In Two Weeks: Back-to-Back AEA and Mod/Sim Conferences at Nellis AFB |
Besides the annual Convention, no other AOC event offers the exposure to international audiences and top military and government officials. Included are two cutting-edge conference agendas, a full weeks' worth of activities and networking opportunities. We have eight confirmed keynote speakers, nightly social activities and a special tour of the Nellis "Petting Zoo" - the Threat Training Facility with "hands-on" opportunities. UK, Canada and Australia cleared personnel are invited to three days of the combined conferences.
Conference Information
Sponsorship Information
AOC announces Modeling & Simulation Course before the ModSim Conference |
A one-day Modeling & Simulation Course has just been added to the schedule the day before the the ModSim Conference begins. Both will be hosted in Las Vegas, with the course taking place Tuesday, March 15, and the conference scheduled for March 16-18. This course provides an overview of modern electronic warfare (EW) modeling, simulation and analysis as it applies to aircraft survivability. We will describe the types of models and typical uses, fundamentals and components of models, tools for effective system analysis and optimization, and proper input and output.
Course description
Registration form
STORY OF THE WEEK: EW Gatekeepers Brief Highlight of Successful Pt Mugu Conference |
A highlight of the conference was an out-brief from the AOC EW Military Gatekeepers. The Gatekeepers are an advisory council of service EW leaders who passionately work to ensure that the community works together to provide present and future electronic warfare capabilities and advises the AOC on how to best serve the community.
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EW History from the Dixie Crow Chapter: QRC-335 |
Shelly Simmons of the Dixie Crow Chapter shares the development of the EW Pod at Robins AFB in the early 1960s. During that time, Shelly was selected to be the Program Manager (Crew Chief) to coordinate with Westinghouse in Baltimore, MD in the development of the first pod to be brought into the Air Force inventory (the QRC-335).
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Time is Running Out: AOC 2011 Award Nominations Are Due April 1 |
Recognize your colleagues by nominating someone for one of the AOC's 2011 individual or unit awards. Nomination forms are due April 1, so don't delay! Download a nomination form now.
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Free Registration Ends Friday: Dixie Crow Symposium 36 |
The annual Dixie Crow Symposium is coming up quickly, March 20-24 at the Museum of Aviation, Robins AFB, Warner Robins, GA. The theme of this year's event is "Electronic Warfare – Shaping America’s Defense." Registration is free, but must be postmarked by March 4. Click on the PDF for sponsorship information, a symposium schedule and the registration form.
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IT PAYS TO BE A MEMBER! Discounts from Dell |
AOC has partnered with computer manufacturer Dell to extend special discounts on equipment purchases. AOC members are eligible for $100 off any purchase of $999 or greater, or 10% off select electronics and accessories.
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AOC Capitol Club Symposium: April 20 |
The AOC Capitol Club and the Tactical Electronic Warfare Division at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL/TEWD) will hold their Third Annual Government Industry Technical Interchange, focusing on "Technology Advances in EW Modeling and Simulation," April 20.
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Elbit Systems to buy rest of Elisra |
Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems (ESLT.TA) agreed to acquire the remaining 30 percent of Elisra Electronic Systems held by Elta Systems for $67.5 million. (Reuters)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Joint Strike Fighter Acing Tests, Pilots Report |
The F-35 is getting a thumbs-up from the test pilots flying it. Both military and civilian aviators give the Joint Strike Fighter high marks on speed, altitude and vertical takeoffs and landings, as well as for its avionics. (Air Force Times)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: India Fighter Deal May Hitch on IAF Secrecy Issues |
The US's strong pitch to sell its fighter aircraft to India for an estimated $12 billion has run into a hurdle with the Indian Air Force telling the government that it does not favor the signing of agreements that risk compromising its operational secrecy. (Telegraph, India)
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Industry News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
INDUSTRY NEWS: How Australia is Networking its Forces |
Australia is integrating three new operational elements into its advanced, network-centric military – a squadron of Wedgetail aircraft, the first two squadrons of F/A-18F Super Hornets and the Vigilare theater surveillance integration system. (Aviation Week)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Indian Companies Push for More Flexibility in Joint Ventures |
Indian defense companies want the country's Defence Ministry to allow foreign companies to own more than 26 percent of joint ventures with domestic firms. They say this limitation is straining existing arrangements and undermining efforts to forge new ones. (Defense News)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: Robins Museum of Aviation Volunteer Retires After 22 Years |
When Norm Richards left the Museum of Aviation on Friday, he bid farewell to 22 years of volunteer work and said goodbye to an aircraft he flew in and loved, he said. (The Sun, Macon)
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Industry News does not represent the views of or endorsement by the AOC.
Upcoming Industry Conferences |
March 14-15: Joint Electronic Attack Conference: AEA Operations Supporting Land, Sea and Air
Nellis AFB, NV
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Nellis AFB, NV
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March 20-24: Dixie Crow Symposium 36
Warner Robins, GA
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April 11-14: FiestaCrow 2011
San Antonio, TX
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April 12-15: Latin American Defense & Security
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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April 20: AOC Capitol Club 3rd Annual Government/Industry Technical Interchange
Washington, DC
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May 3-5: 4th Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference Crane, IN
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May 25-27: AOC/Shephard Electronic Warfare 2011 Berlin, Germany
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June 5-10 : International Microwave Symposium
Baltimore, MD
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June 13-16 : InfowarCon Europe 2011
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
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Upcoming AOC Courses |
March 15: Modeling & Simulation Course
Las Vegas, NV
March 22-25: Introduction to Radar and Electronic Warfare Course
Alexandria, VA
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April 5-8: Applied 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
San Antonio, TX
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April 18-22: EO/IR Fundamentals for EW Engineers and Managers
Alexandria, VA
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April 19-22: Applied 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Warner Robins, GA
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April 25-26: Introduction to UAVs and UASs: Missions, Payloads, Links and Performance Course
Alexandria, VA
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April 28-29: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course
Alexandria, VA
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