What's New
International EW in Focus at AOC 47th Symposium and Convention
On October 5, the AOC International Symposium in Atlanta opens up the world of international technology by looking at EW requirements for international agencies and military services, including developments and inter-agency partnerships. Speakers in the EW International Opportunities and Challenges Session include:
Session Chair: Mr. Walter Wolf, BAE Systems
Dr. Filippo Neri, President, Virtualabs srl, Italy
Mr. Randy Neal, Rohde & Schwarz, Federal Systems
Mr. Feng Yang, National Information Control Laboratory, China
Mr. Hayrullah Yildiz, Aselsan A.S.
Mr. Tsvi Rosen, Elisra Electronic Systems, Ltd.
Mr. Anthony J. Challis, e2v Technologies Ltd.
Learn More About International Speakers at the AOC Symposium
Last Chance to Save: Pre-Registration Ends Friday!
On-site registration is still available, but you can save time and money by registering now for the AOC 47th International Symposium and Convention, Oct. 3-7 in Atlanta, GA. Don't miss this key professional development and networking event. Register today!
Calling all Navigators/Electronic Warfare Officers/T-43 pilots/Gator keepers!
The T-43 "GATOR" is retiring after 37 years of service. The retirement ceremony is 17 September 2010 at Randolph AFB and will include a composite flyby as part of the final flight of the T-43. As part of the festivities, on 16 September, there will be a golf tournament in the morning as well as an evening Dining-In at the Randolph AFB O’ Club. Further information is available at http://www.T43retirement.com. Please join the 563rd FTS (USAF EWO Schoolhouse) for the monthly AOC luncheon on 15 Sep at 1100.
Please plan to attend the ceremony on 19 Nov 10 when the 563rd FTS will inactivate; more details to follow.
Call for Papers: 2nd Annual AOC Low Probability of Intercept Symposium |
Prospective authors are invited to submit summaries for the 2nd Annual AOC Symposium on Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Radar, ELINT design strategies and counter-LPI technology, scheduled for February 15-17, 2011, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. First submission deadline is October 15.
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October 13-14: Conference on Influence and Fighting Propaganda |
The Information Operations Institute of the AOC, in partnership with the MountainRunner Institute, invites you to attend a conference focusing on influence and propaganda October 13-14 at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Verona, NY. The two-day conference will cover different influence factors, along with issues surrounding propaganda, how it's used and how to fight it.
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November 2-4: Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference |
The Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference, November 2-4, in Las Vegas, NV, is titled "Modeling the Contested Battlespace: Coalition Training for the 21st Century." This three-day event focuses on ares such as providing realistic and operationally representative training experiences and identifying appropriate training opportunities with coalition partners. Don't miss this key event. A block of discounted rooms is available at the Rio Hotel, but special rates must be booked by October 11, so don't delay.
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Take the EW Modeling and Simulation Course: October 31-November 1 in Las Vegas |
This course, offered right before the Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference, covers the development, application, execution and validation of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) as it applies to aircraft survivability. Data simulation tools, specialized M&S modeling tools, software and review of typical simulation output results will be highlighted. M&S in the context of EW operations will be reviewed. In addition, a case study is used to illustrate important aspects of the course.
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November 30-December 2: Information Operations & Cyber Capabilities in 21st Century Warfare |
Providing a forum for professionals from the military, government, industry and academic fields, to discuss issues related to the requirements of IO/Cyber programs, platforms and operations, this unique conference is not to be missed. Hosted by SPAWAR in cooperation with the AOC Palmetto Roost, this event is classfied SECRET/US only.
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Industry News
Dueling Proposals for USAF Airborne Ground-Surveillence Intelligence Upgrade |
Amid Pentagon belt-tightening, Boeing and Northrop Grumman are offering dueling proposals in an attempt to capture what limited funds the US Air Force may have to modernize its fleet of airborne ground-surveillance (AGS) intelligence collectors. (Aviation Week)
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Donley Calls for Fiscally Improved Air Force |
The Air Force's top civilian today urged the service's leaders to make tough decisions now, as economic recovery continues to put defense spending under increasing pressure. (Department of Defense)
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AOC News
AOC Welcomes New Industry Member
Strategic Influence Alternatives of Valrico, FL, has joined the AOC as a consultant group member.
Learn more about joining the AOC
Find New Opportunities in the AOC Career Center |
Visit the AOC Career Center and check out new jobs being posted every week. The AOC Career Center offers FREE and confidential résumé posting, job search control, easy job application, the ability to save jobs and much more. Visit AOC Career Center today and post your résumé!
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Buy the Essentials of Electronic Warfare |
Get the Essentials of Electronic Warfare Book: What Every Crow Should Know, which covers the entry-level knowledge for new Crows coming into the community. Books are $30. Order the EEW book on-line at the AOC Store or by calling the membership department at (703) 549-1600.
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Post Employment Opportunities in the AOC Career Center at a Special Rate
For a limited time only, "The AOC Career Center," the Association of Old Crow's exclusive on-line employment network for the industry, is pleased to offer a special rate for Job Posting. For unlimited job postings from now until December 31, the rate for AOC Industry Members is $500 and the rate for Non-Industry Members is $750. Don't miss a unique opportunity to save money AND find more qualified candidates! Visit the AOC Career Center at http://jobs.crows.org and register to post jobs today.
CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
September 28-October 1: Fundamental Principles of Electronic Warfare |
September 28-October 1: EO/IR Fundamentals for EW Engineers and Managers Course |
October 2-3: Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), their Missions and Systems |
October 2-3: Introduction to Microwave Systems Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD Atlanta, GA
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October 2-3: Refresher on Electronic Warfare Course |
Instructors: Steve Barton and Phil West, GTRI Atlanta, GA
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October 3: Cyber Warfare Course |
October 3: Now Media: Engagement Based on Information Not Platforms Course |
Instructor: Matt Armstrong with guest presenters Atlanta, GA
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October 3-7: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
October 5: ELINT/EW Database Course |
October 7-8: EW and the Brazilian Blue and the Green Amazons Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD Atlanta, GA
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October 7-8: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course |
October 13-14: Conference on Influence & Propaganda |
October 31-November 1: EW Modeling and Simulation Course |
November 2-4: Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference |
November 8-11: Cyber Warrior Training |
November 30-December 2: Defining IO/Cyber Spectrum Operations Conference |
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