What's New
Thank You to Our Veterans
AOC wishes everyone a happy Veterans Day and thanks our servicemen and servicewomen for their continued dedication and service.
New Operational EW Planning Course: November 30-December 3 in Dayton
The AOC has launched a new series of courses designed specifically for EW professionals. These dynamic courses are brand new and focus on what you need to know right now if you are operating, building, planning or managing anything related to spectrum warfare.
Be one of the first to take this unique new course. Click here for details and registration form.
Contact Mike Dolim at (703) 549-1600 or dolim@crows.org for more information.
Papers Due Friday: 2nd Annual AOC LPI Symposium
Prospective authors are invited to submit summaries for the 2nd Annual AOC Symposium on Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar, ELINT design strategies and counter-LPI technology, scheduled for February 15-17, 2011, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. The submission deadline is this Friday, November 12, so don't delay.
More information
Harmonizing EW Databases Key Concept at Worldwide EW Reprogramming Conference, December 15-16 |
An key issue from the AOC's July "Operationalizing Intelligence for Electronic Warfare in the 21st Century " conference are EW databases and the multiple reprogramming languages now required. A long standing EW shortfall, harmonizing data bases is a growing challenge in all fields. To address the heightened interest in this topic, the AOC is conducting a Worldwide EW reprogramming conference in Orlando, FL, December 15-16, 2010.
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Register Now: Defining IO/Cyber Spectrum Operations Conference, November 30-December 2.
Register online or by regular form for this three-day Classified conference, which provides a forum for professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields to discuss issues related to the requirements of IO/Cyber programs, platforms and operations. And maximize your trip by taking advantage of the one-day Cyber Warfare Course added for November 29.
Click here to download a registration form.
Click here for online registration.
Click here to see the conference agenda.
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Industry News
AOC India Chapter EW Workshop: November 24-25
The AOC India Chapter will host its first National EW Workshop November 24-25 in Bangalore, India. The event includes international speakers and registration includes a one-year membership to the AOC.
Workshop information
Visit the AOC India Chapter homepage
Mark Your Calendar for FiestaCrow 2011
The Billy Mitchell Chapter presents the AOC Mountain-Western EW/IO Technical Symposium, FiestaCrow, April 11-14, 2011. The event theme is "EW/IO in a Cyber World," and is timed to take place during the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Papers classified up to and including Secret//REL "Five Eyes." (AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL, USA), are being accepted through February 1, 2011. Talks should be no longer than 30 minutes The Technical Chair is Mr. John Langford.
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USAF EWO Training School Inactivation Ceremony November 19
The USAFs EWO Training School, the 563d Flying Training Squadron, will be formally inactivated after 11 years of training EWOs at Randolph AFB, TX on November 19, 2010. The ceremony will begin with the dedication of the T-43A aircraft at 0900 hours followed by the inactivation ceremony of the 562d Flying Training Squadron and the 563d Flying Training Squadron at 1000 hours. All are welcome to attend, for more information or to RSVP, please contact the squadron at (210) 652-3031/3754; DSN 487-3031/3754, or Daniel.Simmermon@randolph.af.mil.
Click here to view the invitation
Cyber-Responsibility Changes Spark Protest |
A reorganization plan being pushed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates is drawing the ire of former senior Pentagon officials. (Aviation Week)
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Air Force Speeds Up Fleet Upgrades as Big-Ticket Acquisitions Slow to a Crawl |
In a time of tight budgets, the Air Force is choosing to buy time. Blue-suit leaders have said for years that the service needs to soon begin to modernize its aging fleet of fighter jets and bombers. (National Defense)
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AOC News
2011 AOC Competitive Award Nominations Due April 1
The 2011 schedule for AOC Award nominations is changing. Nominations will be due to the AOC by April 1. Nomination forms will be available in December. For more information contact Glorianne O'Neilin.
Presentations Available from the AOC Annual Symposium and Convention |
 Continue your top-level experience at the AOC 47th Annual International Symposium and Convention by accessing symposium presentations on-line. Full symposium registrants may log in to download presentations now on the post-Convention page at www.crows.org. If you weren't able to attend, audio and slides will be available soon for purchase in the AOC Live Learning Center.
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Nominate the next leaders of the AOC for the 2011 Annual Election |
Every year the AOC membership has the opportunity to determine the future direction of the AOC by electing representatives to its Board of Directors. Nominations for the 2010 election are being accepted now through February 2011.
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Find New Opportunities in the AOC Career Center |
Visit the AOC Career Center and check out new jobs being posted every week. The AOC Career Center offers FREE and confidential résumé posting, job search control, easy job application, the ability to save jobs and much more. Visit AOC Career Center today and post your résumé!
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
November 29: Cyber Warfare Course |
November 30-December 2: Defining IO/Cyber Spectrum Operations Conference |
November 30-December 3: Operational Electronic Warfare |
December 6-10: Advanced EW Course |
December 15-16: Worldwide EW Reprogramming Conference |
January 25-27: 41st Annual Collaborative Electronic Warfare Symposium |
February 15-17: Low Probability of Intercept Symposium |
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