -- including the more than 70 country delegations expected during the event. Join the AOC in showcasing EW to the international defense technology community.
About the EW Pavilion
Exhibit at the Pavilion
AOC ASIA: Plan to Attend EW Asia 2011 in Singapore this December |
AOC has partnered with Shephard to produce EW Asia, December 6-7 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. This conference will address emerging spectrum warfare issues to include electronic warfare, spectrum management and battle management issues associated with an increasingly congested and contested EMS.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Obama OKs use of armed drones in Libya |
President Obama has approved the use of armed drones in Libya, authorizing US airstrikes on ground forces for the first time since America turned over control of the operation to NATO on April 4. (The Washington Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: China's New Shipborne Navy Jet Fighter Makes Waves Among Analysts |
Photos of a domestic-made shipborne J-15 heavy fighter were released on Sunday afternoon on Internet defense forums, prompting many military observers to coo about China's aircraft carrier capacity. (Global Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Expect More Funding for Electronic Warfare Revitalization |
Arresting the 20-year slump in US domination of the electromagnetic battlefield has become a major defense concern for the Obama administration. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Sweden in Final Negotiations for Black Hawk Fleet |
Sweden's Defence Materiel Administration is in final negotiations to buy 15 Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters from the US government, with first deliveries expected early next year. (Flightglobal)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Boeing, Lockheed, BAE To Vie for Japan's F-X |
Following an April 11 request for proposals, Japan's lengthy search for a replacement next-generation fighter, dubbed F-X, has been whittled down to three candidates: Boeing, with its F/A-18E/F Super Hornet; Lockheed Martin, with its F-35 Joint Strike Fighter; and BAE Systems, representing the Eurofighter consortium. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Valuable Drone Training Continues |
A critical component of the Weapon System Evaluation Exercise and Exercise Combat Archer, the two-week training exercise designed to test and train F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor pilots to employ live air-to-air missiles against maneuverable aerial targets, is the BGM167A Drone. (Air Force.mil)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Virtual Counter-IED System Enhancing Training for Europe-Based Soldiers |
Soldiers from Baumholder, Germany were attending the Multicultural Mobile Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Interactive Trainer, or McMCIT, at the Joint Multinational Training Command in Grafenwoehr, Germany, April 12. (Army.mil)
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Roke Electronic Warfare System Wins Queen's Award for Enterprise
Roke Manor Research, a subsidiary of Chemring Group Plc, has won The Queen's Awards for Enterprise and Innovation, the most prestigious corporate award in the UK. Roke was given the award for innovation for RESOLVE, its modular manpack electronic warfare (EW) system for the exploitation and suppression of hostile communication equipment.
Raytheon Names Mark Kula Vice President of Tactical Airborne Systems
Mark Kula has been named vice president of Tactical Airborne Systems for Raytheon Company's Space and Airborne Systems business, with headquarters in El Segundo, Calif.
The US Air Force has issued an RFI for specialized technical classroom course instruction related to EW Test and Evaluation University Services in support of the 412th Test Wing, Electronic Warfare Group (412TW/EWG), 771st Test Squadron at Edwards AFB, CA. The RFI requests technical course instruction, course maintenance and new course development in the areas of IR and RF countermeasure systems, directed energy weapon systems, low observable weapon systems, aircraft survivability and net-centric warfare systems in a test and evaluation (T&E) environment. Responses are due April 29.
An amendment to the Sensor Technology Research, Development, Test & Evaluation Open-Ended Broad Agency Announcement II (STROEB II) has announced that a call requesting proposals for the new topic titled Integrated Digital Apertures, Receivers and Exciters (I-DARE) is anticipated to be published in June 2011.
Giga-tronics Incorporated announced that it has received a $1.2 million order from the United States Marines for its VXI Synthesizer, the Giga-tronics Model 5008A.
Raytheon Co., Space and Airborne Systems, Goleta, CA, is being awarded an $84,763,767 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-09-C-0052) to exercise an option for the procurement of 87 full rate production Lot 13 AN/ALR-67(V)3 radar warning receivers for the US Navy (77) and the government of Switzerland (10). In addition, this option provides for the procurement of weapons replaceable assemblies for the governments of Canada and Australia.
News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
Upcoming Industry Conferences |
May 3-5: 4th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference
Crane, IN
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May 5: 8th Israeli AOC Conference Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel
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May 25-27: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011 Berlin, Germany
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June 5-10 : International Microwave Symposium
Baltimore, MD
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August 28-September 1 : InfowarCon Europe 2011
NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany
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September 13-15: InfowarCon Cyber Conference
Linthicum Heights, MD
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
May 16-18: Electronic Warfare Leader Course
Alexandria, VA
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July 11-15: Fundamental Principles of EW
Alexandria, VA
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August 2-5: Introduction to Information Operations
Alexandria, VA
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