What's New
REGISTER NOW: Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference, November 2-4 |
Don't miss the Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference, November 2-4, in Las Vegas, NV. "Modeling the Contested Battlespace: Coalition Training for the 21st Century" is a three-day event focusing on ares such as providing realistic and operationally representative training experiences and identifying appropriate training opportunities with coalition partners. For international participants, day one is unclassified and day two is open to anyone with the proper classification. Register now!
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Take the EW Modeling and Simulation Course: October 31-November 1 in Las Vegas |
This course, offered right before the Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference, covers the development, application, execution and validation of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) as it applies to aircraft survivability. Data simulation tools, specialized M&S modeling tools, software and review of typical simulation output results will be highlighted. M&S in the context of EW operations will be reviewed. In addition, a case study is used to illustrate important aspects of the course.
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AOC 47th Annual International Symposium and Convention a Great Success
Last week's AOC International Symposium and Convention in Atlanta was a huge success, drawing more than 1,500 attendees. If you were not able to attend or missed any of the sessions visit the AOC Live Learning Center, where you can purchase them on video or audio. And if you missed the AOC's new "You Are EW" video you can watch it now at www.crows.org.
Papers Due Friday: 2nd Annual AOC Low Probability of Intercept Symposium |
Prospective authors are invited to submit summaries for the 2nd Annual AOC Symposium on Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar, ELINT design strategies and counter-LPI technology, scheduled for February 15-17, 2011, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. First submission deadline is this Friday, October 15!
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November 30-December 2: Information Operations & Cyber Capabilities in 21st Century Warfare |
Providing a forum for professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields, to discuss issues related to the requirements of IO/Cyber programs, platforms and operations, this unique conference is not to be missed. Hosted by SPAWAR in cooperation with the AOC Palmetto Roost, this event is classfied SECRET/US only.
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Industry News
USAF Chief Makes Stark Budget Predictions |
The US Air Force's financial and operational future lacks "complete certitude," but the auguries are nonetheless grim, says the chief of staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz. (Aviation Week)
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Thailand requests $700 million F-16 upgrade |
Thailand is set to go ahead with mid-life upgrades for some of its Lockheed Martin F-16A/Bs, in a move that will augment its air combat capabilities in the face of ongoing budget constraints. Flightglobal
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Israel Signs for First JSF Squadron |
After nearly eight years of politically charged evaluation and negotiation, followed by acrimonious cost-benefit deliberations within the Israeli Cabinet, it is now official: The Israel Air Force will become the first non-partner nation to fly the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. (Defense News
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AOC News
Operational Electronic Warfare Course – October 26-29 and November 16-19 |
The new "Operational Electronic Warfare" course is the first to be offered in a new series of courses being prepared specifically for AOC/EW audiences. It is a four-day, unclassified course. The first course, October 26-29, will be offered in the Washington, DC area. The second course, November 16-19, will be offered in Dayton, OH.
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Five Tips for Online Safety |
The Internet is fertile territory for criminals who devise devious methods to exploit and steal from unsuspecting Web users. But by taking these five important precautions, you can keep your finances and personal information safe.
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Find New Opportunities in the AOC Career Center |
Visit the AOC Career Center and check out new jobs being posted every week. The AOC Career Center offers FREE and confidential résumé posting, job search control, easy job application, the ability to save jobs and much more. Visit AOC Career Center today and post your résumé!
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
October 13-14: Conference on Influence & Propaganda |
October 26-29: Operational Electronic Warfare Course |
October 31-November 1: EW Modeling and Simulation Course |
November 2-4: Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference |
November 8-11: Cyber Warrior Training |
November 16-19: Operational Electronic Warfare |
November 16-19: Operational Electronic Warfare Planning |
November 30-December 2: Defining IO/Cyber Spectrum Operations Conference |
December 6-10: Advanced EW Course |
December 15-16: Worldwide EW Reprogramming Conference |
February 15-17: Low Probability of Intercept Symposium |
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